
2015-01-26 09:24  下载量:0



粘附分子IgG样结构域蛋白2抗体 Background: The amphoterin-induced gene and ORF (AMIGO) family of proteins consists of AMIGO-1, AMIGO-2 and AMIGO-3. All three members are single pass type I membrane proteins that contain several leucine-rich repeats, one IgG domain, and a transmembrane domain. The AMIGO proteins are specifically expressed on fiber tracts of neuronal tissues and participate in their formation. The AMIGO proteins can form complexes with each other, but can also bind itself. AMIGO-1, also designated Alivin-2, promotes growth and fasciculation of neurites and plays a role in myelination and fasciculation of developing neural axons. In cerebellar neurons, AMIGO-2 (Alivin-1) is crucial for depolarization-dependent survival. Similar to AMIGO-1 and AMIGO-2, AMIGO-3 (Alivin-3) plays a role in homophilic and/or heterophilic cell-cell interaction and signal transduction. Also known as: Adhesion molecule with Ig like domain 2; ALI 1; ALI1; Alivin 1; Alivin-1; Alivin1; AMIGO 2; Amphoterin induced gene 2; Amphoterin induced protein 2; DEGA; AMGO2_HUMAN; AMIGO-2; Amigo2; Amphoterin induced protein 2; Amphoterin-induced protein 2; Differentially expressed in gastric adenocarcinoma; Differentially expressed in gastric adenocarcinomas; Transmembrane protein AMIGO 2; Transmembrane protein AMIGO2.粘附分子IgG样结构域蛋白2抗体



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