  • 美国哈佛大学医学院李宗利简介及报告摘要
  • 仪器信息网2019/07/26 点击1103次


    报告人:李宗利(Harvard Medical School/HHMI    Facility Director)




    Entered into the field of electron microscopy (EM) in 1996 as a postdoctoral fellow in the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, my early work focused on the study of protein structures using electron crystallography. During that time I have received very basic training in using and maintaining electron microscopes. In 2000, I joined Dr. Wah Chiu’s group at Baylor College of Medicine and acquired extensive experience and hands-on skills in cryo-  EM data collection and image processing techniques, particularly using JEOL electron microscopes. Since accepting the position of EM manager in the Walz group in 2005, I have been maintaining and operating the FEI electron microscopes at Harvard Medical School. Now I serve as the facility director of the newly established Harvard Cryo-EM Center for Structural Biology. Working in the cryoEM field for more than two decades, I have accumulated great knowledge and substantial expertise in cryoEM through data collection, user training, facility maintenance, and interactions with service engineers. In addition, I have been keeping my own active research work through collaborations, and have more than 40 scientific publications on high-impact journals, including Nature, Cell, Science, PNAS, et al.


    报告题目:Quality data acquisition in single particle electron cryo-microscopy



     Will talk about the strategies for high quality data collection in single particle cryoEM. More specifically I will focus on two things: 1) how to prepare good EM grid, and 2) how to align the microscope to ensure data quality. The factors affecting the Will talk about the strategies for high quality data collection in single particle cryoEM. More specifically I will focus on two things: 1) how to prepare good EM grid, and 2) how to align the microscope to ensure data quality. The factors affecting the data quality will be discussed.