
The placenta becomes one of the most diversified organs during placental mammal radiation. The main in vitro model for studying mouse trophoblast development is the 2D differentiation model of trophoblast stem cells, which is highly skewed to certain lineages and thus hampers systematic screens. Here, we established culture conditions for the establishment, maintenance, and differentiation of murine trophoblast organoids. Murine trophoblast organoids under the maintenance condition contain stem cell-like populations, whereas differentiated organoids possess various trophoblasts resembling placental ones in vivo. Ablation of Nubpl or Gcm1 in trophoblast organoids recapitulated their deficiency phenotypes in vivo, suggesting that those organoids are valid in vitro models for trophoblast development. Importantly, we performed an efficient CRISPR-Cas9 screening in mouse trophoblast organoids using a focused sgRNA (single guide RNA) library targeting G protein-coupled receptors. Together, our results establish an organoid model to investigate mouse trophoblast development and a practicable approach to performing forward screening in trophoblast lineages.

21 2024-06-21



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