GaP crystal_GaP Gallium Phosphite crystals_亚磷酸镓晶体_THZ晶体

GaP crystal_GaP Gallium Phosphite crystals_亚磷酸镓晶体_THZ晶体

供货周期: 现货
品牌: 筱晓光子
关注展位 全部耗材

GaP Gallium Phosphite crystals for Terahertz THz applications

GaP <110> crystal with a thickness of 200μm stuck
(optically contacted) on one GaP <100> with a thickness of 3mm

Aperture, mm 10 x 10 +/-0.1
Thickness of each component, mm 0.002 and 3 +/-10%
Orientation 110 -- 110
Surface quality, scr-dig 40-20 -- 40-20
Flatness, waves at 633 nm - 1
Parallelism, arc min < 3

Application - generation of T-rays (THz radiation, terahertz)

Feaatured customer: University of Bordeaux, France

COLA1 specifications in the CPMOH. 

COLA1 in the CPMOH is operational since the second quarter of the year 2008.

This platform is built around an (2x4.5 mJ) amplified femtosecond Ti: Al2O3 laser that supplies two Infrared beams lines which deliver at 1 kHz repetition rate, 50fs pulses, centered at 800 nm that have energy close to 4.5 mJ.

2.1. Tunable femtosecond beams.
The first beam line is exclusively dedicated to spectroscopic measurements. It includes two Optical Parametric Amplifiers (“TOPAS-C”). Each of them is pumped with 1 mJ. They generate tunable beams from 240 nm up to 22μm. The rest of the energy can be used directly at 800 nm, it can be injected in frequency doubling and tripling. These different supplied wavelengths can be used to excite electronic and vibration modes of many molecules with a great temporal dynamic ranging from few tens of femtoseconds up to hundreds of picoseconds.

2.2. T-Rays.
The second beam is dedicated to THz Time Resolved Spectroscopy and it deserves several THz experiments.
Among these setups, one is a spectroscopic bench used to characterize materials in the 100 GHz to 3.5 THz spectral range.  This last one is synchronized with two other Optical Parametric Amplifiers TOPAS which deliver tunable optical beams in between 240 nm and 11μm. Thus this system makes possible to carry on optical pump / THz probe experiments. Its originality is the use of tunable femtosecond laser light that excite materials and measure their response in the THz domain frequencies.

2.3. Detection tools.
We are able to characterize all kinds of samples (solid, liquid, crystal or gas), and we use many detection systems adapted to the different wavelength ranges. The beams lines are equipped with spectrometers, lock-in amplifiers, data acquisition cards, photodiodes and pyroelectric detectors…

Model    Product Name+    Buy Now 

 CR-GaP-10-10-0.5    GaP crystal, 100-cut, 10x10x0.5 mm   Buy Now 

 CR-GaP-10-10-0.1    GaP crystal, 110-cut, 10x10x0.1 mm   Buy Now 

 CR-GaP-10-10-0.2    GaP crystal, 110-cut, 10x10x0.2 mm   Buy Now 

 CR-GaP-10-10-0.3    GaP crystal, 110-cut, 10x10x0.3 mm   Buy Now 

 CR-GaP-10-10-0.5    GaP crystal, 110-cut, 10x10x0.5 mm   Buy Now 

 CR-GaP-10-10-1    GaP crystal, 110-cut, 10x10x1 mm   Buy Now 

 CR-GaP-10-10-4    GaP crystal, 110-cut, 10x10x4 mm   Buy Now 

 CR-GaP-10-10-5    GaP crystal, 110-cut, 10x10x5 mm   Buy Now 

 CR-GaP-10-8-0.15    GaP crystal, 110-cut, 10x8x0.15 mm   Buy Now 

 CR-GaP-19-19-0.2    GaP crystal, 110-cut, 19x19x0.2 mm   Buy Now 

 CR-GaP-19-21-0.3    GaP crystal, 110-cut, 19x21x0.3 mm   Buy Now 

 CR-GaP-5-5-0.1    GaP crystal, 110-cut, 5x5x0.1 mm   Buy Now 

 CR-GaP-5-5-0.25    GaP crystal, 110-cut, 5x5x0.25 mm   Buy Now 

 CR-GaP-5-5-0.85    GaP crystal, 110-cut, 5x5x0.85 mm   Buy Now 

 CR-GaP-8-8-0.2    GaP crystal, 110-cut, 8x8x0.2 mm   Buy Now

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