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仪器信息网总氮快速分析仪专题为您提供2024年最新总氮快速分析仪价格报价、厂家品牌的相关信息, 包括总氮快速分析仪参数、型号等,不管是国产,还是进口品牌的总氮快速分析仪您都可以在这里找到。 除此之外,仪器信息网还免费为您整合总氮快速分析仪相关的耗材配件、试剂标物,还有总氮快速分析仪相关的最新资讯、资料,以及总氮快速分析仪相关的解决方案。


  • Shimadzu 总有机碳分析仪(TOC 5000)注射器
    Shimadzu 总有机碳分析仪(TOC5000)注射器 体积 描述 注射器货号 替换推杆货号 250µ L 1/4-28 UNF末端 006680 031832 2.5mL 1/4-28 UNF 末端 008680 031854
  • 奥利龙 余氯/总氯/PH分析仪
    奥利龙 余氯/总氯/PH分析仪产品参数:余氯总氯测量测量范围:0.01-10ppm重现性: ±3%准确度: ±5%分辨率: 0.01 ppm量间隔:2-10 分钟试试剂指示低于20%,警告试剂缺少水样要求最大压力0.5 bar,pH 4 -10,流速30-40 L/h 流量开关水样压力1 barpH 测量0-10温度测量0-50℃输出8 个 RS485,可选4-20 mA 工作温度1℃ - 45℃电源100-240 V,50-60 Hz尺寸67×33×14 cm(宽× 高× 深)/ 45 kg
  • 自动牛奶分析仪配件
    自动牛奶分析仪配件是一种对牛奶成分分析的一种仪器,能快速对乳制品成分进行检测,它是一款价格较低的自动牛奶检测仪。 自动牛奶分析仪配件应用 用于快速检测生鲜乳的多种成分含量,包括:脂肪、蛋白质、非脂乳固体、乳糖、密度、含水率、冰点、电导率、灰分、样品温度等,无需任何化学试剂和辅助设施,操作极为简单,快速、准确地检测出样品中各种成分的含量 适用于奶站、牧场、企业和畜牧兽医站等部门对乳品的检测范围。自动牛奶分析仪配件参数 脂肪:0.01% -25% 非脂乳固体3% -15% 密度:1015 –1040kg/m3, 蛋白质:2% -7%, 乳糖:0.01% -6% 掺水:0% -70% 牛奶温度:1°C –40°C 冰点:-0.400 –0.700°C 盐分:0.4 –1.5% PH:0-14 电导:3-14mS/cm 总固体:0-25% 自动牛奶分析仪配件特点●带蠕动泵,自动清洗 ●安装、操作、维护、校准方便简单。 ●便携式设计紧凑,可用于车载。 ●只需少量牛奶,便可取得精确结果。 ●低功耗,不使用有害化学物质 ●自带RS232接口,方便与计算机连接。 ●内置打印机,实现数据同步打印。 ●两个样本自我校准 ●检测速度:≥60个样品/小时 孚光精仪是全球领先的进口科学仪器和实验室仪器领导品牌服务商,产品技术和性能保持全球领先,拥有牛奶分析仪,食品分析仪在内的全球最为齐全的实验室和科学仪器品类,世界一流的生产工厂和极为苛刻严谨的质量控制体系,确保每个产品是用户满意的完美产品。我们海外工厂拥有超过3000种仪器的大型现代化仓库,可在下单后12小时内从国外直接空运发货,我们位于天津保税区的进口公司众邦企业(天津)国际贸易公司为客户提供全球零延误的进口通关服务。更多关于自动牛奶分析仪价格等诸多信息,孚光精仪会在第一时间更新并呈现出来,了解更多内容请关注孚光精仪官方网站方便获取!
  • 岛津总有机碳分析仪(TOC5000)用注射器
    Shimadzu 岛津总有机碳分析仪(TOC5000)用注射器订货信息:体积描述注射器货号替换推杆货号250μL1/4-28 UNF 末端0066800318322.5mL1/4-28 UNF 末端008680031854
  • 指纹分析仪系统配件
    指纹分析仪系统配件是为法医研究,刑侦等应用设计的最新最强大的指纹分析系统,指纹分析仪系统满足刑侦成像,证据和背景各种照明图片的处理需求。指纹分析仪系统配件特色结合了先进的成像技术,多波长照明与简单易用的软件,是全球唯一具有有两种操作模式能为公安干警,法医人员提供快速和高质量结果的指纹分析系统。潜指纹和处理过指纹包括le 自动化标准指纹分析或为指纹提供的订制化分析程序。可以用于各种法医摄影,潜指纹显现,处理过的指纹分析,痕迹物证,伪造和篡改文件分析痕迹物证Trace Evidence包括体液,纤维,涂料,玻璃碎片和枪击残留物。伪冒和篡改的文件检验能够识别所有手写和打印的文档。无需培训,几分钟内可获得专业结果:使用操作的自动模式,3个简单步骤实现有效成像和加强。1将证据放置在指纹分析仪样品室内2选择分析和证据的类型3按“运行”按钮。自动分析程序将根据预置的法医学领域常见的分析,或自定义分析的特殊要求运行。多个光源和过滤器可以通过几个途径加强证据的图像。高级模式选择最好的全屏图像或在进一步加强。指纹分析仪系统配件双模式软件:指纹分析仪提供快速,高品质成像的两种操作模式:自动模式使用自动模式,任何没有经验的操作者可以执行分析,并根据预先设定的程序获得结果。软件里包含用于普通法医治疗证据的综合分析程序,但自定义分析或细节分析要调整或是根据具体结果设置,然后使用自动模式执行。指纹,包括化学处理后进行的法学领域常见分析文件, 手写和打印追踪证据, 包括血液,纤维,GSR等。高级模式高级模式中,操作者可以选择全手动控制照明,过滤器和后成像增强这些特定的图像增强处理。高级模式允许专业操作者微调增强过程。指纹分析仪系统配件 高级模式特点:高分辨率成像系统,同时提供500万像素14 bit 的单色和1500万像素的彩色成像。高灵敏度,科学级相机和优化的色彩校正透镜,在可见和红外线波长从400-1000nm区间提供高对比度、高分辨率的图像。总控光源和用于强烈聚焦多波长照明的滤光镜和效果增强。可变波长的窄带光源,用于高度彩色背景里的先进的指纹高光谱成像指纹分析仪系统硬件脱机指纹分析仪有高感光度图像捕捉和多波长照明功能。用户可以使用额外的照明,系统安装,PC硬件和相机镜头选项建立一个系统,以满足任何要求。高感光摄像头1500万像素的彩色成像,35mm宽广角镜头(其它镜头可选),集成第二个摄像头指纹分析仪系统 高强度照明犯罪精简版8×4的多波长光源,32个高效率的LED,高达98种颜色的组合4×20W卤素灯提供可见光/ IR照明长通滤镜摄像机滤光镜400nm,455nm,495nm,530nm,550nm,570nm,590nm,610nm,630nm,645nm,665nm,695nm,715nm,780nm,850nm短通滤波器摄像机滤光镜752nm,660nm,610nm和550nm全部附件包括可在犯罪精简版成像仪产品手册上找到额外的照明组件。
  • 磷酸盐含量检测试纸磷酸盐快速检测分析仪
    磷酸盐含量检测试纸磷酸盐快速检测分析仪 磷酸盐在自然水中是常见的物质,它不危害人类的身体健康。 但是农业肥料的流失,废水的过量排放导致水的过度污染,可促使藻类和植物的过度生长。 深圳市方源仪器有限公司提供的高品质磷酸盐含量检测试纸MN91320磷酸盐快速检测分析仪直属德国MACHEREY-NAGEL公司生产制造,由方源仪器代理销售,测试精度高、操作方便、测试时间短且测试领域非常广泛。 磷酸盐含量检测试纸磷酸盐快速检测分析仪参数:==================================================================磷酸盐含量检测试纸MN91320测试范围刻度:0-3-10-25-50-100mg/l 测试次数:100次保存期:2年半供货期:每天价格:电议/面议售货点:深圳/上海销售店:阿里旺旺(深圳方源仪器)、淘宝(店铺名:szfyyq)订货编号:MN91320产地:德国 ================================================================== 磷酸盐快速检测分析仪测试范围:3-80mg/l存储量:200组数据界面:触摸屏,数字输入,密码保护借口:USB和RS232接口尺寸大小:500px×400px×187.5px重量:710 g (不含电源和电池)电源:110 - 240 V AC,6AA电池操作环境:5-40℃, 20-80%相对湿度无冷凝容量:50张/小时订货编号:QUANTOFIX Phosphate产地:德国应用范围:可分析检测过氧乙酸,双氧水,亚硝酸盐,亚硫酸盐,磷酸盐,铵盐,维C,余氯含量及pH值等,是检测行业快速分析的一个理想工具。 中国代理商:深圳市方源仪器有限公司
  • 混凝土的外加剂固含量快速检测分析仪
    在外加剂固含量检测领域,测量准确性和测量速度之间的矛盾一直没有解决;针对这一现状深圳市芬析仪器制造有限公司提供一种有烘干法结构的快速测定固含量值的仪器,CSY-G2外加剂固含量检测仪深圳市芬析仪器制造有限公司生产的CSY-G2外加剂固含量检测仪引用了传统固含量检测方法研制而成,能够快速检测外加剂、淤泥、泥浆、油漆、胶水、浆料、乳化沥青等各种液体、糊状样品的固含量值,操作简单、测量快速、智能化操作、固含量值数据时时显示;一般3-5分钟即可完成测试。 传统固含量检测方法采用GB1725-1979固体含量测定法,配备电子天平、烘箱等辅助设备,操作繁琐、时间长,满足不了现代工业生产及检验需求;CSY-G2固含量检测仪采用高精度称重系统,保证称重准确;环形石英钨卤红外线加热源,快速干燥样品;与GB1725-1979固体含量测定法相比,环形石英钨卤红外线加热可以在高温下将样品均匀地快速干燥,样品表面不易受损,其检测结果与国标GB1725-1979固体含量测定法具有良好的*性,具有可替代性,且检测效率远远高于GB1725-1979烘箱法。 CSY-G2固含量检测仪产品优点:(1)体积小,重量轻,结构简单 (2)无需辅助设备(3)操作简单,无需安装调试培训(4)效率高、速度快,整体操作不超过10分钟(5)多种分析方式,全自动、定时、半自动满足各种分析方式(6)标配RS232通讯接口-方便连接打印机、电脑和其他外围设备、符合FDA/HACCP格式要求(7)钨卤环形灯加热方式可直接从物质内部加热,大大缩短了烘干时间,而且还具有加热均匀、清洁、效率高、节约能源。 CSY-G2固含量检测仪技术参数:1、固含量测定范围: 0.01-100%2、固含量值可读性:0.01%3、称重范围:0-100g4、传感器精度:0.005g5、称重传感器:德国HBM传感器6、加热温度范围:起始-205℃7、加热源:钨卤环形灯8、显示参数:%固含量,时间,温度,重量 CSY-G2固含量检测仪信息由深圳市芬析仪器制造有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于CSY-G2固含量检测仪报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎致电深圳市芬析仪器制造有限公司夏经理
  • 402-825.041德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件
    北京龙天韬略科技有限公司专业提供德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件,产品货号如下:analytikjenaConsumablesmulti N/C serieseffective from 01.01.2010 Priority Order number DescriptionCONSUMABLES TOC(all types of instruments)A 402-810.047 Special catalyst multi N/C, one filling, 40 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100A 402-810.048 Special catalyst platinum, one refillmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-810.050 Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)B 402-810.058 Special catalyst multi N/C, 200 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100B 402-810.059 Special catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refillsmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-825.150 U-tube, o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber(without connections) A 402-881.006 Quartz glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 gA 402-881.228 Disposable retention filter (water trap) A 402-881.229 TC prefilter (aerosol trap)402-881.245 Set of TC prefilter and water trapA 402-885.017 High-temperature mat,set of 3 piecesB 402-885.019 Halogen absorber, complete with U-tubemulti N/C 2100 and multi N/C 2100 S multi N/C 2100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.138 Dosing syringe for phosphoric acid, 5 ml 402-815.819 O-ring 15.5 mm x 2.5 mm Viton IC-vessel N/C 2100 S (Stopper)A 402-823.056 Needle 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm for all types of syringes set of 3 piecesA 402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.238 Septa for pneumatic heads, 10 mm o.d., set of 10 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for N/C 2100 SA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeB 402-886.303 Syringe 100 µ l with vent and removable needle 0.63 mm x0.35 mm (only for APG 60)B 402-886.304 Syringe 250 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm (only for APG 60)A 402-886.305 Syringe 500 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7A 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pump mm (only for APG 60)&emsp A 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm for all types of syringes, 3 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-886.310 Septum for syringe (autosampler) 9.5 mm o.d. 1 pieceB 402-886.311 Syringe graduated 500 µ l with removable needle for manual injectionA 402-886.314 Septa pre-cut for septum-head, 11 mm, 3 piecesA 402-886.317 Condensing loop multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SB 402-886.318 Sample vials, 8 ml50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces multi N/C 2100: for APG 60-sampler multi N/C 2100 S: for APG 60-samplerA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC ModulB 402-889.091 Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 piecesB 402-889.092 Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces(for sample rack with 112 positions)402-890.100 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100A 402-890.110 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-890.111 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100B 402-890.113 needle with luer connector for H3PO4-syringe 402-890.150 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100 SWEARING MATERIAL Double Furnace Solids Module402-889.674 Quartz boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 piecesA 402-890.103 Furnace sealing plugA 402-890.104 Solid combustion tubeA 402-890.105 HookA 402-890.106 Guidance tube 402-890.107 Gasket for oxygen lockA 402-890.108 Gas transfer tubing, adapter with ball jointA 402-890.109 O2 tubingmulti N/C 3100 multi N/C 3100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.005 Sample vials, 80 mm x 33 mm, 70 pieces multi N/C 3100: for dilution rack APG 64B 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.135 Fork-type clamp for oxygen supplyA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.204 Septum silicon/PTFE, 24 mm, for screw cap EPA, set of100 piecesB 402-815.205 Screw cap for 40 ml EPA screw thread vial, set of 100 piecesB 402-820.075 Bottle Insert402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwB 402-825.099 Sample vials for dilution rack, 100 mm x 16 mm, 10 piecesB 402-825.119 Sample vessels for EPA Sampler with piercing function, set of 100 pieces40 ml EPA screw thread vialA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKB 402-883.005 Sample aspirationmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-884.019 Injection tube B 402-884.021 Waste hose with screw joint (2 m) B 402-884.023 Lid for Bottle Insert 402-885.002 Condensation coilA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeA 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pumpA 402-885.016 Sample aspiration tube with screw jointmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeB 402-886.319 Sample vials for APG 64-sampler, 78 mm x 28 mm, 100 piecesA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC Modul402-890.163 Piercing sample aspiration tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.164 Piercing sample purge tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.193 Tubing kit for multi N/C 3100 402-890.200 Condensation vesselHT 1300HT 1300 WEARING MATERIAL402-815.830 Gasket for dust trap for HT furnace (34 mm x 4 mm)A 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-881.013 U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm for halogen absorberA 402-881.203 Glass tube, straight, without connectorsA 402-881.213 Headline-Disposable-In-Line-Filter, box of 10 piecesB 402-886.001 Ceran field for HT furnaceB 402-886.003 Connecting hose "Analyt" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longB 402-886.004 Connecting hose "pump" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longA 402-886.005 Connecting hose "oxygen supply" for HT furnace, 4 mm x6 mm, 2 m long B 402-886.006 Feeding tool for HT furnace A 402-886.014 Ceramic combustion tube B 402-886.114 Halogen absorber filling for straight tube A 402-886.116 Drying agentA 402-886.118 Porcelain boat (white) 1,000 piecesA 402-886.312 Halogen absorber filling for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm(conditioned)402-886.322 Halogen absorber filling (conditioned)for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm, set of 5 piecesWarranty claims and claims related to the fulfillment of manufacture' s technical specification can only be accepted by using original Analytik Jena components, spares and consumables.Specifications and order numbers are subject to changes due to further technical development.Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax.Purchase is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.Disposable retention filter (water trap)
  • 402-825.099德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件
    北京龙天韬略科技有限公司专业提供德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件,产品货号如下:analytikjenaConsumablesmulti N/C serieseffective from 01.01.2010 Priority Order number DescriptionCONSUMABLES TOC(all types of instruments)A 402-810.047 Special catalyst multi N/C, one filling, 40 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100A 402-810.048 Special catalyst platinum, one refillmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-810.050 Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)B 402-810.058 Special catalyst multi N/C, 200 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100B 402-810.059 Special catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refillsmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-825.150 U-tube, o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber(without connections) A 402-881.006 Quartz glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 gA 402-881.228 Disposable retention filter (water trap) A 402-881.229 TC prefilter (aerosol trap)402-881.245 Set of TC prefilter and water trapA 402-885.017 High-temperature mat,set of 3 piecesB 402-885.019 Halogen absorber, complete with U-tubemulti N/C 2100 and multi N/C 2100 S multi N/C 2100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.138 Dosing syringe for phosphoric acid, 5 ml 402-815.819 O-ring 15.5 mm x 2.5 mm Viton IC-vessel N/C 2100 S (Stopper)A 402-823.056 Needle 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm for all types of syringes set of 3 piecesA 402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.238 Septa for pneumatic heads, 10 mm o.d., set of 10 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for N/C 2100 SA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeB 402-886.303 Syringe 100 µ l with vent and removable needle 0.63 mm x0.35 mm (only for APG 60)B 402-886.304 Syringe 250 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm (only for APG 60)A 402-886.305 Syringe 500 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7A 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pump mm (only for APG 60)&emsp A 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm for all types of syringes, 3 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-886.310 Septum for syringe (autosampler) 9.5 mm o.d. 1 pieceB 402-886.311 Syringe graduated 500 µ l with removable needle for manual injectionA 402-886.314 Septa pre-cut for septum-head, 11 mm, 3 piecesA 402-886.317 Condensing loop multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SB 402-886.318 Sample vials, 8 ml50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces multi N/C 2100: for APG 60-sampler multi N/C 2100 S: for APG 60-samplerA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC ModulB 402-889.091 Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 piecesB 402-889.092 Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces(for sample rack with 112 positions)402-890.100 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100A 402-890.110 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-890.111 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100B 402-890.113 needle with luer connector for H3PO4-syringe 402-890.150 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100 SWEARING MATERIAL Double Furnace Solids Module402-889.674 Quartz boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 piecesA 402-890.103 Furnace sealing plugA 402-890.104 Solid combustion tubeA 402-890.105 HookA 402-890.106 Guidance tube 402-890.107 Gasket for oxygen lockA 402-890.108 Gas transfer tubing, adapter with ball jointA 402-890.109 O2 tubingmulti N/C 3100 multi N/C 3100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.005 Sample vials, 80 mm x 33 mm, 70 pieces multi N/C 3100: for dilution rack APG 64B 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.135 Fork-type clamp for oxygen supplyA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.204 Septum silicon/PTFE, 24 mm, for screw cap EPA, set of100 piecesB 402-815.205 Screw cap for 40 ml EPA screw thread vial, set of 100 piecesB 402-820.075 Bottle Insert402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwB 402-825.099 Sample vials for dilution rack, 100 mm x 16 mm, 10 piecesB 402-825.119 Sample vessels for EPA Sampler with piercing function, set of 100 pieces40 ml EPA screw thread vialA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKB 402-883.005 Sample aspirationmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-884.019 Injection tube B 402-884.021 Waste hose with screw joint (2 m) B 402-884.023 Lid for Bottle Insert 402-885.002 Condensation coilA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeA 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pumpA 402-885.016 Sample aspiration tube with screw jointmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeB 402-886.319 Sample vials for APG 64-sampler, 78 mm x 28 mm, 100 piecesA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC Modul402-890.163 Piercing sample aspiration tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.164 Piercing sample purge tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.193 Tubing kit for multi N/C 3100 402-890.200 Condensation vesselHT 1300HT 1300 WEARING MATERIAL402-815.830 Gasket for dust trap for HT furnace (34 mm x 4 mm)A 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-881.013 U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm for halogen absorberA 402-881.203 Glass tube, straight, without connectorsA 402-881.213 Headline-Disposable-In-Line-Filter, box of 10 piecesB 402-886.001 Ceran field for HT furnaceB 402-886.003 Connecting hose "Analyt" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longB 402-886.004 Connecting hose "pump" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longA 402-886.005 Connecting hose "oxygen supply" for HT furnace, 4 mm x6 mm, 2 m long B 402-886.006 Feeding tool for HT furnace A 402-886.014 Ceramic combustion tube B 402-886.114 Halogen absorber filling for straight tube A 402-886.116 Drying agentA 402-886.118 Porcelain boat (white) 1,000 piecesA 402-886.312 Halogen absorber filling for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm(conditioned)402-886.322 Halogen absorber filling (conditioned)for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm, set of 5 piecesWarranty claims and claims related to the fulfillment of manufacture' s technical specification can only be accepted by using original Analytik Jena components, spares and consumables.Specifications and order numbers are subject to changes due to further technical development.Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax.Purchase is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.Disposable retention filter (water trap)
  • 402-890.108德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件
    北京龙天韬略科技有限公司专业提供德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件,产品货号如下:analytikjenaConsumablesmulti N/C serieseffective from 01.01.2010 Priority Order number DescriptionCONSUMABLES TOC(all types of instruments)A 402-810.047 Special catalyst multi N/C, one filling, 40 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100A 402-810.048 Special catalyst platinum, one refillmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-810.050 Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)B 402-810.058 Special catalyst multi N/C, 200 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100B 402-810.059 Special catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refillsmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-825.150 U-tube, o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber(without connections) A 402-881.006 Quartz glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 gA 402-881.228 Disposable retention filter (water trap) A 402-881.229 TC prefilter (aerosol trap)402-881.245 Set of TC prefilter and water trapA 402-885.017 High-temperature mat, set of 3 piecesB 402-885.019 Halogen absorber, complete with U-tubemulti N/C 2100 and multi N/C 2100 S multi N/C 2100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.138 Dosing syringe for phosphoric acid, 5 ml 402-815.819 O-ring 15.5 mm x 2.5 mm Viton IC-vessel N/C 2100 S (Stopper)A 402-823.056 Needle 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm for all types of syringes set of 3 piecesA 402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.238 Septa for pneumatic heads, 10 mm o.d., set of 10 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for N/C 2100 SA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeB 402-886.303 Syringe 100 µ l with vent and removable needle 0.63 mm x0.35 mm (only for APG 60)B 402-886.304 Syringe 250 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm (only for APG 60)A 402-886.305 Syringe 500 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7A 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pump mm (only for APG 60)&emsp A 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm for all types of syringes, 3 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-886.310 Septumfor syringe (autosampler) 9.5 mm o.d. 1 pieceB 402-886.311 Syringe graduated 500 µ l with removable needle for manual injectionA 402-886.314 Septa pre-cut for septum-head, 11 mm, 3 piecesA 402-886.317 Condensing loop multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SB 402-886.318 Sample vials, 8 ml50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces multi N/C 2100: for APG 60-sampler multi N/C 2100 S: for APG 60-samplerA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC ModulB 402-889.091 Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 piecesB 402-889.092 Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces(for sample rack with 112 positions)402-890.100 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100A 402-890.110 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-890.111 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100B 402-890.113 needle with luer connector for H3PO4-syringe 402-890.150 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100 SWEARING MATERIAL Double Furnace Solids Module402-889.674 Quartz boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 piecesA 402-890.103 Furnace sealing plugA 402-890.104 Solid combustion tubeA 402-890.105 HookA 402-890.106 Guidance tube 402-890.107 Gasket for oxygen lockA 402-890.108 Gas transfer tubing, adapter with ball jointA 402-890.109 O2 tubingmulti N/C 3100 multi N/C 3100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.005 Sample vials, 80 mm x 33 mm, 70 piecesmulti N/C 3100: for dilution rack APG 64B 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.135 Fork-type clamp for oxygen supplyA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.204 Septum silicon/PTFE, 24 mm, for screw cap EPA, set of100 piecesB 402-815.205 Screw cap for 40 ml EPA screw thread vial, set of 100 piecesB 402-820.075 Bottle Insert402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwB 402-825.099 Sample vials for dilution rack, 100 mm x 16 mm, 10 piecesB 402-825.119 Sample vesselsfor EPA Sampler with piercing function, set of 100 pieces40 ml EPA screw thread vialA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKB 402-883.005 Sample aspirationmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-884.019 Injection tube B 402-884.021 Waste hose with screw joint (2 m) B 402-884.023 Lid for Bottle Insert 402-885.002 Condensation coilA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeA 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pumpA 402-885.016 Sample aspiration tube with screw jointmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeB 402-886.319 Sample vials for APG 64-sampler, 78 mm x 28 mm, 100 piecesA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC Modul402-890.163 Piercing sample aspiration tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.164 Piercing sample purge tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.193 Tubing kit for multi N/C 3100 402-890.200 Condensation vesselHT 1300HT 1300 WEARING MATERIAL402-815.830 Gasket for dust trap for HT furnace (34 mm x 4 mm)A 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-881.013 U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm for halogen absorberA 402-881.203 Glass tube, straight, without connectorsA 402-881.213 Headline-Disposable-In-Line-Filter, box of 10 piecesB 402-886.001 Ceran field for HT furnaceB 402-886.003 Connecting hose "Analyt" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longB 402-886.004 Connecting hose "pump" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longA 402-886.005 Connecting hose "oxygen supply" for HT furnace, 4 mm x6 mm, 2 m long B 402-886.006 Feeding tool for HT furnace A 402-886.014 Ceramic combustion tube B 402-886.114 Halogen absorber filling for straight tube A 402-886.116 Drying agentA 402-886.118 Porcelain boat (white) 1,000 piecesA 402-886.312 Halogen absorber filling for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm(conditioned)402-886.322 Halogen absorber filling (conditioned)for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm, set of 5 piecesWarranty claims and claims related to the fulfillment of manufacture' s technical specification can only be accepted by using original Analytik Jena components, spares and consumables.Specifications and order numbers are subject to changes due to further technical development.Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax.Purchase is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.Disposable retention filter (water trap)
  • 402-890.150德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件
    北京龙天韬略科技有限公司专业提供德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件,产品货号如下:analytikjenaConsumablesmulti N/C serieseffective from 01.01.2010 Priority Order number DescriptionCONSUMABLES TOC(all types of instruments)A 402-810.047 Special catalyst multi N/C, one filling, 40 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100A 402-810.048 Special catalyst platinum, one refillmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-810.050 Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)B 402-810.058 Special catalyst multi N/C, 200 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100B 402-810.059 Special catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refillsmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-825.150 U-tube, o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber(without connections) A 402-881.006 Quartz glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 gA 402-881.228 Disposable retention filter (water trap) A 402-881.229 TC prefilter (aerosol trap)402-881.245 Set of TC prefilter and water trapA 402-885.017 High-temperature mat,set of 3 piecesB 402-885.019 Halogen absorber, complete with U-tubemulti N/C 2100 and multi N/C 2100 S multi N/C 2100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.138 Dosing syringe for phosphoric acid, 5 ml 402-815.819 O-ring 15.5 mm x 2.5 mm Viton IC-vessel N/C 2100 S (Stopper)A 402-823.056 Needle 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm for all types of syringes set of 3 piecesA 402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.238 Septa for pneumatic heads, 10 mm o.d., set of 10 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for N/C 2100 SA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeB 402-886.303 Syringe 100 µ l with vent and removable needle 0.63 mm x0.35 mm (only for APG 60)B 402-886.304 Syringe 250 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm (only for APG 60)A 402-886.305 Syringe 500 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7A 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pump mm (only for APG 60)&emsp A 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm for all types of syringes, 3 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-886.310 Septum for syringe (autosampler) 9.5 mm o.d. 1 pieceB 402-886.311 Syringe graduated 500 µ l with removable needle for manual injectionA 402-886.314 Septa pre-cut for septum-head, 11 mm, 3 piecesA 402-886.317 Condensing loop multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SB 402-886.318 Sample vials, 8 ml50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces multi N/C 2100: for APG 60-sampler multi N/C 2100 S: for APG 60-samplerA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC ModulB 402-889.091 Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 piecesB 402-889.092 Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces(for sample rack with 112 positions)402-890.100 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100A 402-890.110 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-890.111 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100B 402-890.113 needle with luer connector for H3PO4-syringe 402-890.150 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100 SWEARING MATERIAL Double Furnace Solids Module402-889.674 Quartz boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 piecesA 402-890.103 Furnace sealing plugA 402-890.104 Solid combustion tubeA 402-890.105 HookA 402-890.106 Guidance tube 402-890.107 Gasket for oxygen lockA 402-890.108 Gas transfer tubing, adapter with ball jointA 402-890.109 O2 tubingmulti N/C 3100 multi N/C 3100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.005 Sample vials, 80 mm x 33 mm, 70 pieces multi N/C 3100: for dilution rack APG 64B 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.135 Fork-type clamp for oxygen supplyA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.204 Septum silicon/PTFE, 24 mm, for screw cap EPA, set of100 piecesB 402-815.205 Screw cap for 40 ml EPA screw thread vial, set of 100 piecesB 402-820.075 Bottle Insert402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwB 402-825.099 Sample vials for dilution rack, 100 mm x 16 mm, 10 piecesB 402-825.119 Sample vessels for EPA Sampler with piercing function, set of 100 pieces40 ml EPA screw thread vialA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKB 402-883.005 Sample aspirationmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-884.019 Injection tube B 402-884.021 Waste hose with screw joint (2 m) B 402-884.023 Lid for Bottle Insert 402-885.002 Condensation coilA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeA 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pumpA 402-885.016 Sample aspiration tube with screw jointmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeB 402-886.319 Sample vials for APG 64-sampler, 78 mm x 28 mm, 100 piecesA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC Modul402-890.163 Piercing sample aspiration tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.164 Piercing sample purge tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.193 Tubing kit for multi N/C 3100 402-890.200 Condensation vesselHT 1300HT 1300 WEARING MATERIAL402-815.830 Gasket for dust trap for HT furnace (34 mm x 4 mm)A 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-881.013 U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm for halogen absorberA 402-881.203 Glass tube, straight, without connectorsA 402-881.213 Headline-Disposable-In-Line-Filter, box of 10 piecesB 402-886.001 Ceran field for HT furnaceB 402-886.003 Connecting hose "Analyt" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longB 402-886.004 Connecting hose "pump" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longA 402-886.005 Connecting hose "oxygen supply" for HT furnace, 4 mm x6 mm, 2 m long B 402-886.006 Feeding tool for HT furnace A 402-886.014 Ceramic combustion tube B 402-886.114 Halogen absorber filling for straight tube A 402-886.116 Drying agentA 402-886.118 Porcelain boat (white) 1,000 piecesA 402-886.312 Halogen absorber filling for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm(conditioned)402-886.322 Halogen absorber filling (conditioned)for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm, set of 5 piecesWarranty claims and claims related to the fulfillment of manufacture' s technical specification can only be accepted by using original Analytik Jena components, spares and consumables.Specifications and order numbers are subject to changes due to further technical development.Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax.Purchase is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.Disposable retention filter (water trap)
  • 402-885.011耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件
    北京龙天韬略科技有限公司专业提供德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件,产品货号如下:analytikjenaConsumablesmulti N/C serieseffective from 01.01.2010 Priority Order number DescriptionCONSUMABLES TOC(all types of instruments)A 402-810.047 Special catalyst multi N/C, one filling, 40 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100A 402-810.048 Special catalyst platinum, one refillmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-810.050 Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)B 402-810.058 Special catalyst multi N/C, 200 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100B 402-810.059 Special catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refillsmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-825.150 U-tube, o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber(without connections) A 402-881.006 Quartz glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 gA 402-881.228 Disposable retention filter (water trap) A 402-881.229 TC prefilter (aerosol trap)402-881.245 Set of TC prefilter and water trapA 402-885.017 High-temperature mat,set of 3 piecesB 402-885.019 Halogen absorber, complete with U-tubemulti N/C 2100 and multi N/C 2100 S multi N/C 2100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.138 Dosing syringe for phosphoric acid, 5 ml 402-815.819 O-ring 15.5 mm x 2.5 mm Viton IC-vessel N/C 2100 S (Stopper)A 402-823.056 Needle 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm for all types of syringes set of 3 piecesA 402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.238 Septa for pneumatic heads, 10 mm o.d., set of 10 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for N/C 2100 SA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeB 402-886.303 Syringe 100 µ l with vent and removable needle 0.63 mm x0.35 mm (only for APG 60)B 402-886.304 Syringe 250 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm (only for APG 60)A 402-886.305 Syringe 500 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7A 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pump mm (only for APG 60)&emsp A 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm for all types of syringes, 3 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-886.310 Septum for syringe (autosampler) 9.5 mm o.d. 1 pieceB 402-886.311 Syringe graduated 500 µ l with removable needle for manual injectionA 402-886.314 Septa pre-cut for septum-head, 11 mm, 3 piecesA 402-886.317 Condensing loop multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SB 402-886.318 Sample vials, 8 ml50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces multi N/C 2100: for APG 60-sampler multi N/C 2100 S: for APG 60-samplerA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC ModulB 402-889.091 Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 piecesB 402-889.092 Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces(for sample rack with 112 positions)402-890.100 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100A 402-890.110 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-890.111 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100B 402-890.113 needle with luer connector for H3PO4-syringe 402-890.150 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100 SWEARING MATERIAL Double Furnace Solids Module402-889.674 Quartz boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 piecesA 402-890.103 Furnace sealing plugA 402-890.104 Solid combustion tubeA 402-890.105 HookA 402-890.106 Guidance tube 402-890.107 Gasket for oxygen lockA 402-890.108 Gas transfer tubing, adapter with ball jointA 402-890.109 O2 tubingmulti N/C 3100 multi N/C 3100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.005 Sample vials, 80 mm x 33 mm, 70 pieces multi N/C 3100: for dilution rack APG 64B 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.135 Fork-type clamp for oxygen supplyA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.204 Septum silicon/PTFE, 24 mm, for screw cap EPA, set of100 piecesB 402-815.205 Screw cap for 40 ml EPA screw thread vial, set of 100 piecesB 402-820.075 Bottle Insert402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwB 402-825.099 Sample vials for dilution rack, 100 mm x 16 mm, 10 piecesB 402-825.119 Sample vessels for EPA Sampler with piercing function, set of 100 pieces40 ml EPA screw thread vialA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKB 402-883.005 Sample aspirationmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-884.019 Injection tube B 402-884.021 Waste hose with screw joint (2 m) B 402-884.023 Lid for Bottle Insert 402-885.002 Condensation coilA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeA 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pumpA 402-885.016 Sample aspiration tube with screw jointmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeB 402-886.319 Sample vials for APG 64-sampler, 78 mm x 28 mm, 100 piecesA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC Modul402-890.163 Piercing sample aspiration tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.164 Piercing sample purge tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.193 Tubing kit for multi N/C 3100 402-890.200 Condensation vesselHT 1300HT 1300 WEARING MATERIAL402-815.830 Gasket for dust trap for HT furnace (34 mm x 4 mm)A 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-881.013 U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm for halogen absorberA 402-881.203 Glass tube, straight, without connectorsA 402-881.213 Headline-Disposable-In-Line-Filter, box of 10 piecesB 402-886.001 Ceran field for HT furnaceB 402-886.003 Connecting hose "Analyt" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longB 402-886.004 Connecting hose "pump" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longA 402-886.005 Connecting hose "oxygen supply" for HT furnace, 4 mm x6 mm, 2 m long B 402-886.006 Feeding tool for HT furnace A 402-886.014 Ceramic combustion tube B 402-886.114 Halogen absorber filling for straight tube A 402-886.116 Drying agentA 402-886.118 Porcelain boat (white) 1,000 piecesA 402-886.312 Halogen absorber filling for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm(conditioned)402-886.322 Halogen absorber filling (conditioned)for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm, set of 5 piecesWarranty claims and claims related to the fulfillment of manufacture' s technical specification can only be accepted by using original Analytik Jena components, spares and consumables.Specifications and order numbers are subject to changes due to further technical development.Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax.Purchase is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.Disposable retention filter (water trap)
  • 402-885.010德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件
    北京龙天韬略科技有限公司专业提供德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件,产品货号如下:analytikjenaConsumablesmulti N/C serieseffective from 01.01.2010 Priority Order number DescriptionCONSUMABLES TOC(all types of instruments)A 402-810.047 Special catalyst multi N/C, one filling, 40 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100A 402-810.048 Special catalyst platinum, one refillmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-810.050 Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)B 402-810.058 Special catalyst multi N/C, 200 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100B 402-810.059 Special catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refillsmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-825.150 U-tube, o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber(without connections) A 402-881.006 Quartz glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 gA 402-881.228 Disposable retention filter (water trap) A 402-881.229 TC prefilter (aerosol trap)402-881.245 Set of TC prefilter and water trapA 402-885.017 High-temperature mat,set of 3 piecesB 402-885.019 Halogen absorber, complete with U-tubemulti N/C 2100 and multi N/C 2100 S multi N/C 2100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.138 Dosing syringe for phosphoric acid, 5 ml 402-815.819 O-ring 15.5 mm x 2.5 mm Viton IC-vessel N/C 2100 S (Stopper)A 402-823.056 Needle 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm for all types of syringes set of 3 piecesA 402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.238 Septa for pneumatic heads, 10 mm o.d., set of 10 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for N/C 2100 SA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeB 402-886.303 Syringe 100 µ l with vent and removable needle 0.63 mm x0.35 mm (only for APG 60)B 402-886.304 Syringe 250 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm (only for APG 60)A 402-886.305 Syringe 500 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7A 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pump mm (only for APG 60)&emsp A 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm for all types of syringes, 3 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-886.310 Septum for syringe (autosampler) 9.5 mm o.d. 1 pieceB 402-886.311 Syringe graduated 500 µ l with removable needle for manual injectionA 402-886.314 Septa pre-cut for septum-head, 11 mm, 3 piecesA 402-886.317 Condensing loop multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SB 402-886.318 Sample vials, 8 ml50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces multi N/C 2100: for APG 60-sampler multi N/C 2100 S: for APG 60-samplerA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC ModulB 402-889.091 Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 piecesB 402-889.092 Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces(for sample rack with 112 positions)402-890.100 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100A 402-890.110 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-890.111 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100B 402-890.113 needle with luer connector for H3PO4-syringe 402-890.150 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100 SWEARING MATERIAL Double Furnace Solids Module402-889.674 Quartz boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 piecesA 402-890.103 Furnace sealing plugA 402-890.104 Solid combustion tubeA 402-890.105 HookA 402-890.106 Guidance tube 402-890.107 Gasket for oxygen lockA 402-890.108 Gas transfer tubing, adapter with ball jointA 402-890.109 O2 tubingmulti N/C 3100 multi N/C 3100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.005 Sample vials, 80 mm x 33 mm, 70 pieces multi N/C 3100: for dilution rack APG 64B 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.135 Fork-type clamp for oxygen supplyA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.204 Septum silicon/PTFE, 24 mm, for screw cap EPA, set of100 piecesB 402-815.205 Screw cap for 40 ml EPA screw thread vial, set of 100 piecesB 402-820.075 Bottle Insert402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwB 402-825.099 Sample vials for dilution rack, 100 mm x 16 mm, 10 piecesB 402-825.119 Sample vessels for EPA Sampler with piercing function, set of 100 pieces40 ml EPA screw thread vialA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKB 402-883.005 Sample aspirationmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-884.019 Injection tube B 402-884.021 Waste hose with screw joint (2 m) B 402-884.023 Lid for Bottle Insert 402-885.002 Condensation coilA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeA 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pumpA 402-885.016 Sample aspiration tube with screw jointmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeB 402-886.319 Sample vials for APG 64-sampler, 78 mm x 28 mm, 100 piecesA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC Modul402-890.163 Piercing sample aspiration tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.164 Piercing sample purge tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.193 Tubing kit for multi N/C 3100 402-890.200 Condensation vesselHT 1300HT 1300 WEARING MATERIAL402-815.830 Gasket for dust trap for HT furnace (34 mm x 4 mm)A 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-881.013 U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm for halogen absorberA 402-881.203 Glass tube, straight, without connectorsA 402-881.213 Headline-Disposable-In-Line-Filter, box of 10 piecesB 402-886.001 Ceran field for HT furnaceB 402-886.003 Connecting hose "Analyt" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longB 402-886.004 Connecting hose "pump" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longA 402-886.005 Connecting hose "oxygen supply" for HT furnace, 4 mm x6 mm, 2 m long B 402-886.006 Feeding tool for HT furnace A 402-886.014 Ceramic combustion tube B 402-886.114 Halogen absorber filling for straight tube A 402-886.116 Drying agentA 402-886.118 Porcelain boat (white) 1,000 piecesA 402-886.312 Halogen absorber filling for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm(conditioned)402-886.322 Halogen absorber filling (conditioned)for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm, set of 5 piecesWarranty claims and claims related to the fulfillment of manufacture' s technical specification can only be accepted by using original Analytik Jena components, spares and consumables.Specifications and order numbers are subject to changes due to further technical development.Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax.Purchase is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.Disposable retention filter (water trap)
  • 402-885.011德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件
    北京龙天韬略科技有限公司专业提供德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件,产品货号如下:analytikjenaConsumablesmulti N/C serieseffective from 01.01.2010 Priority Order number DescriptionCONSUMABLES TOC(all types of instruments)A 402-810.047 Special catalyst multi N/C, one filling, 40 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100A 402-810.048 Special catalyst platinum, one refillmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-810.050 Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)B 402-810.058 Special catalyst multi N/C, 200 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100B 402-810.059 Special catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refillsmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-825.150 U-tube, o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber(without connections) A 402-881.006 Quartz glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 gA 402-881.228 Disposable retention filter (water trap) A 402-881.229 TC prefilter (aerosol trap)402-881.245 Set of TC prefilter and water trapA 402-885.017 High-temperature mat,set of 3 piecesB 402-885.019 Halogen absorber, complete with U-tubemulti N/C 2100 and multi N/C 2100 S multi N/C 2100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.138 Dosing syringe for phosphoric acid, 5 ml 402-815.819 O-ring 15.5 mm x 2.5 mm Viton IC-vessel N/C 2100 S (Stopper)A 402-823.056 Needle 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm for all types of syringes set of 3 piecesA 402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.238 Septa for pneumatic heads, 10 mm o.d., set of 10 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for N/C 2100 SA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeB 402-886.303 Syringe 100 µ l with vent and removable needle 0.63 mm x0.35 mm (only for APG 60)B 402-886.304 Syringe 250 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm (only for APG 60)A 402-886.305 Syringe 500 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7A 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pump mm (only for APG 60)&emsp A 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm for all types of syringes, 3 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-886.310 Septum for syringe (autosampler) 9.5 mm o.d. 1 pieceB 402-886.311 Syringe graduated 500 µ l with removable needle for manual injectionA 402-886.314 Septa pre-cut for septum-head, 11 mm, 3 piecesA 402-886.317 Condensing loop multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SB 402-886.318 Sample vials, 8 ml50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces multi N/C 2100: for APG 60-sampler multi N/C 2100 S: for APG 60-samplerA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC ModulB 402-889.091 Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 piecesB 402-889.092 Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces(for sample rack with 112 positions)402-890.100 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100A 402-890.110 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-890.111 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100B 402-890.113 needle with luer connector for H3PO4-syringe 402-890.150 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100 SWEARING MATERIAL Double Furnace Solids Module402-889.674 Quartz boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 piecesA 402-890.103 Furnace sealing plugA 402-890.104 Solid combustion tubeA 402-890.105 HookA 402-890.106 Guidance tube 402-890.107 Gasket for oxygen lockA 402-890.108 Gas transfer tubing, adapter with ball jointA 402-890.109 O2 tubingmulti N/C 3100 multi N/C 3100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.005 Sample vials, 80 mm x 33 mm, 70 pieces multi N/C 3100: for dilution rack APG 64B 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.135 Fork-type clamp for oxygen supplyA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.204 Septum silicon/PTFE, 24 mm, for screw cap EPA, set of100 piecesB 402-815.205 Screw cap for 40 ml EPA screw thread vial, set of 100 piecesB 402-820.075 Bottle Insert402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwB 402-825.099 Sample vials for dilution rack, 100 mm x 16 mm, 10 piecesB 402-825.119 Sample vessels for EPA Sampler with piercing function, set of 100 pieces40 ml EPA screw thread vialA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKB 402-883.005 Sample aspirationmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-884.019 Injection tube B 402-884.021 Waste hose with screw joint (2 m) B 402-884.023 Lid for Bottle Insert 402-885.002 Condensation coilA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeA 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pumpA 402-885.016 Sample aspiration tube with screw jointmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeB 402-886.319 Sample vials for APG 64-sampler, 78 mm x 28 mm, 100 piecesA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC Modul402-890.163 Piercing sample aspiration tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.164 Piercing sample purge tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.193 Tubing kit for multi N/C 3100 402-890.200 Condensation vesselHT 1300HT 1300 WEARING MATERIAL402-815.830 Gasket for dust trap for HT furnace (34 mm x 4 mm)A 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-881.013 U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm for halogen absorberA 402-881.203 Glass tube, straight, without connectorsA 402-881.213 Headline-Disposable-In-Line-Filter, box of 10 piecesB 402-886.001 Ceran field for HT furnaceB 402-886.003 Connecting hose "Analyt" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longB 402-886.004 Connecting hose "pump" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longA 402-886.005 Connecting hose "oxygen supply" for HT furnace, 4 mm x6 mm, 2 m long B 402-886.006 Feeding tool for HT furnace A 402-886.014 Ceramic combustion tube B 402-886.114 Halogen absorber filling for straight tube A 402-886.116 Drying agentA 402-886.118 Porcelain boat (white) 1,000 piecesA 402-886.312 Halogen absorber filling for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm(conditioned)402-886.322 Halogen absorber filling (conditioned)for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm, set of 5 piecesWarranty claims and claims related to the fulfillment of manufacture' s technical specification can only be accepted by using original Analytik Jena components, spares and consumables.Specifications and order numbers are subject to changes due to further technical development.Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax.Purchase is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.Disposable retention filter (water trap)
  • 402-886.306德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件
    北京龙天韬略科技有限公司专业提供德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件,产品货号如下:analytikjenaConsumablesmulti N/C serieseffective from 01.01.2010 Priority Order number DescriptionCONSUMABLES TOC(all types of instruments)A 402-810.047 Special catalyst multi N/C, one filling, 40 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100A 402-810.048 Special catalyst platinum, one refillmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-810.050 Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)B 402-810.058 Special catalyst multi N/C, 200 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100B 402-810.059 Special catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refillsmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-825.150 U-tube, o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber(without connections) A 402-881.006 Quartz glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 gA 402-881.228 Disposable retention filter (water trap) A 402-881.229 TC prefilter (aerosol trap)402-881.245 Set of TC prefilter and water trapA 402-885.017 High-temperature mat,set of 3 piecesB 402-885.019 Halogen absorber, complete with U-tubemulti N/C 2100 and multi N/C 2100 S multi N/C 2100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.138 Dosing syringe for phosphoric acid, 5 ml 402-815.819 O-ring 15.5 mm x 2.5 mm Viton IC-vessel N/C 2100 S (Stopper)A 402-823.056 Needle 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm for all types of syringes set of 3 piecesA 402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.238 Septa for pneumatic heads, 10 mm o.d., set of 10 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for N/C 2100 SA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeB 402-886.303 Syringe 100 µ l with vent and removable needle 0.63 mm x0.35 mm (only for APG 60)B 402-886.304 Syringe 250 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm (only for APG 60)A 402-886.305 Syringe 500 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7A 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pump mm (only for APG 60)&emsp A 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm for all types of syringes, 3 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-886.310 Septum for syringe (autosampler) 9.5 mm o.d. 1 pieceB 402-886.311 Syringe graduated 500 µ l with removable needle for manual injectionA 402-886.314 Septa pre-cut for septum-head, 11 mm, 3 piecesA 402-886.317 Condensing loop multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SB 402-886.318 Sample vials, 8 ml50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces multi N/C 2100: for APG 60-sampler multi N/C 2100 S: for APG 60-samplerA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC ModulB 402-889.091 Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 piecesB 402-889.092 Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces(for sample rack with 112 positions)402-890.100 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100A 402-890.110 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-890.111 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100B 402-890.113 needle with luer connector for H3PO4-syringe 402-890.150 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100 SWEARING MATERIAL Double Furnace Solids Module402-889.674 Quartz boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 piecesA 402-890.103 Furnace sealing plugA 402-890.104 Solid combustion tubeA 402-890.105 HookA 402-890.106 Guidance tube 402-890.107 Gasket for oxygen lockA 402-890.108 Gas transfer tubing, adapter with ball jointA 402-890.109 O2 tubingmulti N/C 3100 multi N/C 3100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.005 Sample vials, 80 mm x 33 mm, 70 pieces multi N/C 3100: for dilution rack APG 64B 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.135 Fork-type clamp for oxygen supplyA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.204 Septum silicon/PTFE, 24 mm, for screw cap EPA, set of100 piecesB 402-815.205 Screw cap for 40 ml EPA screw thread vial, set of 100 piecesB 402-820.075 Bottle Insert402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwB 402-825.099 Sample vials for dilution rack, 100 mm x 16 mm, 10 piecesB 402-825.119 Sample vessels for EPA Sampler with piercing function, set of 100 pieces40 ml EPA screw thread vialA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKB 402-883.005 Sample aspirationmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-884.019 Injection tube B 402-884.021 Waste hose with screw joint (2 m) B 402-884.023 Lid for Bottle Insert 402-885.002 Condensation coilA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeA 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pumpA 402-885.016 Sample aspiration tube with screw jointmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeB 402-886.319 Sample vials for APG 64-sampler, 78 mm x 28 mm, 100 piecesA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC Modul402-890.163 Piercing sample aspiration tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.164 Piercing sample purge tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.193 Tubing kit for multi N/C 3100 402-890.200 Condensation vesselHT 1300HT 1300 WEARING MATERIAL402-815.830 Gasket for dust trap for HT furnace (34 mm x 4 mm)A 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-881.013 U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm for halogen absorberA 402-881.203 Glass tube, straight, without connectorsA 402-881.213 Headline-Disposable-In-Line-Filter, box of 10 piecesB 402-886.001 Ceran field for HT furnaceB 402-886.003 Connecting hose "Analyt" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longB 402-886.004 Connecting hose "pump" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longA 402-886.005 Connecting hose "oxygen supply" for HT furnace, 4 mm x6 mm, 2 m long B 402-886.006 Feeding tool for HT furnace A 402-886.014 Ceramic combustion tube B 402-886.114 Halogen absorber filling for straight tube A 402-886.116 Drying agentA 402-886.118 Porcelain boat (white) 1,000 piecesA 402-886.312 Halogen absorber filling for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm(conditioned)402-886.322 Halogen absorber filling (conditioned)for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm, set of 5 piecesWarranty claims and claims related to the fulfillment of manufacture' s technical specification can only be accepted by using original Analytik Jena components, spares and consumables.Specifications and order numbers are subject to changes due to further technical development.Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax.Purchase is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.Disposable retention filter (water trap)
  • 402-886.303耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件
    北京龙天韬略科技有限公司专业提供德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件,产品货号如下:analytikjenaConsumablesmulti N/C serieseffective from 01.01.2010 Priority Order number DescriptionCONSUMABLES TOC(all types of instruments)A 402-810.047 Special catalyst multi N/C, one filling, 40 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100A 402-810.048 Special catalyst platinum, one refillmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-810.050 Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)B 402-810.058 Special catalyst multi N/C, 200 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100B 402-810.059 Special catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refillsmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-825.150 U-tube, o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber(without connections) A 402-881.006 Quartz glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 gA 402-881.228 Disposable retention filter (water trap) A 402-881.229 TC prefilter (aerosol trap)402-881.245 Set of TC prefilter and water trapA 402-885.017 High-temperature mat,set of 3 piecesB 402-885.019 Halogen absorber, complete with U-tubemulti N/C 2100 and multi N/C 2100 S multi N/C 2100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.138 Dosing syringe for phosphoric acid, 5 ml 402-815.819 O-ring 15.5 mm x 2.5 mm Viton IC-vessel N/C 2100 S (Stopper)A 402-823.056 Needle 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm for all types of syringes set of 3 piecesA 402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.238 Septa for pneumatic heads, 10 mm o.d., set of 10 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for N/C 2100 SA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeB 402-886.303 Syringe 100 µ l with vent and removable needle 0.63 mm x0.35 mm (only for APG 60)B 402-886.304 Syringe 250 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm (only for APG 60)A 402-886.305 Syringe 500 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7A 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pump mm (only for APG 60)&emsp A 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm for all types of syringes, 3 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-886.310 Septum for syringe (autosampler) 9.5 mm o.d. 1 pieceB 402-886.311 Syringe graduated 500 µ l with removable needle for manual injectionA 402-886.314 Septa pre-cut for septum-head, 11 mm, 3 piecesA 402-886.317 Condensing loop multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SB 402-886.318 Sample vials, 8 ml50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces multi N/C 2100: for APG 60-sampler multi N/C 2100 S: for APG 60-samplerA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC ModulB 402-889.091 Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 piecesB 402-889.092 Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces(for sample rack with 112 positions)402-890.100 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100A 402-890.110 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-890.111 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100B 402-890.113 needle with luer connector for H3PO4-syringe 402-890.150 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100 SWEARING MATERIAL Double Furnace Solids Module402-889.674 Quartz boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 piecesA 402-890.103 Furnace sealing plugA 402-890.104 Solid combustion tubeA 402-890.105 HookA 402-890.106 Guidance tube 402-890.107 Gasket for oxygen lockA 402-890.108 Gas transfer tubing, adapter with ball jointA 402-890.109 O2 tubingmulti N/C 3100 multi N/C 3100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.005 Sample vials, 80 mm x 33 mm, 70 pieces multi N/C 3100: for dilution rack APG 64B 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.135 Fork-type clamp for oxygen supplyA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.204 Septum silicon/PTFE, 24 mm, for screw cap EPA, set of100 piecesB 402-815.205 Screw cap for 40 ml EPA screw thread vial, set of 100 piecesB 402-820.075 Bottle Insert402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwB 402-825.099 Sample vials for dilution rack, 100 mm x 16 mm, 10 piecesB 402-825.119 Sample vessels for EPA Sampler with piercing function, set of 100 pieces40 ml EPA screw thread vialA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKB 402-883.005 Sample aspirationmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-884.019 Injection tube B 402-884.021 Waste hose with screw joint (2 m) B 402-884.023 Lid for Bottle Insert 402-885.002 Condensation coilA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeA 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pumpA 402-885.016 Sample aspiration tube with screw jointmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeB 402-886.319 Sample vials for APG 64-sampler, 78 mm x 28 mm, 100 piecesA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC Modul402-890.163 Piercing sample aspiration tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.164 Piercing sample purge tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.193 Tubing kit for multi N/C 3100 402-890.200 Condensation vesselHT 1300HT 1300 WEARING MATERIAL402-815.830 Gasket for dust trap for HT furnace (34 mm x 4 mm)A 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-881.013 U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm for halogen absorberA 402-881.203 Glass tube, straight, without connectorsA 402-881.213 Headline-Disposable-In-Line-Filter, box of 10 piecesB 402-886.001 Ceran field for HT furnaceB 402-886.003 Connecting hose "Analyt" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longB 402-886.004 Connecting hose "pump" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longA 402-886.005 Connecting hose "oxygen supply" for HT furnace, 4 mm x6 mm, 2 m long B 402-886.006 Feeding tool for HT furnace A 402-886.014 Ceramic combustion tube B 402-886.114 Halogen absorber filling for straight tube A 402-886.116 Drying agentA 402-886.118 Porcelain boat (white) 1,000 piecesA 402-886.312 Halogen absorber filling for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm(conditioned)402-886.322 Halogen absorber filling (conditioned)for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm, set of 5 piecesWarranty claims and claims related to the fulfillment of manufacture' s technical specification can only be accepted by using original Analytik Jena components, spares and consumables.Specifications and order numbers are subject to changes due to further technical development.Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax.Purchase is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.Disposable retention filter (water trap)
  • 402-886.310德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件
    北京龙天韬略科技有限公司专业提供德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件,产品货号如下:analytikjenaConsumablesmulti N/C serieseffective from 01.01.2010 Priority Order number DescriptionCONSUMABLES TOC(all types of instruments)A 402-810.047 Special catalyst multi N/C, one filling, 40 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100A 402-810.048 Special catalyst platinum, one refillmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-810.050 Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)B 402-810.058 Special catalyst multi N/C, 200 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100B 402-810.059 Special catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refillsmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-825.150 U-tube, o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber(without connections) A 402-881.006 Quartz glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 gA 402-881.228 Disposable retention filter (water trap) A 402-881.229 TC prefilter (aerosol trap)402-881.245 Set of TC prefilter and water trapA 402-885.017 High-temperature mat,set of 3 piecesB 402-885.019 Halogen absorber, complete with U-tubemulti N/C 2100 and multi N/C 2100 S multi N/C 2100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.138 Dosing syringe for phosphoric acid, 5 ml 402-815.819 O-ring 15.5 mm x 2.5 mm Viton IC-vessel N/C 2100 S (Stopper)A 402-823.056 Needle 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm for all types of syringes set of 3 piecesA 402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.238 Septa for pneumatic heads, 10 mm o.d., set of 10 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for N/C 2100 SA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeB 402-886.303 Syringe 100 µ l with vent and removable needle 0.63 mm x0.35 mm (only for APG 60)B 402-886.304 Syringe 250 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm (only for APG 60)A 402-886.305 Syringe 500 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7A 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pump mm (only for APG 60)&emsp A 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm for all types of syringes, 3 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-886.310 Septum for syringe (autosampler) 9.5 mm o.d. 1 pieceB 402-886.311 Syringe graduated 500 µ l with removable needle for manual injectionA 402-886.314 Septa pre-cut for septum-head, 11 mm, 3 piecesA 402-886.317 Condensing loop multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SB 402-886.318 Sample vials, 8 ml50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces multi N/C 2100: for APG 60-sampler multi N/C 2100 S: for APG 60-samplerA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC ModulB 402-889.091 Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 piecesB 402-889.092 Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces(for sample rack with 112 positions)402-890.100 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100A 402-890.110 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-890.111 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100B 402-890.113 needle with luer connector for H3PO4-syringe 402-890.150 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100 SWEARING MATERIAL Double Furnace Solids Module402-889.674 Quartz boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 piecesA 402-890.103 Furnace sealing plugA 402-890.104 Solid combustion tubeA 402-890.105 HookA 402-890.106 Guidance tube 402-890.107 Gasket for oxygen lockA 402-890.108 Gas transfer tubing, adapter with ball jointA 402-890.109 O2 tubingmulti N/C 3100 multi N/C 3100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.005 Sample vials, 80 mm x 33 mm, 70 pieces multi N/C 3100: for dilution rack APG 64B 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.135 Fork-type clamp for oxygen supplyA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.204 Septum silicon/PTFE, 24 mm, for screw cap EPA, set of100 piecesB 402-815.205 Screw cap for 40 ml EPA screw thread vial, set of 100 piecesB 402-820.075 Bottle Insert402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwB 402-825.099 Sample vials for dilution rack, 100 mm x 16 mm, 10 piecesB 402-825.119 Sample vessels for EPA Sampler with piercing function, set of 100 pieces40 ml EPA screw thread vialA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKB 402-883.005 Sample aspirationmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-884.019 Injection tube B 402-884.021 Waste hose with screw joint (2 m) B 402-884.023 Lid for Bottle Insert 402-885.002 Condensation coilA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeA 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pumpA 402-885.016 Sample aspiration tube with screw jointmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeB 402-886.319 Sample vials for APG 64-sampler, 78 mm x 28 mm, 100 piecesA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC Modul402-890.163 Piercing sample aspiration tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.164 Piercing sample purge tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.193 Tubing kit for multi N/C 3100 402-890.200 Condensation vesselHT 1300HT 1300 WEARING MATERIAL402-815.830 Gasket for dust trap for HT furnace (34 mm x 4 mm)A 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-881.013 U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm for halogen absorberA 402-881.203 Glass tube, straight, without connectorsA 402-881.213 Headline-Disposable-In-Line-Filter, box of 10 piecesB 402-886.001 Ceran field for HT furnaceB 402-886.003 Connecting hose "Analyt" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longB 402-886.004 Connecting hose "pump" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longA 402-886.005 Connecting hose "oxygen supply" for HT furnace, 4 mm x6 mm, 2 m long B 402-886.006 Feeding tool for HT furnace A 402-886.014 Ceramic combustion tube B 402-886.114 Halogen absorber filling for straight tube A 402-886.116 Drying agentA 402-886.118 Porcelain boat (white) 1,000 piecesA 402-886.312 Halogen absorber filling for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm(conditioned)402-886.322 Halogen absorber filling (conditioned)for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm, set of 5 piecesWarranty claims and claims related to the fulfillment of manufacture' s technical specification can only be accepted by using original Analytik Jena components, spares and consumables.Specifications and order numbers are subject to changes due to further technical development.Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax.Purchase is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.Disposable retention filter (water trap)
  • 402-886.311德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件
    北京龙天韬略科技有限公司专业提供德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件,产品货号如下:analytikjenaConsumablesmulti N/C serieseffective from 01.01.2010 Priority Order number DescriptionCONSUMABLES TOC(all types of instruments)A 402-810.047 Special catalyst multi N/C, one filling, 40 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100A 402-810.048 Special catalyst platinum, one refillmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-810.050 Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)B 402-810.058 Special catalyst multi N/C, 200 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100B 402-810.059 Special catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refillsmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-825.150 U-tube, o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber(without connections) A 402-881.006 Quartz glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 gA 402-881.228 Disposable retention filter (water trap) A 402-881.229 TC prefilter (aerosol trap)402-881.245 Set of TC prefilter and water trapA 402-885.017 High-temperature mat,set of 3 piecesB 402-885.019 Halogen absorber, complete with U-tubemulti N/C 2100 and multi N/C 2100 S multi N/C 2100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.138 Dosing syringe for phosphoric acid, 5 ml 402-815.819 O-ring 15.5 mm x 2.5 mm Viton IC-vessel N/C 2100 S (Stopper)A 402-823.056 Needle 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm for all types of syringes set of 3 piecesA 402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.238 Septa for pneumatic heads, 10 mm o.d., set of 10 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for N/C 2100 SA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeB 402-886.303 Syringe 100 µ l with vent and removable needle 0.63 mm x0.35 mm (only for APG 60)B 402-886.304 Syringe 250 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm (only for APG 60)A 402-886.305 Syringe 500 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7A 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pump mm (only for APG 60)&emsp A 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm for all types of syringes, 3 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-886.310 Septum for syringe (autosampler) 9.5 mm o.d. 1 pieceB 402-886.311 Syringe graduated 500 µ l with removable needle for manual injectionA 402-886.314 Septa pre-cut for septum-head, 11 mm, 3 piecesA 402-886.317 Condensing loop multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SB 402-886.318 Sample vials, 8 ml50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces multi N/C 2100: for APG 60-sampler multi N/C 2100 S: for APG 60-samplerA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC ModulB 402-889.091 Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 piecesB 402-889.092 Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces(for sample rack with 112 positions)402-890.100 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100A 402-890.110 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-890.111 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100B 402-890.113 needle with luer connector for H3PO4-syringe 402-890.150 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100 SWEARING MATERIAL Double Furnace Solids Module402-889.674 Quartz boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 piecesA 402-890.103 Furnace sealing plugA 402-890.104 Solid combustion tubeA 402-890.105 HookA 402-890.106 Guidance tube 402-890.107 Gasket for oxygen lockA 402-890.108 Gas transfer tubing, adapter with ball jointA 402-890.109 O2 tubingmulti N/C 3100 multi N/C 3100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.005 Sample vials, 80 mm x 33 mm, 70 pieces multi N/C 3100: for dilution rack APG 64B 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.135 Fork-type clamp for oxygen supplyA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.204 Septum silicon/PTFE, 24 mm, for screw cap EPA, set of100 piecesB 402-815.205 Screw cap for 40 ml EPA screw thread vial, set of 100 piecesB 402-820.075 Bottle Insert402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwB 402-825.099 Sample vials for dilution rack, 100 mm x 16 mm, 10 piecesB 402-825.119 Sample vessels for EPA Sampler with piercing function, set of 100 pieces40 ml EPA screw thread vialA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKB 402-883.005 Sample aspirationmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-884.019 Injection tube B 402-884.021 Waste hose with screw joint (2 m) B 402-884.023 Lid for Bottle Insert 402-885.002 Condensation coilA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeA 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pumpA 402-885.016 Sample aspiration tube with screw jointmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeB 402-886.319 Sample vials for APG 64-sampler, 78 mm x 28 mm, 100 piecesA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC Modul402-890.163 Piercing sample aspiration tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.164 Piercing sample purge tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.193 Tubing kit for multi N/C 3100 402-890.200 Condensation vesselHT 1300HT 1300 WEARING MATERIAL402-815.830 Gasket for dust trap for HT furnace (34 mm x 4 mm)A 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-881.013 U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm for halogen absorberA 402-881.203 Glass tube, straight, without connectorsA 402-881.213 Headline-Disposable-In-Line-Filter, box of 10 piecesB 402-886.001 Ceran field for HT furnaceB 402-886.003 Connecting hose "Analyt" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longB 402-886.004 Connecting hose "pump" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longA 402-886.005 Connecting hose "oxygen supply" for HT furnace, 4 mm x6 mm, 2 m long B 402-886.006 Feeding tool for HT furnace A 402-886.014 Ceramic combustion tube B 402-886.114 Halogen absorber filling for straight tube A 402-886.116 Drying agentA 402-886.118 Porcelain boat (white) 1,000 piecesA 402-886.312 Halogen absorber filling for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm(conditioned)402-886.322 Halogen absorber filling (conditioned)for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm, set of 5 piecesWarranty claims and claims related to the fulfillment of manufacture' s technical specification can only be accepted by using original Analytik Jena components, spares and consumables.Specifications and order numbers are subject to changes due to further technical development.Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax.Purchase is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.Disposable retention filter (water trap)
  • 402-886.317德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件
    北京龙天韬略科技有限公司专业提供德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件,产品货号如下:analytikjenaConsumablesmulti N/C serieseffective from 01.01.2010 Priority Order number DescriptionCONSUMABLES TOC(all types of instruments)A 402-810.047 Special catalyst multi N/C, one filling, 40 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100A 402-810.048 Special catalyst platinum, one refillmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-810.050 Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)B 402-810.058 Special catalyst multi N/C, 200 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100B 402-810.059 Special catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refillsmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-825.150 U-tube, o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber(without connections) A 402-881.006 Quartz glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 gA 402-881.228 Disposable retention filter (water trap) A 402-881.229 TC prefilter (aerosol trap)402-881.245 Set of TC prefilter and water trapA 402-885.017 High-temperature mat,set of 3 piecesB 402-885.019 Halogen absorber, complete with U-tubemulti N/C 2100 and multi N/C 2100 S multi N/C 2100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.138 Dosing syringe for phosphoric acid, 5 ml 402-815.819 O-ring 15.5 mm x 2.5 mm Viton IC-vessel N/C 2100 S (Stopper)A 402-823.056 Needle 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm for all types of syringes set of 3 piecesA 402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.238 Septa for pneumatic heads, 10 mm o.d., set of 10 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for N/C 2100 SA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeB 402-886.303 Syringe 100 µ l with vent and removable needle 0.63 mm x0.35 mm (only for APG 60)B 402-886.304 Syringe 250 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm (only for APG 60)A 402-886.305 Syringe 500 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7A 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pump mm (only for APG 60)&emsp A 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm for all types of syringes, 3 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-886.310 Septum for syringe (autosampler) 9.5 mm o.d. 1 pieceB 402-886.311 Syringe graduated 500 µ l with removable needle for manual injectionA 402-886.314 Septa pre-cut for septum-head, 11 mm, 3 piecesA 402-886.317 Condensing loop multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SB 402-886.318 Sample vials, 8 ml50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces multi N/C 2100: for APG 60-sampler multi N/C 2100 S: for APG 60-samplerA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC ModulB 402-889.091 Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 piecesB 402-889.092 Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces(for sample rack with 112 positions)402-890.100 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100A 402-890.110 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-890.111 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100B 402-890.113 needle with luer connector for H3PO4-syringe 402-890.150 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100 SWEARING MATERIAL Double Furnace Solids Module402-889.674 Quartz boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 piecesA 402-890.103 Furnace sealing plugA 402-890.104 Solid combustion tubeA 402-890.105 HookA 402-890.106 Guidance tube 402-890.107 Gasket for oxygen lockA 402-890.108 Gas transfer tubing, adapter with ball jointA 402-890.109 O2 tubingmulti N/C 3100 multi N/C 3100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.005 Sample vials, 80 mm x 33 mm, 70 pieces multi N/C 3100: for dilution rack APG 64B 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.135 Fork-type clamp for oxygen supplyA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.204 Septum silicon/PTFE, 24 mm, for screw cap EPA, set of100 piecesB 402-815.205 Screw cap for 40 ml EPA screw thread vial, set of 100 piecesB 402-820.075 Bottle Insert402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwB 402-825.099 Sample vials for dilution rack, 100 mm x 16 mm, 10 piecesB 402-825.119 Sample vessels for EPA Sampler with piercing function, set of 100 pieces40 ml EPA screw thread vialA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKB 402-883.005 Sample aspirationmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-884.019 Injection tube B 402-884.021 Waste hose with screw joint (2 m) B 402-884.023 Lid for Bottle Insert 402-885.002 Condensation coilA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeA 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pumpA 402-885.016 Sample aspiration tube with screw jointmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeB 402-886.319 Sample vials for APG 64-sampler, 78 mm x 28 mm, 100 piecesA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC Modul402-890.163 Piercing sample aspiration tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.164 Piercing sample purge tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.193 Tubing kit for multi N/C 3100 402-890.200 Condensation vesselHT 1300HT 1300 WEARING MATERIAL402-815.830 Gasket for dust trap for HT furnace (34 mm x 4 mm)A 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-881.013 U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm for halogen absorberA 402-881.203 Glass tube, straight, without connectorsA 402-881.213 Headline-Disposable-In-Line-Filter, box of 10 piecesB 402-886.001 Ceran field for HT furnaceB 402-886.003 Connecting hose "Analyt" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longB 402-886.004 Connecting hose "pump" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longA 402-886.005 Connecting hose "oxygen supply" for HT furnace, 4 mm x6 mm, 2 m long B 402-886.006 Feeding tool for HT furnace A 402-886.014 Ceramic combustion tube B 402-886.114 Halogen absorber filling for straight tube A 402-886.116 Drying agentA 402-886.118 Porcelain boat (white) 1,000 piecesA 402-886.312 Halogen absorber filling for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm(conditioned)402-886.322 Halogen absorber filling (conditioned)for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm, set of 5 piecesWarranty claims and claims related to the fulfillment of manufacture' s technical specification can only be accepted by using original Analytik Jena components, spares and consumables.Specifications and order numbers are subject to changes due to further technical development.Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax.Purchase is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.Disposable retention filter (water trap)
  • 402-886.318德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件
    北京龙天韬略科技有限公司专业提供德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件,产品货号如下:analytikjenaConsumablesmulti N/C serieseffective from 01.01.2010 Priority Order number DescriptionCONSUMABLES TOC(all types of instruments)A 402-810.047 Special catalyst multi N/C, one filling, 40 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100A 402-810.048 Special catalyst platinum, one refillmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-810.050 Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)B 402-810.058 Special catalyst multi N/C, 200 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100B 402-810.059 Special catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refillsmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-825.150 U-tube, o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber(without connections) A 402-881.006 Quartz glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 gA 402-881.228 Disposable retention filter (water trap) A 402-881.229 TC prefilter (aerosol trap)402-881.245 Set of TC prefilter and water trapA 402-885.017 High-temperature mat,set of 3 piecesB 402-885.019 Halogen absorber, complete with U-tubemulti N/C 2100 and multi N/C 2100 S multi N/C 2100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.138 Dosing syringe for phosphoric acid, 5 ml 402-815.819 O-ring 15.5 mm x 2.5 mm Viton IC-vessel N/C 2100 S (Stopper)A 402-823.056 Needle 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm for all types of syringes set of 3 piecesA 402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.238 Septa for pneumatic heads, 10 mm o.d., set of 10 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for N/C 2100 SA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeB 402-886.303 Syringe 100 µ l with vent and removable needle 0.63 mm x0.35 mm (only for APG 60)B 402-886.304 Syringe 250 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm (only for APG 60)A 402-886.305 Syringe 500 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7A 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pump mm (only for APG 60)&emsp A 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm for all types of syringes, 3 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-886.310 Septum for syringe (autosampler) 9.5 mm o.d. 1 pieceB 402-886.311 Syringe graduated 500 µ l with removable needle for manual injectionA 402-886.314 Septa pre-cut for septum-head, 11 mm, 3 piecesA 402-886.317 Condensing loop multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SB 402-886.318 Sample vials, 8 ml50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces multi N/C 2100: for APG 60-sampler multi N/C 2100 S: for APG 60-samplerA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC ModulB 402-889.091 Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 piecesB 402-889.092 Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces(for sample rack with 112 positions)402-890.100 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100A 402-890.110 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-890.111 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100B 402-890.113 needle with luer connector for H3PO4-syringe 402-890.150 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100 SWEARING MATERIAL Double Furnace Solids Module402-889.674 Quartz boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 piecesA 402-890.103 Furnace sealing plugA 402-890.104 Solid combustion tubeA 402-890.105 HookA 402-890.106 Guidance tube 402-890.107 Gasket for oxygen lockA 402-890.108 Gas transfer tubing, adapter with ball jointA 402-890.109 O2 tubingmulti N/C 3100 multi N/C 3100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.005 Sample vials, 80 mm x 33 mm, 70 pieces multi N/C 3100: for dilution rack APG 64B 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.135 Fork-type clamp for oxygen supplyA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.204 Septum silicon/PTFE, 24 mm, for screw cap EPA, set of100 piecesB 402-815.205 Screw cap for 40 ml EPA screw thread vial, set of 100 piecesB 402-820.075 Bottle Insert402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwB 402-825.099 Sample vials for dilution rack, 100 mm x 16 mm, 10 piecesB 402-825.119 Sample vessels for EPA Sampler with piercing function, set of 100 pieces40 ml EPA screw thread vialA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKB 402-883.005 Sample aspirationmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-884.019 Injection tube B 402-884.021 Waste hose with screw joint (2 m) B 402-884.023 Lid for Bottle Insert 402-885.002 Condensation coilA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeA 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pumpA 402-885.016 Sample aspiration tube with screw jointmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeB 402-886.319 Sample vials for APG 64-sampler, 78 mm x 28 mm, 100 piecesA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC Modul402-890.163 Piercing sample aspiration tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.164 Piercing sample purge tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.193 Tubing kit for multi N/C 3100 402-890.200 Condensation vesselHT 1300HT 1300 WEARING MATERIAL402-815.830 Gasket for dust trap for HT furnace (34 mm x 4 mm)A 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-881.013 U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm for halogen absorberA 402-881.203 Glass tube, straight, without connectorsA 402-881.213 Headline-Disposable-In-Line-Filter, box of 10 piecesB 402-886.001 Ceran field for HT furnaceB 402-886.003 Connecting hose "Analyt" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longB 402-886.004 Connecting hose "pump" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longA 402-886.005 Connecting hose "oxygen supply" for HT furnace, 4 mm x6 mm, 2 m long B 402-886.006 Feeding tool for HT furnace A 402-886.014 Ceramic combustion tube B 402-886.114 Halogen absorber filling for straight tube A 402-886.116 Drying agentA 402-886.118 Porcelain boat (white) 1,000 piecesA 402-886.312 Halogen absorber filling for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm(conditioned)402-886.322 Halogen absorber filling (conditioned)for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm, set of 5 piecesWarranty claims and claims related to the fulfillment of manufacture' s technical specification can only be accepted by using original Analytik Jena components, spares and consumables.Specifications and order numbers are subject to changes due to further technical development.Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax.Purchase is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.Disposable retention filter (water trap)
  • 402-886.319德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件
    北京龙天韬略科技有限公司专业提供德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件,产品货号如下:analytikjenaConsumablesmulti N/C serieseffective from 01.01.2010 Priority Order number DescriptionCONSUMABLES TOC(all types of instruments)A 402-810.047 Special catalyst multi N/C, one filling, 40 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100A 402-810.048 Special catalyst platinum, one refillmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-810.050 Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)B 402-810.058 Special catalyst multi N/C, 200 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100B 402-810.059 Special catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refillsmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-825.150 U-tube, o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber(without connections) A 402-881.006 Quartz glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 gA 402-881.228 Disposable retention filter (water trap) A 402-881.229 TC prefilter (aerosol trap)402-881.245 Set of TC prefilter and water trapA 402-885.017 High-temperature mat,set of 3 piecesB 402-885.019 Halogen absorber, complete with U-tubemulti N/C 2100 and multi N/C 2100 S multi N/C 2100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.138 Dosing syringe for phosphoric acid, 5 ml 402-815.819 O-ring 15.5 mm x 2.5 mm Viton IC-vessel N/C 2100 S (Stopper)A 402-823.056 Needle 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm for all types of syringes set of 3 piecesA 402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.238 Septa for pneumatic heads, 10 mm o.d., set of 10 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for N/C 2100 SA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeB 402-886.303 Syringe 100 µ l with vent and removable needle 0.63 mm x0.35 mm (only for APG 60)B 402-886.304 Syringe 250 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm (only for APG 60)A 402-886.305 Syringe 500 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7A 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pump mm (only for APG 60)&emsp A 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm for all types of syringes, 3 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-886.310 Septum for syringe (autosampler) 9.5 mm o.d. 1 pieceB 402-886.311 Syringe graduated 500 µ l with removable needle for manual injectionA 402-886.314 Septa pre-cut for septum-head, 11 mm, 3 piecesA 402-886.317 Condensing loop multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SB 402-886.318 Sample vials, 8 ml50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces multi N/C 2100: for APG 60-sampler multi N/C 2100 S: for APG 60-samplerA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC ModulB 402-889.091 Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 piecesB 402-889.092 Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces(for sample rack with 112 positions)402-890.100 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100A 402-890.110 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-890.111 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100B 402-890.113 needle with luer connector for H3PO4-syringe 402-890.150 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100 SWEARING MATERIAL Double Furnace Solids Module402-889.674 Quartz boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 piecesA 402-890.103 Furnace sealing plugA 402-890.104 Solid combustion tubeA 402-890.105 HookA 402-890.106 Guidance tube 402-890.107 Gasket for oxygen lockA 402-890.108 Gas transfer tubing, adapter with ball jointA 402-890.109 O2 tubingmulti N/C 3100 multi N/C 3100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.005 Sample vials, 80 mm x 33 mm, 70 pieces multi N/C 3100: for dilution rack APG 64B 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.135 Fork-type clamp for oxygen supplyA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.204 Septum silicon/PTFE, 24 mm, for screw cap EPA, set of100 piecesB 402-815.205 Screw cap for 40 ml EPA screw thread vial, set of 100 piecesB 402-820.075 Bottle Insert402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwB 402-825.099 Sample vials for dilution rack, 100 mm x 16 mm, 10 piecesB 402-825.119 Sample vessels for EPA Sampler with piercing function, set of 100 pieces40 ml EPA screw thread vialA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKB 402-883.005 Sample aspirationmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-884.019 Injection tube B 402-884.021 Waste hose with screw joint (2 m) B 402-884.023 Lid for Bottle Insert 402-885.002 Condensation coilA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeA 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pumpA 402-885.016 Sample aspiration tube with screw jointmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeB 402-886.319 Sample vials for APG 64-sampler, 78 mm x 28 mm, 100 piecesA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC Modul402-890.163 Piercing sample aspiration tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.164 Piercing sample purge tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.193 Tubing kit for multi N/C 3100 402-890.200 Condensation vesselHT 1300HT 1300 WEARING MATERIAL402-815.830 Gasket for dust trap for HT furnace (34 mm x 4 mm)A 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-881.013 U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm for halogen absorberA 402-881.203 Glass tube, straight, without connectorsA 402-881.213 Headline-Disposable-In-Line-Filter, box of 10 piecesB 402-886.001 Ceran field for HT furnaceB 402-886.003 Connecting hose "Analyt" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longB 402-886.004 Connecting hose "pump" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longA 402-886.005 Connecting hose "oxygen supply" for HT furnace, 4 mm x6 mm, 2 m long B 402-886.006 Feeding tool for HT furnace A 402-886.014 Ceramic combustion tube B 402-886.114 Halogen absorber filling for straight tube A 402-886.116 Drying agentA 402-886.118 Porcelain boat (white) 1,000 piecesA 402-886.312 Halogen absorber filling for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm(conditioned)402-886.322 Halogen absorber filling (conditioned)for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm, set of 5 piecesWarranty claims and claims related to the fulfillment of manufacture' s technical specification can only be accepted by using original Analytik Jena components, spares and consumables.Specifications and order numbers are subject to changes due to further technical development.Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax.Purchase is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.Disposable retention filter (water trap)
  • 402-889.091德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件
    北京龙天韬略科技有限公司专业提供德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件,产品货号如下:analytikjenaConsumablesmulti N/C serieseffective from 01.01.2010 Priority Order number DescriptionCONSUMABLES TOC(all types of instruments)A 402-810.047 Special catalyst multi N/C, one filling, 40 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100A 402-810.048 Special catalyst platinum, one refillmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-810.050 Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)B 402-810.058 Special catalyst multi N/C, 200 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100B 402-810.059 Special catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refillsmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-825.150 U-tube, o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber(without connections) A 402-881.006 Quartz glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 gA 402-881.228 Disposable retention filter (water trap) A 402-881.229 TC prefilter (aerosol trap)402-881.245 Set of TC prefilter and water trapA 402-885.017 High-temperature mat,set of 3 piecesB 402-885.019 Halogen absorber, complete with U-tubemulti N/C 2100 and multi N/C 2100 S multi N/C 2100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.138 Dosing syringe for phosphoric acid, 5 ml 402-815.819 O-ring 15.5 mm x 2.5 mm Viton IC-vessel N/C 2100 S (Stopper)A 402-823.056 Needle 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm for all types of syringes set of 3 piecesA 402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.238 Septa for pneumatic heads, 10 mm o.d., set of 10 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for N/C 2100 SA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeB 402-886.303 Syringe 100 µ l with vent and removable needle 0.63 mm x0.35 mm (only for APG 60)B 402-886.304 Syringe 250 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm (only for APG 60)A 402-886.305 Syringe 500 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7A 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pump mm (only for APG 60)&emsp A 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm for all types of syringes, 3 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-886.310 Septum for syringe (autosampler) 9.5 mm o.d. 1 pieceB 402-886.311 Syringe graduated 500 µ l with removable needle for manual injectionA 402-886.314 Septa pre-cut for septum-head, 11 mm, 3 piecesA 402-886.317 Condensing loop multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SB 402-886.318 Sample vials, 8 ml50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces multi N/C 2100: for APG 60-sampler multi N/C 2100 S: for APG 60-samplerA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC ModulB 402-889.091 Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 piecesB 402-889.092 Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces(for sample rack with 112 positions)402-890.100 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100A 402-890.110 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-890.111 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100B 402-890.113 needle with luer connector for H3PO4-syringe 402-890.150 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100 SWEARING MATERIAL Double Furnace Solids Module402-889.674 Quartz boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 piecesA 402-890.103 Furnace sealing plugA 402-890.104 Solid combustion tubeA 402-890.105 HookA 402-890.106 Guidance tube 402-890.107 Gasket for oxygen lockA 402-890.108 Gas transfer tubing, adapter with ball jointA 402-890.109 O2 tubingmulti N/C 3100 multi N/C 3100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.005 Sample vials, 80 mm x 33 mm, 70 pieces multi N/C 3100: for dilution rack APG 64B 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.135 Fork-type clamp for oxygen supplyA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.204 Septum silicon/PTFE, 24 mm, for screw cap EPA, set of100 piecesB 402-815.205 Screw cap for 40 ml EPA screw thread vial, set of 100 piecesB 402-820.075 Bottle Insert402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwB 402-825.099 Sample vials for dilution rack, 100 mm x 16 mm, 10 piecesB 402-825.119 Sample vessels for EPA Sampler with piercing function, set of 100 pieces40 ml EPA screw thread vialA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKB 402-883.005 Sample aspirationmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-884.019 Injection tube B 402-884.021 Waste hose with screw joint (2 m) B 402-884.023 Lid for Bottle Insert 402-885.002 Condensation coilA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeA 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pumpA 402-885.016 Sample aspiration tube with screw jointmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeB 402-886.319 Sample vials for APG 64-sampler, 78 mm x 28 mm, 100 piecesA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC Modul402-890.163 Piercing sample aspiration tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.164 Piercing sample purge tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.193 Tubing kit for multi N/C 3100 402-890.200 Condensation vesselHT 1300HT 1300 WEARING MATERIAL402-815.830 Gasket for dust trap for HT furnace (34 mm x 4 mm)A 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-881.013 U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm for halogen absorberA 402-881.203 Glass tube, straight, without connectorsA 402-881.213 Headline-Disposable-In-Line-Filter, box of 10 piecesB 402-886.001 Ceran field for HT furnaceB 402-886.003 Connecting hose "Analyt" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longB 402-886.004 Connecting hose "pump" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longA 402-886.005 Connecting hose "oxygen supply" for HT furnace, 4 mm x6 mm, 2 m long B 402-886.006 Feeding tool for HT furnace A 402-886.014 Ceramic combustion tube B 402-886.114 Halogen absorber filling for straight tube A 402-886.116 Drying agentA 402-886.118 Porcelain boat (white) 1,000 piecesA 402-886.312 Halogen absorber filling for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm(conditioned)402-886.322 Halogen absorber filling (conditioned)for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm, set of 5 piecesWarranty claims and claims related to the fulfillment of manufacture' s technical specification can only be accepted by using original Analytik Jena components, spares and consumables.Specifications and order numbers are subject to changes due to further technical development.Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax.Purchase is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.Disposable retention filter (water trap)
  • 402-890.105德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件
    北京龙天韬略科技有限公司专业提供德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件,产品货号如下:analytikjenaConsumablesmulti N/C serieseffective from 01.01.2010 Priority Order number DescriptionCONSUMABLES TOC(all types of instruments)A 402-810.047 Special catalyst multi N/C, one filling, 40 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100A 402-810.048 Special catalyst platinum, one refillmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-810.050 Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)B 402-810.058 Special catalyst multi N/C, 200 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100B 402-810.059 Special catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refillsmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-825.150 U-tube, o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber(without connections) A 402-881.006 Quartz glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 gA 402-881.228 Disposable retention filter (water trap) A 402-881.229 TC prefilter (aerosol trap)402-881.245 Set of TC prefilter and water trapA 402-885.017 High-temperature mat,set of 3 piecesB 402-885.019 Halogen absorber, complete with U-tubemulti N/C 2100 and multi N/C 2100 S multi N/C 2100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.138 Dosing syringe for phosphoric acid, 5 ml 402-815.819 O-ring 15.5 mm x 2.5 mm Viton IC-vessel N/C 2100 S (Stopper)A 402-823.056 Needle 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm for all types of syringes set of 3 piecesA 402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.238 Septa for pneumatic heads, 10 mm o.d., set of 10 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for N/C 2100 SA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeB 402-886.303 Syringe 100 µ l with vent and removable needle 0.63 mm x0.35 mm (only for APG 60)B 402-886.304 Syringe 250 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm (only for APG 60)A 402-886.305 Syringe 500 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7A 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pump mm (only for APG 60)&emsp A 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm for all types of syringes, 3 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-886.310 Septum for syringe (autosampler) 9.5 mm o.d. 1 pieceB 402-886.311 Syringe graduated 500 µ l with removable needle for manual injectionA 402-886.314 Septa pre-cut for septum-head, 11 mm, 3 piecesA 402-886.317 Condensing loop multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SB 402-886.318 Sample vials, 8 ml50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces multi N/C 2100: for APG 60-sampler multi N/C 2100 S: for APG 60-samplerA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC ModulB 402-889.091 Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 piecesB 402-889.092 Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces(for sample rack with 112 positions)402-890.100 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100A 402-890.110 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-890.111 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100B 402-890.113 needle with luer connector for H3PO4-syringe 402-890.150 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100 SWEARING MATERIAL Double Furnace Solids Module402-889.674 Quartz boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 piecesA 402-890.103 Furnace sealing plugA 402-890.104 Solid combustion tubeA 402-890.105 HookA 402-890.106 Guidance tube 402-890.107 Gasket for oxygen lockA 402-890.108 Gas transfer tubing, adapter with ball jointA 402-890.109 O2 tubingmulti N/C 3100 multi N/C 3100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.005 Sample vials, 80 mm x 33 mm, 70 pieces multi N/C 3100: for dilution rack APG 64B 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.135 Fork-type clamp for oxygen supplyA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.204 Septum silicon/PTFE, 24 mm, for screw cap EPA, set of100 piecesB 402-815.205 Screw cap for 40 ml EPA screw thread vial, set of 100 piecesB 402-820.075 Bottle Insert402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwB 402-825.099 Sample vials for dilution rack, 100 mm x 16 mm, 10 piecesB 402-825.119 Sample vessels for EPA Sampler with piercing function, set of 100 pieces40 ml EPA screw thread vialA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKB 402-883.005 Sample aspirationmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-884.019 Injection tube B 402-884.021 Waste hose with screw joint (2 m) B 402-884.023 Lid for Bottle Insert 402-885.002 Condensation coilA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeA 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pumpA 402-885.016 Sample aspiration tube with screw jointmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeB 402-886.319 Sample vials for APG 64-sampler, 78 mm x 28 mm, 100 piecesA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC Modul402-890.163 Piercing sample aspiration tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.164 Piercing sample purge tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.193 Tubing kit for multi N/C 3100 402-890.200 Condensation vesselHT 1300HT 1300 WEARING MATERIAL402-815.830 Gasket for dust trap for HT furnace (34 mm x 4 mm)A 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-881.013 U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm for halogen absorberA 402-881.203 Glass tube, straight, without connectorsA 402-881.213 Headline-Disposable-In-Line-Filter, box of 10 piecesB 402-886.001 Ceran field for HT furnaceB 402-886.003 Connecting hose "Analyt" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longB 402-886.004 Connecting hose "pump" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longA 402-886.005 Connecting hose "oxygen supply" for HT furnace, 4 mm x6 mm, 2 m long B 402-886.006 Feeding tool for HT furnace A 402-886.014 Ceramic combustion tube B 402-886.114 Halogen absorber filling for straight tube A 402-886.116 Drying agentA 402-886.118 Porcelain boat (white) 1,000 piecesA 402-886.312 Halogen absorber filling for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm(conditioned)402-886.322 Halogen absorber filling (conditioned)for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm, set of 5 piecesWarranty claims and claims related to the fulfillment of manufacture' s technical specification can only be accepted by using original Analytik Jena components, spares and consumables.Specifications and order numbers are subject to changes due to further technical development.Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax.Purchase is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.Disposable retention filter (water trap)
  • 402-890.107德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件
    北京龙天韬略科技有限公司专业提供德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件,产品货号如下:analytikjenaConsumablesmulti N/C serieseffective from 01.01.2010 Priority Order number DescriptionCONSUMABLES TOC(all types of instruments)A 402-810.047 Special catalyst multi N/C, one filling, 40 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100A 402-810.048 Special catalyst platinum, one refillmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-810.050 Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)B 402-810.058 Special catalyst multi N/C, 200 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100B 402-810.059 Special catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refillsmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-825.150 U-tube, o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber(without connections) A 402-881.006 Quartz glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 gA 402-881.228 Disposable retention filter (water trap) A 402-881.229 TC prefilter (aerosol trap)402-881.245 Set of TC prefilter and water trapA 402-885.017 High-temperature mat,set of 3 piecesB 402-885.019 Halogen absorber, complete with U-tubemulti N/C 2100 and multi N/C 2100 S multi N/C 2100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.138 Dosing syringe for phosphoric acid, 5 ml 402-815.819 O-ring 15.5 mm x 2.5 mm Viton IC-vessel N/C 2100 S (Stopper)A 402-823.056 Needle 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm for all types of syringes set of 3 piecesA 402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.238 Septa for pneumatic heads, 10 mm o.d., set of 10 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for N/C 2100 SA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeB 402-886.303 Syringe 100 µ l with vent and removable needle 0.63 mm x0.35 mm (only for APG 60)B 402-886.304 Syringe 250 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm (only for APG 60)A 402-886.305 Syringe 500 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7A 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pump mm (only for APG 60)&emsp A 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm for all types of syringes, 3 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-886.310 Septum for syringe (autosampler) 9.5 mm o.d. 1 pieceB 402-886.311 Syringe graduated 500 µ l with removable needle for manual injectionA 402-886.314 Septa pre-cut for septum-head, 11 mm, 3 piecesA 402-886.317 Condensing loop multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SB 402-886.318 Sample vials, 8 ml50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces multi N/C 2100: for APG 60-sampler multi N/C 2100 S: for APG 60-samplerA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC ModulB 402-889.091 Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 piecesB 402-889.092 Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces(for sample rack with 112 positions)402-890.100 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100A 402-890.110 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-890.111 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100B 402-890.113 needle with luer connector for H3PO4-syringe 402-890.150 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100 SWEARING MATERIAL Double Furnace Solids Module402-889.674 Quartz boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 piecesA 402-890.103 Furnace sealing plugA 402-890.104 Solid combustion tubeA 402-890.105 HookA 402-890.106 Guidance tube 402-890.107 Gasket for oxygen lockA 402-890.108 Gas transfer tubing, adapter with ball jointA 402-890.109 O2 tubingmulti N/C 3100 multi N/C 3100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.005 Sample vials, 80 mm x 33 mm, 70 pieces multi N/C 3100: for dilution rack APG 64B 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.135 Fork-type clamp for oxygen supplyA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.204 Septum silicon/PTFE, 24 mm, for screw cap EPA, set of100 piecesB 402-815.205 Screw cap for 40 ml EPA screw thread vial, set of 100 piecesB 402-820.075 Bottle Insert402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwB 402-825.099 Sample vials for dilution rack, 100 mm x 16 mm, 10 piecesB 402-825.119 Sample vessels for EPA Sampler with piercing function, set of 100 pieces40 ml EPA screw thread vialA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKB 402-883.005 Sample aspirationmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-884.019 Injection tube B 402-884.021 Waste hose with screw joint (2 m) B 402-884.023 Lid for Bottle Insert 402-885.002 Condensation coilA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeA 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pumpA 402-885.016 Sample aspiration tube with screw jointmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeB 402-886.319 Sample vials for APG 64-sampler, 78 mm x 28 mm, 100 piecesA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC Modul402-890.163 Piercing sample aspiration tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.164 Piercing sample purge tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.193 Tubing kit for multi N/C 3100 402-890.200 Condensation vesselHT 1300HT 1300 WEARING MATERIAL402-815.830 Gasket for dust trap for HT furnace (34 mm x 4 mm)A 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-881.013 U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm for halogen absorberA 402-881.203 Glass tube, straight, without connectorsA 402-881.213 Headline-Disposable-In-Line-Filter, box of 10 piecesB 402-886.001 Ceran field for HT furnaceB 402-886.003 Connecting hose "Analyt" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longB 402-886.004 Connecting hose "pump" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longA 402-886.005 Connecting hose "oxygen supply" for HT furnace, 4 mm x6 mm, 2 m long B 402-886.006 Feeding tool for HT furnace A 402-886.014 Ceramic combustion tube B 402-886.114 Halogen absorber filling for straight tube A 402-886.116 Drying agentA 402-886.118 Porcelain boat (white) 1,000 piecesA 402-886.312 Halogen absorber filling for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm(conditioned)402-886.322 Halogen absorber filling (conditioned)for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm, set of 5 piecesWarranty claims and claims related to the fulfillment of manufacture' s technical specification can only be accepted by using original Analytik Jena components, spares and consumables.Specifications and order numbers are subject to changes due to further technical development.Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax.Purchase is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.Disposable retention filter (water trap)
  • 402-881.027德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件
    北京龙天韬略科技有限公司专业提供德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件,产品货号如下:analytikjenaConsumablesmulti N/C serieseffective from 01.01.2010 Priority Order number DescriptionCONSUMABLES TOC(all types of instruments)A 402-810.047 Special catalyst multi N/C, one filling, 40 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100A 402-810.048 Special catalyst platinum, one refillmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-810.050 Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)B 402-810.058 Special catalyst multi N/C, 200 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100B 402-810.059 Special catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refillsmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-825.150 U-tube, o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber(without connections) A 402-881.006 Quartz glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 gA 402-881.228 Disposable retention filter (water trap) A 402-881.229 TC prefilter (aerosol trap)402-881.245 Set of TC prefilter and water trapA 402-885.017 High-temperature mat,set of 3 piecesB 402-885.019 Halogen absorber, complete with U-tubemulti N/C 2100 and multi N/C 2100 S multi N/C 2100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.138 Dosing syringe for phosphoric acid, 5 ml 402-815.819 O-ring 15.5 mm x 2.5 mm Viton IC-vessel N/C 2100 S (Stopper)A 402-823.056 Needle 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm for all types of syringes set of 3 piecesA 402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.238 Septa for pneumatic heads, 10 mm o.d., set of 10 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for N/C 2100 SA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeB 402-886.303 Syringe 100 µ l with vent and removable needle 0.63 mm x0.35 mm (only for APG 60)B 402-886.304 Syringe 250 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm (only for APG 60)A 402-886.305 Syringe 500 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7A 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pump mm (only for APG 60)&emsp A 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm for all types of syringes, 3 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-886.310 Septum for syringe (autosampler) 9.5 mm o.d. 1 pieceB 402-886.311 Syringe graduated 500 µ l with removable needle for manual injectionA 402-886.314 Septa pre-cut for septum-head, 11 mm, 3 piecesA 402-886.317 Condensing loop multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SB 402-886.318 Sample vials, 8 ml50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces multi N/C 2100: for APG 60-sampler multi N/C 2100 S: for APG 60-samplerA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC ModulB 402-889.091 Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 piecesB 402-889.092 Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces(for sample rack with 112 positions)402-890.100 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100A 402-890.110 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-890.111 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100B 402-890.113 needle with luer connector for H3PO4-syringe 402-890.150 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100 SWEARING MATERIAL Double Furnace Solids Module402-889.674 Quartz boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 piecesA 402-890.103 Furnace sealing plugA 402-890.104 Solid combustion tubeA 402-890.105 HookA 402-890.106 Guidance tube 402-890.107 Gasket for oxygen lockA 402-890.108 Gas transfer tubing, adapter with ball jointA 402-890.109 O2 tubingmulti N/C 3100 multi N/C 3100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.005 Sample vials, 80 mm x 33 mm, 70 pieces multi N/C 3100: for dilution rack APG 64B 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.135 Fork-type clamp for oxygen supplyA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.204 Septum silicon/PTFE, 24 mm, for screw cap EPA, set of100 piecesB 402-815.205 Screw cap for 40 ml EPA screw thread vial, set of 100 piecesB 402-820.075 Bottle Insert402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwB 402-825.099 Sample vials for dilution rack, 100 mm x 16 mm, 10 piecesB 402-825.119 Sample vessels for EPA Sampler with piercing function, set of 100 pieces40 ml EPA screw thread vialA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKB 402-883.005 Sample aspirationmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-884.019 Injection tube B 402-884.021 Waste hose with screw joint (2 m) B 402-884.023 Lid for Bottle Insert 402-885.002 Condensation coilA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeA 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pumpA 402-885.016 Sample aspiration tube with screw jointmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeB 402-886.319 Sample vials for APG 64-sampler, 78 mm x 28 mm, 100 piecesA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC Modul402-890.163 Piercing sample aspiration tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.164 Piercing sample purge tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.193 Tubing kit for multi N/C 3100 402-890.200 Condensation vesselHT 1300HT 1300 WEARING MATERIAL402-815.830 Gasket for dust trap for HT furnace (34 mm x 4 mm)A 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-881.013 U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm for halogen absorberA 402-881.203 Glass tube, straight, without connectorsA 402-881.213 Headline-Disposable-In-Line-Filter, box of 10 piecesB 402-886.001 Ceran field for HT furnaceB 402-886.003 Connecting hose "Analyt" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longB 402-886.004 Connecting hose "pump" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longA 402-886.005 Connecting hose "oxygen supply" for HT furnace, 4 mm x6 mm, 2 m long B 402-886.006 Feeding tool for HT furnace A 402-886.014 Ceramic combustion tube B 402-886.114 Halogen absorber filling for straight tube A 402-886.116 Drying agentA 402-886.118 Porcelain boat (white) 1,000 piecesA 402-886.312 Halogen absorber filling for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm(conditioned)402-886.322 Halogen absorber filling (conditioned)for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm, set of 5 piecesWarranty claims and claims related to the fulfillment of manufacture' s technical specification can only be accepted by using original Analytik Jena components, spares and consumables.Specifications and order numbers are subject to changes due to further technical development.Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax.Purchase is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.Disposable retention filter (water trap)
  • 402-825.119德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件
    北京龙天韬略科技有限公司专业提供德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件,产品货号如下:analytikjenaConsumablesmulti N/C serieseffective from 01.01.2010 Priority Order number DescriptionCONSUMABLES TOC(all types of instruments)A 402-810.047 Special catalyst multi N/C, one filling, 40 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100A 402-810.048 Special catalyst platinum, one refillmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-810.050 Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)B 402-810.058 Special catalyst multi N/C, 200 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100B 402-810.059 Special catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refillsmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-825.150 U-tube, o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber(without connections) A 402-881.006 Quartz glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 gA 402-881.228 Disposable retention filter (water trap) A 402-881.229 TC prefilter (aerosol trap)402-881.245 Set of TC prefilter and water trapA 402-885.017 High-temperature mat,set of 3 piecesB 402-885.019 Halogen absorber, complete with U-tubemulti N/C 2100 and multi N/C 2100 S multi N/C 2100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.138 Dosing syringe for phosphoric acid, 5 ml 402-815.819 O-ring 15.5 mm x 2.5 mm Viton IC-vessel N/C 2100 S (Stopper)A 402-823.056 Needle 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm for all types of syringes set of 3 piecesA 402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.238 Septa for pneumatic heads, 10 mm o.d., set of 10 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for N/C 2100 SA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeB 402-886.303 Syringe 100 µ l with vent and removable needle 0.63 mm x0.35 mm (only for APG 60)B 402-886.304 Syringe 250 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm (only for APG 60)A 402-886.305 Syringe 500 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7A 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pump mm (only for APG 60)&emsp A 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm for all types of syringes, 3 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-886.310 Septum for syringe (autosampler) 9.5 mm o.d. 1 pieceB 402-886.311 Syringe graduated 500 µ l with removable needle for manual injectionA 402-886.314 Septa pre-cut for septum-head, 11 mm, 3 piecesA 402-886.317 Condensing loop multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SB 402-886.318 Sample vials, 8 ml50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces multi N/C 2100: for APG 60-sampler multi N/C 2100 S: for APG 60-samplerA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC ModulB 402-889.091 Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 piecesB 402-889.092 Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces(for sample rack with 112 positions)402-890.100 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100A 402-890.110 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-890.111 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100B 402-890.113 needle with luer connector for H3PO4-syringe 402-890.150 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100 SWEARING MATERIAL Double Furnace Solids Module402-889.674 Quartz boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 piecesA 402-890.103 Furnace sealing plugA 402-890.104 Solid combustion tubeA 402-890.105 HookA 402-890.106 Guidance tube 402-890.107 Gasket for oxygen lockA 402-890.108 Gas transfer tubing, adapter with ball jointA 402-890.109 O2 tubingmulti N/C 3100 multi N/C 3100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.005 Sample vials, 80 mm x 33 mm, 70 pieces multi N/C 3100: for dilution rack APG 64B 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.135 Fork-type clamp for oxygen supplyA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.204 Septum silicon/PTFE, 24 mm, for screw cap EPA, set of100 piecesB 402-815.205 Screw cap for 40 ml EPA screw thread vial, set of 100 piecesB 402-820.075 Bottle Insert402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwB 402-825.099 Sample vials for dilution rack, 100 mm x 16 mm, 10 piecesB 402-825.119 Sample vessels for EPA Sampler with piercing function, set of 100 pieces40 ml EPA screw thread vialA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKB 402-883.005 Sample aspirationmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-884.019 Injection tube B 402-884.021 Waste hose with screw joint (2 m) B 402-884.023 Lid for Bottle Insert 402-885.002 Condensation coilA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeA 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pumpA 402-885.016 Sample aspiration tube with screw jointmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeB 402-886.319 Sample vials for APG 64-sampler, 78 mm x 28 mm, 100 piecesA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC Modul402-890.163 Piercing sample aspiration tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.164 Piercing sample purge tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.193 Tubing kit for multi N/C 3100 402-890.200 Condensation vesselHT 1300HT 1300 WEARING MATERIAL402-815.830 Gasket for dust trap for HT furnace (34 mm x 4 mm)A 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-881.013 U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm for halogen absorberA 402-881.203 Glass tube, straight, without connectorsA 402-881.213 Headline-Disposable-In-Line-Filter, box of 10 piecesB 402-886.001 Ceran field for HT furnaceB 402-886.003 Connecting hose "Analyt" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longB 402-886.004 Connecting hose "pump" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longA 402-886.005 Connecting hose "oxygen supply" for HT furnace, 4 mm x6 mm, 2 m long B 402-886.006 Feeding tool for HT furnace A 402-886.014 Ceramic combustion tube B 402-886.114 Halogen absorber filling for straight tube A 402-886.116 Drying agentA 402-886.118 Porcelain boat (white) 1,000 piecesA 402-886.312 Halogen absorber filling for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm(conditioned)402-886.322 Halogen absorber filling (conditioned)for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm, set of 5 piecesWarranty claims and claims related to the fulfillment of manufacture' s technical specification can only be accepted by using original Analytik Jena components, spares and consumables.Specifications and order numbers are subject to changes due to further technical development.Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax.Purchase is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.Disposable retention filter (water trap)
  • 402-815.138耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件
    北京龙天韬略科技有限公司专业提供德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件,产品货号如下:analytikjenaConsumablesmulti N/C serieseffective from 01.01.2010 Priority Order number DescriptionCONSUMABLES TOC(all types of instruments)A 402-810.047 Special catalyst multi N/C, one filling, 40 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100A 402-810.048 Special catalyst platinum, one refillmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-810.050 Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)B 402-810.058 Special catalyst multi N/C, 200 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100B 402-810.059 Special catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refillsmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-825.150 U-tube, o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber(without connections) A 402-881.006 Quartz glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 gA 402-881.228 Disposable retention filter (water trap) A 402-881.229 TC prefilter (aerosol trap)402-881.245 Set of TC prefilter and water trapA 402-885.017 High-temperature mat,set of 3 piecesB 402-885.019 Halogen absorber, complete with U-tubemulti N/C 2100 and multi N/C 2100 S multi N/C 2100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.138 Dosing syringe for phosphoric acid, 5 ml 402-815.819 O-ring 15.5 mm x 2.5 mm Viton IC-vessel N/C 2100 S (Stopper)A 402-823.056 Needle 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm for all types of syringes set of 3 piecesA 402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.238 Septa for pneumatic heads, 10 mm o.d., set of 10 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for N/C 2100 SA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeB 402-886.303 Syringe 100 µ l with vent and removable needle 0.63 mm x0.35 mm (only for APG 60)B 402-886.304 Syringe 250 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm (only for APG 60)A 402-886.305 Syringe 500 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7A 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pump mm (only for APG 60)&emsp A 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm for all types of syringes, 3 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-886.310 Septum for syringe (autosampler) 9.5 mm o.d. 1 pieceB 402-886.311 Syringe graduated 500 µ l with removable needle for manual injectionA 402-886.314 Septa pre-cut for septum-head, 11 mm, 3 piecesA 402-886.317 Condensing loop multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SB 402-886.318 Sample vials, 8 ml50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces multi N/C 2100: for APG 60-sampler multi N/C 2100 S: for APG 60-samplerA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC ModulB 402-889.091 Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 piecesB 402-889.092 Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces(for sample rack with 112 positions)402-890.100 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100A 402-890.110 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-890.111 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100B 402-890.113 needle with luer connector for H3PO4-syringe 402-890.150 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100 SWEARING MATERIAL Double Furnace Solids Module402-889.674 Quartz boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 piecesA 402-890.103 Furnace sealing plugA 402-890.104 Solid combustion tubeA 402-890.105 HookA 402-890.106 Guidance tube 402-890.107 Gasket for oxygen lockA 402-890.108 Gas transfer tubing, adapter with ball jointA 402-890.109 O2 tubingmulti N/C 3100 multi N/C 3100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.005 Sample vials, 80 mm x 33 mm, 70 pieces multi N/C 3100: for dilution rack APG 64B 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.135 Fork-type clamp for oxygen supplyA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.204 Septum silicon/PTFE, 24 mm, for screw cap EPA, set of100 piecesB 402-815.205 Screw cap for 40 ml EPA screw thread vial, set of 100 piecesB 402-820.075 Bottle Insert402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwB 402-825.099 Sample vials for dilution rack, 100 mm x 16 mm, 10 piecesB 402-825.119 Sample vessels for EPA Sampler with piercing function, set of 100 pieces40 ml EPA screw thread vialA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKB 402-883.005 Sample aspirationmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-884.019 Injection tube B 402-884.021 Waste hose with screw joint (2 m) B 402-884.023 Lid for Bottle Insert 402-885.002 Condensation coilA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeA 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pumpA 402-885.016 Sample aspiration tube with screw jointmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeB 402-886.319 Sample vials for APG 64-sampler, 78 mm x 28 mm, 100 piecesA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC Modul402-890.163 Piercing sample aspiration tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.164 Piercing sample purge tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.193 Tubing kit for multi N/C 3100 402-890.200 Condensation vesselHT 1300HT 1300 WEARING MATERIAL402-815.830 Gasket for dust trap for HT furnace (34 mm x 4 mm)A 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-881.013 U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm for halogen absorberA 402-881.203 Glass tube, straight, without connectorsA 402-881.213 Headline-Disposable-In-Line-Filter, box of 10 piecesB 402-886.001 Ceran field for HT furnaceB 402-886.003 Connecting hose "Analyt" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longB 402-886.004 Connecting hose "pump" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longA 402-886.005 Connecting hose "oxygen supply" for HT furnace, 4 mm x6 mm, 2 m long B 402-886.006 Feeding tool for HT furnace A 402-886.014 Ceramic combustion tube B 402-886.114 Halogen absorber filling for straight tube A 402-886.116 Drying agentA 402-886.118 Porcelain boat (white) 1,000 piecesA 402-886.312 Halogen absorber filling for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm(conditioned)402-886.322 Halogen absorber filling (conditioned)for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm, set of 5 piecesWarranty claims and claims related to the fulfillment of manufacture' s technical specification can only be accepted by using original Analytik Jena components, spares and consumables.Specifications and order numbers are subject to changes due to further technical development.Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax.Purchase is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.Disposable retention filter (water trap)
  • 402-000.008德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件
    北京龙天韬略科技有限公司专业提供德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件,产品货号如下:analytikjenaConsumablesmulti N/C serieseffective from 01.01.2010 Priority Order number DescriptionCONSUMABLES TOC(all types of instruments)A 402-810.047 Special catalyst multi N/C, one filling, 40 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100A 402-810.048 Special catalyst platinum, one refillmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-810.050 Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)B 402-810.058 Special catalyst multi N/C, 200 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100B 402-810.059 Special catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refillsmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-825.150 U-tube, o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber(without connections) A 402-881.006 Quartz glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 gA 402-881.228 Disposable retention filter (water trap) A 402-881.229 TC prefilter (aerosol trap)402-881.245 Set of TC prefilter and water trapA 402-885.017 High-temperature mat, set of 3 piecesB 402-885.019 Halogen absorber, complete with U-tubemulti N/C 2100 and multi N/C 2100 S multi N/C 2100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.138 Dosing syringe for phosphoric acid, 5 ml 402-815.819 O-ring 15.5 mm x 2.5 mm Viton IC-vessel N/C 2100 S (Stopper)A 402-823.056 Needle 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm for all types of syringes set of 3 piecesA 402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.238 Septa for pneumatic heads, 10 mm o.d., set of 10 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for N/C 2100 SA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeB 402-886.303 Syringe 100 µ l with vent and removable needle 0.63 mm x0.35 mm (only for APG 60)B 402-886.304 Syringe 250 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm (only for APG 60)A 402-886.305 Syringe 500 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7A 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pump mm (only for APG 60)&emsp A 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm for all types of syringes, 3 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-886.310 Septumfor syringe (autosampler) 9.5 mm o.d. 1 pieceB 402-886.311 Syringe graduated 500 µ l with removable needle for manual injectionA 402-886.314 Septa pre-cut for septum-head, 11 mm, 3 piecesA 402-886.317 Condensing loop multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SB 402-886.318 Sample vials, 8 ml50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces multi N/C 2100: for APG 60-sampler multi N/C 2100 S: for APG 60-samplerA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC ModulB 402-889.091 Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 piecesB 402-889.092 Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces(for sample rack with 112 positions)402-890.100 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100A 402-890.110 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-890.111 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100B 402-890.113 needle with luer connector for H3PO4-syringe 402-890.150 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100 SWEARING MATERIAL Double Furnace Solids Module402-889.674 Quartz boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 piecesA 402-890.103 Furnace sealing plugA 402-890.104 Solid combustion tubeA 402-890.105 HookA 402-890.106 Guidance tube 402-890.107 Gasket for oxygen lockA 402-890.108 Gas transfer tubing, adapter with ball jointA 402-890.109 O2 tubingmulti N/C 3100 multi N/C 3100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.005 Sample vials, 80 mm x 33 mm, 70 piecesmulti N/C 3100: for dilution rack APG 64B 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.135 Fork-type clamp for oxygen supplyA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.204 Septum silicon/PTFE, 24 mm, for screw cap EPA, set of100 piecesB 402-815.205 Screw cap for 40 ml EPA screw thread vial, set of 100 piecesB 402-820.075 Bottle Insert402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwB 402-825.099 Sample vials for dilution rack, 100 mm x 16 mm, 10 piecesB 402-825.119 Sample vesselsfor EPA Sampler with piercing function, set of 100 pieces40 ml EPA screw thread vialA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKB 402-883.005 Sample aspirationmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-884.019 Injection tube B 402-884.021 Waste hose with screw joint (2 m) B 402-884.023 Lid for Bottle Insert 402-885.002 Condensation coilA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeA 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pumpA 402-885.016 Sample aspiration tube with screw jointmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeB 402-886.319 Sample vials for APG 64-sampler, 78 mm x 28 mm, 100 piecesA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC Modul402-890.163 Piercing sample aspiration tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.164 Piercing sample purge tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.193 Tubing kit for multi N/C 3100 402-890.200 Condensation vesselHT 1300HT 1300 WEARING MATERIAL402-815.830 Gasket for dust trap for HT furnace (34 mm x 4 mm)A 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-881.013 U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm for halogen absorberA 402-881.203 Glass tube, straight, without connectorsA 402-881.213 Headline-Disposable-In-Line-Filter, box of 10 piecesB 402-886.001 Ceran field for HT furnaceB 402-886.003 Connecting hose "Analyt" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longB 402-886.004 Connecting hose "pump" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longA 402-886.005 Connecting hose "oxygen supply" for HT furnace, 4 mm x6 mm, 2 m long B 402-886.006 Feeding tool for HT furnace A 402-886.014 Ceramic combustion tube B 402-886.114 Halogen absorber filling for straight tube A 402-886.116 Drying agentA 402-886.118 Porcelain boat (white) 1,000 piecesA 402-886.312 Halogen absorber filling for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm(conditioned)402-886.322 Halogen absorber filling (conditioned)for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm, set of 5 piecesWarranty claims and claims related to the fulfillment of manufacture' s technical specification can only be accepted by using original Analytik Jena components, spares and consumables.Specifications and order numbers are subject to changes due to further technical development.Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax.Purchase is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.Disposable retention filter (water trap)
  • 402-815.058德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件
    北京龙天韬略科技有限公司专业提供德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件,产品货号如下:analytikjenaConsumablesmulti N/C serieseffective from 01.01.2010 Priority Order number DescriptionCONSUMABLES TOC(all types of instruments)A 402-810.047 Special catalyst multi N/C, one filling, 40 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100A 402-810.048 Special catalyst platinum, one refillmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-810.050 Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)B 402-810.058 Special catalyst multi N/C, 200 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100B 402-810.059 Special catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refillsmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-825.150 U-tube, o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber(without connections) A 402-881.006 Quartz glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 gA 402-881.228 Disposable retention filter (water trap) A 402-881.229 TC prefilter (aerosol trap)402-881.245 Set of TC prefilter and water trapA 402-885.017 High-temperature mat, set of 3 piecesB 402-885.019 Halogen absorber, complete with U-tubemulti N/C 2100 and multi N/C 2100 S multi N/C 2100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.138 Dosing syringe for phosphoric acid, 5 ml 402-815.819 O-ring 15.5 mm x 2.5 mm Viton IC-vessel N/C 2100 S (Stopper)A 402-823.056 Needle 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm for all types of syringes set of 3 piecesA 402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.238 Septa for pneumatic heads, 10 mm o.d., set of 10 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for N/C 2100 SA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeB 402-886.303 Syringe 100 µ l with vent and removable needle 0.63 mm x0.35 mm (only for APG 60)B 402-886.304 Syringe 250 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm (only for APG 60)A 402-886.305 Syringe 500 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7A 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pump mm (only for APG 60)&emsp A 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm for all types of syringes, 3 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-886.310 Septumfor syringe (autosampler) 9.5 mm o.d. 1 pieceB 402-886.311 Syringe graduated 500 µ l with removable needle for manual injectionA 402-886.314 Septa pre-cut for septum-head, 11 mm, 3 piecesA 402-886.317 Condensing loop multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SB 402-886.318 Sample vials, 8 ml50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces multi N/C 2100: for APG 60-sampler multi N/C 2100 S: for APG 60-samplerA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC ModulB 402-889.091 Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 piecesB 402-889.092 Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces(for sample rack with 112 positions)402-890.100 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100A 402-890.110 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-890.111 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100B 402-890.113 needle with luer connector for H3PO4-syringe 402-890.150 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100 SWEARING MATERIAL Double Furnace Solids Module402-889.674 Quartz boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 piecesA 402-890.103 Furnace sealing plugA 402-890.104 Solid combustion tubeA 402-890.105 HookA 402-890.106 Guidance tube 402-890.107 Gasket for oxygen lockA 402-890.108 Gas transfer tubing, adapter with ball jointA 402-890.109 O2 tubingmulti N/C 3100 multi N/C 3100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.005 Sample vials, 80 mm x 33 mm, 70 piecesmulti N/C 3100: for dilution rack APG 64B 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.135 Fork-type clamp for oxygen supplyA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.204 Septum silicon/PTFE, 24 mm, for screw cap EPA, set of100 piecesB 402-815.205 Screw cap for 40 ml EPA screw thread vial, set of 100 piecesB 402-820.075 Bottle Insert402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwB 402-825.099 Sample vials for dilution rack, 100 mm x 16 mm, 10 piecesB 402-825.119 Sample vesselsfor EPA Sampler with piercing function, set of 100 pieces40 ml EPA screw thread vialA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKB 402-883.005 Sample aspirationmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-884.019 Injection tube B 402-884.021 Waste hose with screw joint (2 m) B 402-884.023 Lid for Bottle Insert 402-885.002 Condensation coilA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeA 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pumpA 402-885.016 Sample aspiration tube with screw jointmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeB 402-886.319 Sample vials for APG 64-sampler, 78 mm x 28 mm, 100 piecesA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC Modul402-890.163 Piercing sample aspiration tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.164 Piercing sample purge tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.193 Tubing kit for multi N/C 3100 402-890.200 Condensation vesselHT 1300HT 1300 WEARING MATERIAL402-815.830 Gasket for dust trap for HT furnace (34 mm x 4 mm)A 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-881.013 U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm for halogen absorberA 402-881.203 Glass tube, straight, without connectorsA 402-881.213 Headline-Disposable-In-Line-Filter, box of 10 piecesB 402-886.001 Ceran field for HT furnaceB 402-886.003 Connecting hose "Analyt" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longB 402-886.004 Connecting hose "pump" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longA 402-886.005 Connecting hose "oxygen supply" for HT furnace, 4 mm x6 mm, 2 m long B 402-886.006 Feeding tool for HT furnace A 402-886.014 Ceramic combustion tube B 402-886.114 Halogen absorber filling for straight tube A 402-886.116 Drying agentA 402-886.118 Porcelain boat (white) 1,000 piecesA 402-886.312 Halogen absorber filling for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm(conditioned)402-886.322 Halogen absorber filling (conditioned)for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm, set of 5 piecesWarranty claims and claims related to the fulfillment of manufacture' s technical specification can only be accepted by using original Analytik Jena components, spares and consumables.Specifications and order numbers are subject to changes due to further technical development.Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax.Purchase is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.Disposable retention filter (water trap)
  • 402-881.238耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件
    北京龙天韬略科技有限公司专业提供德国耶拿TOC分析仪/总有机碳分析仪耗材配件,产品货号如下:analytikjenaConsumablesmulti N/C serieseffective from 01.01.2010 Priority Order number DescriptionCONSUMABLES TOC(all types of instruments)A 402-810.047 Special catalyst multi N/C, one filling, 40 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100A 402-810.048 Special catalyst platinum, one refillmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-810.050 Halogen absorber filling (copper- and brass wool)B 402-810.058 Special catalyst multi N/C, 200 grecommended for multi N/C 3000/3100B 402-810.059 Special catalyst platinum, sufficient for 5 refillsmulti N/C 2100: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 S multi N/C 2100 S: recommended for multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SA 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-825.150 U-tube, o.d. = 11 mm, without filling for halogenabsorber(without connections) A 402-881.006 Quartz glass cullet, coarse grains, packet of 80 gA 402-881.228 Disposable retention filter (water trap) A 402-881.229 TC prefilter (aerosol trap)402-881.245 Set of TC prefilter and water trapA 402-885.017 High-temperature mat,set of 3 piecesB 402-885.019 Halogen absorber, complete with U-tubemulti N/C 2100 and multi N/C 2100 S multi N/C 2100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.138 Dosing syringe for phosphoric acid, 5 ml 402-815.819 O-ring 15.5 mm x 2.5 mm Viton IC-vessel N/C 2100 S (Stopper)A 402-823.056 Needle 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm for all types of syringes set of 3 piecesA 402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.238 Septa for pneumatic heads, 10 mm o.d., set of 10 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for N/C 2100 SA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeB 402-886.303 Syringe 100 µ l with vent and removable needle 0.63 mm x0.35 mm (only for APG 60)B 402-886.304 Syringe 250 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm (only for APG 60)A 402-886.305 Syringe 500 µ l with vent and removable needle 1 mm x 0.7A 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pump mm (only for APG 60)&emsp A 402-886.306 Needle 1 mm x 0.7 mm for all types of syringes, 3 piecesmulti N/C 2100: only for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-886.310 Septum for syringe (autosampler) 9.5 mm o.d. 1 pieceB 402-886.311 Syringe graduated 500 µ l with removable needle for manual injectionA 402-886.314 Septa pre-cut for septum-head, 11 mm, 3 piecesA 402-886.317 Condensing loop multi N/C 2000/2100/2100 SB 402-886.318 Sample vials, 8 ml50 mm x 18 mm, 125 pieces multi N/C 2100: for APG 60-sampler multi N/C 2100 S: for APG 60-samplerA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC ModulB 402-889.091 Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 piecesB 402-889.092 Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces(for sample rack with 112 positions)402-890.100 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100A 402-890.110 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100 SA 402-890.111 tubing kit for multi N/C 2100B 402-890.113 needle with luer connector for H3PO4-syringe 402-890.150 IC condensing vessel multi N/C 2100 SWEARING MATERIAL Double Furnace Solids Module402-889.674 Quartz boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 piecesA 402-890.103 Furnace sealing plugA 402-890.104 Solid combustion tubeA 402-890.105 HookA 402-890.106 Guidance tube 402-890.107 Gasket for oxygen lockA 402-890.108 Gas transfer tubing, adapter with ball jointA 402-890.109 O2 tubingmulti N/C 3100 multi N/C 3100 WEARING MATERIALB 402-000.005 Sample vials, 80 mm x 33 mm, 70 pieces multi N/C 3100: for dilution rack APG 64B 402-000.008 Stirring magnets, 15 mm x 6 mm, 10 piecesA 402-520.135 Fork-type clamp for oxygen supplyA 402-520.137 Glass screw joint (gray)A 402-815.058 Lab-type screw joint D 3.2 - GL 14, complete (red)A 402-815.102 O-rings for combustion tube, set of 3 piecesB 402-815.204 Septum silicon/PTFE, 24 mm, for screw cap EPA, set of100 piecesB 402-815.205 Screw cap for 40 ml EPA screw thread vial, set of 100 piecesB 402-820.075 Bottle Insert402-825.041 Fork-type clamp KS 13/2 with clamping screwB 402-825.099 Sample vials for dilution rack, 100 mm x 16 mm, 10 piecesB 402-825.119 Sample vessels for EPA Sampler with piercing function, set of 100 pieces40 ml EPA screw thread vialA 402-881.026 Finger-Tight-Set 1/8" for tube set, PEEKA 402-881.027 Finger-Tight-Set 1/16" for tube set, PEEKB 402-883.005 Sample aspirationmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeA 402-884.005 Pump hose for peristaltic pump, wasteA 402-884.019 Injection tube B 402-884.021 Waste hose with screw joint (2 m) B 402-884.023 Lid for Bottle Insert 402-885.002 Condensation coilA 402-885.010 Combustion tubeA 402-885.011 Pump hose for H3PO4 pumpA 402-885.016 Sample aspiration tube with screw jointmulti N/C 3100: also purge tubeB 402-886.319 Sample vials for APG 64-sampler, 78 mm x 28 mm, 100 piecesA 402-889.050 Septum 12.5 mm set of 5 piecesmulti N/C 2100: for manual TIC - Port multi N/C 3100: for POC Modul402-890.163 Piercing sample aspiration tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.164 Piercing sample purge tube for EPA sampler, titanium402-890.193 Tubing kit for multi N/C 3100 402-890.200 Condensation vesselHT 1300HT 1300 WEARING MATERIAL402-815.830 Gasket for dust trap for HT furnace (34 mm x 4 mm)A 402-825.044 Quartz wool, 1 packetA 402-881.013 U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm for halogen absorberA 402-881.203 Glass tube, straight, without connectorsA 402-881.213 Headline-Disposable-In-Line-Filter, box of 10 piecesB 402-886.001 Ceran field for HT furnaceB 402-886.003 Connecting hose "Analyt" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longB 402-886.004 Connecting hose "pump" for HT furnace, 4 mm x 6 mm, 1 m longA 402-886.005 Connecting hose "oxygen supply" for HT furnace, 4 mm x6 mm, 2 m long B 402-886.006 Feeding tool for HT furnace A 402-886.014 Ceramic combustion tube B 402-886.114 Halogen absorber filling for straight tube A 402-886.116 Drying agentA 402-886.118 Porcelain boat (white) 1,000 piecesA 402-886.312 Halogen absorber filling for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm(conditioned)402-886.322 Halogen absorber filling (conditioned)for U-tube, o.d. = 21 mm, set of 5 piecesWarranty claims and claims related to the fulfillment of manufacture' s technical specification can only be accepted by using original Analytik Jena components, spares and consumables.Specifications and order numbers are subject to changes due to further technical development.Prices are quoted exclusive of value added tax.Purchase is subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Analytik Jena AG.Disposable retention filter (water trap)
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