Bovine Mycobacterium antibody

2014-04-17 17:41  下载量:0



Bovine Mycobacterium antibody FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY 96 determinations Purpose This kit allows for the determination of Mycobacterium Ab expression in Bovine serum, and other biological fluids. Principle of the assay The kit assay Mycobacterium Ab level in the sample,use Purified Mycobacterium antigen to coat microtiter plate wells, make solid-phase antigen, then add Mycobacterium Ab to wells, Combined With Mycobacterium, after washing and removing non-combinative antibody and other components ,then Combined antigen which with HRP labeled become antigen – antibody - enzyme- antigen complex, after washing Completely, Add TMB substrate solution,, TMB substrate becomes blue color At HRP enzyme-catalyzed, reaction is terminated by the addition of a sulphuric acid solution and the color change is measured spectrophotometrically at a wavelength of 450 nm. Compared with the CUTOFF value, according to this to judge Mycobacterium Ab exist in the sample or not.



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