
2015-01-26 10:22  下载量:0



ASCL2蛋白抗体 Background: Members of the myogenic determination family are basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) proteins that can be separated into two classes, both of which work together to activate DNA transcription. Class A proteins include the ubiquitously expressed E-box binding factors, namely E2A, ITF-2 and HEB, while class B proteins, such as MyoD, myogenin and Neuro D (BETA2), are transiently expressed and exhibit a much more limited tissue distribution. Working in opposition to these positively acting factors are a specialized group of basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors that function as dominant negative regulators and are involved in cell lineage determination and differentiation. ASCL2 is a 193 amino acid protein that localizes to the nucleus and contains one bHLH domain. Expressed in developing placental tissue, ASCL2 binds to DNA and functions as a transcriptional regulator that is involved in the maturation of neuronal precursors in the peripheral and central nervous systems. Also known as: Achaete scute complex like 2; Achaete scute homolog 2; achaete-scute complex-like 2; Achaete-scute homolog 2; ASCL2; ASCL2_HUMAN; ASH-2; Ash2; bHLHa45; Class A basic helix-loop-helix protein 45; HASH2; Mash2.ASCL2蛋白抗体



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