
2015-01-29 09:38  下载量:0



红细胞阴离子交换蛋白1抗体 Background: Band 3, also designated AE1, is an erythrocyte membrane glycoprotein that contributes to cell stuctural integrity and mediates exchange of chloride and bicarbonate across the phospholipid bilayer. The diverse functions of the approximately 900 amino acid protein are mediated by two distinct domains. The amino terminal domain, also known as cdb3 for cytoplasmic domain of erthrocyte membrane band 3, acts as an attachment site for the erythrocyte skeleton by binding ankyrin. The carboxy-terminal, membrane-associated domain carries out exchange transport of anions. Degradation of band 3 can generate an aging antigen known as senescent cell antigen, or SCA, which is expressed on old cells and marks them for removal by the immune system. An isoform of band 3, which lacks the first 65 amino acids and does not bind ankryin, is expressed in kidney. Also known as: Solute carrier family 4 anion exchanger member 1; Solute carrier family 4 member 1; AE 1; AE1; Anion exchange protein 1; Anion exchanger 1; B3AT_HUMAN; Band 3; Band 3 anion transport protein; BND3; CD233; DI; Diego blood group; EMPB3; EPB3; Erythrocyte membrane protein band 3; Erythroid anion exchange protein; FR antibod; Froese blood group; RTA1A; SLC4A1; Solute carrier family 4 member 1; SW antibody; Swann blood group; Waldner blood group; WD antibody; WD1; WR antibody; Wright blood group.红细胞阴离子交换蛋白1抗体



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