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仪器信息网微纳力学机专题为您提供2024年最新微纳力学机价格报价、厂家品牌的相关信息, 包括微纳力学机参数、型号等,不管是国产,还是进口品牌的微纳力学机您都可以在这里找到。 除此之外,仪器信息网还免费为您整合微纳力学机相关的耗材配件、试剂标物,还有微纳力学机相关的最新资讯、资料,以及微纳力学机相关的解决方案。


  • 飞秒激光微纳加工系统配件
    工业级飞秒激光微纳加工系统配件专业为工业微加工研究和生产而研发的成熟的技术,可用于飞秒激光打孔,飞秒激光蚀刻,飞秒激光多光子聚合等微纳加工应用。飞秒激光微纳加工系统配件具有非常绝佳的可靠性和超高的加工速度,飞秒激光器由于激光脉冲超短,提供了常见激光无以伦比的激光功率密度,其加工效果远远超过纳秒和皮秒激光。光束所到之处能够瞬间将材料汽化,由于激光脉冲超短,激光能量无法在如此短的时间内扩散到周围材料中,所以对加工区域周围影响微乎其微,是一种冷加工技术,加工效果堪称一流。飞秒激光微纳加工系统配件采用高达10W的Yb:KGW(1030nm)飞秒激光器作为激光光源,重复频率在1--1000KHz范围内可调,结合一流的精密扫描振镜,提供超高的微加工速度。系统配备Arotech公司高分辨率的定位平台,并同步激光光束扫描振镜和脉冲选择器, 在空间,时间和能量上提供全方位高精度控制。从而提供超高难度的加工能力,并达到亚微米精度的分辨率和重复性。配备机械视图系统,使用高分辨率的相机监控加工过程。飞秒激光微纳加工系统配件使用了贴别为微加工而设计的飞秒激光器,它比市场上出售的商业飞秒激光器具有更多优势,具有更高的稳定性和可靠性,达到工业使用的标准,飞秒激光放大器具有更短的脉冲(振动器80fs, 放大器280fs),飞秒激光器具有更高的平均功率(振荡器高达2W, 放大器为6W),而且激光重复频率可调,计算机监控并控制激光。飞秒激光微纳加工系统配件规格 激光放大器参数 波长 1030nm 平均功率 6W 重复频率 1-1000KHz可调 脉宽 280fs-10ps计算机控制 最大脉冲能量 1mJ 输出稳定性1% 光束质量M2 2 脉冲选择器 多种频率选择 SH, TH,FH可选 激光振荡器参数 功率 1W 脉宽 80fs 重复频率 76MHz飞秒激光微纳加工系统配件特色 超高加工速度:高达350000像素 飞秒微细加工模式下具有最小的热影响区 工作面积高达:150x150mm 使用高性能振镜控制精密激光光束 激光脉冲数可控(1-350KHz)飞 飞秒激光微纳加工系统涉及技术 飞秒激光钻孔,飞秒激光切割,飞秒激光打孔 飞秒激光烧蚀,飞秒激光蚀刻,飞秒激光雕刻 2.5D铣,自定义模型划线, 表面微纳结构价格 改变材料的折射率,飞秒激光材料改性 飞秒激光三维多光子聚合 光学微操作…… MEMS制造掩膜制造和修理微片修复 燃料电池材料制造LIBWE,医疗应用激 光诱导扩散微光学、光子晶体、衍射光学元件制造波导和微透镜的制备
  • VANNAS维纳斯高级剪刀
    VANNAS维纳斯高级剪刀,直头卓越的尖部,总长75mm,有3mm和5mm两种刀刃。锋利、精确,适合各种精细显微操作。货号产品名称规格72932-013 mm Cutting Edge, 直头each72933-015 mm Cutting Edge, 直头eachVANNAS维纳斯高级剪刀,弯头卓越的尖部,总长75mm,有3mm和5mm两种刀刃。锋利、精确,适合各种精细显微操作.货号产品名称规格72932-023 mm Cutting Edge, 弯头each72933-025 mm Cutting Edge, 弯头eachVANNAS维纳斯高级剪刀,前角型式 卓越的尖部,总长75mm,有3mm和5mm两种刀刃。锋利、精确,适合各种精细显微操作。货号产品名称规格72932-033 mm Cutting Edge,前角型each72933-035 mm Cutting Edge, 前角型eachVANNAS维纳斯高级剪刀,边角型式 卓越的尖部,总长75mm,有3mm和5mm两种刀刃。锋利、精确,适合各种精细显微操作。货号产品名称规格72932-043mm Cutting Edge, 边角型each72933-045mm Cutting Edge, 边角型each
  • M2N(微纳伙伴) 电镜用耗材 其他电镜配件
    众所周知,优质显微镜用品和耗材是微束分析领域样品制备和产生理想结果的必要条件。成功的样品制备是从样品中获取优质图像和可靠数据的关键步骤。由南京覃思科技有限公司(www.tansi.com.cn)代理的荷兰Micro to Nano(简称M2N)进口显微镜耗材及用品,遵循“创新、实用和优质”之理念,产品用于电子显微镜和扫描探针显微镜技术领域。M2N公司在电子显微镜、样品制备、成像技术和产品分销领域拥有50多年的行业经验,对客户的需求有着深刻的理解。我们的显微镜用品,特别是电子显微镜用品,能为客户提供当前任务所需的耗品耗材。 荷兰M2N持续从事基于显微镜新需求的耗品研发,是SEM、TEM、FIB、AFM、SPM、LM等微纳领域之贴心伙伴,提供优质和创新的样品桩、样品座、碳膜载网、校准标样、靶材、碳棒、碳绳、工具、配件、银导电胶、碳胶带、铜胶带、储存盒、清洁用品、真空密封、安全防护等各种耗材器具,琳琅满目,应有尽有,显微分析领域耗材之理想选择!
  • 飞秒激光微加工平台配件
    工业级飞秒激光微纳加工系统配件专业为工业微加工研究和生产而研发的成熟的技术,可用于飞秒激光打孔,飞秒激光蚀刻,飞秒激光多光子聚合等微纳加工应用。飞秒激光微纳加工系统配件具有非常绝佳的可靠性和超高的加工速度,飞秒激光器由于激光脉冲超短,提供了常见激光无以伦比的激光功率密度,其加工效果远远超过纳秒和皮秒激光。光束所到之处能够瞬间将材料汽化,由于激光脉冲超短,激光能量无法在如此短的时间内扩散到周围材料中,所以对加工区域周围影响微乎其微,是一种冷加工技术,加工效果堪称一流。飞秒激光微纳加工系统配件采用高达10W的Yb:KGW(1030nm)飞秒激光器作为激光光源,重复频率在1--1000KHz范围内可调,结合一流的精密扫描振镜,提供超高的微加工速度。系统配备Arotech公司高分辨率的定位平台,并同步激光光束扫描振镜和脉冲选择器, 在空间,时间和能量上提供全方位高精度控制。从而提供超高难度的加工能力,并达到亚微米精度的分辨率和重复性。配备机械视图系统,使用高分辨率的相机监控加工过程。飞秒激光微纳加工系统配件使用了贴别为微加工而设计的飞秒激光器,它比市场上出售的商业飞秒激光器具有更多优势,具有更高的稳定性和可靠性,达到工业使用的标准,飞秒激光放大器具有更短的脉冲(振动器80fs, 放大器280fs),飞秒激光器具有更高的平均功率(振荡器高达2W, 放大器为6W),而且激光重复频率可调,计算机监控并控制激光。飞秒激光微纳加工系统配件规格 激光放大器参数 波长 1030nm 平均功率 6W 重复频率 1-1000KHz可调 脉宽 280fs-10ps计算机控制 最大脉冲能量 1mJ 输出稳定性1% 光束质量M2 2 脉冲选择器 多种频率选择 SH, TH,FH可选 激光振荡器参数 功率 1W 脉宽 80fs 重复频率 76MHz飞秒激光微纳加工系统配件特色 超高加工速度:高达350000像素 飞秒微细加工模式下具有最小的热影响区 工作面积高达:150x150mm 使用高性能振镜控制精密激光光束 激光脉冲数可控(1-350KHz)飞 飞秒激光微纳加工系统涉及技术 飞秒激光钻孔,飞秒激光切割,飞秒激光打孔 飞秒激光烧蚀,飞秒激光蚀刻,飞秒激光雕刻 2.5D铣,自定义模型划线, 表面微纳结构价格 改变材料的折射率,飞秒激光材料改性 飞秒激光三维多光子聚合 光学微操作…… MEMS制造掩膜制造和修理微片修复 燃料电池材料制造LIBWE,医疗应用激 光诱导扩散微光学、光子晶体、衍射光学元件制造波导和微透镜的制备
  • Eachwave 微结构加工服务 激光微加工 微结构激光刻蚀 其他光谱配件
    上海屹持光电技术有限公司专业提供各种微纳结构加工服务典型案例: FIB加工微纳结构 紫外光刻微纳结构单晶硅反应离子刻蚀图片 ICP 刻蚀微纳结构 纳米压印点线图微流控细胞打印 EBL 刻写微纳阵列 FIB 用于器件电极沉积 激光直写图案激光直写器件微纳结构加工主要设备1,电子束曝光系统;2,聚焦离子束/ 扫描电子显微镜双束系统;3,双面对准接触式紫外光刻机;4, 单面对准紫外光刻机;5,金属高密度等离子体刻蚀机;6,硅刻蚀高密度等离子体刻蚀机;7,反应等离子体刻蚀机;8,纳米压印机。
  • M2N(微纳伙伴) 导电胶
    众所周知,优质显微镜用品和耗材是微束分析领域样品制备和产生理想结果的必要条件。成功的样品制备是从样品中获取优质图像和可靠数据的关键步骤。由南京覃思科技有限公司(www.tansi.com.cn)代理的荷兰Micro to Nano(简称M2N)进口显微镜耗材及用品,遵循“创新、实用和优质”之理念,产品用于电子显微镜和扫描探针显微镜技术领域。M2N公司在电子显微镜、样品制备、成像技术和产品分销领域拥有50多年的行业经验,对客户的需求有着深刻的理解。我们的显微镜用品,特别是电子显微镜用品,能为客户提供当前任务所需的耗品耗材。荷兰M2N持续从事基于显微镜新需求的耗品研发,是SEM、TEM、FIB、AFM、SPM、LM等微纳领域之贴心伙伴,提供优质和创新的样品桩、样品座、碳膜载网、校准标样、靶材、碳棒、碳绳、工具、配件、银导电胶、碳胶带、铜胶带、储存盒、清洁用品、真空密封、安全防护等各种耗材器具,琳琅满目,应有尽有,显微分析领域耗材之理想选择!导电胶规格和指标如下:Paint / CementEM-Tec C30EM-Tec C32EM-Tec C33EM-Tec C38 EM-Tec AG15EM-Tec AG42EM-Tec AG44EM-Tec AG46EM-Tec NI41Product #15-001130 15-00113115-00113215-00113315-00113815-002114 15-00211515-002141 15-00214215-002143 15-00214415-002145 15-00214615-004141Filler Typewt%Graphite 20%Graphite 10%Graphite10%Carbon15%Silver 58%Silver73%Silver61%Silver60% Nickel50%Typethin pastethin pastethin paint thin pastepaintthin pastethin pastepaintthin pasteResistance (dry)30 ohm/sq30 ohm/sq1200 ohm/sq50 ohm/sq0.015 ohm/sq0.01 ohm/sq0.01 ohm/sq0.01 ohm/sq0.7 ohm/sqBindergelgelpolymeracrylicthermoplastic resinacrylic acrylicurethaneacrylicSolventWaterWaterIsopropanolAcetone/ MEKMEKToluene /acetoneAcetoneWaterToluene/ acetoneDensity1.12g/cm31.08g/cm30.84g/cm3 0.85g/cm31.63g/cm32.05g/cm31.7g/cm31.5g/cm32.1g/cm3Touch dry5min5min1 min3min10min 5min3min5min5minFull cure time @ 22°C24hr24hr15min24hrs8hrs24hrs24hrs24hrs24hrsFull cure time @ 65°C45min45min 5min30min30min30min30min3hrs 30minMinimum temperature-20°C-20°C-20°C-40°C -20°C-40°C-40°C-40°C-40°CMaximum temperature+140°C+140°C+200°C+120°C+105°C+120°C+120°C+120°C+120°CMechanical strengthlowlowlowhighmediumhighlowlowhighVacuum compatible (dry)excellentexcellentyes yesyesyesyesyesyesRoHs compliantyesyesyesyesyes yesyesyesyesWeight40g/100g25g15g25g15g / 25g15g / 25g15g / 25g15g / 25g25gBottle size60cc/100cc30cc 30cc30cc15cc / 30cc15cc/15cc15cc/30cc15cc/30cc 30ccThinner-ExtenderWaterWaterIsopropanolAcetone MEKAcetoneAcetoneWaterAcetoneShelf life @ 20°C 3 year 3 year 3 year 3 year 3 year 3 year 3 year 3 year 3 year银导电胶 15-002114 EM-Tec AG15 silver paint, 15g bottle15-002115 EM-Tec AG15 silver paint, 25g bottle EM-Tec AG15 is a conductive silver paint based on very fine silver flakes with a thermoplastic resin binder with MEK / acetone as diluent. EM-Tec AG15 is fully comparable to EDAG 1415M and DAG 915 from Acheson / Henkel. Applications are making grounding paths and conductive glue for SEM samples, electronic and shielding applications. Achieves good bonding properties on a wide variety of materials including, plastics, ceramics, glass, metals, wood, rubber, epoxies and textiles. The low viscosity silver paint is ideal for making grounding tracks and to bond SEM samples on sample stubs. Samples can be easily removed. This silver cement has the consistency of a paint. Dries relatively quickly, depending on thickness reduce drying time with moderate heat up to 70°C. Solution contains 57.5 – 59 % silver. EM-Tec AG15 exhibits excellent conductivity. 15-002141 EM-Tec AG42 strong and highly conductive silver cement, 15g bottleEM-Tec AG42 is a strong conductive silver cement based on fine silver flakes (10-1μm) with an acrylic binder. Achieves excellent bonding properties on a wide variety of materials including, plastics, ceramics, glass, metals, wood, rubber, epoxies and textiles. The strong and tough acrylic binder reduces material loss where as the silver flakes ensure excellent conductivity. Use when highest conductivity is needed. Ideal for making grounding tracks and to bond SEM samples on sample stubs. This silver cement has the consistency of a paste. Dries relatively quickly, depending on thickness drying time can be reduced with moderate heat up to 65°C. Can be used on flexible surfaces. Solvent is acetone, solution contains approximately 73% silver, acrylic based binder. Excellent conductivity. Supplied in a 15cc glass bottle with a brush, 15 gram.15-002145 EM-Tec AG46 water-based conductive silver paint, no VOC, 15g bottleEM-Tec AG46 is a conductive silver paint based on fine silver flakes (10-1um size) with a water based urethane binder. It does not contain VOC, is solvent-free and is non-flammable. Achieves excellent bonding properties on a wide variety of materials including, plastics, ceramics, glass, metals, wood, paper and paints. Safe to use on even the most delicate plastics. The water-based urethane binder reduces material loss whereas the silver flakes ensure excellent conductivity. Ideal for making grounding tracks and to bond SEM samples on sample stubs. Samples can be easily removed. This silver cement has the consistency of a paint. Dries relatively quickly, depending on thickness reduce drying time with moderate heat up to 65°C. Solvent is water, solution contains 60% silver, urethane based binder. EM-Tec AG46 exhibits excellent conductivity. Supplied in a 15cc glass bottle with a brush, 15 gram. Keep container above 0 degrees Celcius do not freeze!银胶稀释液 15-002170 EM-Tec STC15 solvent / thinner / cleaner for EM-Tec AG15 silver paint, 30ml bottle EM-Tec STC 15 extender, thinner and cleaner for the EM-Tec AG15 conductive silver paint. 99.9% pure Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK). Supplied in a 30cc glass bottle.
  • MetArray 微纳质谱芯片
    【产品介绍】MetArray质谱芯片匹配ClinMS-Plat Ri质谱仪使用,是一款通用型代谢芯片,可快速高灵敏度地检测生物液体中的极性代谢分子和脂质分子。 【产品优势】限域性强,可容纳任何有机溶剂体系的溶液 | 尺寸精确可控,孔径、孔间距可个性化定制 | 免基质,质谱检测灵敏度和稳定性高 | 普适性高,代谢分子与脂质分子通用
  • 微结构加工服务 激光微加工 微结构激光刻蚀
    上海屹持光电技术有限公司专业提供各种微纳结构加工服务典型案例: FIB加工微纳结构 紫外光刻微纳结构 单晶硅反应离子刻蚀图片 ICP 刻蚀微纳结构 纳米压印点线图微流控细胞打印 EBL 刻写微纳阵列 FIB 用于器件电极沉积 激光直写图案激光直写器件微纳结构加工主要设备 1,电子束曝光系统;2,聚焦离子束/ 扫描电子显微镜双束系统;3,双面对准接触式紫外光刻机;4, 单面对准紫外光刻机;5,金属高密度等离子体刻蚀机;6,硅刻蚀高密度等离子体刻蚀机; 7,反应等离子体刻蚀机;8,纳米压印机。
  • MS系列力学传感器
    MS系列力学传感器的设计是为了确保可以轻松地安装增量或绝对编码器,接口,分辨率和连接的类型可选,因此MS系列力学传感器可以单独配置。MS系列力学传感器规格测量范围 (mm): 1,500 | 3,000 | 5,000 | 7,500 | 10,000 | 15,000 | 30,000 | 40,000 | 50,000最大线性 0.3mm信号输出:取决于编码器几乎可以安装所有编码器坚固的铝箱高质量精密零件有许多不同的型号版本
  • 微流控芯片光刻机系统配件
    微流控芯片光刻机系统配件专业为微流控芯片制作而设计,用于刻画制作微结构表面。微流控芯片光刻机采用多功能一体化设计理念,一台光刻机具有六个传统单一的表面刻划机器的功能,而且不需要无尘环境,用户安装使用不再需要单独建设超净间,从而大大提高用户的使用经济性和方便性。 微流控芯片光刻机全自动化和可编程操作,适合几乎所有常用材料,可以根据用户的芯片衬底基片尺寸,形状和厚度进行调节。微流控芯片光刻机是一种无掩模光刻系统,具有两个易操作的软件,用户可以创建个人微结构图案,从单个微通道到复杂的微观结构都可以创建。微流控芯片光刻机具有技术突破性设计和灵活性优势,非常适合加工微纳结构用于MEMS,BioMEMS,微流控系统,传感器,光学元件,MicroPatterning微图案化,实验室单芯片,CMOS传感器和所有其他需要微结构的应用。这款无掩模光刻系统可以快速而轻松地做出许多种微图案结构,从最简单到非常复杂的都可以。它的写入磁头装备有一个激光二极管(波长405纳米- 50毫瓦),光学扫描器和F-θ透镜(405纳米)。激光束根据设定微结构图案而运动。为了方便使用,较好的再现性和较高的质量,焦距是可以根据基片厚度进行调节的。图像采集期间可以使用控制面板调节焦距。几个基片厚度都可以使用。编程参数被保存以供以后使用,修改或其他用户使用。 编号 名称 MSUP 基于无掩模光刻系统和湿法刻蚀技术的微结构化表面的单位生产。
  • MCS 微电极阵列 电生理学耗材 电极
    Multichannel systems 电生理学系统及耗材/多通道微电极阵列 Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH 成立于 1996 年,总部位于德国西南部罗伊特林根的科技园。MCS 成为 Harvard Bioscience, Inc. 的一个部门。Multi Channel Systems 专注于为大学和制药行业的研究小组开发电生理学领域的精密科学测量仪器和设备。我们为体外和体内微电极阵列的细胞外记录以及电刺激提供解决方案。此外,我们还提供用于自动RNA注射和非洲爪蟾卵母细胞的自动双电极电压钳记录的设备。由于其模块化原理,我们的产品可以根据您的特定实验需求进行扩展和调整。我们的产品还因其尺寸而适合您的实验室。1、 微电极阵列带60个电极的MEA, 带120个电极的MEA, 256个电极的MEA, 用于多孔膜电极系统的多孔板,用于CMOSMEA 5000系统的CMOS-MEA,2、配件MCS 提供广泛的配件,使您系统更加高效和方便使用。配件都非常适合与其他 MCS 产品一起使用,但也很容易适应定制系统。包括Roboo cyte 配件,HiClamp 配件,USB-MEA 系统配件,USB-MEA256 系统配件,MEA2100-Mimi-system 附件,MEA 2100 系统附件,Multiwell-MEA 系统附件
  • 多功能纳米硬度计配件
    孚光精仪品牌的多功能纳米硬度计配件通过扫描材料表面实现对材料力学性能的纳米尺度的高精度测量,精确给出硬度,弹性模量,杨氏模量等材料力学性能。 多功能纳米硬度计配件特色具备原子力显微镜和纳米压痕仪的功能实现静态压痕和动态压痕测量以及测量最高位移测量能力可达300mkm, 最高负载科大100mN。采用模块化设计,可广泛集成原子力显微镜,光学显微镜,激光干涉仪器等尖端材料表面测量仪器,为用户提供综合性材料微观力学测试方案。 多功能纳米硬度计配件选型4D紧凑型纳米硬度计4D紧凑型是全球结构最为紧凑小巧的纳米硬度测试仪,它采用纳米压痕法测量材料硬度和弹性模量(杨氏模量),负载高达2N,广泛用于材料力学性能测量研究。也非常适合大学或研究单位的纳米压痕仪测量硬度的教学或演示教学。 4D标准型纳米硬度计4D标准型具有测量材料硬度,弹性模量和其它力学性能的功能。它采用静态和动态纳米压痕技术以及sclerometry方法测量材料性能。并且可以接触式或半接触式地测量材料表面形貌,采用光学显微镜高精度地对压头和样品进行精确互动性定位。纳米硬度计4D标准型还可以接入另外的传感器或测量模块,实现对材料表面进行其它测量。 4D+增强型纳米硬度计4D+增强型配置是全球功能最多的多功能纳米硬度测量仪器。它具有纳米压痕仪和原子力显微镜的功能,具备了所有的物理和力学性能测量能力。它具有原子力显微镜测量模块,能够以纳米级分辨率研究压痕后留下的表面痕迹和图像,并能够全自动测量,可以批量处理分析测量结果。
  • 飞秒激光直写光刻系统配件
    秒激光直写光刻系统配件是专业为微纳结构的激光蚀刻而设计的激光直写光刻机,基于多光子聚合技术,适合市场上的各种光刻胶,能够以纳米精度和分辨率微纳加工各种三维结构。秒激光直写光刻系统配件特点激光光刻机3D模型制备直写光刻机直接激光刻划 激光光刻机整套系统到货即可使用激光光刻机提供100nm-10um的分辨率直写光刻机超小尺寸 激光光刻机3D模型的制备 这套三维光刻机由激光微加工系统软件控制,简单的3D模型通过这种软件即可生成,对于比较复杂的3D模型,用户可以通过Autodesk, AutoCAD等软件制作,然后导入到三维光刻机的软件中,这个软件支持.stl, dxf等格式的文件用于3D结构的制造。 激光光刻机激光直接读写 这套激光光刻机由飞秒激光光源,精密的3轴定位台和扫描镜组成。首先,待刻录的图形通过激光光刻机精密的激光聚焦系统直接从CAD设计中导入到光刻胶上。聚合物的双光子或多光子吸收用于形成高质量表面的3D结构。100nm的尺寸可自形成结构,200nm-10um尺寸的结构可以控制并重复,这套激光蚀刻机提供纳米尺度分辨率和对聚合物的广泛选择,从而可以适合微纳光学,微流体,MEMS,功能表面制作等各种应用. 与CAD设计等同的3D结构形成后,未固化的光刻胶剩余物由有机溶剂洗掉,这样只留下蚀刻的微纳结构呈现在基板上。 激光光刻机后续工序: 在所需的微纳结构形成后,它被浸入到几种不同的溶剂中,以除去蚀刻过程中留下的液态聚合物。激光光刻机全部过程都是自动化的,重要参数可以根据要求而设定:浸入时间,温度等.对于特殊的样品或加工对象,可以使用紫外光或干燥机处理。秒激光直写光刻系统配件应用 ?激光光刻机用于纳米光子器件(三维光子晶体) ? 三维光刻机用于微流控芯片 ? 三维光刻机用于微光学(光学端面微结构制作) ? 激光光刻机制作机微机械 ?激光蚀刻机制作微型光机电系统 ? 激光光刻机,三维光刻机用于生物医学
  • M2N(微纳伙伴) 聚酰亚胺胶带 其他生物耗材
    聚酰亚胺(Kapton)带具有低放气性能,是高真空应用的理想带。优异的电气和隔热性能,高介电强度。尽管使用温度范围规定为-75至+260°C,但聚酰亚胺(Kapton)胶带已成功地在-196至+400°C的温度范围内使用。此磁带的应用范围很广:印刷电路板焊接时的遮蔽真空镀膜的遮蔽(溅射、热蒸发、电子束、PVD)在高真空中保存样品或零件低温应用定位带变压器、线圈和电动机的电气绝缘。标准聚酰亚胺(Kapton)胶带的厚度为0.06 mm。对于需要更高强度的应用,聚乙烯胶带的厚度为0.08 mm和0.12 mm。宽度为3至50毫米,长度为33米。清洁直径为76毫米的塑料芯。Specifications of the single sided polyimide (Kapton) tapesTape thickness0.06 mm0.08 mm0.12 mmTape materialpolyimide (Kapton) AdhesiveSilicone adhesiveColorGold, amber to brownFilm thickness0.025 mm0.045 mm0.085 mmAdhesive thickness0.035 mm0.035 mm0.035 mmTotal tape thickness0.06 mm0.08 mm0.12 mmAdhesive strength6 N / 25mmTape strength200 kPa350kPa500kPaElongation at break60%60%55%Dielectric strength8000 VoltsUse temperature-75 °C to + 260 °CLength33 mCore diameter76mm (3”)Chemical resistanceExcellent to acids, solvents and oils 卡普顿和聚酰亚胺胶带双面聚酰亚胺耐热胶带 所述双面聚酰亚胺带由双面带有硅粘合剂的聚酰亚胺薄膜构成。胶带缠绕在两层聚酯衬里之间。两个衬垫使清洁处理胶带变得容易:切割到所需长度,从第一个衬垫上松开胶带并留在第二个衬垫上。贴上胶带并拆下第二层衬垫。胶带材料和粘合剂与单面聚酰亚胺(Kapton)胶带相同。宽度为5至50毫米,胶带长度为20米。清洁直径为76毫米的塑料芯。Specifications of the double sided polyimide (Kapton) tape:Tape materialpolyimideAdhesive Silicone adhesiveColorGold to amberFilm thickness0.025mmAdhesive thickness0.035mm (2x)Tape thickness0.095mm (without liner)Liner thickness0.1mm (2x0.05mm)Total tape thickness0.195 mm (with double liner)Adhesive strength6N / 25mmTape strength200 kPaElongation at break 60%Dielectric strength6.5 kVChemical resistanceExcellent to acids, oils and solventsUse temperature range-75 to +260 °CLength20mCore diameter76mm (3”)
  • M2N(微纳伙伴) 样品台(夹) 样品台
    各种样品台(夹) 12-000110 EM-Tec GS10 swivel head sample holder for up to 10mm, gold plated brass, pin EM-Tec GS10 – A swivel vise which covers a full 180 angle and can also be rotated with the stub. This is the ultimate holder for imaging cross sections at any desired angle. The swivel head size without clamping screws is only 16x16x14mm. The sample is clamped with the two clamping screws the swivel head can be locked in place with the tilt clamping screw. Made from brass and plated with 1μm of pure gold. 12-000200 EM-Tec V22 compact vise type sample holder for up to 22mm, pin EM-Tec V22 compact vise sample holder for sample sizes up from 0-22mm with a pin. One fixed jaw and a spindle driven moving jaw. Jaw height is 10mm, clamping width is 25mm. Cost-effective compact vise which can be used in both standard SEMs and table top SEMs. Made from vacuum grade aluminium, brass spindle and stainless steel screws.12-000300 EM-Tec V22 compact vise type sample holder for up to 22mm, M4 EM-Tec V22 compact vise sample holder for sample sizes up from 0-22mm with M4 thread. One fixed jaw and a spindle driven moving jaw. Jaw height is 10mm, clamping width is 25mm. Cost-effective compact vise which can be used in both standard SEMs and table top SEMs. Made from vacuum grade aluminium, brass spindle and stainless steel screws. More info12-000320 EM-Tec VS42 universal spring-loaded large vise holder for up to 42mm, M4 EM-Tec VS43 universal double sided spring-loaded larger vise for samples with a maximum vise opening of 42mm. Different type of jaws can be mounted on the EM-Tec universal spring-loaded vise. Opens by pulling the jaws. Dowel pin pins be inserted in the brass slider to extend the opening size and to hold awkwardly shaped samples. With the dowel pins a disc of up 50mm diameter can be held 4 dowel pins are included. Includes triple grooved/smooth reversible vise jaws. Additional optionally available vise jaws are: Vise jaw with a single 120° large groove for round samples Standard reversible vise jaws with triple grooved/smooth side vise jaws can be stacked to increase the jaw heigth from 12 to 24mm. Made from vacuum grade aluminium, brass sliders and stainless steel rods and springs. The EM-Tec stub based SEM sample holders are all small SEM sample holders based on (modified) SEM sample stubs. They have the same footprint as the original SEM sample stubs and are directly compatible with the SEM stage or SEM sample stub holder. These affordable sample holders increase efficiency and reduce sample preparation time. Using sample holders reduces the use of conductive adhesives which can be a source of contamination. The EM-Tec stub based small sample holders formats are:Standard pin stub based compact sample holdersJEOL cylinder stub based sample holdersHitachi M4 stub based sample holdersThe pin stub based sample holders comprise the largest selection they can be easily used on other SEM platforms by using the cost efficient EM-Tec SEM stub adapters. All EM-Tec compact SEM stub based SEM sample holders are precision machined from vacuum grade aluminium unless otherwise noted. Provided with set screws and allen keys. Product #TypeMount sizesDimensions w/o pinMount holdingSEM stage comp.12-000226EM-Tec M26?25mm / ?1”?34x12.5mmSet screwStandard 3.2mm pin12-000326EM-Tec M26?25mm / ?1”?34x12.5mmSet screwM4 thread12-000626EM-Tec M26?25mm / ?1”?34x12.5mmSet screw?14mm JEOL stub12-000232EM-Tec M32?30mm / ?32mm / ?1-1/4”?40x12.5mmSet screwStandard 3.2mm pin12-000332EM-Tec M32?30mm / ?32mm / ?1-1/4”?40x12.5mmSet screwM4 thread12-000632EM-Tec M32?30mm / ?32mm / ?1-1/4”?40x12.5mmSet screw ?14mm JEOL stub12-000240EM-Tec M40?40mm / ?1-1/2”?48x12.5mmSet screwStandard 3.2mm pin12-000340EM-Tec M40?40mm / ?1-1/2”?48x12.5mmSet screwM4 thread12-000640EM-Tec M40 ?40mm / ?1-1/2”?48x12.5mmSet screw?14mm JEOL stub12-000251 EM-Tec M51?50mm / ?2”?59x12.5mmSet screwStandard 3.2mm pin12-000351EM-Tec M51?50mm / ?2”?59x12.5mmSet screwM4 thread12-000651EM-Tec M51?50mm / ?2”?59x12.5mmSet screw?14mm JEOL stub 我司还有各种各样的样品台,欢迎来电咨询。
  • M2N(微纳伙伴) 电镜用样品台 样品台
    样品台We offer a comprehensive choice of standard pin stubs to support virtually all applications. The standard SEM pin stubs are compatible with Thermo Fisher, FEI, Philips, Tescan, Phenom, Aspex, RJLee, AmRay, Cambridge Instruments, Leica, CamScan, Aspex, ETEC and Novascan SEMs. They are made from vacuum grade aluminium. They are machined according to the original manufacturer' s specifications and dimensions. The flat pin stubs from 12.7mm to 38mm diameter are grooved for easy and clean handling. The most used pin stubs are the ?12.7 mm and the ?25.4 mm pin stubs. Pins are all 3.2mm diameter with a length of either 8mm or 9.5mm. The ?12.7 mm pin stubs are also available in brass, copper and high purity carbon. The full range of standard SEM pin stubs and mounts include:Flat SEM pin stubs6.4, 9.5, 12.7, 19, 25.4, 32, 38, 50, 63 and 100mm stub diameterSpecial 12.7mm stub diameter with a flate side and 12.7mm stub in brass and copper.Angled pin stubs to quickly image or analyse a sample under 30°, 45°, 70° or 90° w/o tilting the sample stage:12.7mm stub diameter with 30°, 45°, 45/90° and 70° pre-tilt in various heights25mm diameter with 45°, 45/90°, double 45/90° and double 90°32mm diameter with 45°and double 90°Flat Pin stubs with extra height. Useful for marking, shorter working distance or to make your own custom stubs. Available as:12.7mm diameter with 4mm and 6mm extra height and 25.4mm diameter with 4mm extra heightLow profile 12.7 and 25mm pin stubs to enable very short working distances for high resolution SEM imaging and FIB operations. Horizontal (flat), 90° pre-tilt, 38° pre-tilt (for FEI systems) and 35° pre-tilt (Tescan systems)Engraved pin stubs with lines and numbers for mounting multiple samples or for relocating a sample. Stub diameters are 12.7, 19, 25.4 and 32mm.Swivel pin mount with a top diameter of 15mm which can be tilted 90o both ways.Dish cylinder stub with 12.7mm stub diameter for sample preparation of solutions or fluids directly on the stub. The dish design prevent fluid from dripping of the stub. Sample can be dried on the SEM stub.Cambridge S4 stub, which is not a pin stub but used on many SEMs with pin stubs. A Cambridge S4 holder or Cambridge S4 adapter is needed for the Cambridge S4 stub.SEM pin stub extenders to quickly adjust height and bring samples closer to the polepiece. If you need an SEM sample pin stub which is not offered in the list below, please contact us. We can manufacture custom sample stubs or suggest a solution with other sample stubs.
  • M2N(微纳伙伴) 样品储存盒 储存盒
    样品储存容器The EM-Tec EM-Storr vacuum sample storage container have been specifically developed by us, to store and protect SEM / FIB / TEM samples and calibration standards under vacuum. It protects valuable samples from air, moisture and dust. The superior EM-Storr vacuum container is constructed using high vacuum compatible materials: vacuum grade aluminim, a hardened safety glass lid, NBR O-ring and an all metal high vacuum valve with PTFE shaft seal. The outside of the aluminium container is hard anodised for protection. To reduce outgassing and to hold vacuum for extended periods, the inside surface is machined vacuum grade aluminium with a glass lid. The EM-Storr vacuum desiccator is capable of reaching vacuum in the 10-4 mbar range. The vacuum connection for pump-down is a 6mm (1/4”) barbed hose fitting – compatible with 6mm thick wall silicon vacuum hose. The EM-Storr vacuum containers are stackable the octagonal design is optimised for handling, strength and weight. StyleProduct #SamplesChamber size/ Overall sizeCapacityEM-Storr 81P13-001050-PPin stubs?80 x 15mm 120x120x45mm19 x ?12.7mm or 7 x ?25.4mm or 2 x ?32mm or 1 x ?38/?50/?63mm pin stubEM-Storr 81H13-001050-HHitachi M4 stubs?80 x 15mm 120x120x45mm19 x ?15mm or 7 x ?25mm or 2 x ?32mm or 1 x ?50/?63mm cylinder stubEM-Storr 81T13-001050-TTEM grids?80 x 15mm 120x120x45mm2 x 30 TEM grids in the EM-Tec #28-001030 GB-30 TEM storage boxEM-Storr 81F13-001050-F FIB lift-out grids?80 x 15mm 120x120x45mm1 x 100 FIB lift-out grids in the EM-Tec #28-002100 FSB100S FIB grid storage boxEM-Storr 83EL 13-001052-ELBulk / large samples?80 x 52mm 120x120x71mmLarge samples, maximum size ?80 x 52mm or 14 x 25 TEM grids or 4 x 100 FIB grids The EM-Tec Save-Storr sample storage containers have been developed to store sensitive samples under a dry and inert gas atmosphere. The EM-Tec Save-Storr sample storage containers consist of a clear polycarbonate hinged container with a seal, separate gas inlet and outlet valves and an over-pressure safety valve. The containers can be purged and filled with dry inert gas such as Nitrogen or Argon to protect moisture and oxygen sensitive samples. The construction allows vacuum pumping of the EM-Tec Save-Storr container first, before purging/filling it with inert gas. Using inert gas to protect samples is preferred for long term safe sample storage. The gas diffusion rate is lower than with vacuum storage containers due to the similar pressures in and outside the container. The EM-Tec Save Storr sample containers are available in four versions:Specification of the EM-Tec Save-Storr sample storage container:ParametersEM-Tec Save-Storr 2EM-Tec Save-Storr 4EM-Tec Save-Storr 7EM-Tec Save-Storr 10Product number#13-001060#13-001070#13-001075#13-001080Outside dimensions LxBxH 212 x 118 x 101mm238 x 184 x 103mm325 x 263 x 117mm325 x 263 x 169mmInside dimensions LxBxH200 x 99 x 89mm238 x 184 x 103mm303 x 229 x 103mm303 x 229 x 151mmVolume1.75 ltr4.4 ltr7.1 ltr 10.5 ltrGas inlet / outlet valvesMini ball valvesMini ball valvesMini ball valvesMini ball valvesGas inlet / outlet connectors6mm (1/4”) hose barb6mm (1/4”) hose barb6mm (1/4”) hose barb6mm (1/4”) hose barbMaterialPolycarbonateThick-walled ABSThick-walled ABSThick-walled ABSColourClearBlack BlackBlackCompatible gassesN2, Ar, CO2N2, Ar, CO2N2, Ar, CO2N2, Ar, CO2Maximum pressure1.5 bar / 0.15Mpa / 150kPa1.5 bar / 0.15Mpa / 150kPa1.5 bar / 0.15Mpa / 150kPa1.5 bar / 0.15Mpa / 150kPa
  • 微流控芯片lab-on-chip
    微纳立方为您提供了各种应用场合的微流控芯片,及相关附件,如下:微流控 PDMS芯片微流控 玻璃芯片塑料芯片细胞培养芯片微纳立方为客户提供用途各异的细胞培养芯片,示例如下:MicronitCellixVena8 Fluoro+TM Biochips 微流体芯片; Vena8 Endothelial+TM Biochips 微流体芯片 ;VenaT4TM Biochips 微流体芯片 ; Vena8 Glass Coverslip Biochips 微流体芯片; VenaDeltaY1TM Biochips 微流体芯片 ; VenaDeltaY2TM Biochips 微流体芯片 ;电阻抗测试芯片 Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy 微流控芯片夹具类微流控芯片及附件毛细管,接头,插头等配件————————————————微流控产品:MFCS-EZ 微流体进样系统FRP流速监测系统恒流控制功能M-Swich通道切换解决方案微流控系统专用显微镜微流控分析系统… … 如上为微纳立方为微流控芯片系统提供的各种用途应用产品及附件,如有相关问题,欢迎关注微纳立方
  • M2N(微纳伙伴) 碳支持膜 其他电镜配件
    碳支持膜The C- range continuous Carbon only support films provide a thin electron transparent support without hydrocarbons present. A good solution for imaging nano-particles and viruses. Carbon film thickness is in the range of 15-20nm providing a thin consistent carbon film. The carbon TEM support films are electrically and thermally conductive under the electron beam at room temperature and provide image and specimen stability for high resolution imaging.The carbon TEM support films are available on 200, 300 and 400 mesh copper, nickel and gold grids. See the matrix below for the currently available TEM support films with packaging sizes of 25, 50 and 100/box.Grid MeshCarbon only TEM support films200 squareCu/ Ni / Au300 squareCu/ Ni / Au400 squareCu/ Ni / Au The FC - range Formvar Carbon support films are more robust than carbon only films. The formvar carbon TEM support films offer a good solution where a carbon only film only film would be too fragile to withstand pre-treatments and/or additional processing. They also provide the option to remove the formvar from the film before use.The formvar carbon TEM support films are available on 100, 200, 300 and 400 mesh copper, nickel and gold grids. See the matrix below for the currently available TEM support films with packaging sizes of 25, 50 and 100/box. Grid MeshFC – range Formvar Carbon TEM support films100 squareCu / Au200 squareCu / Au / Ni300 squareCu / Au / Ni400 squareCu / Au / Ni The HC range of Holey Carbon support films offer a pure carbon support film with a range of relatively small holes. Holey carbon films are especially suited for suspensions of viruses or nano particles. They offer a cost effective solution where a continuous carbon film is not desirable. About half of the supported area of the holey carbon support film still consists of carbon.The EMR holey carbon TEM support films are available on 200, 300 and 400 mesh copper, nickel and gold grids. See the matrix below for the currently available TEM support films with packaging sizes of 25, 50 and 100 holey carbon support films in a TEM grid box.Grid Mesh HC - range Holey Carbon TEM support films 200 squareCu/ Ni / Au300 squareCu/ Ni / Au400 squareCu/ Ni / Au200 mesh F1 finder gridCu400 mesh R7 finder gridCu
  • 生物动力学附件 L2250145
  • M2N(微纳伙伴) 电镜用样品座 样品台
    样品座The Em-Tec SEM stub adapters enable the use of all common types of SEM stubs or mounts in your SEM. Advantages of the cost-effective and practical EM-Tec SEM stub adapters are:sample mounting independent of SEM platformsave time with no need to re-mount samplesuse calibration and resolution standards mounted on different stubsno need to risk sample integrityenables collaborative investigation of samplesThere are basically 5 common types of SEM sample stubs:Standard pin stubs with standard 9.5mm long pin used on FEI, Philips, Tescan, Phenom, Aspex, RJ Lee, Cambridge Instruments, Leica, CamScan, ETEC and Novascan SEMs and SEM/FIB systemsZeiss pin stubs with short 6mm pin for Zeiss and LEO SEMs, CrossBeams and SEM/FIB systems Plain cylinder stubs for JEOL SEMs and SEM/FIB systemsHitachi cylinder stubs with M4 threaded base for Hitachi SEMs and FIBsPlain cylinder stubs for ISI, ABT, Topcon SEMsFor each of the above type mentioned SEM stubs there are EM-Tec SEM stub adapters available. The EM-Tec SEM stub adapters are essentially made with the base of one type of an SEM stub and a top compatible with another type of SEM sample stub. The EM-Tec SEM stub adaptors are all constructed of vacuum grade aluminium and made to original manufacturers specifications. The Hitachi stub extensions are made from self-lubricating brass with aluminium locking ring. EM-Tec SEM stub adapters types are available as:Pin stub adapters for using other SEM stubs in pin type SEMs such as FEI, Philips, Tescan, Phenom, Aspex, Cambridge Instruments, Leica, etc. These can be used in Amray systems as well.Short pin stub adapters for using other SEM stubs in Zeiss and LEO SEMsJEOL stub adapters for using other pin stubs and Hitachi stubs in JEOL SEMsHitachi M4 stub adapters for using pin stubs and JEOL stubs in Hitachi SEMsOther SEM stub adapters for less common SEMs such as ISI/ABT/Topcon and Agilent/KeysightMetal slide adapter to accommodate pin stubs on reflected light microscopesFor labs with multiple SEM platforms or for those who are regularly using diferent brands of SEMs, we offer the EM-Tec universal SEM stub adapter set. This universal SEM stub adapter set includes pin stub adapters, JEOL stub adapters (up to 25mm) and Hitachi stub adapters, all both ways. If you can' t find the SEM stub or mount adapter you are looking for, please contact us. We might be able to offer a different solution or can manufacture custom SEM stub adapters. Product #TypeBase isTop acceptsDimensionsEM-Tec stub adapters based on standard pin stubs for FEI, Philips, Tescan, Phenom, Aspex, Cambridge Instr.11-000109PR4?3.2 x 9.5mm pinHitachi M4 thread?9 x 15mm11-000119PT4?3.2 x 9.5mm pinHitachi M4 thread?4 x 13.5mm11-000205PS4?3.2 x 9.5mm pinCambridge S4 stub?30 x 19.5mm11-000210PH10?3.2 x 9.5mm pin?3.2x9.5mm pin?12.7 x 22.7mm11-000216PJ12?3.2 x 9.5mm pin?9.5/ ?12.2 mm JEOL stub?25 x 19.5mm11-000227PJ25?3.2 x 9.5mm pin?25mm JEOL stub?34 x 19.5mm11-000232PJ32?3.2 x 9.5mm pin?32mm JEOL stub?40 x 19.5mm11-000251PJ50?3.2 x 9.5mm pin?50mm JEOL stub?59 x 19.5mmEM-Tec stub adapters for Zeiss/LEO with short pin11-000106ZR4?3.2 x 6mm pinHitachi M4 thread?9 x 11.5mm11-000116Z4?3.2 x 6mm pinHitachi M4 thread?4 x 10mm11-000126ZJ12?3.2 x 6mm pin?9.5/ ?12.2 mm JEOL stub?25 x 16mm11-000127ZJ25?3.2 x 6mm pin?25mm JEOL stub?34 x 16mm11-000128ZJ32?3.2 x 6mm pin?32mm JEOL stub?40 x 16mm11-000129ZJ50?3.2 x 6mm pin?50mm JEOL stub?59 x 16mmEM-Tec stub adapters for JEOL and JEOL Neoscope11-000503 J10P?9.5 x 9.5mm?3.2x9.5mm pin?9.5 x 9.5mm11-000513 J12P?12.2 x 10mm?3.2x9.5mm pin?12.2 x 10mm11-000523 J25P?25 x 10mm?3.2x9.5mm pin?25 x 10mm11-000504 J10H?9.5 x 9.5mmHitachi M4 thread?9.5 x 13.5mm11-000514J12H?12.2 x 10mmHitachi M4 thread?12.2 x 14mm11-000524J25H?25 x 10mmHitachi M4 thread?25 x 14mmEM-Tec stub adapters for Hitachi SEMs and table top SEMs 11-000304H15PHitachi M4 thread?3.2x9.5mm pin?15 x 15mm 11-000305HS4Hitachi M4 threadCambridge S4 stub?30 x 10mm 11-000310HJ10Hitachi M4 thread?9.5mm JEOL stub?15 x 10mm11-000311HJ11Hitachi M4 thread?12.2mm JEOL stub?15 x 10mm11-000316HJ12Hitachi M4 thread?15mm JEOL stub?25x 10mm11-000326HJ25Hitachi M4 thread?25mm JEOL stub?34 x 10mm11-000332HJ32Hitachi M4 thread?32mm JEOL stub?40 x 10mm11-000351HJ50Hitachi M4 thread?50mm JEOL stub?59 x 10mm11-000309H10Hitachi M4 threadHitachi M4 thread?15 x 14mm11-000321HS12Hitachi M4 threadHitachi M4 thread?20 x 16mm11-000322HS18Hitachi M4 threadHitachi M4 thread?20 x 22mm11-000323HS25Hitachi M4 threadHitachi M4 thread?20 x 29mmEM-Tec stub adapter for Keysight/Agilent/Novelex 8500 and AmRay11-000120KR4?3.2 x 20mm pinHitachi M4 thread?30 x 19.5EM-Tec stub adapter for ISI/ABT/Topcon11-000604I15H?15 x 10mm stubHitachi M4 thread?15 x 14mmEM-Tec stub adapter for reflected light microscopes11-000675M31P76.2x25.4mm?3.2x9.5mm pin76.2 x 25.4 x 11.2mm
  • M2N(微纳伙伴) 电镜用铜网 其他电镜配件
    裸铜网 IntroductionThe high quality EM-Tec TEM support grids are designed as sturdy and stable support grids. They are available in a variety of materials to suit the application at hand. The materials are the standard copper, nickel, gold and molybdenum and additionally titanium, aluminium and stainless steel. There are two manufacturing processes used for the EM-Tec TEM support grids :Electro forming processes for copper, copper/rhodium, nickel and gold TEM grids for well-defined features and consistent quality with an average thickness of 25um.Electro etching processes for molybdenum, aluminium, titanium and stainless steel foils with a thickness of 25um, except titanium which is 15um and stainless steel which is 12um.After manufacturing the EM-Tec grids undergo a proprietary cleaning process to reduce contamination issues. All EM-Tec TEM grids are inspected for 100% quality assurance. The thickness of the EM-Tec TEM grids results in a more rigidand stable TEM grid for specimen support and specimen support films. The 375um wide rim contributes to a greater stiffness and makes handling and transportation of the grids much easier than grids with a narrower rim. The EM-Tec high quality TEM support grids are packaged in anti-static plastic vials with vials of 100 grids for Cu, Cu/Rh and Ni. The EM-Tec grids made from Au, Mo, Al, Ti and stainless steel are packaged in vials of 25 grids. They all have the standard 3.05mm diameter. Available patterns are:21-1M0150 EM-Tec TEM square mesh support grids, 150 Mesh, 125 μm hole, 44 μm bar,Copper21-1M0200 EM-Tec TEM square mesh support grids, 200 Mesh, 90 μm hole, 37 μm bar,Copper21-1M0300 EM-Tec TEM square mesh support grids, 300 Mesh, 54 μm hole, 31 μm bar ,Copper
  • M2N(微纳伙伴) 导电胶带 其他生物耗材
    众所周知,优质显微镜用品和耗材是微束分析领域样品制备和产生理想结果的必要条件。成功的样品制备是从样品中获取优质图像和可靠数据的关键步骤。荷兰Micro to Nano(简称M2N)进口显微镜耗材及用品,遵循“创新、实用和优质”之理念,产品用于电子显微镜和扫描探针显微镜技术领域。M2N公司在电子显微镜、样品制备、成像技术和产品分销领域拥有50多年的行业经验,对客户的需求有着深刻的理解。我们的显微镜用品,特别是电子显微镜用品,能为客户提供当前任务所需的耗品耗材。覃思科技 (www.tansi.com.cn)是荷兰Micro to Nano(简称M2N)进口显微镜耗材及用品的代理商。提供优质和创新的样品座、碳膜载网、校准标样、靶材、碳棒、碳绳、工具、银导电胶、碳胶带、铜胶带、储存盒、真空密封等各种耗材器具,欢迎新老客户咨询下单!双面铜导电胶带 EM-Tec double sided conductive copper tape for SEM / FIB applications.The EM-Tec double sided conductive copper tape has a layer of conductive acrylic adhesive on both sides. Highly electrically conductive with a resistance through the adhesive 1 Ohm. This double sided conductive copper tape has the same specifications as the 3M 1182 tape. Ideal for mounting samples directly on sample stubs whilst establishing a grounding path. Either to mount large samples on stubs or for smaller samples directly on the tape. Non-conductive samples surfaces should be coated to obtain best imaging results. Can be used for long term applications. Much better conductivity than carbon tape and carbon tabs. The soft copper tape can be easily cut to the required size. Available with 6, 12, 20, 25 and 50mm width and length of 33m. Both side are covered with siliconised backing paper which makes it easy to unwind the tape and cut to size before applying the tape. Remove the siliconised paper from one side first apply copper tape and then remove the other backing paper. Tip: Try to minimise the exposed area of tape in the SEM to reduce outgassingSpecifications:Tape material Copper, 99.98% purityAdhesive Conductive acrylic adhesive (2x)Copper tape thickness0.035mmAdhesive thickness 0.025 +/- 0.005 mm + 0.022 +/- 0.005 mmTotal tape thickness0.082 +/- 0.01mmBacking paper thickness0.14mm (2x)Resistance 1 OhmAdhesive strength 10N / 25mm per sideTape strength 45N / mm2Use temperature range -10 to +120 °CLengthWidth33mChoice of 6, 12 and 20mmCore diameter 76mm (3”) 高纯导电双面胶碳片 High purity conductive double sided adhesive carbon tabsThe EM-Tec high purity conductive double sided adhesive carbon tabs are supplied on a clear plastic sheet with a white plastic liner tab. Available as Ø6mm, Ø9mm Ø12mm and Ø25mm carbon tabs.To use: lift the tab of the clear backing sheet, press the sticky surface to the mount, then peel away the white liner tab, leaving the adhesive exposed. Mount sample on the exposed adhesive. Alternatively, the white liner tab can be removed, the stub pressed on the exposed carbon tab and the clear plastic lifted off. The use of sharp pointed tweezers helps to lift of the tabs and liner. The carbon tabs can be easily removed with isopropanol, ethyl acetate, ethanol or acetone. The Ø6mm carbon tabs are intended for smaller samples or when smaller tabs are requiredThe Ø9mm carbon tabs are compatible with Ø9.5mm JEOL stubsThe Ø12mm carbon tabs are compatible with Ø12.7mm pin stubs, Ø12.2mm JEOL stubs and Ø15mm Hitachi stubs.The Ø25mm carbon tabs are compatible with Ø25.4mm pin stubs, Ø25mm JEOL stubs and Ø25mm Hitachi stubs.高纯导电双面胶碳带High purity conductive double sided adhesive carbon tapesHigh purity conductive double sided adhesive carbon tapes: The material is identical to the material used for the tabs with one difference the tapes are self-wound with a thin white liner on one side of the tape. The tape can be shaped into custom forms, strips andcut-outs. Available in 5mm, 8mm, 12mm, 20mm and 50mm width by 20m long. To use: Cut the required length of carbon tape from the roll and cut to shape if needed (care since one side has exposed adhesive). Adhere tape to the sample support. Remove the top liner and adhere sample to the tape. The use of sharp pointed tweezers helps to lift the liner of the adhesive. The carbon tape can be removed with isopropanol, ethyl acetate, ethanol or acetone.
  • M2N(微纳伙伴) 电镜用铜网钼网 其他电镜配件
    众所周知,优质显微镜用品和耗材是微束分析领域样品制备和产生理想结果的必要条件。成功的样品制备是从样品中获取优质图像和可靠数据的关键步骤。荷兰Micro to Nano(简称M2N)进口显微镜耗材及用品,遵循“创新、实用和优质”之理念,产品用于电子显微镜和扫描探针显微镜技术领域。M2N公司在电子显微镜、样品制备、成像技术和产品分销领域拥有50多年的行业经验,对客户的需求有着深刻的理解。我们的显微镜用品,特别是电子显微镜用品,能为客户提供当前任务所需的耗品耗材。覃思科技 (www.tansi.com.cn)是荷兰Micro to Nano(简称M2N)进口显微镜耗材及用品的代理商。提供优质和创新的样品座、碳膜载网、校准标样、靶材、碳棒、碳绳、工具、银导电胶、碳胶带、铜胶带、储存盒、真空密封等各种耗材器具,欢迎新老客户咨询下单!铜提升格栅铜制EM-Tec光纤提升格栅可提供2、3、4或5个立柱。厚度为30-40μm,这使得它们比标准TEM网格更加坚硬。EM-Tec-FIB提升栅经过独特的清洗过程以减少污染;这导致TEM片层的安装和成像得到改善。由于制造工艺的原因,铜丝提拉网格在正面边缘有一个背脊,并且侧壁光滑。包装尺寸为瓶/100。 2 post FIB lift-out grid 3 post FIB lift-out grid 4 post FIB lift-out grid 5 post FIB lift-out grid post size 250x200μm post sizes 125x200 & 80x200μm post size 80x200μm post size 60x190μm attach single lamellas attach multiple TEM lamellas attach many TEM lamellas attach many TEM lamellas 钼EM-Tec纤维提升格栅Mo-EM-Tec-FIB提拉栅比铜栅更坚固,也可用于铜干扰TEM片层研究的场合。标准Mo-FIB提升式格栅的厚度为45-55μm。可提供2、3和4根立柱。由于材料和制造工艺的原因,Mo-FIB提拉网格的侧壁比Cu-FIB提拉网格的侧壁粗糙。因此,需要使用FIB使侧壁更光滑。包装尺寸为小瓶/25。 2 post FIB lift-out grid 3 post FIB lift-out grid 4 post FIB lift-out grid post size 250x200μm post sizes 125x200& 80x200μum post size 80x200μm attach single lamellas per post attach multiple TEM lamellasattach many TEM lamellas
  • M2N(微纳伙伴) 低温网格储存盒 储存盒
    低温网格盒 28-001004 EM-Tec CGB-4 Cryo grid box for 4 TEM grids The EM-Tec GB-4 cryo grid box is used with cryo vitrification systems. It is a round grid box with 4 diamond shaped positions, an index notch and a clear lid. The clear lid has a slot which can be rotated to access the cavities. It is held in place with a stainless steel #1 phillips pan head screw. The EM-Tec GB-4 cryo grid box is compatible with the FEI Vitrobot, Gatan CP3, Gatan 3500, Gatan 626 and Leica EM GP cryo systems. Dimensions of the EM-Tec GB-4 are ?14 x 5.2mm. Screw size is M3x5mm. For handling the cryo grid box in LN2 we offer the EM-Tec 553.AM cryo grid box tweezers. 28-001007 EM-Tec CGB-7 Cryo grid box for 4 TEM grids with pin type lidThe EM-Tec CGB-7 cryo grid box is used with cryo vitrification systems. It is a round grid box with 4 diamond shaped positions and a pin type lid. The EM-Tec CGB-7 cryo grid box is compatible with the FEI Vitrobot, Gatan CP3, Gatan 3500, Gatan 626 and Leica EM GP cryo systems.Dimensions of the EM-Tec CGB-7 are ?14 x 5.2mm, M3 thread. EM-Tec CGT1 gripper tool for cryo grid box with pin type lid. 28-001099 Gilder SB100 TEM grid storage box for 100 TEM gridsThe Gilder SB100 TEM grid storage box has a storage capacity for up to 100 standard 3.05mm TEM grids. This grid box has diamond shaped storage compartments and a clear plastic sliding lid with a window in the middle. The window in the lid reduces the amount of exposed grids. To improve grid handling the plastic boxes are made from anti-static materials anti-static ABS for the box and anti-static CAB polymer for the lid. The ridges on the front and back further reduce static and provide a better grip of the lid at the back. Each storage position is referenced by printed letters and numbers printed on the SB100 grid box. Dimensions of the Gilder SB100 TEM grid box are: 85 x 60 x 7mm. 28-002100 EM-Tec FSB100S FIB lift-out grid storage box with single clipThe EM-Tec FSB-100S FIB lift-out grid storage boxes consist of an anti-static tray to hold up to 100 FIB lift-out grids or 100 standard 3.05mm TEM grids. The grids are to be stored flat in the tray. The tray is made from anti-static black conductive polypropylene. Complete with a clear polystyrene cover to enable easy location of the grids. The grids are stored in a 10x10 individual storage compartments array with a flat on one corner as a reference. The tray and cover are held together with a single piece slide-on PE clip which holds the cover on two sides. Dimensions are 51 x 55 x 11mm stackable design with ridges and grooves.28-002200 EM-Tec FSB100D FIB lift-out grid storage box with pair of band clipsThe EM-Tec FSB-100D FIB lift-out grid storage boxes consist of an anti-static tray to hold up to 100 FIB lift-out grids or 100 standard 3.05mm TEM grids. The grids are to be stored flat in the tray. The tray is made from anti-static black conductive polypropylene. Complete with a clear polystyrene cover to enable easy location of the grids. The grids are stored in a 10x10 individual storage compartments array with a flat on one corner as a reference. The tray and cover are held together with a pair of PE band clips which assets more pressure in the centre of the cover to reduce the possibility of a gap. Preferred for transport and shipping. Dimensions are 51 x 55 x 11mm.Specifications and storage capacity of the TEM grid storage boxesProduct #NameCapacitySizeMaterials base + lid28-001001EM-Tec CG-1 1 TEM grid?14 x 11mmAluminium + Aluminium28-001100EM-Tec GB-100 100 TEM grids75 x 65 x 6.5mmReduced static ABS + PMMA28-001127EM-Tec TGB-100 100 TEM grids92 x 55 x 7mmAnti-static ABS + PMMA28-001125EM-Tec TGB-50 50 TEM grids74 x 38 x 7mmAnti-static ABS + PMMA28-001030EM-Tec GB-30 30 TEM grids76 x 25 x 6.5mmReduced static ABS + PMMA28-001004EM-Tec CGB-4 4 Cryo grids?14 x 7.3mmReduced static ABS + PMMA28-001014EM-Tec CGB-6 4 Cryo grids?14 x 9mmAnti-static polymer blend28-001007EM-Tec CGB-7 4 Cryo grids?14 x 14mmReduced static ABS28-001009EM-Tec CGB-4A 4 Cryo grids?14 x 7.3mmAluminium + Aluminium28-002004EM-Tec FA-4 4 FIB grids?14 x 11mmAluminium + Aluminium28-002100EM-Tec FSB-100S 100 FIB grids51 x 55 x 11mmConductive PP + PS / PE clip28-002200EM-Tec FSB-100D 100 FIB grids51 x 55 x 11mmConductive PP + PS / PE clips28-001099Gilder SB100 100 TEM grids85 x 60 x 7mmAnti-static ABS + antistatic CAB28-001050Gilder SB50 50 TEM grids75 x 65 x 7mmAnti-Static ABS + antistatic CAB28-001025Gilder SB2525 TEM grids53 X 36 X 6mmAnti-Static ABS + Polycarbonate
  • M2N(微纳伙伴) 电镜样品台 样品台
    样品台The EM-Tec stub based SEM sample holders are all small SEM sample holders based on (modified) SEM sample stubs. They have the same footprint as the original SEM sample stubs and are directly compatible with the SEM stage or SEM sample stub holder. These affordable sample holders increase efficiency and reduce sample preparation time. Using sample holders reduces the use of conductive adhesives which can be a source of contamination. The EM-Tec stub based small sample holders formats are:Standard pin stub based compact sample holdersJEOL cylinder stub based sample holdersHitachi M4 stub based sample holders Capacity, stub size and sample holding method of the EM-Tec pin stub based compact sample holdersProduct #StyleCapacity Size w/o pinSample holding method12-000117EM-Tec PS20 – ?2mm?6x4mmSet screw10-002212EM-Tec PS32mm thickness?12.7x3.2mmScrew/washer10-002240EM-Tec PS40 – 4mm ?12.7x7.2mmSet screw10-002244EM-Tec PS444 x 0-4mm ?25.4x7.2mm4 x Set Screw10-002218EM-Tec PS60 – 6mm ?12.7x7.2mmMini vise jaws12-000230EM-Tec PS90 – 8mm ?15x10mmMini vise jaws10-002242EM-Tec PS72 x 1mm ?15x10mmSet screw12-000112EM-Tec PS120 – 12mm ?25x7.2mmSet Screw10-002213EM-Tec PS50 – ?3.5mm ?12.7x7.2mmSet Screw10-002216EM-Tec PS80 – ?6mm ?12.7x7.2mmSet Screw12-000116EM-Tec PS160 – ?16mm ?25x7.2mmSet Screw10-002211EM-Tec PS111 x 3.05mm Grid ?12.7x3.2mmGravity10-002214EM-Tec PS144 x 30.5mm Grid ?12.7x3.2mmGravity11-000210EM-Tec PE10?3.2mm pin ?12.7x13.2mmSet screw12-000211EM-Tec PS15?15mm ?15x15mmAdhesive12-000270EM-Tec F122 x FIB grid ?12.7x8mmVise jaws10-002236EM-Tec P36?3.2mm pin ?12.7x17mmSet screw10-002238EM-Tec P38?3.2mm pin ?12.7x17mmSet screw10-002245EM-Tec P45?3.2mm pin ?12.7x17mmSet screw10-002246EM-Tec P45MM4 ?12.7x17mmM4 thread10-002270EM-Tec P70?3.2mm pin ?12.7x20mmSet screw10-002274EM-Tec P70MM4?12.7x20mmM4 thread The standard Hitachi stubs use an M 4 threaded hole in the base of the stubs. Our comprehensive selection of Hitachi M4 sample stubs include sizes from 15mm up to 100mm diameter to support virtually all applications. The Hitachi M4 SEM sample stubs are all made from vacuum grade aluminium. They are manufactured according to the original Hitachi specifications and are fully compatible with the standard Hitachi sample stub holders and stage adapters. Hitachi ?25x6mm M4 cylinder SEM sample stub, satin finish, aluminium Standard Hitachi stubs with 25.4mm diameter x 6mm thickness and M4 threaded hole. These ?25.4mm Hitachi stubs have undergone a surface finish treatment to give them a more satin look and to remove machining marks. Dimensions are fully compatible with standard 25.4mm Hitachi stubs. Offered against a reduced price in packs of 50 and 100.
  • M2N(微纳伙伴) 样品台(电镜用) 样品台
    样品台The EM-Tec stub based SEM sample holders are all small SEM sample holders based on (modified) SEM sample stubs. They have the same footprint as the original SEM sample stubs and are directly compatible with the SEM stage or SEM sample stub holder. These affordable sample holders increase efficiency and reduce sample preparation time. Using sample holders reduces the use of conductive adhesives which can be a source of contamination. The EM-Tec stub based small sample holders formats are:Standard pin stub based compact sample holdersJEOL cylinder stub based sample holdersHitachi M4 stub based sample holders Capacity, stub size and sample holding method of the EM-Tec pin stub based compact sample holdersProduct #StyleCapacity Size w/o pinSample holding method12-000117EM-Tec PS20 – ?2mm?6x4mmSet screw10-002212EM-Tec PS32mm thickness?12.7x3.2mmScrew/washer10-002240EM-Tec PS40 – 4mm ?12.7x7.2mmSet screw10-002244EM-Tec PS444 x 0-4mm ?25.4x7.2mm4 x Set Screw10-002218EM-Tec PS60 – 6mm ?12.7x7.2mmMini vise jaws12-000230EM-Tec PS90 – 8mm ?15x10mmMini vise jaws10-002242EM-Tec PS72 x 1mm ?15x10mmSet screw12-000112EM-Tec PS120 – 12mm ?25x7.2mmSet Screw10-002213EM-Tec PS50 – ?3.5mm ?12.7x7.2mmSet Screw10-002216EM-Tec PS80 – ?6mm ?12.7x7.2mmSet Screw12-000116EM-Tec PS160 – ?16mm ?25x7.2mmSet Screw10-002211EM-Tec PS111 x 3.05mm Grid ?12.7x3.2mmGravity10-002214EM-Tec PS144 x 30.5mm Grid ?12.7x3.2mmGravity11-000210EM-Tec PE10?3.2mm pin ?12.7x13.2mmSet screw12-000211EM-Tec PS15?15mm ?15x15mmAdhesive12-000270EM-Tec F122 x FIB grid ?12.7x8mmVise jaws10-002236EM-Tec P36?3.2mm pin ?12.7x17mmSet screw10-002238EM-Tec P38?3.2mm pin ?12.7x17mmSet screw10-002245EM-Tec P45?3.2mm pin ?12.7x17mmSet screw10-002246EM-Tec P45MM4 ?12.7x17mmM4 thread10-002270EM-Tec P70?3.2mm pin ?12.7x20mmSet screw10-002274EM-Tec P70MM4?12.7x20mmM4 thread The standard Hitachi stubs use an M 4 threaded hole in the base of the stubs. Our comprehensive selection of Hitachi M4 sample stubs include sizes from 15mm up to 100mm diameter to support virtually all applications. The Hitachi M4 SEM sample stubs are all made from vacuum grade aluminium. They are manufactured according to the original Hitachi specifications and are fully compatible with the standard Hitachi sample stub holders and stage adapters. Hitachi ?25x6mm M4 cylinder SEM sample stub, satin finish, aluminium Standard Hitachi stubs with 25.4mm diameter x 6mm thickness and M4 threaded hole. These ?25.4mm Hitachi stubs have undergone a surface finish treatment to give them a more satin look and to remove machining marks. Dimensions are fully compatible with standard 25.4mm Hitachi stubs. Offered against a reduced price in packs of 50 and 100.
  • 紫外曝光机配件 laser lithography
    紫外曝光机配件非常适合对紫外光敏感层的处理,是理想的紫外掩曝光机系统和掩模准直机,适合光学,生物,微纳科技,光刻等领域需要1-2掩膜的应用。 紫外曝光机配件特点 1)完美的单色曝光,曝光带宽小于10nm 2)冷紫外曝光,衬底环境温度实时控制,从而实现均匀曝光,消除热效应; 3)超强的功率密度 4) 紫外LED寿命更长,高达10000小时; 5)方便用户使用的触摸屏配置; 6) 不需要预热; 7)计算机控制紫外光源强度调节; 8)自动晶圆装载和卸载功能; 9)超低能耗; 紫外曝光机配件参数 分辨率:2微米 发射光谱:365+/-5nm, 385+/-5nm 4英寸晶圆照明: 25mW/cm^2 +/-10% 暴晒时晶圆温度加热:1摄氏度 暴晒循环:1秒~18小时 记忆的曝光循环数: 10个 功率:180W 重量:8.2kg尺寸: 260x260x260mm^2电源: 110V/230v50Hz
  • 紫外曝光机配件
    飞秒激光微加工系统配件是美国制造商专业为大学和研究机构而研发的世界级领先产品,具有超高的精度和灵活性和多功能性,非常适合实验室多通途飞秒激光科学研究和微加工研究。 我们专注于超快激光的研究和应用,在全球率先开发出成熟的飞秒激光微细加工系统配件,使得超快激光技术在实验室中成熟,并成功用于工业生产,专业为科研机构的实验室而设计,配备高达纳米精度和分辨率的线性定位平台,配备超高性能的扫描振镜以及多功能的控制软件。 我们提供的参数配置是激光脉宽200fs--10ps,重复频率1-1000KHz, 平均功率高达12W, 波长1030nm, 515nm, 343nm, 258nm。 科研级微加工系统满足了科研人员的诸多应用,它可以直接安装到光学平台上,大大节省实验时间,并能够快速培训新操作人员。是科研机构进行激光微加工实验的不二选择。 这套系统是各种研究所进行激光微加工实验的理想选择。我们经验丰富的工程师可以与国内广大研究所合作,把我们的经验和知识与您共享,为您提供优质的用户定制化服务和产品。 提供的系统搭建服务: 1)提供精密的用户定制化的目标定位系统,还可以提供软件。 2)对飞秒激光器和定位系统进行集成和同步控制 3)提供用户友好界面的软件用于各种激光扫描和定位系统。 为工业/科研用户提供的定制化服务: 1)为广大客户提供用户定制化的飞秒激光微加工解决方案 2)如果您已经有飞秒激光器,我们可以为您提供自动化控制和同步控制以及精密定位等服务。 飞秒激光微细加工系统配件特色: *高速微加工 *亚微米分辨率处理高度复杂样品 *飞秒微加工模式对加工区的热影响最小化 * 纳米精度的定位 * 精密激光束传导系统 * 非常方便改变激光参数 * 软件控制所有的硬件 飞 飞秒激光微加工系统软件控制功能: * 控制XYZ定位平台 *控制扫描振镜 * 控制激光参数 * 控制机械视图 * 偏振态 * 控制激光在工作区的功率 应用 * 表面微结构加工,微纳结构加工,微结构构造,微纳结构构造; * 透明材料的折射率改变; * 太阳能面板加工; * 2.5D铣销加工 * 三维多光子聚合 * 光致刻蚀; * 激光划线 飞秒激光加工案例参考 强劲优势: * 高达4倍频的4种波长激光光源 * 改变聚焦光学器件 * 定位聚焦光束 × 自动聚焦光束到样品表面 * 自动确认样品的倾斜程度 * 对加工过程进行成像监控
  • 高端炭基材料高剪切乳化机,环保水性纳米碳材高速乳化机,碳纳米管材料高剪切乳化机,碳纳米管浆液高剪切乳化机混合机,碳纳米复合母胶高剪切乳化机,液体黄金复合母胶高剪切乳化机混合机设备,超导电纳米碳材高速自吸粉混合机乳化机,炭黑高速自吸粉混合机设备
    高端炭基材料高剪切乳化机,环保水性纳米碳材高速乳化机,碳纳米管材料高剪切乳化机,碳纳米管浆液高剪切乳化机混合机,碳纳米复合母胶高剪切乳化机,液体黄金复合母胶高剪切乳化机混合机设备,超导电纳米碳材高速自吸粉混合机乳化机,炭黑高速自吸粉混合机设备 碳纳米管是一维的纳米材料,在工程材料域,碳管以其优异的物理机械性能成为聚合材料理想的填料。具有优异的力学性能、导电、导热性能,因而被认为是聚合物基复合材料理想的力学强化和功能改性材料,采用碳纳米管制成的复合材料表现出良好强度、弹性和抗疲劳性,碳纳米管也逐渐用于橡胶制品、轮胎、塑料等工业中。 但是,碳纳米管的呈纳米纤维状,自身易团聚和缠结,且碳纳米管表面为规整的石墨晶片结构,表面惰性大,与聚合物基体亲和性差,导致碳纳米管在橡胶基质中的分散性差,而且成本也高,这些限制了碳纳米管在橡胶中的规模化应用。 在橡胶工业中,将碳纳米管填充到各种橡胶基体以提高橡胶基体的性能成为研究高端橡胶产品的理想共混复合材料之一,但碳纳米管自身有着很高的表面自由能,易发生团聚现象,碳纳米管与基体间的相互作用是另一个难题,碳管表面没有任何反应官能图,碳管的惰性使其与聚合物基体间化学界面作用弱,碳纳米管对聚合物基体的改善效果难达到预期,因此制备出尺寸均匀,分散好,性能稳定的碳纳米管及其复合材料是拓展其应用域的需要。 目,在碳管的分散性及其复合材料研究中已经取得许多进展。常用的方法中是将采用表面活性剂对碳管表面改性,将其悬浮液与胶乳复合制得复合母胶,该技术在一定程度解决了碳纳米管的分散,但由于表面活性剂中其它基团的加入会降低复合母胶的性能;因此需要提供一种避免活性剂的加入影响碳纳米管与聚合物间结合的技术方案。 针对现阶段技术中存在的问题,在碳纳米管分散均匀的基础上在其表面引入羧基、羟基等官能团,避免偶联剂的加入影响碳纳米管与胶乳之间的结合。一种高分散碳纳米复合母胶的制备方法,包括以下步骤:1、将碳纳米管在分散液中剪切,制得短切碳纳米管悬浮液;2、通入氧化气体对短切碳管悬浮液氧化,制得短切碳纳米管氧化液;3、将补强材料加入短切碳纳米管氧化液,制得碳纳米管浆液;4、在碳纳米管浆液中加入偶联剂,制得复合浆液;5、将天然橡胶胶乳分散于复合浆液中,制得碳纳米管-天然橡胶复合材料;6、将碳纳米管-天然橡胶复合材料凝固、干燥制得高分散碳纳米复合母胶。 上海依肯根据市场技术需求结合多年来积累的成功案例经验特别推出ERS2000系列高剪切乳化机(混合机),ERS2000在线式高速高剪切乳化机,主要用于微乳液及超细悬浮液的生产。由于工作腔体内三组乳化分散头(定子+转子)同时工作,乳液经过高剪切后,液滴更细腻,粒径分布更窄,因而生成的混合液稳定性更好。三组乳化分散头均易于更换,适合不同的工艺应用。该系列中不同型号的机器都有相同的线速度和剪切率,非常易于扩大规模化生产。 上海依肯ERS2000系列高剪切乳化机(混合机)设备参数选型表:型号 标准流量L/H输出转速rpm标准线速度m/s马达功率KW进口尺寸出口尺寸ERS 2000/4300-100014000442.2DN25DN15ERS 2000/5300010500447.5DN40DN32ERS 2000/10800073004415DN50DN50ERS 2000/202000049004437DN80DN65ERS 2000/304000028504455DN150DN125ERS 2000/407000020004490DN150DN125高端炭基材料高剪切乳化机,环保水性纳米碳材高速乳化机,碳纳米管材料高剪切乳化机,碳纳米复合母胶高剪切乳化机,液体黄金复合母胶高剪切乳化机混合机设备,超导电纳米碳材高速自吸粉混合机乳化机,炭黑高速自吸粉混合机设备。。。需要了解更多详情请致电上海依肯机械设备有限公司 销售工程师 徐蒙蒙 182-0189-1183,公司有样机可以免费为客户进行测试验证实验。
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