
2013/07/18   下载量: 25


应用领域 石油/化工
检测样本 其他
检测项目 理化分析

一次做样,同时测量几个元素的同位素比值,会给同位素比值分析带来极大的方便性。 但是难点在于: 1. CNS的含量差异很大,C的含量通常很高,但是N,S的含量通常很低。如果想同时测定这几种元素,需要同位素质谱具有很好的线性范围。 2. 燃烧过程中H元素将转化为水,但是水不能直接进入质谱分析,必须是H2的形式。 那Elementar是如何解决此难题的呢?请参阅附件中的文件。


The isotope ratio of each of the light elements preserves individual information on the origin and history of organic natural compounds. Therefore, a multi-element isotope ratio analysis is the most efficient means for the origin and authenticity assignment of food, and also for the solution of various problems in ecology, archaeology and criminology. Due to the extraordinary relative abundances of the elements hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and sulfur in some biological material and to the need for individual sample preparations for H and S, their isotope ratio determination currently requires at least three independent procedures and approximately 1 h of work. We present here a system for the integrated elemental and isotope ratio analysis of all four elements in one sample within 20 min. The system consists of an elemental analyser coupled to an isotope ratio mass spectrometer with an inlet system for four reference gases (N2, CO2, H2 and SO2). The combustion gases are separated by reversible adsorption and determined by a thermoconductivity detector; H2O is reduced to H2. The analyser is able to combust samples with up to 100mg of organic material, sufficient to analyse samples with even unusual elemental ratios, in one run. A comparison of the isotope ratios of samples of water, fruit juices, cheese and ethanol from wine, analysed by the four-element analyser and by classical methods and systems, respectively, yielded excellent agreements. The sensitivity of the device for the isotope ratio measurement of C andNcorresponds to that of other systems. It is less by a factor of four forHand by a factor of two for S, and the error ranges are identical to those of other system

上一篇 ​土壤中不同形态碳及总氮的快速测定
下一篇 通过同位素离子的分子内丰度来区分N2O的产生过程,即是由反硝化产生还是硝化产生




当前位置: 仪器信息网 德国元素Elementar 方案 CHNS稳定性同位素比值的同时测定


