Speciation of Bromine Compounds in Ozonated Drinking Water using Ion Chromatography and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry

2019/06/24   下载量: 5


应用领域 环保
检测样本 饮用水
检测项目 消毒副产物>溴酸盐
参考标准 国家标准

Combining the resolving capability of IC with the detection power of ICP-MS allows fast, easy and reliable analysis of bromine species in drinking waters. Low background and He-KED interference removal permit robust conditions so that sample preparation is virtually eliminated and analysis of the water can be performed from the tap to the vial after simple alkalinization. This method enables robust and reliable speciation of bromine containing species in drinking water, with no salinity-related recovery issues. Thanks to the high sensitivity and completely metal free sample and mobile phase flow paths, the application complies to EPA 321.8 quality control requirements and provides MDLs well below the values necessary for accurate monitoring of water from various sources.


Combining the resolving capability of IC with the detection power of ICP-MS allows fast, easy and reliable analysis of bromine species in drinking waters. Low background and He-KED interference removal permit robust conditions so that sample preparation is virtually eliminated and analysis of the water can be performed from the tap to the vial after simple alkalinization. This method enables robust and reliable speciation of bromine containing species in drinking water, with no salinity-related recovery issues. Thanks to the high sensitivity and completely metal free sample and mobile phase flow paths, the application complies to EPA 321.8 quality control requirements and provides MDLs well below the values necessary for accurate monitoring of water from various sources.

上一篇 高压离子色谱Inuvion快速测定自来水中的常见阴离子
下一篇 采用 SQ-ICP-MS 进行饮用水的全自动、智能、高通量元素分析




当前位置: 仪器信息网 赛默飞色谱与质谱 方案 Speciation of Bromine Compounds in Ozonated Drinking Water using Ion Chromatography and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry


