
2015-02-02 08:31  下载量:0



细胞凋亡敏感性基因抗体 Background: Proteins that carry a nuclear localization signal (NLS) are transported into the nucleus by the importin-alpha/beta heterodimer. Importin-alpha binds the NLS, while importin-beta mediates translocation through the nuclear pore complex. After translocation, RanGTP binds importin-beta and displaces importin-alpha. Importin-alpha must then be returned to the cytoplasm, leaving the NLS protein behind. The protein encoded by this gene binds strongly to NLS-free importin-alpha, and this binding is released in the cytoplasm by the combined action of RANBP1 and RANGAP1. In addition, the encoded protein may play a role both in apoptosis and in cell proliferation. Alternatively spliced transcript variants have been found for this gene. [provided by RefSeq, Jan 2012]. Also known as: Cellular Apoptosis Susceptibility; exportin-2; CAS; Cellular apoptosis susceptibility protein; Chromosome segregation 1 (yeast homolog) like; Chromosome segregation 1 Like; Chromosome segregation 1 like protein; Chromosome segregation gene CSE1; CSE 1; CSE 1 chromosome segregation 1 like; CSE 1 chromosome segregation 1 like protein; CSE 1L; CSE1; CSE1 chromosome segregation 1 like; CSE1 chromosome segregation 1 like protein; CSE1L; Exp 2; Exp2; Exportin 2; Exportin2; Exportin-2; Importin alpha re exporter; XPO2_HUMAN; Chromosome segregation 1-like protein; Importin-alphare-exporter.细胞凋亡敏感性基因抗体



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