
2024/08/22   下载量: 0


应用领域 食品/农产品
检测样本 水果

受有机废物价值化概念的启发,并朝着可持续经济的方向发展,一种涉及超临界二氧化碳(SC-CO2)和水作为共溶剂的绿色化学提取技术被用于酿酒厂的主要副产品(葡萄渣)。目的是选择性地提取高附加值的分子,特别是酚类化合物和多糖。实验设计涉及应用三种不同的温度条件(40、60和80°C)和400bar的恒压。在SC-CO2提取物中检测到含有低甲氧基(%DE=23)果胶物质的酚类化合物和高分子量分离物(449-478 kDa),用水作为共溶剂



Inspired by the  concept of organic waste valorisation and heading towards a sustainable  economy, a green chemistry extraction technique involving supercritical  carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) along with water as a  co-solvent was employed for the main winery by-product (grape pomaces).  The objective was to selectively extract high-value added molecules, in  particular phenolic compounds and polysaccharides. The experimental  design involved applying three distinct temperature conditions (40, 60,  and 80 °C), and a constant pressure of 400 bar. Phenolic compounds and   high-molecular weight isolates (449–478 kDa) containing low methoxyl (% DE = 23) pectic substances were detected in the SC-CO2  extracts accompanied by water as a co-solvent. The phenolic acids,   namely, gallic (GA), protocatechuic (PCA), coumaric (CouA), and caftaric  (CTA), and flavonoids, namely, procyanidin B1 (PRC B1), procyanidin B2 (+) (PRC B2),  (+) catechin (CT), and (−) epicatechin (ECT) were found in all the   extracts under the tested experimental conditions. The following study   underscores the potential of the pressurized CO2/H2O  medium as an effective solvent with minimal environmental impacts for the comprehensive valorisation of the main winery by-product,   specifically targeting polysaccharides and phenolic compounds.

受有机废物价值化概念的启发,并朝着可持续经济的方向发展,一种涉及超临界二氧化碳(SC-CO2)和水作为共溶剂的绿色化学提取技术被用于酿酒厂的主要副产品(葡萄渣)。目的是选择性地提取高附加值的分子,特别是酚类化合物和多糖。实验设计涉及应用三种不同的温度条件(40、60和80°C)和400bar的恒压。在SC-CO2提取物中检测到含有低甲氧基(%DE=23)果胶物质的酚类化合物和高分子量分离物(449-478 kDa),并伴有水作为共溶剂。在测试的实验条件下,所有提取物中都发现了酚酸,即没食子酸(GA)、原儿茶酸(PCA)、香豆酸(CouA)和咖啡酸(CTA),以及黄酮类化合物,即原花青素B1(PRC B1)、原花青素B2(+)(PRC B2)、儿茶素(CT)和表儿茶素(ECT)。以下研究强调了加压CO2/H2O介质作为一种有效溶剂的潜力,该溶剂对环境的影响最小,可全面稳定主要酒厂副产品,特别是针对多糖和酚类化合物。


2. Materials and methods

2.1. Materials

The grape pomace was obtained from a white grape variety   (Marsannay Aligoté) from Côte de Nuits vineyard, France and stored at   −20 °C in the plastic thermo bags. The wet grape pomace had a moisture   content of 73.2%.

The standards of white wine-related  phenolic compounds such as gallic, protocatechuic, hydroxybenzoic,  caftaric, gentisic, caffeic, coumaric, and chlorogenic acids and  hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol, procyanidin B1, B2, (+) catechin and (−)  epicatechin were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Steinheim, Germany). The  monosaccharide standards (mannitol, L-fucose, L-rhamnose, L-arabinose, D-galactose, D-glucose, D-mannose, D-xylose, D-galacturonic  and glucuronic acids) were purchased from Acros Organics and   Sigma-Aldrich. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution 46/48% (Fisher   Bioblock), sodium acetate (NaOAc) (Sigma-Aldrish), trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) (Merck) and all the above-mentioned chemicals were of analytical grade.

2.2. Sample pre-treatment

Prior to extraction, the grape pomace was subjected to   pre-treatment steps involving oven-drying at 50 °C followed by grinding using an industrial grinder (SK 100, RETSCH®). The powder was passed   through 1 mm mesh. The exact particle size distribution within the   powder was determined using a laboratory sieve shaker and the size   variation of particles was 50% of 200 μm, 40% under 400–500 μm and the   remaining 10% less <1 mm which included larger particles mainly from the grape seeds. The powder was stored in thermo bags at −20 °C until   further use.

2.3. Supercritical CO2 extraction on grape pomaces

The supercritical SC-CO2 machine (SFE process, Nancy, France) coupled with two pumps, main CO2  and co-solvent, with a maximum pressure capacity of 1000 bar was used in this study. The instrument is equipped with an extraction basket   (stainless steel) with a capacity of 100 mL and an autoclave cylinder,   which directs the extracts to the back pressure regulator (BPR) (Fig. 1). The cooling system was filled with glycerol and the CO2  flow was recycled in the system. The observation of the extracts was   possible thanks to the transparent sapphire separator. Various   temperature sensors were placed in the system monitoring important   temperature changes within the system.

本研究中使用了超临界SC-CO2机器(SFE process, Nancy, France),该机器配有两个泵,主CO2泵和共溶剂泵,最大压力容量为1000bar。该仪器配备了一个容量为100毫升的提取器(不锈钢)和一个高压釜,将提取物引导到背压调节器(BPR)(图1)。冷却系统充满甘油,CO2流在系统中循环。得益于透明的蓝宝石隔膜,可以观察到提取物。系统中放置了各种温度传感器,用于监测系统内的重要温度变化。


image file: d3su00183k-f1.tif




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