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仪器信息网力得温控器专题为您提供2024年最新力得温控器价格报价、厂家品牌的相关信息, 包括力得温控器参数、型号等,不管是国产,还是进口品牌的力得温控器您都可以在这里找到。 除此之外,仪器信息网还免费为您整合力得温控器相关的耗材配件、试剂标物,还有力得温控器相关的最新资讯、资料,以及力得温控器相关的解决方案。


  • TEC温控器:如何用PID控制器实现半导体制冷片的超高精度温度控制
  • Vescent SLICE-QTC温控器在大型热负载的具体应用
    SLICE-QTC温度控制器是Vescent Photonics研发的新品,在锥形放大器、二极管控温、TEC或加热薄膜亚mK级别控温等领域有着广泛的应用。它拥有四个独立的PID伺服回路滤波通道,可以同时控制多达四个热负载,在长时间内始终保持着亚mK级别的高稳定性。每个通道提供20W的功率(总共最多分配40W)。本文以客户实际使用SLICE-QTC单通道基于加热薄膜稳定大型热负载为例,展示它伺服回路的能力。
  • Instec 将显微镜改造成温控显微探针台的解决方案
    本方案能让平常只能在常温下观察样品和实验的显微镜,增加样品温控和探针台的功能。这样有几个好处: 【一】成本低。在显微镜上多加个温控探针台/探针冷热台就想当一个探针显微镜,而且还是能进行样品温控的; 【二】技权威。Instec温控探针台/探针冷热台能测pA皮安级微弱电流。而且控温好,能满足探针测试的温控范围,稳定性不差于0.05℃。腔室可以气密,还能从外部移动样品。这是出自美国名校科罗拉多大学的Instec其30年经验历史保证;
  • 恒温油浴在电缆设备温控系统中的应用
  • Instec 为探针台增加样品温控功能的解决方案
    本方案能让平常只能在常温下进行样品电测试的探针台,增加样品温控的功能。这样有几个好处: 【一】成本低。在探针台上多加个高低温晶圆夹盘/温控晶圆卡盘就能做温控条件下样品探针测试,相当于一个温控探针台; 【二】技术权威。Instec冷热台控温好,-190℃~600℃上下通吃,稳定性不差于0.05℃,台面温度低梯度,表面粗糙度低。台面能接地能电悬空,设备还能通3轴接口。这是出自美国名校科罗拉多大学的Instec其30年经验历史保证;
  • Instec通过显微镜冷热台与温控相机联动提高实验效率的解决方案
    本方案能让平常只能在常温下观察样品和实验的显微镜,增加样品温控的功能。这样有几个好处: 【一】成本低。在显微镜上多加个冷热台就能做显微镜样品温控实验,相当于一个温控显微镜; 【二】技术权威。Instec冷热台控温好,-190℃~1500℃上下通吃,稳定性不差于0.05℃。而且功能多,能气密腔能真空腔,能移动样品还能通电。这是出自美国名校科罗拉多大学的Instec其30年经验历史保证; 【三】实验效率高。和Instec的显微镜相机一起用的话能让温控和影像记录联动,拍出来的照片上本身就有温度信息。大大缩短了实验后数据处理的耗时。 并且,Instec本来就生产液晶研究仪器,液晶相关设备功能强大,而且和温控设备都能有很好的搭配设计。
  • Instec显微镜等光学仪器使用冷热台进行样品温控实验解决方案
    本方案能让平常只能在常温下观察样品和实验的显微镜,增加样品温控的功能。这样有几个好处: 【一】成本低。在显微镜上多加个冷热台就能做显微镜样品温控实验,相当于一个温控显微镜; 【二】技术权威。Instec冷热台控温好,-190℃~1500℃上下通吃,稳定性不差于0.05℃。而且功能多,能气密腔能真空腔,能移动样品还能通电。这是出自美国名校科罗拉多大学的Instec其30年经验历史保证; 【三】实验效率高。通用冷热台独特的侧边送样装填设计,能为研究者节省实验步骤。提高实验效率。 并且,Instec本来就生产液晶研究仪器,液晶相关设备功能强大,而且和温控设备都能有很好的搭配设计。
  • 使用Aggregates Sizer(带温控功能)进行蛋白质稳定性的加速试验
    在本次分析中,我们使用生物药品聚合体分析系统AggregatesSizer TC(带温控功能)(以下简称为Aggregates SizerTC)附带的3种材质的搅拌盘(PEEK、不锈钢、玻璃),在一定温度下一边施加物理性压力一边监控聚合体生成量,以进行蛋白质稳定性的加速试验。由此可知,不同材质对聚合体产生的不同影响以及评价稳定性时温控的重要性。本文将进行详细说明。
  • 油浴恒温锅在电缆温控系统中的应用
  • XH-2008D 智能温控低温超声波催化合成/萃取仪相关应用研究论文
  • 使用红外热像仪进行气温控制天花板检测
  • 使用配备氧气进样和温控雾化室的 Agilent 5100 ICP-OES 对汽油进行多元素测定
    汽油中的痕量金属是环境污染物的一个主要来源。不仅如此,这些痕量金属还会对汽车发动机的性能带来负面影响。比如硅 (Si) 污染就是一个很棘手的问题,因为硅沉积会损坏催化转换器和氧气传感器等部件,从而导致昂贵的维修费用。 ICP-OES 因其卓越的可靠性、稳定性和灵敏度,常用于石油产品中的痕量元素测定。要成功完成分析,必须把样品特性充分考虑进去,如汽油的高挥发性。向等离子体中连续注入汽油样品会影响信号稳定性,导致矩管处积碳而使等离子体熄灭。在本研究中,使用 Agilent 5100 同步垂直双向观测 (SVDV) ICP-OES 分析汽油中包括硅 (Si) 在内的 21 种元素。通过向辅助氩气流加入氧气来减少矩管处的积碳、维持等离子体的稳定性以及减少有机溶剂的碳排放。将程序化温控雾化室的温度设置为 -10 ° C,以减少等离子体上的蒸汽载入量,从而确保等离子体更高的稳定性。
  • 激光雷达中FabrY-Perot标准具的精密TEC温控解决方案
  • 专为彩涂及制罐行业设计-欧申纳斯涂料温控系统 ---上海昊扩科技发展有限公司全国总代理
    国内一套拥有的涂料温控系统,适用于彩涂和制罐行业: 通过控制热水的温度对涂料进行换热,温控精度高达±1度,同时配有制冷功能,能够确保一年四季涂料温度的稳定控制。 应用于彩涂及制罐行业,可以:1.稳定产品质量,减少色差,膜厚不符等缺陷;2.降低稀释剂消耗,正常情况下可降低30%以上。在彩涂生产线有广泛应用。
  • Micro GC Fusion上采用温控在气体快速分析上的优越性
    Micro GC 采用多 GC 模件平行分析样品的方法提供对气体混合物的快速分析. 常规的 Micro GCs 运行在等温条件下, 用于分析固定气体和轻的碳氢化物已足够快.Micro GC Fusion, 新一代的 Micro GC, 能等温运行和温控运行.
  • JULABO ACE 夹套玻璃反应器的温控选型
  • 使用TEC半导体制冷器实现各种精度和功率的可编程温度控制解决方案
  • 使用配备氧气进样和温控雾化室的 Agilent 5100 ICP-OES 对汽油进行Cd元素测定
    Trace metals in gasoline are a major source of environmental pollution. They can also adversely affect the performance of automotive engines. Silicon (Si) contamination can be especially problematic as deposits damage components such as catalytic convertors and oxygen sensors leading to costly repairs. ICP-OES is often used for the determination of trace elements in petroleum products due to its reliability, robustness and sensitivity. A successful analysis needs to take account of sample characteristics, such as the high volatility of gasoline. Continuous loading of the plasma with gasoline can affect the stability of the signal and lead to carbon build up on the torch that may cause the plasma to extinguish. 2 In this study, the Agilent 5100 Synchronous Vertical Dual View (SVDV) ICP-OES was used for the analysis of 21 elements in gasoline, including Si. Oxygen was added to the auxiliary argon gas flow to reduce carbon build up on the torch, maintain a stable plasma and reduce carbon emission from the organic solvent. A programmable temperature spray chamber, set to -10 °C, was used to reduce vapor loading on the plasma, ensuring a more stable plasma.
  • 使用配备氧气进样和温控雾化室的 Agilent 5100 ICP-OES 对汽油进行Fe元素测定
    Trace metals in gasoline are a major source of environmental pollution. They can also adversely affect the performance of automotive engines. Silicon (Si) contamination can be especially problematic as deposits damage components such as catalytic convertors and oxygen sensors leading to costly repairs. ICP-OES is often used for the determination of trace elements in petroleum products due to its reliability, robustness and sensitivity. A successful analysis needs to take account of sample characteristics, such as the high volatility of gasoline. Continuous loading of the plasma with gasoline can affect the stability of the signal and lead to carbon build up on the torch that may cause the plasma to extinguish. 2 In this study, the Agilent 5100 Synchronous Vertical Dual View (SVDV) ICP-OES was used for the analysis of 21 elements in gasoline, including Si. Oxygen was added to the auxiliary argon gas flow to reduce carbon build up on the torch, maintain a stable plasma and reduce carbon emission from the organic solvent. A programmable temperature spray chamber, set to -10 °C, was used to reduce vapor loading on the plasma, ensuring a more stable plasma.
  • 使用配备氧气进样和温控雾化室的 Agilent 5100 ICP-OES 对汽油进行Cr元素测定
    Trace metals in gasoline are a major source of environmental pollution. They can also adversely affect the performance of automotive engines. Silicon (Si) contamination can be especially problematic as deposits damage components such as catalytic convertors and oxygen sensors leading to costly repairs. ICP-OES is often used for the determination of trace elements in petroleum products due to its reliability, robustness and sensitivity. A successful analysis needs to take account of sample characteristics, such as the high volatility of gasoline. Continuous loading of the plasma with gasoline can affect the stability of the signal and lead to carbon build up on the torch that may cause the plasma to extinguish. 2 In this study, the Agilent 5100 Synchronous Vertical Dual View (SVDV) ICP-OES was used for the analysis of 21 elements in gasoline, including Si. Oxygen was added to the auxiliary argon gas flow to reduce carbon build up on the torch, maintain a stable plasma and reduce carbon emission from the organic solvent. A programmable temperature spray chamber, set to -10 °C, was used to reduce vapor loading on the plasma, ensuring a more stable plasma.
  • 使用配备氧气进样和温控雾化室的 Agilent 5100 ICP-OES 对汽油进行Ba等多元素测定
    Trace metals in gasoline are a major source of environmental pollution. They can also adversely affect the performance of automotive engines. Silicon (Si) contamination can be especially problematic as deposits damage components such as catalytic convertors and oxygen sensors leading to costly repairs. ICP-OES is often used for the determination of trace elements in petroleum products due to its reliability, robustness and sensitivity. A successful analysis needs to take account of sample characteristics, such as the high volatility of gasoline. Continuous loading of the plasma with gasoline can affect the stability of the signal and lead to carbon build up on the torch that may cause the plasma to extinguish. 2 In this study, the Agilent 5100 Synchronous Vertical Dual View (SVDV) ICP-OES was used for the analysis of 21 elements in gasoline, including Si. Oxygen was added to the auxiliary argon gas flow to reduce carbon build up on the torch, maintain a stable plasma and reduce carbon emission from the organic solvent. A programmable temperature spray chamber, set to -10 °C, was used to reduce vapor loading on the plasma, ensuring a more stable plasma.
  • 使用配备氧气进样和温控雾化室的 Agilent 5100 ICP-OES 对汽油进行B等多元素测定
    Trace metals in gasoline are a major source of environmental pollution. They can also adversely affect the performance of automotive engines. Silicon (Si) contamination can be especially problematic as deposits damage components such as catalytic convertors and oxygen sensors leading to costly repairs. ICP-OES is often used for the determination of trace elements in petroleum products due to its reliability, robustness and sensitivity. A successful analysis needs to take account of sample characteristics, such as the high volatility of gasoline. Continuous loading of the plasma with gasoline can affect the stability of the signal and lead to carbon build up on the torch that may cause the plasma to extinguish. 2 In this study, the Agilent 5100 Synchronous Vertical Dual View (SVDV) ICP-OES was used for the analysis of 21 elements in gasoline, including Si. Oxygen was added to the auxiliary argon gas flow to reduce carbon build up on the torch, maintain a stable plasma and reduce carbon emission from the organic solvent. A programmable temperature spray chamber, set to -10 °C, was used to reduce vapor loading on the plasma, ensuring a more stable plasma.
  • 使用配备氧气进样和温控雾化室的 Agilent 5100 ICP-OES 对汽油进行Al等多元素测定
    Trace metals in gasoline are a major source of environmental pollution. They can also adversely affect the performance of automotive engines. Silicon (Si) contamination can be especially problematic as deposits damage components such as catalytic convertors and oxygen sensors leading to costly repairs. ICP-OES is often used for the determination of trace elements in petroleum products due to its reliability, robustness and sensitivity. A successful analysis needs to take account of sample characteristics, such as the high volatility of gasoline. Continuous loading of the plasma with gasoline can affect the stability of the signal and lead to carbon build up on the torch that may cause the plasma to extinguish. 2 In this study, the Agilent 5100 Synchronous Vertical Dual View (SVDV) ICP-OES was used for the analysis of 21 elements in gasoline, including Si. Oxygen was added to the auxiliary argon gas flow to reduce carbon build up on the torch, maintain a stable plasma and reduce carbon emission from the organic solvent. A programmable temperature spray chamber, set to -10 °C, was used to reduce vapor loading on the plasma, ensuring a more stable plasma.
  • 使用配备氧气进样和温控雾化室的 Agilent 5100 ICP-OES 对汽油进行Ag等多元素测定
    Trace metals in gasoline are a major source of environmental pollution. They can also adversely affect the performance of automotive engines. Silicon (Si) contamination can be especially problematic as deposits damage components such as catalytic convertors and oxygen sensors leading to costly repairs. ICP-OES is often used for the determination of trace elements in petroleum products due to its reliability, robustness and sensitivity. A successful analysis needs to take account of sample characteristics, such as the high volatility of gasoline. Continuous loading of the plasma with gasoline can affect the stability of the signal and lead to carbon build up on the torch that may cause the plasma to extinguish. 2 In this study, the Agilent 5100 Synchronous Vertical Dual View (SVDV) ICP-OES was used for the analysis of 21 elements in gasoline, including Si. Oxygen was added to the auxiliary argon gas flow to reduce carbon build up on the torch, maintain a stable plasma and reduce carbon emission from the organic solvent. A programmable temperature spray chamber, set to -10 °C, was used to reduce vapor loading on the plasma, ensuring a more stable plasma.
  • 使用配备氧气进样和温控雾化室的 Agilent 5100 ICP-OES 对汽油进行Ca等多元素测定
    Trace metals in gasoline are a major source of environmental pollution. They can also adversely affect the performance of automotive engines. Silicon (Si) contamination can be especially problematic as deposits damage components such as catalytic convertors and oxygen sensors leading to costly repairs. ICP-OES is often used for the determination of trace elements in petroleum products due to its reliability, robustness and sensitivity. A successful analysis needs to take account of sample characteristics, such as the high volatility of gasoline. Continuous loading of the plasma with gasoline can affect the stability of the signal and lead to carbon build up on the torch that may cause the plasma to extinguish. 2 In this study, the Agilent 5100 Synchronous Vertical Dual View (SVDV) ICP-OES was used for the analysis of 21 elements in gasoline, including Si. Oxygen was added to the auxiliary argon gas flow to reduce carbon build up on the torch, maintain a stable plasma and reduce carbon emission from the organic solvent. A programmable temperature spray chamber, set to -10 °C, was used to reduce vapor loading on the plasma, ensuring a more stable plasma.
  • 使用配备氧气进样和温控雾化室的 Agilent 5100 ICP-OES 对汽油进行Mg元素测定
    Trace metals in gasoline are a major source of environmental pollution. They can also adversely affect the performance of automotive engines. Silicon (Si) contamination can be especially problematic as deposits damage components such as catalytic convertors and oxygen sensors leading to costly repairs. ICP-OES is often used for the determination of trace elements in petroleum products due to its reliability, robustness and sensitivity. A successful analysis needs to take account of sample characteristics, such as the high volatility of gasoline. Continuous loading of the plasma with gasoline can affect the stability of the signal and lead to carbon build up on the torch that may cause the plasma to extinguish. 2 In this study, the Agilent 5100 Synchronous Vertical Dual View (SVDV) ICP-OES was used for the analysis of 21 elements in gasoline, including Si. Oxygen was added to the auxiliary argon gas flow to reduce carbon build up on the torch, maintain a stable plasma and reduce carbon emission from the organic solvent. A programmable temperature spray chamber, set to -10 °C, was used to reduce vapor loading on the plasma, ensuring a more stable plasma.
  • 使用配备氧气进样和温控雾化室的 Agilent 5100 ICP-OES 对汽油进行Cu元素测定
    Trace metals in gasoline are a major source of environmental pollution. They can also adversely affect the performance of automotive engines. Silicon (Si) contamination can be especially problematic as deposits damage components such as catalytic convertors and oxygen sensors leading to costly repairs. ICP-OES is often used for the determination of trace elements in petroleum products due to its reliability, robustness and sensitivity. A successful analysis needs to take account of sample characteristics, such as the high volatility of gasoline. Continuous loading of the plasma with gasoline can affect the stability of the signal and lead to carbon build up on the torch that may cause the plasma to extinguish. 2 In this study, the Agilent 5100 Synchronous Vertical Dual View (SVDV) ICP-OES was used for the analysis of 21 elements in gasoline, including Si. Oxygen was added to the auxiliary argon gas flow to reduce carbon build up on the torch, maintain a stable plasma and reduce carbon emission from the organic solvent. A programmable temperature spray chamber, set to -10 °C, was used to reduce vapor loading on the plasma, ensuring a more stable plasma.
  • 使用配备氧气进样和温控雾化室的 Agilent 5100 ICP-OES 对汽油进行多元素测定
    Trace metals in gasoline are a major source of environmental pollution. They can also adversely affect the performance of automotive engines. Silicon (Si) contamination can be especially problematic as deposits damage components such as catalytic convertors and oxygen sensors leading to costly repairs. ICP-OES is often used for the determination of trace elements in petroleum products due to its reliability, robustness and sensitivity. A successful analysis needs to take account of sample characteristics, such as the high volatility of gasoline. Continuous loading of the plasma with gasoline can affect the stability of the signal and lead to carbon build up on the torch that may cause the plasma to extinguish. 2 In this study, the Agilent 5100 Synchronous Vertical Dual View (SVDV) ICP-OES was used for the analysis of 21 elements in gasoline, including Si. Oxygen was added to the auxiliary argon gas flow to reduce carbon build up on the torch, maintain a stable plasma and reduce carbon emission from the organic solvent. A programmable temperature spray chamber, set to -10 °C, was used to reduce vapor loading on the plasma, ensuring a more stable plasma.
  • 使用Mini-PEM和ZEM-3评价热电材料的性能
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