
2015-01-23 10:16  下载量:0



微丝相关蛋白1抗体 Background: Actin filament associated protein (AFAP-110) interacts directly with Actin filaments through its C-terminal Actin binding domain. AFAP-110 contains additional protein-binding domains as well, and serves as an adaptor protein. AFAP-110 links signaling molecules to Actin filaments, provides a platform for the preparation of larger signaling complexes, activates Src kinases in response to cellular signals and also directly affects Actin organization as an Actin filament cross-linking protein. Deletion of certain binding elements of AFAP-110 results in altered Actin phenotypes; for instance, deletion of the leucine zipper motif causes repositioning of Actin into rosettes. Because inhibition of certain Actin cytoskeletal conformations inhibits cell division and movement, these conformational changes to AFAP-110, and thus Actin organization in the cell, represent a possible therapeutic target for controlling tumorigenesis and metastasis. Also known as: 110 kDa actin filament associated protein; 110 kDa actin filament-associated protein; Actin filament associated protein 1; Actin filament associated protein 110 kDa; Actin filament-associated protein 1; AFAP 1; AFAP 110; AFAP; AFAP-110; Afap1; AFAP1_HUMAN.微丝相关蛋白1抗体



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