Tydex 太赫兹光谱分光片

Tydex 太赫兹光谱分光片

供货周期: 一周
品牌: 泰德克斯
货号: 3249339
关注展位 全部耗材


THz Spectral Splitters


 Tydex offers spectral splitters for applications where NIR and MIR radiation has to be reflected without transmission degradation in THz range.

    NIR-THz spectral splitter is used for separation of pump radiation (centered in the wavelength range 790-800 nm) from THz radiation in Ti:Sapphire laser and MIR-THz  spectral splitter – for separation of pump radiation (9.6 μm and 10.6 μm) from THz radiation in THz laser optically pumped by CO2 -laser.

Common specification:


                  Splitter Type NIR-THz spectral splitter MIR-THz spectral splitter Material of substarate - HRZF-Si - THz-grade crystal quartz Dimensions tolerance, mm +/-0.25 Clear aperture, % 90 Surface quality, scr/dig 60/40 Surface accuracy, mm +/-0.01 deviation from ideal plane Coating High-reflection dielectric coating (R>90%) @ 730-860 nm High-reflection dielectric coating (R>90%) @ 9-11µm  Angle of incidence, arc. grad.  45


    Typical reflection and transmission curves are shown below

Reflection spectra of NIR-THz splitter (two types of substrate).

Fig.1 Reflection of NIR-THz spectral splitter (two types of substrate).

Transmission spectra of NIR-THz splitter (two types of substrate).

Fig.2 Transmission  of NIR-THz spectral splitter (two types of substrate).


Reflection spectra of MIR-THz splitter (two types of substrate).

Fig.3 Reflection of MIR-THz spectral splitter (two types of substrate).

 Transmission spectra of MIR-THz splitter (two types of substrate)

Fig.4 Transmission of MIR-THz spectral splitter (two types of substrate).


    The following NIR-THz and MIR-THz Spectral Splitters are available from stock:

                No. Diameter Thickness, mm mm inches 1 25.4 1.0 1.0 2 50.8 2.0 1.0

    Please check Optics stock


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