Fast GC/MS Quantification of 16 EC Regulated PAH Components

2008/04/25   下载量: 134



The European Commission Regulation (EC) No 208/2005 of February 4, 2005, which came into force on April 1, 2005, provides maximum levels for benzo[a]pyrene in different groups of food of which have the strongest regulation foods for infants and young children with max. 1.0 μg/kg and smoked meats and smoked meat products with max. 5.0 μg/kg[1]. The best characterized carcinogenic compound benzo[a]pyrene is used as leading substance out of about 250 different compounds which belong to the PAH group. The German revision of the flavour directive of Mai 2, 2006 (Aromenverordnung) regulates the maximum level for benzo[a]pyrene at 0.03 μg/kg for all types of food with added smoke flavourings. The Commission Recommendation of February 4, 2005 on the further investigation on the levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in certain types of food is directed to analyse the levels of 15 PAH compounds which are classified as priority (see Figure 1) and to check the suitability of benzo[a]pyrene as a marker[2]. In addition, the Joint FAO/WHO Experts Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) identified the PAH compound benzo[c]fluorene as to be monitored as well[3] see Figure 2. During GC/MS method setup it turned out that single quadrupole desktop MS instruments could not provide the necessary selectivity at the low decision level[4,5]. The quantitation was done using isotope dilution technique by the addition of isotopically labeled and fluorinated standards before extraction, as well as for the determination of the response factors of all PAH under investigation, see Table 3. Recovery values have been determined by the addition of three 2H labelled compounds, see Table 4.

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