高伟(Wei Gao) 资深研究员(Principal Research Scientist)

陶氏化学(Dow, Inc.)

Wei Gao is a Principal Research Scientist in Analytical Science, Core R&D at Dow Inc. She received her BS degree from Fudan University and PhD in Polymer Chemistry and Physics from Peking University. She then worked as a postdoctoral fellow and an Associate Professor in the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Employment at the NSF-I/UCRC center for Biocatalyisis and Bioprocessing of Macromolecules at Polytechnic University (Now NYU Tandon School of Engineering) followed in 2000, and in 2005 she became a Research Assistant Professor. In 2006, Wei joined Rohm and Haas/Dow. She intensively works on polymer and particle characterization, the synthesis−structure−property relationship of polymeric and colloidal systems, and sustainable polymers. She has published over 40 peer reviewed journal articles and book chapters, edited one book, and has more than 20 patents and patent applications. She has organized American Chemical Society (ACS) symposia in the areas of separation and characterization of macromolecules and particles, polymer sciences for everyday things, polymer colloids, and industrial innovation of polymer science. She is a lifetime member of Chinese American Chemical Society (CACS) member. She also served on the scientific program committee for the GPC2015 conference and the steering board member for international symposium on Field- and Flow-Based Separations (FFF2018 and FFF2022). She was the recipient of the NOVA Innovation Award from Rohm and Haas Company (2008), US EPA Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards (2003 and 2013), Vernon A. Strenger Scientists’ Award from Dow (2019), and ACS Polymer Chemistry Division (POLY) fellow (2021).
