大芯径光纤准直器_high NA fiber collimator_300-2000nm光纤准直器_筱晓光子

大芯径光纤准直器_high NA fiber collimator_300-2000nm光纤准直器_筱晓光子

供货周期: 一周
品牌: 筱晓光子
关注展位 全部耗材


Collimators are required to generate a parallel beam of light out of the naturally diverging light emission from an optical fiber. Most fiber optic collimators available are designed for a low NA and thin fibers.

High NA fibers such as Polymer Optical Fibers (POF) and Hard Polymer cladding fibers with an NA above 0.38 cannot be collimated efficiently by of most these standard products, without a great reduction of output power.

Prizmatix Collimator is designed to work with High NA fibers (up to 0.53) and provides efficient solution to this problem.




 Why you need a collimator?

Light emits from multimode fibers as a wide cone of light. The opening angle θmax is dictated by the internal total reflection in the fiber, and is usually represented as the Numerical Aperture (NA) of the fiber.

The general relation in air is: NA= sin(θmax).

The following table compares the full emission angle (2θmax) of common NA fibers:

Collimator performance

Multimode high NA fibers are too large to be considered as a point source. Hence, the beam leaving the collimator will not be of constant diameter, but slightly expanding.

Roughly, beam divergence angle after the collimator changes with the diameter of the fiber. Smaller fibers will yield small divergence angle, whereas large core fibers will generate a larger divergence angle.

The following table indicates the pivot angle of the emission cone of Prizmatix Collimator for High NA fibers:

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