
2012-09-29 11:38  下载量:10



I. Working Principles According to the molecular structure theory, outer electrons of atoms always move via a trapped orbit, which they usually move out of and transit to the orbit of the excited level, if they receive the heat energy provided by a flame. At the same time, attracted by the nucleus and recovering from the excited level to the normal level, the electrons release energy which can be illustrated by the spectra that release specific wavelengths. This method, which measures the luminescence levels of the elements to be determined at specific wavelengths through qualitative and quantitative analyses, is called analysis of spectra based on flame emission, and the instrument which applies to this method is called a flame photometer. Theoretically, the contents of the elements to be determined are proportional to the intensity of the spectra released; however, the flame photometer normally applies only to the quantitative analysis of some alkali metals and alkaline earth metals at a certain concentration range, as limited by the excitement energy.



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当前位置: 仪器信息网 上海傲谱 资料 AP1500火焰光度计(英文出口)


