
2015-01-15 10:45  下载量:0



载脂蛋白J抗体 Background: Apolipoprotein J is the major secreted product of Sertoli cells and is thought to play a critical role in spermatogenesis. The protein was shown to be a normal constituent of human blood and is also thought to be a control mechanism of the complement cascade. It prevents the binding of a C5b-C7 complex to the membrane of the target cell and in this way inhibits complement-mediated cytolysis. Apolipoprotein J is overexpressed in human prostate and breast cancers and in squamous cell carcinomas. Suppression of Apolipoprotein J renders these cells sensitive to chemotherapeutic drug-mediated apoptosis. It has been proposed that elevated levels of Apolipoprotein J may promote oncogenic transformation and tumor progression by interfering with BAX proapoptotic activities. Also known as: AAG 4; AAG4 ;Aging associated protein 4; Clusterin-alpha/beta; APOJ; Apo J; Apolipoprotein J; Cli; CLU; Clusterin alpha chain; Clusterin; Clusterin beta chain; Complement associated protein SP 40 40; Complement associated protein SP 40; Complement associated protein SP40; Complement cytolysis inhibitor; Complement lysis inhibitor; KUB 1; KUB1; MGC24903; NA1/NA2; SGP 2; SGP2; SP 40; SP40; Sulfated glycoprotein 2; Testosterone repressed prostate message 2; TRPM 2; TRPM2; Clusterin- Alpha/Beta; Apolipoprotein J.



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