艰难梭菌 Clostridioides difficile

供货周期: --
品牌: 百欧博伟生物
规格: 冻干粉/培养物
货号: bio-110895
CAS号: DSM 1296
关注展位 全部试剂


Clostridioides difficile (Hall and O'Toole 1935) Lawson et al. 2016

DSM No.:

1296, Type strain

Strain designation:

1780, McClung 1780, USDA 90556-M6S

Other collection no. 

or WDCM no.:

ATCC 9689, NCIB 10666, NCTC 11209


country of origin unknown

Date of sampling:

before 24.04.1978

Nagoya Protocol Restrictions:

There are NO known Nagoya Protocol restrictions for this strain.


<- ATCC <- F.E. Clark, USDA 90556-M6S

Genbank accession numbers:

16S rRNA gene: AB075770

16S rRNA gene: NR_112172

Cultivation conditions:

Medium 78 , anaerobic, 37°C 


Medium 1203 , anaerobic, 37°C 

strain grows very poorly on blood agar plates. For reactivation from ampoule cultivation in liquid media is strongly recommended! If you have to use solid medium, use M 1203 and inoculate one plate with the complete ampoule

Incubation time: 1-2 days 

Please follow special instructions: 'Cultivation of Anaerobes'

Complete DSMZ Media List

Summary and 

additional information:

<- ATCC <- F.E. Clark, USDA 90556-M6S. country of origin unknown; sampling date: before 24.04.1978. Type strain. Taxonomy/description (1300, 20760, 20782, 26004, 26018). Sequence accession no. 16S rRNA gene: AB075770, 16S rRNA gene: NR_112172. Produces cytotoxin (see ATCC catalogue), but stated to be non-toxigenic (see NCTC catalogue) (5306). Produces cytotoxin (see ATCC catalogue), but stated to be non-toxigenic (see NCTC catalogue) (5307). Metabolism of amino acids (2197). Quality control strain according to DIN 58959-7 and 58959-9 (16730), Quality control strain according to DIN 58959-7 and 58959-9 (6924). Cellular lipid fatty acids (2199). Positive PCR for toxins A and B (tcdA and tcdB) and negative PCR for the binary toxin (ctdA and ctdB). Strain-specific literature (1934). (Medium 78, 37°C, anaerobic or Medium 1203, 37°C, anaerobic). Strain grows very poorly on blood agar plates. For reactivation from ampoule cultivation in liquid media is strongly recommended! If you have to use solid medium, use M 1203 and inoculate one plate with the complete ampoule.

For detailed information:

BacDive - The Bacterial Diversity Metadatabase


1300, 1934, 2197, 2199, 5306, 5307, 6924, 16730, 20760, 20782, 26004, 26018

Risk group:

2 (classification according to German TRBA)


Act dealing with the prevention & control of infectious diseases in man (Infektionsschutzgesetz), Category A1

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Delivery form Prices

Price Category for this culture: 1

Freight and handling charges will be added. See price list.

Note: Freight charges for Risk Group 2 microorganisms will apply.

Other cultures:

All DSMZ cultures of the species


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