液质联用(LC-MS)Orbitrap LTQ XL

液质联用(LC-MS)Orbitrap LTQ XL

型号: Orbitrap LTQ XL
产地: 美国
品牌: 赛默飞
关注展位 全部仪器
• Orbitrap LTQ XL
• ETD (electron transfer dissociation) generates complementary information for highly sensitive
post-translational modifications(PTM)analyses and de novo sequencing.
• Nanospray Source with static packed tip, compatible with liquid flow rates of 50 nL/min to 2 μL/min
• Eksigent Nano Ultra 2D LC
• Neslab ThermoFlex 900 Chiller
• Powervar FPI Series 2000 Global Power Interface
• Computer Loaded with Software
• Ion-Max ion source with ESI probe compatible with liquid flow rates of < 1 uL/min to 1 mL /min
without splitting
• Thermo CTC autosampler
• Accela PDA Detector
• Accela 1250 High Pressure Pump
• Mass Range: m/z 50-2000, m/z 200-4000
• Resolution: 60,000 at m/z 400 at a scan rate of 1 Hz,
• minimum resolution 7,500
• maximum resolution >100,000 at m/z 400
• Mass Accuracy
      o < 3 ppm with external calibration
      o < 1 ppm using internal calibration
• Sensitivity: Sub-femtomol range for peptides
• Dynamic Range: > 4,000 within a single scan guaranteeing specified mass accuracy
• MS Scan Power: MSn, for n = 1 through 10
• Analog Inputs
      o One (1) analog input (0-1 V),
      o One (1) analog (0-10 V)
• Combinines three different and complementary fragmentation techniques—CID, HCD, and ET—
with the proven benefits of Orbitrap* technology
• Offers a comprehensive solution for complex PTM analysis, intelligent sequencing of peptides,
top-down and middle-down analysis, and protein quantitation via stable isotope labelling such as
TMT, iTRAQ or label-free quantitation
     o Highly confident peptide identification using multiple activation types and Data
Dependent Decision Tree
     o High-throughput sequencing applications with parallel acquisition capabilities
     o Identification of unexpected PTMs using high resolution and accurate mass
     o Quantitation over a wide dynamic range, including low abundance peptides
• Combining patented Orbitrap technology with the most successful linear ion trap, Thermo
Scientific LTQ XL, the LTQ Orbitrap XL hybrid FT mass spectrometer provides fast, sensitive, and
reliable detection and identifications of compounds in complex mixtures.
     o Routine FT mass accuracy
     o Resolving power > 100,000
     o Wide dynamic range
     o Parallel MS and MSn analysis
     o Multiple dissociation techniques: CID, PQD and HCD
液质联用(LC-MS)Orbitrap LTQ XL信息由天津阿尔塔科技有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于液质联用(LC-MS)Orbitrap LTQ XL报价、型号、参数等信息, 欢迎来电或留言咨询。除供应液质联用(LC-MS)Orbitrap LTQ XL外,天津阿尔塔科技有限公司还可为您提供其他等产品, 公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴。


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