Filter plates

Filter plates

供货周期: 现货
品牌: 威达优尔
关注展位 全部耗材

The AcroPrep™ Advance filter plate portfolio includes a variety of membrane types and pore sizes to provide the best possible performance for a wide range of sample preparation and high throughput screening applications. AcroPrep™ Advance filter plates are ideal for concentration, purification and desalting of proteins and peptides; bead and chromatography resin-based applications; gross fractionation and lysate clarification; and general filtration.                                                                                                                  
  • High binding capacity - optimised for maximum binding and yield of DNA from a variety of sample types

  • Well geometry results in reduced hold-up volume and high recovery of DNA

  • Outlet tip geometry provides direct flow of samples into receiver plate without concerns about cross contamination

  • Optimised membrane ensures high yields of contaminant-free DNA for downstream applications

  • Automation compatible - manufactured in accordance with SBS guidelines, which allows entire DNA purification process to be performed on automated equipment

     Applications for AcroPrep™ Advance 96-well filter plates for DNA purification include plasmid DNA purification and genomic DNA purification.

Filter plates

说明 孔体积 建议工作容积 包装规格 VWR目录号
AcroPrep™ Advance, 1 ml, DNA binding 1000 μl ≤900 μl 5PALL8132 
AcroPrep™ Advance, 350 μl, DNA binding 350 μl ≤300 μl 10PALL8032 

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