407-152.324德国耶拿 Set of graphite parts furnace

407-152.324德国耶拿 Set of graphite parts furnace

供货周期: 现货
品牌: 德国耶拿
货号: 407-152.324
关注展位 全部耗材

407-152.324德国耶拿 Set of graphite parts furnace

北京龙天韬略科技有限公司代理德国耶拿Analytik Jena全线耗材配件,原装空心阴极灯/石墨管/雾化器/样品杯/进样针/进样器/注射器/TOC燃烧管等耗材配件,常用耗材配件现货供应,订货货期短,到货快,原装正品,质量保证。
德国耶拿Analytik Jena原子吸收光谱耗材配件、TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材、有机元素分析仪耗材、碳硫分析仪(红外碳硫仪)耗材配件、卤素分析仪/水质卤素分析仪耗材。

A402-889.112Internal electrolyte sensor electrode, 50 ml

A402-815.023Magnetic stirring bar, PTFE, 30 mm x 6 mm, 1 piece

A402-889.006Platinum electrode

A402-889.184Electrolyte bridge

B402-889.110Salt solution to make up 100 ml electrolyte

 A402-889.002Sensor electrode   402-889.536Silver electrode

Chlorine detection with titration cells sensitive and high concentration

402-889.538Storage vessel for combination electrode

B402-880.605Disposable tube 18 mm x 6 mm, filled

packet of 10 pieces, for AOX determination (column method)

 402-890.610Disposable quartz tubes 18 x 6, filled; set á 100 pieces for AOX determination (column method)

A402-880.211Combination electrode (ceramic)

A402-815.022Magnetic stirring bar, PTFE, 15 mm x 6 mm, 1 piece

 402-889.673Sample boat, special, with downholder for special applications

(e. g. AOX by batch method, EC/OC determination), 10 pieces

Warranty claims and claims related to the fulfillment of manufacture's technical specification can only be accepted by using original Analytik Jena components, spares and consumables.

Specifications and order numbers are subject to changes due to further technical development.

Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax.

Purchase is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.




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