Rabbit Interleukin-4 ELISA kit

2014-04-18 17:31  下载量:0



Rabbit Interleukin-4 ELISA kit (96 tests) INTENDED USE The IL-4 ELISA is to be used for the in-vitro quantitative determination of IL-4 in serum \plasma\buffered solubions or cell culture medium. The assay will recognize both natural and recombinant IL-4. The kit has been configured for research use only and is not to be used in diagnostic procedures. PRINCIPLE OF THE METHOD The IL-4 kit is a solid phase phase sandwich enzyme linked immuno sorbent assay(ELISA). Samples , including standards of known IL-4 concentrations and unknowns are pipetted into these wells. During the first incubation, the IL-4 antigen and a biotinylated monoclonal antibody specific for IL-4 are simultaneously incubated. After washing, the enzyme(streptavidin-peroxydase)is added. After incubation and washing to remove all the unbound enzyme, a substrate solution which is acting on the bound enzyme is added to induce a coloured reaction product. The intensity of this coloured product is directly proportional to the concentration of IL-4 present in the samples.



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