Rabbit Anti-Amylase

2014-04-18 16:50  下载量:0



Rabbit Anti-Amylase Catalog Number : HZ68043 Quantity size : 0.1ml (dilute with pH 7.4 0.01 M PBS or antibody diluent ) Background: The three types of Amylase found in human and mouse tissues are salivary, pancreatic and ovarian tumor. Salivary and ovarian tumor Amylase have molecular weights ranging from 61-64 kDa. Pancreatic Amylase has a molecular weight of 60 kDa. In humans there are two haplotypes consisting of very different numbers of salivary Amylase proteins. The short haplotype contains two pancreatic proteins, AMY2A and AMY2B and one salivary Amylase protein, AMY1C. The long haplotype consists of two salivary Amylase proteins, AMY1A and AMY1B. In mice, there are two apparently identical copies of AMY2A which specify pancreatic Amylase. The single copy of AMY1A is expressed in a tissue specific fashion in the salivary gland and the liver.



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