Zymomonas mobilis subsp. pomaceae

供货周期: --
品牌: 百欧博伟生物
规格: 冻干粉/培养物
货号: bio-118081
CAS号: DSM 3580
关注展位 全部试剂


Zymomonas mobilis subsp. pomaceae (Millis 1956) De Ley and Swings 1976 emend. Coton et al. 2006

DSM No.:


Strain designation:

Z 6

Other collection no.

or WDCM no.:

ATCC 29191,IFO 13756,NCIB 11199,NBRC 13756

Isolated from:

fermenting palm sap


country of origin unknown

Date of sampling:

before 06.11.1985

Nagoya Protocol Restrictions:

There are NO known Nagoya Protocol restrictions for this strain.


<- Inst. Biotechnol., KFA Jülich <- ATCC <- J. De Ley; Z 6 <- W. van Pee <- Lab. Microbiol., Univ. Nat. Zaire

Genbank accession numbers:

16S rRNA gene: AF281032

Cultivation conditions:

Medium 10 , anaerobic. Rehydrate and grow lyophilized cells from the ampoule in liquid broth 10. Subsequently, subculturing may be carried out in liquid medium or on agar plates., 30°C

fit cultures may also grow under aerobic conditions

Complete DSMZ Media List

Summary and

additional information:

<- Inst. Biotechnol., KFA Jülich <- ATCC <- J. De Ley; Z 6 <- W. van Pee <- Lab. Microbiol., Univ. Nat. Zaire. Fermenting palm sap; country of origin unknown. Taxonomy/description (1400). Sequence accession no. 16S rRNA gene: AF281032. Produces ethanol from lactose (2988), ethanol from lactose (2987), levan (2987). Ethanol production (continuous) (2986). Phenotypic centrotype (1400). (Medium 10, 30°C, anaerobic. Rehydrate and grow lyophilized cells from the ampoule in liquid broth 10. Subsequently, subculturing may be carried out in liquid medium or on agar plates.). Fit cultures may also grow under aerobic conditions.


1400, 2986, 2987, 2988

Risk group:

1 (classification according to German TRBA)

Supplied as:

Delivery form Prices

Price Category for this culture: 1

Freight and handling charges will be added. See price list.

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