goat anti –Rabbit Interleukin-10

2014-04-18 17:55  下载量:0



goat anti –Rabbit Interleukin-10 Collect Sample – serum or blood plasma Package size: 96 determinations Catalogue No.: QRCT –556691EIA \ UTL Storage: 2 - 8 °C I. INTRODUCTION Interleukin-10 was originally identified as the product of Th2-type T lymphocytes that inhibits the synthesis of Th-1 type cytokines such as Interferon-gamma and IL-2. IL-10 is known to be secreted by Th2-helper T cells, CD4+HT2 cells, and some B cell lymphoma and mast cell lines. The protein undergoes post-translational modification that includes N-glycosylation and the formation of critical cysteine bonds. IL-10 inhibits cytokine synthesis in both T cells and NK cells by controlling macrophage-monocyte accessory cells. IL-10 elicits responses in granulocytes, eosinophils, mast cells, B cells, T cells and NK cells. IL-10 is crucial in limiting inflammatory responses in some disease states. The ability of IL-10 to inhibit macrophage activation should allow investigation into "cross-talk" between stimulatory and inhibitory cytokines. IL-10 is important in un



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