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仪器信息网梯度系统专题为您提供2024年最新梯度系统价格报价、厂家品牌的相关信息, 包括梯度系统参数、型号等,不管是国产,还是进口品牌的梯度系统您都可以在这里找到。 除此之外,仪器信息网还免费为您整合梯度系统相关的耗材配件、试剂标物,还有梯度系统相关的最新资讯、资料,以及梯度系统相关的解决方案。


  • 一体化二元高压梯度输液系统
  • 梯度PCR热循环仪配件
    梯度PCR热循环仪配件是真正意义上的梯度PCR仪,适合聚合酶链式反应为特征的、以检测DNA/RNA为目的的各种病原体检测及基因分析。梯度PCR热循环仪配件特点方便而灵活的模块更换设计密封样品设计,用于低温保存,清洁和干燥双阶热盖压力调节器,确保完美密封镀金或镀银模块,增加热传导效率,实验更为有效超大尺寸高对比度LCD显示屏具有指导性的界面方便用户使用操作可调旋钮配置,适合各种试管断电内存保存功能超低噪音,节能,寿命长热盖可在任何角度停止金属材料盖子,更加安全可靠可以连接硬盘和鼠标可与计算机连接进行多功能控制Windows系统方便免费程序升级梯度PCR热循环仪配件参数容积:96x0.2mL, 54x0.5mL,96x0.2ml,77x0.5ml,384well温度范围:0-99℃最大加热速率:=4.5℃/s均匀性:=10.2℃(10秒后)最大制冷速率:=4℃/s温度精度:=+/-0.2℃温度梯度范围:30-99℃梯度扩散:1-30℃梯度均匀性:=0.2℃加热盖温度:20-110℃可存储命令数:1000最大循环数:999显示:5.7' ' LCD尺寸:380x270x250mm重量:7.8kg孚光精仪是全球领先的进口精密科学仪器领导品牌服务商,拥有包括[PCR仪在内的齐全精密科学仪器品类,具有全球领先的制造工艺和质量控制体系。我们国外工厂拥有超过3000种仪器的大型现代化仓库,可在下单后12小时内从国外直接空运发货,我们位于天津保税区的进口公司众邦企业(天津)国际贸易公司为客户提供全球零延误的进口通关服务。更多关于梯度PCR热循环仪价格等诸多信息,孚光精仪会在第一时间更新并呈现出来,想了解更多内容,请关注孚光精仪官方网站哦!
  • 液相色谱四元梯度比例阀
    液相色谱四元梯度比例阀 液相色谱四元梯度比例阀 生产商: 美国Parker系列18型液相色谱四元梯度比例阀( 4阀组件,已经3阀或2阀组件),为紧凑型安装, 应用于多种液体或气体的混合气路控制系统。它的所有与介质接触的部分都是Teflon(特氟龙)材质,可以直接连接Teflon接头和管线,减少了死体积。开闭的高速和高重复性使其理想的应用于小比例和低流量的液体和气体。 特点: -低功耗 -低死体积 -高循环寿命 -高速 -无需压力即可操作 规格参数 -供电电压:9VDC- 阀体:特氟龙阀 -介质兼容性:腐蚀性液体和气体 -操作温度:4~66度 -接口:1/4-28螺纹 -推荐过滤:10微米 -操作压力:真空~20PSIG -通径:0.062"(1.6mm) -响应时间:小于12ms -泄露速率:气泡检测 -电压:12VDC 或24VDC
  • pH 梯度缓冲液订货信息
    产品信息:Thermo Scientific pH 梯度缓冲液简单开发电荷异构体表征方法Thermo Scientific pH 梯度缓冲液可以加快 QA/QC 的方法开发和方法转移。可使用传统的 LC 方法对多种蛋白和 MAb 的变异体进行电荷异构体的表征。*专利的缓冲液,使用于可以使用快速、可靠和重现性好的 pH 梯度方法进行分析,方法优化简单,易于自动化*即拆即用的 LC 色谱柱和系统,不需要进行繁琐的流动相的调整*适用于大多数 MAbs 订货信息:pH 梯度缓冲液订货信息描述部件号CX-1 pH 梯度缓冲液 A (pH 5.6), 125mL083273CX-1 pH 梯度缓冲液 B (pH 10.2), 125mL083275CX-1 pH 梯度缓冲液工具包 (pH 5.6 至 10.2), 125mL083274CX-1 pH 梯度缓冲液 A (pH 5.6), 250mL085346CX-1 pH 梯度缓冲液 B (pH 10.2), 250mL085348CX-1 pH 梯度缓冲液工具包 (pH 5.6 至 10.2), 250mL085349CX-1 pH 基本梯度工具包 (pH 5.6 至 10.2), 125mL083381CX-1 pH 快速梯度工具包 (pH 5.6 至 10.2), 125mL083378CX-1 pH 高分离度工具包 (pH 5.6 至 10.2), 125mL083272CX-1 pH 基本梯度平台 (pH 5.6 至 10.2), 125mL083380CX-1 pH 快速梯度 平台 (pH 5.6 至 10.2), 125mL083376CX-1 pH 高分离度平台 (pH 5.6 至 10.2), 125mL083270pH 设计软件085022
  • 梯度PCR仪配件
    梯度PCR仪配件是真正意义上的梯度PCR热循环仪,适合聚合酶链式反应为特征的、以检测DNA/RNA为目的的各种病原体检测及基因分析。 梯度PCR仪配件特点 方便而灵活的模块更换设计 超大尺寸LCD显示屏 具有指导性的界面方便用户使用操作 超低噪音,节能,寿命长 外观漂亮大方 独特的旋转失速热调节功能 热盖可在任何角度停止 梯度PCR仪配件参数 容积:96x0.2mL, 54x0.5mL 温度范围:0-99℃ 最大加热速率:=4℃/s 均匀性:=0.3℃(95℃),=0.2℃(20-75℃) 最大制冷速率:=3.5℃/s 温度精度:=+/-0.2℃ 温度梯度范围:30-99℃ 梯度扩散:2-30℃ 梯度均匀性:=0.2℃ 加热盖温度:30-115℃ 可存储命令数:200 最大循环数:99 显示:5.7' ' LCD 尺寸:380x270x250 重量:7.2kg 孚光精仪是全球领先的进口精密科学仪器领导品牌服务商,拥有包括[PCR仪在内的齐全精密科学仪器品类,具有全球领先的制造工艺和质量控制体系。 我们国外工厂拥有超过3000种仪器的大型现代化仓库,可在下单后12小时内从国外直接空运发货,我们位于天津保税区的进口公司众邦企业(天津)国际贸易公司为客户提供全球零延误的进口通关服务。 更多关于梯度PCR仪价格等诸多信息,孚光精仪会在第一时间更新并呈现出来,了解更多内容请关注孚光精仪官方网站方便获取!
  • 梯度混合螺圈 6.2758.000
    梯度混合螺圈订货号: 6.2758.000用于梯度混合材料:PEEK
  • 梯度PCR
    PCR基因扩增仪产品特点01-7003梯度PCR扩增仪具有升降温快速,控温精准度高,彩色触屏控制等特点,广泛应用于分子生物学,临床诊断,刑事侦查,疾病研究等。其梯度模块,拥有42℃的最宽梯度功能,可实现不同退火温度的精确控制,仅一次实验就能确定特定体系相应的最优退火温度。从而可在短时间内对PCR实验进行优化,提高PCR科研效率。● 高精度温度控制,整个体系温度均一性好● 快速的升降温速度,最大程度降低PCR的非特异性扩增的发生率● 彩色触屏,参数设定灵活,完美用户体验● 超宽42℃的梯度模块可设定不同的退火温度,一次实验即可优化PCR实验,提高科研效率● 可调热盖高度,模块兼容性强,适合多种PCR反应管● 超静音体系,外形小巧,性价比高订购信息产品型号样品数温度范围热盖温度显示精度最大变温速率断电保护01-70030.2mL PCR×96,8 联管×12 或96 孔PCR 板4-99℃50-110℃0.1℃ 3℃/s是更多产品信息,敬请关注上海希言科学仪器有限公司。
  • 梯度降温盒
    梯度降温盒 查看产品 Nalgene Mr. Frosty 冷冻容器 Thermo Scientific Nalgene Mr. Frosty 冷冻容器提供可重复的 -1℃/分钟的冷却速率,能够成功进行低温冻存和恢复。适用于多种低温管和样品瓶,可提供低成本的细胞低温冻存和恢复。System 100TM冻存管可保存大量样本。拥有最高级别的无菌认证(SAL 10-6)。适用于从普通冷藏温度(﹢4℃)到液氮气相的保存。CE认证,可存放医疗诊断样本。 冻存 1℃ 冷冻容器,&ldquo 梯度降温冻存盒&rdquo ,聚碳酸酯;蓝色高密度聚乙烯盖;白色高密度聚乙烯管槽;泡沫衬垫为成功冷冻保存细胞提供精确和良好重复性的冷却率:-1℃/分钟。仅需要100%的异丙醇和机械冷冻装置。标签上带有图示步骤说明。最多可容纳18个管瓶。支架可防止管瓶与醇接触-以防由于芯吸作用而造成污染、弄掉表情或在管槽上留下痕迹。装有醇的容器可在室温下存储,从而节约了冷冻空间。 目录编号 5100 -0001 盖尺寸 mm 120 高度× 直径 mm 86× 117 高度× 直径 in 3-7/16× 4-5/8 适用 NALGENE 冻存器具 1.0、1.2、1.5 和 2.0 ml 管瓶 每箱数量 1
  • 梯度型多孔不锈钢
    产品描述:  特点:与传统多孔不锈钢滤材相比,梯度孔径(非对称)型多孔不锈钢过滤通量大,压降小,反冲洗周期长,且反冲洗效果更好多孔不锈钢主要应用于石油化工、冶金、航空航天、生物制药、气流分布、能源、食品、环保、稳流等行业,如催化剂过梯度型滤、药液提纯、气体除尘、牛奶果汁净化浓缩等。此外,多孔不锈钢还常被用作陶瓷、分子筛、高分子等功能材料的载体。梯度型多孔不锈钢主要应用于石油化工、冶金、航空航天、生物制药、气流分布、能源、食品、环保、稳流等行业,如催化剂过滤、药液提纯、气体除尘、牛奶果汁净化浓缩等。此外,多孔不锈钢还常被用作陶瓷、分子筛、高分子等功能材料的载体。梯度多孔不锈钢主要应用于石油化工、冶金、航空航天、生物制药、气流分布、能源、食品、环保、稳流等行业,如催化剂过滤、药液提纯、气体除尘、牛奶果汁净化浓缩等。此外,多孔不锈钢还常被用作陶瓷、分子筛、高分子等功能材料的载体。我公司可按客户要求定制、研发各种多孔金属材料、器件与设备。特点:1、机械强度高、韧性好2、耐压性高,易于连接和密封3、稳定性好,抗热震性强4、孔径可控5、使用寿命长,经济效益高梯度型多孔不锈钢 由大孔支撑体和微孔膜层(厚50-500μm、孔径0.1-5μm)构成,解决了过滤精度和过滤阻力的矛盾多孔不锈钢主要应用于石油化工、冶金、航空航天、生物制药、气流分布、能源、食品、环保、稳流等行业,如催化剂过梯度型滤、药液提纯、气体除尘、牛奶果汁净化浓缩等。此外,多孔不锈钢还常被用作陶瓷、分子筛、高分子等功能材料的载体。 产品优势1、膜面光洁2、抗污染3、错流效果好4、易反洗5、还可用作载体材料多孔不锈钢主要应用于石油化工、冶金、航空航天、生物制药、气流分布、能源、食品、环保、稳流等行业,如催化剂过梯度型滤、药液提纯、气体除尘、牛奶果汁净化浓缩等。此外,多孔不锈钢还常被用作陶瓷、分子筛、高分子等功能材料的载体。
  • 低压梯度混合器 6.2758.020
    低压梯度混合器订货号: 6.2758.020
  • 珂睿 四元梯度比例阀 HPLC阀
    四元梯度比例阀用途介绍:用于替换六通比例阀性能特点:性能完全满足安捷伦1100,1200,1260和1290四元泵出厂标准梯度精度,优于0.5%;通过制药业的IQ,PQ和OQ测试寿命长,提供18个月质保;测试数据:图为珂睿比例阀用于安捷伦1100液相图为珂睿GPV在安捷伦1100液相上的梯度比例曲线图,梯度比例准确度为±0.5%此图为珂睿GPV在安捷伦1100液相上,以10%为梯度比例,GPV 3组通道的混合准确度实际值,均<±0.5%由以上图和数据可以得出以下结论:珂睿GPV梯度比例准确,性能稳定可靠。比例阀细节图:
  • SHP-16二元高压梯度泵
  • SHP-18四元低压梯度泵
  • 瑞士万通 梯度混合螺圈 | 6.2758.000
    梯度混合螺圈Mixing coil for high pressure gradients订货号: 6.2758.000用于梯度混合技术参数材料PEEK
  • 瑞士万通 低压梯度混合器 | 6.2758.020
    低压梯度混合器Mixing coil for low pressure gradients订货号: 6.2758.020
  • Nalgene 5100 冻存1℃冷冻容器,“梯度降温冻存盒”,聚碳酸酯
    Nalgene 5100 冻存1℃冷冻容器,“梯度降温冻存盒”,聚碳酸酯冻存1℃冷冻容器,“梯度降温冻存盒”,聚碳酸酯;蓝色高密度聚乙烯盖;白色高密度聚乙烯管槽;泡沫衬垫为成功冷冻保存细胞提供精确和良好重复性的冷却率:-1℃ / 分钟。仅需要100% 的异丙醇和机械冷冻装置。标签上带有图示步骤说明。最多可容纳18 个管瓶。支架可防止管瓶与醇接触,以防由于芯吸作用而造成污染、弄掉标签或在管瓶上留下痕迹。装有醇的容器可在室温下存储,从而节约了冷冻空间。订货信息:Nalgene 5100 冻存1℃冷冻容器,“梯度降温冻存盒”,聚碳酸酯目录编号 5100-0001盖尺寸,mm120高度 × 直径,mm86×117高度 × 直径,in.3-7/16×4-5/8适用 Nalgene 冻存器具1.0. 1.2. 1.5 和 2.0 ml管瓶每箱数量1
  • Nalgene Mr.Frosty梯度降温冻存盒
    梯度降温冻存盒把细胞放到程序降温盒内,把程序降温盒放到-80度的冰箱里,盒内温度就会成线性下降。保护细胞不被损伤。NALGENE 程序降温盒 或称 细胞冻存盒的材质MaterialsPolycarbonate 聚碳酸酯 blue high-density polyethylene closure 蓝色高密度聚乙烯盖 white high-density polyethylene vial holder 白色高密度聚乙烯管槽 foam insert 泡沫衬垫NALGENE 程序降温盒 或称 细胞冻存盒的参数盖子的直径: 120mm 高度X直径: 86X117mm 适用Nalgene冻存器具: 1mL/1.2mL/1.5mL/2mL管瓶聚碳酸酯;蓝色高密度聚乙烯盖;白色高密度聚乙烯管槽;泡沫衬垫为成功冷冻保存细胞提供精确和良好重复性的冷却率:-1℃/分钟。仅需要100%的异丙醇和机械冷冻装置。标签上带有图示步骤水明。最多可容纳18个管瓶。支架可防止管瓶与醇接触-以防由于芯吸作用而造成污染、弄掉标签或在管瓶上留下痕迹。装有醇的容器可在室温下存储,从而节约了冷冻空间。简单的装置可实现每分钟1℃的降温,可大大的提高细胞的存活率。用之前在盒夹层内装入100%异丙醇。可装18个冻存管。
  • AccQ-Tag洗脱液B (配用高压梯度泵)
    氨基酸分析 (AccQ-Tag HPLC柱及消耗品)§ AccQ-Tag化学品套装所含产品能够满足您250次以上蛋白和肽水解物氨基酸分析所需产品描述规格/包装货号价格AccQ-Tag化学品包 (包括试剂包, 色谱柱, 洗脱液A×2, 样品衍生管×4, 氨基酸标准品, 用户指南)WAT05287525915AccQ-Fluor试剂包, 包括:AccQ-Fluor试剂1 AccQ-Fluor试剂2A AccQ-Fluor试剂2B5×6mL vials5×3mL vials5×4mL vialsWAT0528805826AccQ-Tag色谱柱3.9×150 mmWAT0528858533AccQ-Tag洗脱液A, 浓缩液1 literWAT0528902790AccQ-Tag洗脱液B (配用高压梯度泵)1 literWAT0528951103样品衍生管72 /pkWAT007571743氨基酸标准品, 水解物10×1 mL ampulesWAT0881221456AccQ-Tag用户指南1/pkWAT0528741456
  • VIS/IR 掺锗熔融石英梯度折射率 镀金 多模光纤 800-1600nm
    掺锗熔融石英梯度折射率多模光纤,用于光波长850 nm和/或1300 nm的数据通信。金属化光纤配有24KT金或铝涂层。作为导电体,这些类型的涂层为用户提供了将光纤直接端接到涂层上的能力,从而支持密封组件。镀金和镀铝纤维能够承受极端温度和恶劣环境。这些光纤生产过程中使用的制造工艺导致低应力腐蚀敏感性,从而在最具挑战性的恶劣环境中使用时,为光纤提供更好的机械保护。所有金属涂层梯度折射率纤维均经过100%质量测试 工作波长800-1600nm纤芯直径62.5um通用参数特征 宽工作温度范围密封且可消毒可直接焊接真空引线和激光二极管引线抗辐射排气量低耐有机溶剂应用金属涂层梯度折射率光纤通常在极端条件下使用,例如: 高功率激光传输系统超高真空应用半导体制造辐射、腐蚀性和腐蚀性环境飞机、导弹、火箭、涡轮和喷气发动机监控材料疲劳传感应用Fiber name Wavelength纤芯直径[μm] ± 2 %包层直径[μm] ± 2 % Coating涂层直径[μm] ± 10 %GGI 50/125 IRMG 155VIS/IR 50125Gold155GGI 62.5/125 IRMG 155VIS/IR62.5125Gold155GGI 50/125 IRMA 175UV/VIS50125Alu175GGI 62.5/125 IRMA 175UV/VIS62.5125Alu175 注:GGI:锗分级指数。这些表中列出的项目是标准配置。其他配置可根据特殊要求提供。物理特性50/125/155 Gold62.5/125/155 Gold50/125/175 Alu62.5/125/175 Alu纤芯直径50 μm +/- 2 %62.5 μm +/- 2 %50 μm +/- 2 %62.5 μm +/- 2 % 核心非圆度:≤ 6 %≤ 6 %≤ 6 %≤ 6 %包层直径:125 μm +/- 2 %125 μm +/- 2 %125 μm +/- 2 %125 μm +/- 2 %包层不圆度:≤ 2 % ≤ 2 %≤ 2 %≤ 2 %涂层直径: 155 μm +/- 10 %155 μm +/- 10 %175 μm +/- 10 %175 μm +/- 10 %数值孔径:0.20 +/- 0.020.27 +/- 0.020.20 +/- 0.020.27+/- 0.02衰减 @ 850 nm:≤ 18 dB/km≤ 18 dB/km≤ 24 dB/km≤ 24 dB/km衰减 @ 1300 nm:≤ 16 dB/km≤ 16 dB/km≤ 20 dB/km ≤ 20 dB/km折射率 @ 850 nm:1.481 1.4911.4811.491折射率 @ 1300 nm:1.4761.4861.4761.486Bandwidth带宽 @ 850 nm:≥ 500 MHz.km≥ 160 MHz.km≥ 500 MHz.km≥ 160 MHz.kmMedian tensile strength:中值抗拉强度:≥ 3.3 GPa≥ 3.3 GPa≥ 5.3 GPa ≥ 5.3 GPaCorrosion parameter:腐蚀参数:≥ 50≥ 50≥ 100≥ 100Young’s modulus:杨氏模量:71.7 GPa71.7 GPa71.7 GPa71.7 GPa工作温度。范围:?269° C to 650° C?269° C to 650° C?269° C to 400° C?269° C to 400° C 短期弯曲半径:200x fiber radius200x fiber radius200x fiber radius200x fiber radius
  • pH梯度缓冲溶液 085349083381
    pH Gradient Buffer SolutionsRecombinant monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) can be highly heterogeneous due to modifications such as sialylation, deamidation and C-terminal lysine truncation. As biotherapeutic drugs are becoming more popular, chemists in biopharmaceutical laboratories are coming under increasing pressure to adopt a fast, generic, and robust approach to clone screening, method development, and subsequent method transfer to QA/QC.Traditionally cation-exchange chromatography using salt gradients has been successfully used to characterize MAb charge variants. However, additional effort is often required to tailor the salt gradient method for individual charge variants. Thermo Scientific™ pH buffer solutions and kits can be used to generate highly reproducible, linear pH gradients using cation-exchange chromatography. This generic, LC-based platform approach saves time in method development and facilitates method transfer to QA/QC for a wide range of MAb charge variants. Unlike traditional salt gradients, it is possible to predict the pI and the expected retention of the charge variants and use a narrow pH range to get a higher resolution separation. The building blocks of the pH gradient platform are two multicomponent zwitterionic buffer concentrates, prepared using a patent-pending formulation. Buffer A is titrated to pH 5.6 and Buffer B is titrated to pH 10.2. In this pH range, each buffer species is either neutral or negatively charged. Therefore, they will not be retained by the cation-exchange column stationary phase and will serve as good buffers for the mobile phase and the stationary phase. All that is required to generate a pH gradient is a 1:10 dilution of the pH buffer concentrates—then you’re ready to go! A linear pH gradient from pH 5.6 to 10.2 can simply be delivered by running a pump gradient from 100% eluent A to 100%eluent B.Thermo Scientific pH buffer concentrates used in the pH gradient platform can be purchased individually or as a pair, in quantities of 125 mL or 250 mL. For added convenience, the 125 mL buffers can also be bundled with columns in a number of specifically preconfigured kits.The CX-1 pH gradient starter kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient high throughput kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 50 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient highresolution kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.For the ultimate flexibility, the preconfigured kits are also available as platforms, including the pH Designer Software. The options are listed in the table below:pH Buffer ConcentratesCX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 125 mL083273CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 125 mL083275CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083274CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 250 mL085346CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 250 mL085348CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 250 mL085349CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125mL083381CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083378CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083272CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083380CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083376CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083270pH Designer Software085022
  • pH梯度缓冲溶液 085346
    pH Gradient Buffer SolutionsRecombinant monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) can be highly heterogeneous due to modifications such as sialylation, deamidation and C-terminal lysine truncation. As biotherapeutic drugs are becoming more popular, chemists in biopharmaceutical laboratories are coming under increasing pressure to adopt a fast, generic, and robust approach to clone screening, method development, and subsequent method transfer to QA/QC.Traditionally cation-exchange chromatography using salt gradients has been successfully used to characterize MAb charge variants. However, additional effort is often required to tailor the salt gradient method for individual charge variants. Thermo Scientific™ pH buffer solutions and kits can be used to generate highly reproducible, linear pH gradients using cation-exchange chromatography. This generic, LC-based platform approach saves time in method development and facilitates method transfer to QA/QC for a wide range of MAb charge variants. Unlike traditional salt gradients, it is possible to predict the pI and the expected retention of the charge variants and use a narrow pH range to get a higher resolution separation. The building blocks of the pH gradient platform are two multicomponent zwitterionic buffer concentrates, prepared using a patent-pending formulation. Buffer A is titrated to pH 5.6 and Buffer B is titrated to pH 10.2. In this pH range, each buffer species is either neutral or negatively charged. Therefore, they will not be retained by the cation-exchange column stationary phase and will serve as good buffers for the mobile phase and the stationary phase. All that is required to generate a pH gradient is a 1:10 dilution of the pH buffer concentrates—then you’re ready to go! A linear pH gradient from pH 5.6 to 10.2 can simply be delivered by running a pump gradient from 100% eluent A to 100%eluent B.Thermo Scientific pH buffer concentrates used in the pH gradient platform can be purchased individually or as a pair, in quantities of 125 mL or 250 mL. For added convenience, the 125 mL buffers can also be bundled with columns in a number of specifically preconfigured kits.The CX-1 pH gradient starter kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient high throughput kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 50 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient highresolution kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.For the ultimate flexibility, the preconfigured kits are also available as platforms, including the pH Designer Software. The options are listed in the table below:pH Buffer ConcentratesCX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 125 mL083273CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 125 mL083275CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083274CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 250 mL085346CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 250 mL085348CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 250 mL085349CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125mL083381CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083378CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083272CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083380CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083376CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083270pH Designer Software085022
  • pH梯度缓冲溶液 083378
    pH Gradient Buffer SolutionsRecombinant monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) can be highly heterogeneous due to modifications such as sialylation, deamidation and C-terminal lysine truncation. As biotherapeutic drugs are becoming more popular, chemists in biopharmaceutical laboratories are coming under increasing pressure to adopt a fast, generic, and robust approach to clone screening, method development, and subsequent method transfer to QA/QC.Traditionally cation-exchange chromatography using salt gradients has been successfully used to characterize MAb charge variants. However, additional effort is often required to tailor the salt gradient method for individual charge variants. Thermo Scientific™ pH buffer solutions and kits can be used to generate highly reproducible, linear pH gradients using cation-exchange chromatography. This generic, LC-based platform approach saves time in method development and facilitates method transfer to QA/QC for a wide range of MAb charge variants. Unlike traditional salt gradients, it is possible to predict the pI and the expected retention of the charge variants and use a narrow pH range to get a higher resolution separation. The building blocks of the pH gradient platform are two multicomponent zwitterionic buffer concentrates, prepared using a patent-pending formulation. Buffer A is titrated to pH 5.6 and Buffer B is titrated to pH 10.2. In this pH range, each buffer species is either neutral or negatively charged. Therefore, they will not be retained by the cation-exchange column stationary phase and will serve as good buffers for the mobile phase and the stationary phase. All that is required to generate a pH gradient is a 1:10 dilution of the pH buffer concentrates—then you’re ready to go! A linear pH gradient from pH 5.6 to 10.2 can simply be delivered by running a pump gradient from 100% eluent A to 100%eluent B.Thermo Scientific pH buffer concentrates used in the pH gradient platform can be purchased individually or as a pair, in quantities of 125 mL or 250 mL. For added convenience, the 125 mL buffers can also be bundled with columns in a number of specifically preconfigured kits.The CX-1 pH gradient starter kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient high throughput kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 50 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient highresolution kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.For the ultimate flexibility, the preconfigured kits are also available as platforms, including the pH Designer Software. The options are listed in the table below:pH Buffer ConcentratesCX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 125 mL083273CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 125 mL083275CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083274CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 250 mL085346CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 250 mL085348CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 250 mL085349CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125mL083381CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083378CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083272CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083380CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083376CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083270pH Designer Software085022
  • pH梯度缓冲溶液 085348
    pH Gradient Buffer SolutionsRecombinant monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) can be highly heterogeneous due to modifications such as sialylation, deamidation and C-terminal lysine truncation. As biotherapeutic drugs are becoming more popular, chemists in biopharmaceutical laboratories are coming under increasing pressure to adopt a fast, generic, and robust approach to clone screening, method development, and subsequent method transfer to QA/QC.Traditionally cation-exchange chromatography using salt gradients has been successfully used to characterize MAb charge variants. However, additional effort is often required to tailor the salt gradient method for individual charge variants. Thermo Scientific™ pH buffer solutions and kits can be used to generate highly reproducible, linear pH gradients using cation-exchange chromatography. This generic, LC-based platform approach saves time in method development and facilitates method transfer to QA/QC for a wide range of MAb charge variants. Unlike traditional salt gradients, it is possible to predict the pI and the expected retention of the charge variants and use a narrow pH range to get a higher resolution separation. The building blocks of the pH gradient platform are two multicomponent zwitterionic buffer concentrates, prepared using a patent-pending formulation. Buffer A is titrated to pH 5.6 and Buffer B is titrated to pH 10.2. In this pH range, each buffer species is either neutral or negatively charged. Therefore, they will not be retained by the cation-exchange column stationary phase and will serve as good buffers for the mobile phase and the stationary phase. All that is required to generate a pH gradient is a 1:10 dilution of the pH buffer concentrates—then you’re ready to go! A linear pH gradient from pH 5.6 to 10.2 can simply be delivered by running a pump gradient from 100% eluent A to 100%eluent B.Thermo Scientific pH buffer concentrates used in the pH gradient platform can be purchased individually or as a pair, in quantities of 125 mL or 250 mL. For added convenience, the 125 mL buffers can also be bundled with columns in a number of specifically preconfigured kits.The CX-1 pH gradient starter kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient high throughput kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 50 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient highresolution kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.For the ultimate flexibility, the preconfigured kits are also available as platforms, including the pH Designer Software. The options are listed in the table below:pH Buffer ConcentratesCX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 125 mL083273CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 125 mL083275CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083274CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 250 mL085346CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 250 mL085348CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 250 mL085349CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125mL083381CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083378CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083272CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083380CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083376CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083270pH Designer Software085022
  • pH梯度缓冲溶液 085022
    pH Gradient Buffer SolutionsRecombinant monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) can be highly heterogeneous due to modifications such as sialylation, deamidation and C-terminal lysine truncation. As biotherapeutic drugs are becoming more popular, chemists in biopharmaceutical laboratories are coming under increasing pressure to adopt a fast, generic, and robust approach to clone screening, method development, and subsequent method transfer to QA/QC.Traditionally cation-exchange chromatography using salt gradients has been successfully used to characterize MAb charge variants. However, additional effort is often required to tailor the salt gradient method for individual charge variants. Thermo Scientific™ pH buffer solutions and kits can be used to generate highly reproducible, linear pH gradients using cation-exchange chromatography. This generic, LC-based platform approach saves time in method development and facilitates method transfer to QA/QC for a wide range of MAb charge variants. Unlike traditional salt gradients, it is possible to predict the pI and the expected retention of the charge variants and use a narrow pH range to get a higher resolution separation. The building blocks of the pH gradient platform are two multicomponent zwitterionic buffer concentrates, prepared using a patent-pending formulation. Buffer A is titrated to pH 5.6 and Buffer B is titrated to pH 10.2. In this pH range, each buffer species is either neutral or negatively charged. Therefore, they will not be retained by the cation-exchange column stationary phase and will serve as good buffers for the mobile phase and the stationary phase. All that is required to generate a pH gradient is a 1:10 dilution of the pH buffer concentrates—then you’re ready to go! A linear pH gradient from pH 5.6 to 10.2 can simply be delivered by running a pump gradient from 100% eluent A to 100%eluent B.Thermo Scientific pH buffer concentrates used in the pH gradient platform can be purchased individually or as a pair, in quantities of 125 mL or 250 mL. For added convenience, the 125 mL buffers can also be bundled with columns in a number of specifically preconfigured kits.The CX-1 pH gradient starter kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient high throughput kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 50 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient highresolution kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.For the ultimate flexibility, the preconfigured kits are also available as platforms, including the pH Designer Software. The options are listed in the table below:pH Buffer ConcentratesCX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 125 mL083273CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 125 mL083275CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083274CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 250 mL085346CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 250 mL085348CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 250 mL085349CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125mL083381CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083378CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083272CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083380CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083376CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083270pH Designer Software085022
  • pH梯度缓冲溶液 083273
    pH Gradient Buffer SolutionsRecombinant monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) can be highly heterogeneous due to modifications such as sialylation, deamidation and C-terminal lysine truncation. As biotherapeutic drugs are becoming more popular, chemists in biopharmaceutical laboratories are coming under increasing pressure to adopt a fast, generic, and robust approach to clone screening, method development, and subsequent method transfer to QA/QC.Traditionally cation-exchange chromatography using salt gradients has been successfully used to characterize MAb charge variants. However, additional effort is often required to tailor the salt gradient method for individual charge variants. Thermo Scientific™ pH buffer solutions and kits can be used to generate highly reproducible, linear pH gradients using cation-exchange chromatography. This generic, LC-based platform approach saves time in method development and facilitates method transfer to QA/QC for a wide range of MAb charge variants. Unlike traditional salt gradients, it is possible to predict the pI and the expected retention of the charge variants and use a narrow pH range to get a higher resolution separation. The building blocks of the pH gradient platform are two multicomponent zwitterionic buffer concentrates, prepared using a patent-pending formulation. Buffer A is titrated to pH 5.6 and Buffer B is titrated to pH 10.2. In this pH range, each buffer species is either neutral or negatively charged. Therefore, they will not be retained by the cation-exchange column stationary phase and will serve as good buffers for the mobile phase and the stationary phase. All that is required to generate a pH gradient is a 1:10 dilution of the pH buffer concentrates—then you’re ready to go! A linear pH gradient from pH 5.6 to 10.2 can simply be delivered by running a pump gradient from 100% eluent A to 100%eluent B.Thermo Scientific pH buffer concentrates used in the pH gradient platform can be purchased individually or as a pair, in quantities of 125 mL or 250 mL. For added convenience, the 125 mL buffers can also be bundled with columns in a number of specifically preconfigured kits.The CX-1 pH gradient starter kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient high throughput kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 50 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient highresolution kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.For the ultimate flexibility, the preconfigured kits are also available as platforms, including the pH Designer Software. The options are listed in the table below:pH Buffer ConcentratesCX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 125 mL083273CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 125 mL083275CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083274CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 250 mL085346CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 250 mL085348CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 250 mL085349CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125mL083381CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083378CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083272CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083380CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083376CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083270pH Designer Software085022
  • 赛默飞 常用器具 梯度降温盒
    冻存1℃冻存容器,“降温盒”,聚碳酸酯;蓝色高密度聚乙烯盖;白色高密度聚乙烯管槽;泡沫衬垫 Cryo 1°C Freezing Container, "Mr. Frosty"特点: 可装 18 个冻存管,并具有 86 毫米盒高度(3-7/16 英寸),在冷却过程中节约了宝贵的冷冻空间螺旋盖在容器意外翻倒的情况下可保护内部样本避免使用不可靠的临时泡沫容器易于使用,只需要 高 异丙醇和机械冷冻设备 不接触酒精:无吸水、不影响标签、不弄花试管上的手写内容
  • pH梯度缓冲溶液 083270
    pH Gradient Buffer SolutionsRecombinant monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) can be highly heterogeneous due to modifications such as sialylation, deamidation and C-terminal lysine truncation. As biotherapeutic drugs are becoming more popular, chemists in biopharmaceutical laboratories are coming under increasing pressure to adopt a fast, generic, and robust approach to clone screening, method development, and subsequent method transfer to QA/QC.Traditionally cation-exchange chromatography using salt gradients has been successfully used to characterize MAb charge variants. However, additional effort is often required to tailor the salt gradient method for individual charge variants. Thermo Scientific™ pH buffer solutions and kits can be used to generate highly reproducible, linear pH gradients using cation-exchange chromatography. This generic, LC-based platform approach saves time in method development and facilitates method transfer to QA/QC for a wide range of MAb charge variants. Unlike traditional salt gradients, it is possible to predict the pI and the expected retention of the charge variants and use a narrow pH range to get a higher resolution separation. The building blocks of the pH gradient platform are two multicomponent zwitterionic buffer concentrates, prepared using a patent-pending formulation. Buffer A is titrated to pH 5.6 and Buffer B is titrated to pH 10.2. In this pH range, each buffer species is either neutral or negatively charged. Therefore, they will not be retained by the cation-exchange column stationary phase and will serve as good buffers for the mobile phase and the stationary phase. All that is required to generate a pH gradient is a 1:10 dilution of the pH buffer concentrates—then you’re ready to go! A linear pH gradient from pH 5.6 to 10.2 can simply be delivered by running a pump gradient from 100% eluent A to 100%eluent B.Thermo Scientific pH buffer concentrates used in the pH gradient platform can be purchased individually or as a pair, in quantities of 125 mL or 250 mL. For added convenience, the 125 mL buffers can also be bundled with columns in a number of specifically preconfigured kits.The CX-1 pH gradient starter kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient high throughput kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 50 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient highresolution kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.For the ultimate flexibility, the preconfigured kits are also available as platforms, including the pH Designer Software. The options are listed in the table below:pH Buffer ConcentratesCX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 125 mL083273CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 125 mL083275CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083274CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 250 mL085346CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 250 mL085348CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 250 mL085349CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125mL083381CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083378CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083272CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083380CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083376CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083270pH Designer Software085022
  • pH梯度缓冲溶液 083275
    pH Gradient Buffer SolutionsRecombinant monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) can be highly heterogeneous due to modifications such as sialylation, deamidation and C-terminal lysine truncation. As biotherapeutic drugs are becoming more popular, chemists in biopharmaceutical laboratories are coming under increasing pressure to adopt a fast, generic, and robust approach to clone screening, method development, and subsequent method transfer to QA/QC.Traditionally cation-exchange chromatography using salt gradients has been successfully used to characterize MAb charge variants. However, additional effort is often required to tailor the salt gradient method for individual charge variants. Thermo Scientific™ pH buffer solutions and kits can be used to generate highly reproducible, linear pH gradients using cation-exchange chromatography. This generic, LC-based platform approach saves time in method development and facilitates method transfer to QA/QC for a wide range of MAb charge variants. Unlike traditional salt gradients, it is possible to predict the pI and the expected retention of the charge variants and use a narrow pH range to get a higher resolution separation. The building blocks of the pH gradient platform are two multicomponent zwitterionic buffer concentrates, prepared using a patent-pending formulation. Buffer A is titrated to pH 5.6 and Buffer B is titrated to pH 10.2. In this pH range, each buffer species is either neutral or negatively charged. Therefore, they will not be retained by the cation-exchange column stationary phase and will serve as good buffers for the mobile phase and the stationary phase. All that is required to generate a pH gradient is a 1:10 dilution of the pH buffer concentrates—then you’re ready to go! A linear pH gradient from pH 5.6 to 10.2 can simply be delivered by running a pump gradient from 100% eluent A to 100%eluent B.Thermo Scientific pH buffer concentrates used in the pH gradient platform can be purchased individually or as a pair, in quantities of 125 mL or 250 mL. For added convenience, the 125 mL buffers can also be bundled with columns in a number of specifically preconfigured kits.The CX-1 pH gradient starter kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient high throughput kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 50 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient highresolution kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.For the ultimate flexibility, the preconfigured kits are also available as platforms, including the pH Designer Software. The options are listed in the table below:pH Buffer ConcentratesCX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 125 mL083273CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 125 mL083275CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083274CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 250 mL085346CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 250 mL085348CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 250 mL085349CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125mL083381CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083378CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083272CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083380CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083376CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083270pH Designer Software085022
  • pH梯度缓冲溶液 083272
    pH Gradient Buffer SolutionsRecombinant monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) can be highly heterogeneous due to modifications such as sialylation, deamidation and C-terminal lysine truncation. As biotherapeutic drugs are becoming more popular, chemists in biopharmaceutical laboratories are coming under increasing pressure to adopt a fast, generic, and robust approach to clone screening, method development, and subsequent method transfer to QA/QC.Traditionally cation-exchange chromatography using salt gradients has been successfully used to characterize MAb charge variants. However, additional effort is often required to tailor the salt gradient method for individual charge variants. Thermo Scientific™ pH buffer solutions and kits can be used to generate highly reproducible, linear pH gradients using cation-exchange chromatography. This generic, LC-based platform approach saves time in method development and facilitates method transfer to QA/QC for a wide range of MAb charge variants. Unlike traditional salt gradients, it is possible to predict the pI and the expected retention of the charge variants and use a narrow pH range to get a higher resolution separation. The building blocks of the pH gradient platform are two multicomponent zwitterionic buffer concentrates, prepared using a patent-pending formulation. Buffer A is titrated to pH 5.6 and Buffer B is titrated to pH 10.2. In this pH range, each buffer species is either neutral or negatively charged. Therefore, they will not be retained by the cation-exchange column stationary phase and will serve as good buffers for the mobile phase and the stationary phase. All that is required to generate a pH gradient is a 1:10 dilution of the pH buffer concentrates—then you’re ready to go! A linear pH gradient from pH 5.6 to 10.2 can simply be delivered by running a pump gradient from 100% eluent A to 100%eluent B.Thermo Scientific pH buffer concentrates used in the pH gradient platform can be purchased individually or as a pair, in quantities of 125 mL or 250 mL. For added convenience, the 125 mL buffers can also be bundled with columns in a number of specifically preconfigured kits.The CX-1 pH gradient starter kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient high throughput kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 50 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient highresolution kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.For the ultimate flexibility, the preconfigured kits are also available as platforms, including the pH Designer Software. The options are listed in the table below:pH Buffer ConcentratesCX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 125 mL083273CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 125 mL083275CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083274CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 250 mL085346CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 250 mL085348CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 250 mL085349CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125mL083381CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083378CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083272CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083380CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083376CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083270pH Designer Software085022
  • pH梯度缓冲溶液 083274
    pH Gradient Buffer SolutionsRecombinant monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) can be highly heterogeneous due to modifications such as sialylation, deamidation and C-terminal lysine truncation. As biotherapeutic drugs are becoming more popular, chemists in biopharmaceutical laboratories are coming under increasing pressure to adopt a fast, generic, and robust approach to clone screening, method development, and subsequent method transfer to QA/QC.Traditionally cation-exchange chromatography using salt gradients has been successfully used to characterize MAb charge variants. However, additional effort is often required to tailor the salt gradient method for individual charge variants. Thermo Scientific™ pH buffer solutions and kits can be used to generate highly reproducible, linear pH gradients using cation-exchange chromatography. This generic, LC-based platform approach saves time in method development and facilitates method transfer to QA/QC for a wide range of MAb charge variants. Unlike traditional salt gradients, it is possible to predict the pI and the expected retention of the charge variants and use a narrow pH range to get a higher resolution separation. The building blocks of the pH gradient platform are two multicomponent zwitterionic buffer concentrates, prepared using a patent-pending formulation. Buffer A is titrated to pH 5.6 and Buffer B is titrated to pH 10.2. In this pH range, each buffer species is either neutral or negatively charged. Therefore, they will not be retained by the cation-exchange column stationary phase and will serve as good buffers for the mobile phase and the stationary phase. All that is required to generate a pH gradient is a 1:10 dilution of the pH buffer concentrates—then you’re ready to go! A linear pH gradient from pH 5.6 to 10.2 can simply be delivered by running a pump gradient from 100% eluent A to 100%eluent B.Thermo Scientific pH buffer concentrates used in the pH gradient platform can be purchased individually or as a pair, in quantities of 125 mL or 250 mL. For added convenience, the 125 mL buffers can also be bundled with columns in a number of specifically preconfigured kits.The CX-1 pH gradient starter kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 10 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient high throughput kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 50 mm column.The CX-1 pH gradient highresolution kit contains 125 mL each of buffers A and B, plus a MAbPac SCX-10, 5 μm, 4 × 250 mm column.For the ultimate flexibility, the preconfigured kits are also available as platforms, including the pH Designer Software. The options are listed in the table below:pH Buffer ConcentratesCX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 125 mL083273CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 125 mL083275CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083274CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer A (pH 5.6), 250 mL085346CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer B (pH 10.2), 250 mL085348CX-1 pH Gradient Buffer Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 250 mL085349CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125mL083381CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083378CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Kit (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083272CX-1 pH Gradient Starter Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083380CX-1 pH Gradient High Throughput Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083376CX-1 pH Gradient High Resolution Platform (pH 5.6 to 10.2), 125 mL083270pH Designer Software085022
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