运用Seahorse XF技术致力于描绘干细胞谱系分化过程代谢路径-安捷伦Seahorse

主讲人:Dr. James Ryal墨尔本大学生理学系内容概要:One of the most important and unanswered questions in stem cell biology is how decisions regarding cell fate are regulated, specifically whether a cell undergoes self-renewal or commitment to a specific lineage. While the better part of the 20th century focused on the importance of cellular metabolism for the generation of energy, recent work has uncovered an essential role for metabolism in the generation of the building blocks (nucleotides, phospholipids, and amino acids) required by rapidly dividing cells. Additionally, the metabolite balance of both stem and differentiated cells has been found to directly influence the epigenome through post-translational modifications of histones, DNA and transcription factors. With the development of the Seahorse XF Analyzers the last decade has seen an explosion of interest in the process of stem (and cancer) cell metabolic reprogramming. The overall goals of better understanding the link between metabolism and cell identity is to improve stem cell transplantation and regenerative medicine, nuclear reprogramming, transdifferentiation, and stable ex vivo expansion of stem cells. In this webinar we will discuss: Why metabolism is important – think beyond cellular energetics. How metabolism changes in different stem cell populations (eSCs, iPSCs and adult SCs). How modulation of cellular metabolism can be used to drive reprogramming and/or differentiation.

1041 2018-08-02



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