张应如(Yingru Zhang) 首席科学家 (CSO)

Lotus Separations, LLC. at Princeton University

Dr. Yingru Zhang is the Chief Scientific Officer at Lotus Separations, LLC at Princeton University, that is specialized in developing SFC applications including chiral resolution for pharmaceutical R&D and academic research. Dr. Zhang obtained his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry under Prof. Aronson at City University of New York. Since then, he has been working in the pharmaceutical industry for over 30 years including 12 years of Drug Development at Wyeth-Pfizer, then 16 years of small to bio-molecule Drug Discovery at Bristol‑Myers Squibb (BMS) as a Senior Principal Scientist. He managed and directed the Separation and Physical Science Groups with leading edge SFC capabilities at Wyeth and BMS. Dr. Zhang pioneered Simulated Moving Column (SMC) technique for SFC and HPLC and developed Multi-Column Parallel Screening with Circular Dichroism Signal Pooling for rapid chiral method development. He has over 30 publications in peer reviewed journals and gave many invited presentations at the international conferences.
