Invited talk:Introduction of Recent SPM Hybrid Technology Development <br>特邀报告:扫描探针显微镜融合技术开发最新进展

Over the past three decades, AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) has evolved into an ideal methodology for non-destructive sample scan with longer tip life, higher accuracy, repeatability, and automation. AFM is improving steadily so that it can be widely adopted like other microscopes, such as optics and scanning electron microscopes (SEM). In addition to the recent advances in AFM technology, it further expands the AFM application area by combining with other metrological technologies such as white interferometer (WLI) and photo-induced force microscopy (PiFM). By utilizing the vibration-isolated platform and the low noise z scanner of AFM, the performance of WLI has been greatly improved achieving unprecedented high z resolution. The Photo-induced Force Microscopy (PiFM) is also integrated into 300mm AFM stage. PiFM can obtain chemical-specific nano-scale images and IR spectra by illuminating IR beam on the sample point of interest. I will also introduce preliminary data of various optical hybrid results.

320 2021-01-06



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