
2015-01-22 09:03  下载量:0



醛糖还原酶相关蛋白质抗体 Background: AKR1B10 is also known as aldose reductase-like-1 (ARL-1), small intestine reductase (SI reductase) or aldose reductase-related protein (ARP or hARP). AKR1B10 is found in many tissues but is predominantly expressed in small intestine, colon and adrenal gland. AKR1B10 is an efficient reductase for aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes. It plays a role in steroid metabolism as well as detoxification of aldehydes in digested food, and may be involved in the retinal-retinoic acid signaling pathway. AKR1B10 is prominently overexpressed in non-small cell lung carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. Cigarette smoking is an independent variable responsible for this overexpression. AKR1B10 may play a role regulating cell proliferation and cellular response to carbonyl stress. Also known as: Aldose reductase like; Aldose reductase related protein; ARL 1; hARP; SI reductase; Small intestine reductase; AK1BA_HUMAN; AKR1B10; AKR1B11; AKR1B12; Aldo keto reductase family 1 member B10; aldo keto reductase family 1 member B11; Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member B10; aldose reductase like 1; aldose reductase like peptide; Aldose reductase-like; Aldose reductase-related protein; ALDRLn; ARL-1; ARL1; ARP; hARP; HIS; HSI; SI reductase; Small intestine reductase.



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