
2015-01-26 09:56  下载量:0



腺苷三磷酸结合盒转运体12抗体 Background: The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters, or traffic ATPases, constitute an expansive family of proteins accountable for the transport of a wide variety of substrates across cell membranes in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. They also aid in the regulation of lipid transport and membrane trafficking. ABCA12 (ATP-Binding Cassette, Subfamily A, Member 12) contains two transmembrane (TM) domains, each with six membrane-spanning segments, and two nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs), which are located in the cytoplasm. ABCA12 is expressed in normal human keratinocytes (RT-PCR reveals expression in placenta, testis, fetal brain, and skin) and is upregulated during keratinization. Immunoelectron microscopy reveals that the ABCA12 protein is located in lamellar granules in the upper epidermal keratinocytes of human skin. The ABCA12 gene, which synthesizes a 2,595-amino acid protein, may produce an alternative splice variant with an in-frame deletion leading to truncation of 79 amino acids. Also known as: ABC transporter A family member 12; ABC transporter ABCA.12; ABC12; ABCA12; ABCAC_HUMAN; AtABCA12; ATH16; ATP binding cassette 12; ATP binding cassette sub family A (ABC1) member 12; ATP binding cassette sub family A member 12; ATP binding cassette transporter 12; ATP-binding cassette 12; ATP-binding cassette sub-family A member 12; ATP-binding cassette transporter 12; Ichthyosis congenita II lamellar ichthyosis B; ICR2B; LI2; Putative ABC2 homolog 16; ABCAC_HUMAN.腺苷三磷酸结合盒转运体12抗体



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