The 9th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS9)

AMS9, the 9th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society, will be held from 19th to 21st July 2015 in Taipei, organized by the R&D Center for Membrane Technology (CMT), Chung Yuan University (CYCU). The venue for AMS9 will be Howard Civil International House, which is located in the heart of downtown Taipei. 


The key issue of AMS9 will be focused on membrane technology development, and we will have world leading experts to share their knowledge and experiences. Also, poster contest sessions will be included in this conference and the topics are


(a) Membrane Formation & Preparation& Modification

(b) Membranes for Water and Wastewater Treatment Applications

(c) Membranes for Biomedical and Bioseparation Applications

(d) Membranes for Energy and Environmental Applications

(e) Membrane Transport Phenomenon and Characterization

(f) Membrane Process for Gas / Vapor Separation

(g) Other Applications 



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