ATCC 25830 摩氏摩根菌

供货周期: 现货
品牌: 百欧博伟生物
规格: 冻干物
货号: bio-75032
关注展位 全部试剂

                 ATCC 25830 摩氏摩根菌 百欧博伟生物





拉丁属名:Morganella morganii subsp. morganii




Morganella morganii subsp.拉丁名

morganii (Winslow et al.) Fulton

(ATCC® 25830™)菌株编号

Permits and Restrictions View Permits Deposited As Proteus morganii (Winslow et al.) Yale

Strain Designations菌株别名 M11 [33 M, ATCC 8076H, NCTC 235]

Application Quality control strain

Isolation分离源  Patient with summer diarrhea

Biosafety Level生物安全等级 2

Biosafety classification is based on U.S. Public Health Service Guidelines, it is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that their facilities comply with biosafety regulations for their own country.

Product Format提供形式 freeze-dried

Storage Conditions Frozen保藏方法: -80℃ or colder

Freeze-Dried冻干物: 2℃ to 8℃

Live Culture活菌: See Propagation Section

Preceptrol® yes

Type Strain模式菌株 yes

Comments 注释DNA hybridization reference strain Biogroup A

Medium培养基 ATCC® Medium 3: Nutrient agar or nutrient broth

Growth Conditions生长条件

Temperature培养温度: 37℃

Atmosphere需氧情况: Aerobic

Name of Depositor MJ Pelczar

Chain of Custody来源国家  ATCC <-- MJ Pelczar <-- NCTC 235 <-- H de R Morgan

Isolation分离源  Patient with summer diarrhea

References参考文献  J. Pathol. Bacteriol. 32: 79, 1929. Lessel EF. Status of the name Proteus morganii and designation of the neotype strain. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 21: 55-57, 1971.

Morgan HR. Upon the bacteriology of the summer diarrhoea of infants. Br. Med. J. 1: 908-912, 1906.

Larsen RA, et al. Identification of TonB homologs in the family Enterobacteriaceae and evidence for conservation of TonB-dependent energy transduction complexes. J. Bacteriol. 178: 1363-1373, 1996. PubMed: 8631714

Skerman VB, et al. Approved lists of bacterial names. Int J Syst Bacteriol 30: 225-420, 1980.

Sensititre™ Automated Gram Negative ID. Thermo Scientific™ Sensititre™ Systems, Trek Diagnostic Systems. ISO/CD 11133:2009, Annex E.

Test microorganisms for commonly used culture media (giving information on the culture medium, culture conditions, test microorganisms, culture collection number of test organisms and the expected reactions) Corry, JEL, Curtis, GDW and Baird, RM (Eds) Handbook of Culture Media for Food and Water Microbiology.

Royal Society of Chemistry, In preparation. ICFMH-WPCM.

Cross References Nucleotide (GenBank) : AX109388 Sequence 121 from Patent WO0123604.

Nucleotide (GenBank) : AX109596 Sequence 329 from Patent WO0123604.

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ATCC 25830 摩氏摩根菌信息由北京百欧博伟生物技术有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于ATCC 25830 摩氏摩根菌报价、型号、参数等信息, 欢迎来电或留言咨询。除供应ATCC 25830 摩氏摩根菌外,北京百欧博伟生物技术有限公司还可为您提供其他等产品, 公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴。


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