Valco A 系列精确取样注射器 010032

Valco A 系列精确取样注射器 010032

供货周期: 现货
品牌: VICI
货号: 10032
关注展位 全部耗材

Valco A 系列精确取样注射器


A 系列 — 可拆卸针头:该 Pressure-Lok 注射器可储存样品。针头接口处的旋转阀使之可在进样前对样品进行加压。

? 集成了样品储存阀 — 通过旋转突鼻组件来启动

在后端盖处设置有活塞限位器 — 防止活塞在高压下从针筒中弹出
采用模块化结构 — 可快速拆卸所有组件,清洁和更换异常方便
在 250psi 压力下气体和液体都不会渗漏

Turn the nosepiece counterclockwise two turns and the syringe's integral sample storage valve is closed. Insert the needle through the septum, then start pushing the plunger as you turn the nosepiece clockwise. Carrier backflushing is eliminated, resulting in sharper peaks and better separations. When the plunger is fully depressed, the plunger face comes into firm, flush contact with the bottom of the front packing, forcing essentially all of the sample out - there is virtually no compressable dead volume remaining. The very small internal diameter of the needle also contributes to the dead volume minimization.

In addition to the characteristics which make it unique, the A Series gas syringe has all the standard Pressure-Lok features such as a PTFE plunger tip, PTFE-sealed needle, and ultrasmooth bore. The modular construction allows quick disassembly for parts cleaning or replacement.


Valco A 系列精确取样注射器

Sample sizeNeedle sizeProduct No.
100 μl.029" x .012" x 2.25"010025
250 μl.029" x .012" x 2.25"010031
500 μl.029" x .012" x 2.25"010032
1 ml.029" x .012" x 2.25"010033
2 ml.029" x .012" x 2.25"010034
5 ml.029" x .012" x 2.25"010035
10 ml.029" x .012" x 2.25"010036


Package   of 3:斜面,开口端侧口,锥形
Standard   Pressure-Lok®
.029" x   .012" x 2.25"913050913052

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