二手Thermo TSQ Altis三重四级杆液质联用仪
二手Thermo TSQ Altis三重四级杆液质联用仪
二手Thermo TSQ Altis三重四级杆液质联用仪

二手Thermo TSQ Altis三重四级杆液质联用仪

参考价:¥120万 - 160万
型号: TSQ Altis
产地: 美国
品牌: 赛默飞
关注展位 全部仪器
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TSQ Altis 质谱仪是新一代的三重四极杆质谱仪,其出色的性能可以让 用户对实验分析结果充满信心。TSQ Altis MS 的设计基于最新硬件和 软件,即使是面对最严苛的应用及实验条件,也能够提供无与伦比的 灵敏度、耐用性、重现性。

Performance specifications 

Sensitivity* Positive electrospray (HESI) 

A 5 µL injection of a 200 fg/µL reserpine solution will produce a  minimum signal-to-noise ratio of 1,500,000:1 for the transition of  the protonated molecule at m/z 609.3 to the fragment ion at m/z 195.1 when operated in SRM mode with Q1 and Q3 resolution  set to 0.2 and 0.7 Da FWHM respectively. 

Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) 

A 5 μL loop injection of a 200 fg/μL reserpine solution will  produce a minimum signal-to-noise ratio of 100,000:1 for the  transition of the protonated molecular ion at m/z 609.3 to the  fragment ion at m/z 195.1 when operated in SRM mode with  Q1 and Q3 resolution both set to 0.7 Da FWHM. Negative electrospray (nHESI) 

A 5 μL loop injection of a 200 fg/μL chloramphenicol solution will  produce a minimum signal-to-noise ratio of 1,500,000:1 for the  transition of the deprotonated molecular ion at m/z 321.0 to the  fragment ion at m/z 152.0 when operated in SRM mode with  Q1 and Q3 resolution set to 0.7 Da FWHM. 

Mass range

m/z 2–2010 


Q1 and Q3 adjustable to 0.2 Da peak width (FWHM) across the  entire mass range 

Scan rate 

15,000 amu/second at a resolution of 2 Da FWHM 

Up to 600 SRMs/sec (for resolutions from 0.2 through 2.0  FWHM) 

Polarity Switching: 5 msec electronic switching time that  includes signal stabilization  

Mass stability 

Mass assignment will be within ± 0.1 Da over a 24-hour period.  The laboratory room temperature must be maintained between  18–27 °C (65–81 °F). The room temperature may not change by  more than 5 °C (9 °F) during this period.

二手Thermo TSQ Altis三重四级杆液质联用仪

二手Thermo TSQ Altis三重四级杆液质联用仪

二手Thermo TSQ Altis三重四级杆液质联用仪

二手Thermo TSQ Altis三重四级杆液质联用仪

二手Thermo TSQ Altis三重四级杆液质联用仪

二手Thermo TSQ Altis三重四级杆液质联用仪信息由长沙质谱佳科技有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于二手Thermo TSQ Altis三重四级杆液质联用仪报价、型号、参数等信息, 欢迎来电或留言咨询。除供应二手Thermo TSQ Altis三重四级杆液质联用仪外,长沙质谱佳科技有限公司还可为您提供LTQ XL二手仪器、二手仪器液质联用LCMS/MS , AB Sciex QTrap5500等产品, 公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴。
  • 产品货期: 7天
  • 培训服务: 提供付费培训
  • 安装调试时间: 到货后3天内
  • 电话支持响应时间: 2小时内
  • 是否提供维保合同:
  • 维修响应时间: 2天内
  • 节假日是否提供上门服务:
  • 是否支持上门巡检:
  • 是否提供预防性维护计划:
  • 是否提供免费应用支持:
  • 是否提供付费应用支持:
  • 维修付款方式: 先维修后付款
  • 无理由退换货: 不支持
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