
2015-01-29 10:24  下载量:0



大脑蛋白2抗体 Background: The Brn family of transcription factors are found in a highly restricted subset of neurons and are critical to the early embryonic development of the central nervous system. Brn-1 and Brn-2 are class III POU domain proteins. Expressed during the development of the forebrain and coexpressed in most layer II-V cortical neurons, Brn-1 and Brn-2 appear to critically control the initiation of radial migration of cortical neurons. Brn-2 is thought to be involved in smooth muscle cell development and differentiation. Brn-3 is a class IV POU domain protein. Three Brn-3 proteins have been described and are designated Brn-3a, Brn-3b and Brn-3c. Brn-3a has two functional transactivating domains, one at the amino terminus and one at the carboxy terminus. While Brn-3a and Brn-3c stimulate transcription, Brn-3b generally functions as a transcriptional repressor. However, Brn-3b, but not Brn-3a, has been shown to regulate the expression of the acetylcholine receptor. Also known as: Brain 2; Brain specific homeobox/POU domain protein 2; Brain-2; Brain-specific homeobox/POU domain protein 2; BRN 2; Brn-2; BRN2; N Oct 3; N OCT 3 Gene; Nervous system specific octamer binding transcription factor; Nervous system-specific octamer-binding transcription factor N-Oct-3; Oct-7; OCT7; Octamer Binding Transcription Factor 7; Octamer-binding protein 7; Octamer-binding transcription factor 7; OTF 7; OTF-7; OTF7; PO3F2_HUMAN; POU class 3 homeobox 2; POU domain class 3 transcription factor 2; POU domain, class 3, transcription factor 2; Pou3f2; POUF 3; POUF3; Protein Brn 2.大脑蛋白2抗体



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