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仪器信息网热盘测痛仪专题为您提供2024年最新热盘测痛仪价格报价、厂家品牌的相关信息, 包括热盘测痛仪参数、型号等,不管是国产,还是进口品牌的热盘测痛仪您都可以在这里找到。 除此之外,仪器信息网还免费为您整合热盘测痛仪相关的耗材配件、试剂标物,还有热盘测痛仪相关的最新资讯、资料,以及热盘测痛仪相关的解决方案。


  • 磐诺技术助力铁合金行业--矿热炉尾气制甲醇新工艺!
    时代在发展,科学仪器仪表及分析检测技术更是日新月异。在这样复杂多变、竞争激烈的行业环境中,磐诺能做的,唯有不断创新、研发全新技术,在竞争中突破自我。近日,我公司成功中标内蒙古旭峰15万吨/年甲醇项目的实验室仪器(含气相色谱)!本项目是国内di一套以矿热炉尾气为原料制取甲醇的装置。项目背景据设计方中国化学赛鼎工程有限公司专业工程师介绍:铁合金是炼钢必备辅料,使用量约占钢产量的4%左右,目前全国铁合金年产量约为3200万吨左右。据了解,目前内蒙古、宁夏等地已成为铁合金主产区,年产量近1000万吨。铁合金利用过程中产生大量热值约2300kcal/Nm3的低硫矿热炉尾气,2015年修订的《铁合金行业准入条件》要求铁合金企业矿热炉必须于2018年底实现全密闭,且炉型必须≥25MVA。密闭后的矿热炉必然产生大量的矿热炉尾气,因此矿热炉尾气治理与利用正成为铁合金行业的焦点问题。矿热炉1000万吨/年的铁合金产能规模可匹配的甲醇规模约为不小于300万吨 同时可减排411万吨CO2排放、0.26万吨SO2,与煤气发电相比可节能64万吨标煤。铁合金生产的主要消耗就是电,因此对于电价较高的广西、贵州、山西、山东等地区而言,发电是矿热炉尾气利用较为经济的方向,目前该技术正处于推广期 而对于像内蒙古这类得益于国家直供电试点优势、电价非常便宜的地区,绝大部分矿热炉尾气被直接排至大气,少部分作为燃料气直接燃烧使用,这样既造成了大量的环境污染,又浪费了资源。因此对这些地区而言,以矿热炉尾气作为原料生产化工品将成为重要的技术方向。经验丰富,积极应对新工艺应用挑战在新开发工艺路线中,采用高浓度CO铜系等温变换工艺,以及高氧含量脱硫工艺。其中痕量硫的检测,对于气相色谱仪器性能要求较高,磐诺凭借再石油化工、煤化工成熟的应用经验,帮客户制定了高效稳定的检测方案。方案中,磐诺采用uFPD超含量检测器,检测限低,重现性好:可测到1ppb的痕量,rsd我们希望,能以此项目为突破口,争取未来能为更多用户,提供优质的技术和服务,继续带领国产仪器走上世界舞台!
  • “询盘有礼618活动”正酣 ——“仪采通”助力用户精准选型,畅享优惠福利~
    随着科技的飞速发展,科学仪器已深入各行各业,成为推动创新的关键力量。为了回馈广大用户对仪器信息网的信赖与支持,并满足其日益增长的采购需求,旗下平台“仪采通”特别举办询盘有礼618活动。此次活动不仅得到了多家知名仪器供应商和业内专家的鼎力支持,更吸引了全国各地的仪器用户、行业专家及企业代表踊跃参与。旨在为用户提供一个专业、高效的选型平台。仪采通团队紧跟市场前沿,根据用户需求和行业趋势,精心筛选并推荐了多款热门仪器设备。同时,我们为每位参与活动的用户配备了专属客服,提供从选型到采购的全程咨询服务。此外,我们还准备了丰富的优惠政策和福利措施,确保用户在享受专业服务的同时,能够收获满满的实惠。自活动开展以来,我们收到了众多用户的积极反馈。用户纷纷表示,通过参加此次活动,他们不仅获取了专业的采购建议,还结识了众多仪器厂商人员,拓宽了人脉。同时,用户对于活动中提供的福利也表示非常满意。“询盘有礼618活动”仍在如火如荼地进行中,我们热切地邀请更多用户关注并参与进来。无论您是对科学仪器、耗材配件还是试剂标物有采购咨询需求的用户,都将成为我们活动的尊贵的用户。活动日期:6月12日至7月31日面向对象:近期有科学仪器、耗材配件、试剂标物采购咨询需求的用户活动详情:请添加小助手源源沟通。仪采通服务介绍: “仪采通”是仪器信息网倾力打造的科学仪器专业采购服务平台。平台针对科学仪器采购人员专业性不足、选型效率低的痛点问题设计了八大特色服务:
  • 微流控电泳技术检测药物中对乙酰氨基酚(扑热息痛)和维生素C
    醋氨酚【对乙酰氨基酚,退热净(一种替代阿司匹林的解热镇痛药);扑热息痛(APAP)】广泛应用于止痛剂和解热镇痛药,用于退热、止头痛和其它轻微的疼痛等。由于药物中APAP的过量会引起暴发性肝病或肾坏死和其他毒副作用,所以药物中APAP的定量检测非常重要。 APAP水解主要生成对氨基苯酚(pAP),在医药制剂中可以作为降解产物或作为合成中间体。 据报道,抗坏血酸(维生素C)对APAP引起的肝中毒具有保护作用。 Micrux微流控系统很好的分离和检测了醋氨酚(APAP)、抗坏血酸(AA)、对氨基苯酚(pAP) 提供了简单、经济、精确的分析方法,非常适合于医药厂家检测药物的稳定性、药物分析和质量控制。相关资料可以在雷迪美特中国有限公司资料中心下载。 或电:400-628-2898 Email:analysis@126.com!
  • 和晟热重分析仪成功入驻上海同纳建设工程质量检测有限公司
  • 盘福发布盘福QitVenture 1便携式气相色谱质谱仪(便携式GC-MS)新品
    QitVenture 1便携式GC-MSQitVenture 1是新一代便携式气相色谱仪/质谱联用仪(GC/MS),分析时间更短,5分钟内现场提供定性和定量的实验室测量结果。操作简单,全傻瓜式操作,只要按下一个按钮,即可识别和量化挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)、有毒工业化学品(TICs)、有毒工业材料(TIMs)、化学战剂(CWAs)和半挥发性有机化合物(SVOCs)。内置的GC柱提供了极好的分辨率,能够识别ppm(百万分之一)- ppb(十亿分之一)范围内的分析物。前置的高清面板清楚地显示了化学物质的浓度和危险程度的相关信息,帮助操作人员快速做出影响生命、健康和安全的重要决策。系统具有良好的重复性,即使环境因素改变,也能确保结果的一致性。简单的图形化界面,内置强大的目标化合物数据库,自动匹配化合物数据库,并且支持用户建立自己的数据库,可以NIST谱库联用,轻松鉴定未知化合物,配有自主知识产权的解卷积算法,轻松鉴定复杂的重叠峰。具有强大的数据分析功能,能够显示总离子流图、提取离子流图,能进行背景扣除、基线提取等。优势一览:1、分析速度快,单质谱当今世界,环境问题不仅成为了制约人类社会经济发展的关键因素,也成为了威胁人类健康的污染物存在的环境介质,可分为水体、空气、土壤三类:1、水中污染物可分为VOCs(挥发性有机物)和SVOCs(半挥发性有机物)。2、空气污染物包括有机氯农药,垃圾焚烧产生废气,多环芳烃,羰基化合物等。3、土壤污染物包括重金属离子,汞,酞酸酯,三嗪类除草剂等。QitVenture 1既具有气相色谱高分离效能,又具有质谱准确鉴定化合物结构的特点,可同时、准确、快速测定微量的多种污染物,能够适应目前待测有机化合物种类繁多与应用领域多样化的需求。QitVenture 1便携式GC-MS/防化军事应用 防化军事主要任务是进行化学、核辐射侦察与放射性沾染观测,指导其他部队对核武器和化学武器进行防护,并协助地方有关部门组织群众实施上述防护。QitVenture 1便携式GC-MS可以对化学毒剂,如沙林毒气、介子气等进行现场检测,如可以应用于装甲防化侦察车,以轮式装甲地盘为平台,集成QitVenture 1便携式GC-MS,可实现对空气中和地表面化学毒剂及有害物质快速检测,并鉴定出其成分,为后方决策提供依据。创新点:QitVenture 1型便携式气相色谱质谱联用仪,采用微型离子阱质量分析器和低功耗线性射频电源,使得仪器的质量范围更宽,可测试的物质和种类更多,覆盖半挥发性有机物VOC和SVOC的检测;采用金属毛细管富集和闪蒸技术,升温速率达25-30℃/s,可得到更好的质谱峰形;全程高温伴热,系统最高伴热温度150℃,适合高沸点半挥发有机物(SVOC)的需要。 盘福QitVenture 1便携式气相色谱质谱仪(便携式GC-MS)
  • 磐诺移动监测实验室,助力乐山五通桥园区VOCs第一阶段走航监测工作!
    挥发性有机物英文缩写VOCs(volatile organic compounds),是指熔点低于室温而沸点在50-260℃的挥发性有机化合物,主要来源于工业生产、有机溶剂使用、机动车尾气排放等。VOCs是大气中细颗粒物(PM2.5)和臭氧等污染物生成的重要前体物之一,有效控制VOCs排放,对于改善大气环境质量、提升人民群众环境幸福感具有重要的意义。众所周知,生态环境部于2018年初制定《工业园区挥发性有机物(VOCs)试点监测方案》,选取:黑龙江省大庆市石油化工园区、四川省乐山市盐磷化工园区、山东省淄博市化工园区、江苏省泰州市工业涂装园区4家园区开展试点工作。作为监测试点园区之一,如何有效进行科学监测,摸清污染家底,发力开展治理,为环境监管工作提供数据支撑,更大程度发挥试点作用,成为乐山五通桥区盐磷化工循环产业园区园区最为关注的问题。此次,在乐山市环境科学研究所组织下,磐诺携手相关单位,凭借VOCs移动监测实验室,成功助力园区第一阶段VOCs走航监测工作。走航监测工作取得了圆满成功,这也是磐诺环境VOCs移动监测实验室工作状态下的初次亮相。监测车搭载了在线GC-MS、在线GC、便携式GC、空气6参数仪、气象5参数仪、移动摄影系统等多种先进设备,实现了多功能集成,可实现对环境空气中117项VOCs、57项原PAMS物质等污染物的自动连续监测,为相关部门提供有力的数据保障。面对不同领域的用户,磐诺移动监测实验室为大家提供更为灵活的选择。全面的在线及离线仪器,满足大气、水、土壤等各领域用户需求多款车型及装修方案,完全自定义搭配【购买+租赁】两种服务模式,经济更省心助力园区工作,提供专业技术支持,磐诺,一直在行动!
  • 海康威影新品发布|AI智能测漏仪:自动判漏,轻松入门
    近日,杭州海康微影传感科技有限公司(以下简称“海康威影”)发布一款新品——AI智能测漏仪,这款产品有什么优势呢?一起来了解下吧!AI智能辅助判漏 提高检漏效率基于海量的管道漏水、漏气的声音素材,通过机器学习算法训练智能判漏模型,有效去除管道噪声和环境干扰噪声,精准识别漏水、漏气声音,自动辅助判断漏点。有效音量显示 屏蔽噪音 专注漏点音量有效显示固定的漏水声、漏气声音量,屏蔽突发的环境噪声(撞击声、脚步声),让漏水、漏气音量数值更明显。高灵敏度传感器 轻量设计 精准抗干扰高灵敏度传感器,精准定位抗干扰,避免多次开挖,提高效率。标配霍尼韦尔高端降噪耳机 专业又舒适工业级降噪规格,有效隔绝噪声,专业品质金属环耐用头箍,宽体耳罩设计,耐用舒适。7寸触控大屏 易用上档次7寸全彩电容触控大屏,相较传统测漏仪,图像显示更丰富,参数设置更便捷科技感外观,一机在手,快速提高用户专业形象。2种智能测漏模式 漏点听得清 看得见快检模式:快速定位漏水点大致范围,通过实时的数字波动,图形频谱变化进行排查,从而发现漏点,看见漏点。具有数字、直方图、波形图三种显示方式,适合不同用户使用习惯。巡检模式:相较快检模式,巡检模式可对地面、墙面进行分区测量,可分别记录12个区域的声音数值,结束测量后,系统自动判断疑似漏水点,让测漏工作更精准。4种档位选择 适配不同测漏场景共有室内低频、室内中频、室内高频、室内全通4档可调节,拨动设备右侧拨轮实现快速档位切换。档位推荐使用步骤:普通漏水情况下,使用室内中频档位,可覆盖大多数漏水音频频值,有效解决80%以上的漏水。疑难漏水情况下,可先选用全通模式查看漏水频值分布,再使用对应的低频/中频/高频档位进行针对性精准测量。参数表及配件清单关于海康威影海康微影是海康威视(HIKVISION)子公司,以红外热成像技术为核心 ,面向全球提供物联网机芯、模组、红外热像仪产品及解决方案,公司产品及方案广泛应用于安防监控、工业测温、医疗检疫、灾难预防、消费电子、辅助驾驶等多个领域。致力于推动核心元器件成本的实质性下降和应用场景扩展与丰富,引领热成像从小众走向大众。海康微影为国家高新技术企业,杭州市企业高新技术研发中心,中心拥有团队约1293人,其中硕士学历以上530人;拥有各类知识产权授权约397项;2018年通过质量管理体系、环境管理体系、职业健康安全管理体系。目前,公司整机产品产线占地12000㎡,共计20条整机生产线、机芯组件生产线9条,最高年产量达170万台,严格按照高品质生产要求进行制造和检测,物料经过多重标准检测,精挑细选;生产过程严格控制,核心组件全自动化生产,无尘净化房封装;产品出厂前需要经过高低温、常温环境温度精准度测试、老化测试、气密等多重严格性能测试,确保产品品质稳定可靠。
  • 泰通发布全自动热脱附仪 TDS-48plus 泰通新品
    TDS-48plus 全自动热脱附仪 产品简介 全自动热脱附仪是一款自带电子冷阱的,气路采用电动六通阀、八通阀和电磁阀相结合,可以编程自动完成吸附管的一次解吸冷阱富集、二次解吸、进样和反吹四个过程,冷阱温度、一次解吸温度、二次解吸温度和管路加热温度可以独立设置,并且在进样时输出同步信号,可以同时启动色谱和工作站。 全自动热脱附仪充分体现了先进的前处理技术和强大的实力,作为先进的热解析仪配备有:二级解析功能,除湿功能自动检漏,电子压力控制等功能,瞬间解析的技术,半导体冷凝至-40 ℃ ,所有的技术有效保护GC ,极大的提高解析效率。采用先进惰性加热传输管线设计,不占用色谱进样口。用户在需要时自行改变进样方式。48位样品位,转盘式自动进样设计,让您轻松应对挥发性有机物(VOCs )的检测。 产品主要特点: *全自动热脱附仪是一款全自动高通量二次热解析。 *具备强大的扩容性。在标准配置基础上可扩展成双通量工作模式 即一台热解析可连接两台GC或GCMS同时使用(实现双通道同时进样,可将工作效率提高一倍。) *可与GC/GCMS形成闭环信号控制 当GC/GCMS出现异常时自动停止解析进样,有效保护实验样品。 *独立温度控制的高温阀箱,保证样品不残留。 *采用电控高温六通阀,可以同时解吸两支样品。 *独立温度控制的高温阀箱,保证样品不残留。 *采用电控高温六通阀,可以同时解吸两支样品。 *全惰性化气路控制,保证系统的低检出性和不易污染。 *专利的二次低温捕集和闪蒸技术,轻松获取优异的色谱响应度和峰型。 *可与市面上所有型号的气相色谱系统联动自动完成多支吸附管的脱附进样分析过程。 *分析前自动检测管路密闭性,有泄漏的样品管不进样,有效保护样品,避免重复采样。 *专利的OC-LOCK样品管密封帽,装卸样品管采用快速接头模式,无需手拧和任何工具。 *图形化控制菜单,简单易用,可存储20个方法序列文件,每次直接调出方法文件即可使用。 *独创的每个样品测试参数在线记录功能,记录每个样品管实际解吸过程参数, 便于掌握样品的分析过程、优化实验条件并实现数据溯源。 二次热解吸仪适用于以下标准: 《HJ 734-2014 固定污染源废弃 挥发性有机物的测定 固相吸附/热脱附-气相色谱》  《HJ 644-2013 环境空气 挥发性有机物的测定 吸附管采样-热脱附气相色谱-质谱法》  《HJ 583-2010 环境空气苯系物的测定固体吸附/热脱附-气相色谱》 《HJ/T 400-2007 车内挥发性有机物和醛酮类物质采样测定方法》  《GB 50325-2010 民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范》  《GB/T 18883-2002 室内空气质量标准》等。 技术参数:型号TDS-24plusTDS-48plusTDS-50plusTDS-100plus样品位24位48位50位100位控温范围一次解析:室温+5℃~400℃二次解析温度:室温+5℃~400℃(可选配三阶程序升温)升温速率: 3000℃/分 阀箱温度:室温+5℃~ 200℃传输管温度:室温+5℃~200℃冷阱温度: -35℃~400℃ (无需液氮制冷,自带制冷散热保护)温度分辨率: 1℃控温精度: +1℃温度控制梯度:≤士1℃一次解析:室温+5℃~400℃二次解析温度:室温+5℃~400℃(可选配三阶程序升温)升温速率: 3000℃/分 阀箱温度:室温+5℃~ 200℃传输管温度:室温+5℃~200℃冷阱温度: -35℃~400℃ (无需液氮制冷,自带制冷散热保护)温度分辨率: 1℃控温精度: +1℃温度控制梯度:≤士1℃解析回收率98%98%气路耐压6kg6kg定时误差0.01%0.01%定时范围1秒~9999秒1秒~9999秒仪器尺寸420*580*510mm780*443*447mm仪器重量约40Kg约45Kg吹扫流量10-100m/minn(连续可调)10-100m/minn(连续可调)流量控制电子流量控制电子流量控制采样管尺寸6.35*89.0mm6.35*89.0mm标样制备流量0~200ml/min0~200ml/min反吹清洗流量(连续可调)0~200ml/min0~200ml/min电源220VAC 50Hz220VAC 50Hz功率 1000VA 1000VA创新点:专利的二次低温捕集和闪蒸技术,轻松获取优异的色谱响应度和峰型。可与市面上所有型号的气相色谱系统联动自动完成多支吸附管的脱附进样分析过程。分析前自动检测管路密闭性,有泄漏的样品管不进样,有效保护样品,避免重复采样。专利的OC-LOCK样品管密封帽,装卸样品管采用快速接头模式,无需手拧和任何工具。全自动热脱附仪 TDS-48plus 泰通
  • 总书记讲话戳到科技界痛点 院士盼早日落实
    p   在5月30日举行的全国科技创新大会、中国科学院第十八次院士大会和中国工程院第十三次院士大会、中国科学技术协会第九次全国代表大会上,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平出席大会并发表重要讲话。讲话中掌声不断。5月31日上午,中科院各学部集中组织院士学习习总书记讲话,交流感想。 /p p   “习总书记的讲话让我感到很振奋。”中科院院士葛昌纯说,总书记在讲话中高度评价了院士和全国科技工作者为国家所做的贡献,这对我们无疑是一个很大的鼓舞。“另外,习总书记特别提到了要对科技人员松绑,这也是掌声最多的部分。” /p p   “昨天总书记的讲话把创新驱动发展提到了更高的高度。”中科院院士于起峰说,特别是总书记在讲话中提到的科技人员官员化管理、财务管理等问题,都是科技工作者长久以来的切身“痛点”。 /p p   “尤其是大家鼓掌的部分,我觉得是说出了大家的心里话。”裴刚院士深有共鸣。 /p p   “从总书记的讲话中,我看到中央一方面是不断坚持改革精神,同时也不断总结改革过程中出现的各个方面的问题。”赵国屏院士表示,“改革终究是摸着石头过河,出现问题也很正常。这次很多鼓掌都是针对改革过程中的一些问题,我想是因为大家都感觉到了中央改进的决心。” /p p   “中央的政策很好,但是如何真正落实也很关键。”在备受鼓舞的同时,院士们更期待着政策能够得到充分落实。“创新驱动最主要的动力就是科技工作者,人是第一要素。”裴刚说,“哪个领域的体制机制运用得好,哪个领域就会得到很好的发展,如何运用体制机制的力量,真正把科研人员的积极性调动起来,才是创新驱动的关键所在。” /p p   于起峰也觉得,当前科研人员的积极性不够高,“连加班都没有以前多了。我觉得这里面可能是有一些体制机制的问题没有调理好,相应的政策没有配套,科技人员官员化管理、财务管理等问题没有解决好。”他希望,中央的精神真正能在基层落实,切实起到提高科研人员的积极性的作用。 /p p   “怎么把中央的这些精神能够贯彻到全国的各个研究机构、高校的处级或学院这一级的领导,是政策落实的关键所在。”葛昌纯表示,“我觉得各个大学、专业机构的处长都应该过来听听习总书记的报告。” /p p   另外,一些科技界普遍关注的问题,比如科研经费管理体制改革、成果转化机制改革、基础研究需要长期稳定的经费支持等,也屡次被提及。院士们都一致期盼能有科学、具体、针对性强的改革措施出台并落地。 /p
  • Nature子刊:胎盘能够保护胎儿不受来自母体的新冠病毒感染
    虽然感染新冠病毒的大部分孕妇都无症状或症状较轻,但有研究显示,孕妇出现重症的风险可能更高。然而,我们尚不清楚无症状或轻症感染会如何影响母胎交叉区域和胎儿健康。2022年1月18日,美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)的研究人员在 Nature Communications 发表了题为:Maternal-fetal immune responses in pregnant women infected with SARS-CoV-2 的研究论文。该研究研究分析了孕期新冠病毒(SARS-CoV-2)检测呈阳性的12名女性,分析显示,孕期的新冠病毒暴露会导致一种母体和胎儿细胞共同参与的胎盘炎症反应,但不会感染胎盘组织。为了充分了解孕期感染新冠病毒的影响,研究团队入组了12名怀孕且新冠病毒检测呈阳性的女性以及11名健康的对照。在检测呈阳性的女性中,8人为无症状感染,1人轻症,3人为需要吸氧的重症。研究团队在母体病毒暴露后的胎盘以及母亲和胎儿的血液中均观察到一种很特别的促炎性免疫应答。他们发现,虽然针对新冠病毒的母源抗体会通过胎盘传给胎儿,但胎盘中既没发现胎儿抗体也没发现新冠病毒。作者认为,这说明胎盘能保护胎儿不受感染。 研究团队指出,这项研究结果增进了我们对感染新冠病毒后母胎免疫应答的理解,并提示从母体到胎儿的垂直传播可能极为罕见。不过,他们也提醒该结论应当谨慎解读,因为研究中感染新冠重症的孕妇人数很有限。论文链接:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-27745-z
  • 磐合艾威同写制药新技术
    9月3-4日磐合科仪联合艾威科技应邀共同参加了绍兴《同写意论坛第78期》。论坛以“全面掌控中美双报之新药溶出技术”为主题,汇聚各制药界专家、学者170人参会。本次磐合科仪携先进的日本DNS多批次全自动溶出系统RT-J 3000以及流池法溶出系统DF7强势参展,特别是USP4法——流池法溶出度系统DF7,引发与会者的高度关注。流通池溶出度检查方法(Flow Through Cell method)是一种新型的溶出度检查方法,已收录于欧洲药典,美国药典,日本药典中,它可克服日前桨法、篮法无法解决的困难,比桨法的感知度更高,可克服因药片崩溃堆积所导致的饱和等问题。不仅适用于片剂、胶囊剂释制剂的溶出度测定,更可对粉末、栓剂、颗粒剂和植入剂等多种剂型直接测试,在制药公司研究制剂,或原研药变更剂型等研究中得到大量应用。DNS 桌面型全自动溶出系统RT-J3000 产品特点:-- 全自动溶媒制备到分析报告;-- 4批次连续运行,适合于桨法;-- 可实现浆/篮单独或同时运行,转速单独可调;-- 适合片剂,胶囊,粉末及颗粒剂自动投药;-- 高精度溶出杯。DNS 流池法溶出度系统DF7产品特点:-- 7通道温度实时监测;-- 无脉冲,正弦波(两种)送样方式;-- 可同时进行开环/闭环两种测试(3池+4池);-- 片剂、胶囊、粉末、颗粒、栓剂、混悬剂等多池型可选。会议期间中检所化学所张启明老师就展示的溶出系统给予了热切的关注与亲切的指导,磐合科仪马经理与张老师就相关技术进行探讨和交流。同时艾威科技展示的锐拓RT612-AT自动溶出仪卓越的性能也引发与会者深厚的兴趣。锐拓RT612-AT自动溶出仪产品特点:-- 符合《中国药典》和《美国药典》及《药物溶出度仪机械验证指导原则》要求; -- 配置12个溶出杯、12个杆、12通道活塞注射泵取样; -- 管道自动清洗、自动吹扫、自动排空功能,避免前后取样交叉污染;-- 自动取样点最多可设置20次,满足所有溶出需求。作为日本DNS战略合作伙伴,本次参展标致着磐合科仪正式进军制药行业领域,致力于为中国客户提供先进的产品和满意的服务。
  • 爱色丽Pantone 2017年度代表色-- Greenery
    纽约时装周结束不久, 当全球人类都在讨论来年的时装潮流之时,色彩趋势预测机构pantone 近日将色号为 pantone 15-0343 的 greenery(草木绿)宣布为 2017 年度代表色。这是一个代表初春时节万物复苏、欣欣向荣的颜色,清新而充满活力。“2016 年的年度代表色玫瑰石英粉红与宁静粉蓝表达了嘈杂世界对和谐的诉求,而2017 年的草木绿,能给处于纷扰社会与政治环境中的我们带来希望。” pantone 色彩研究所执行总监 leatrice eiseman 说,“满足我们对生机与活力的持久向往,代表了我们寻求与自然、他人和其他更宏大目标建立联结的热忱。”是不是一下就感觉这个色彩的出现让整个世界都充满了活力和希望。可是具体应用在生活当中我们如何去搭配和调和呢?pantone 认为草木绿是一个来自大自然的颜色,因此它能和中性色、亮色、深色、金属色甚至是 2016 年流行的静谧蓝和粉晶等色彩完美融合。同时,pantone 还给出了一系列色彩搭配方案,供各个行业的设计师参考。【草木绿的应用】家装和建筑在墙面,玻璃容器,以植物为主题的墙纸,涂料,精品家具或其他装饰物中的添加草木绿能营造出一种舒适和惬意之感。草木绿所展现的植物的生机将户外的自然融入室内,能提升我们的自信、缓解焦虑,并帮助我们更好地感知所处的周遭环境。食品和饮料整体和谐的生活与自然和植物紧密相关:随着现代都市农业与室内垂直农业的发展,草木绿开始出现在许多出人意料的地方。餐桌上,草木绿的盘子和容器使食物显得更加新鲜,让人垂涎欲滴。此外,草木绿还常被用于酒店和烹饪领域的设计中,以彰显有机、健康的形象。美妆草木绿一直都被认为是别致与自信的代表,被用于发型、唇妆、眼妆和美甲中,能彰显出个人勇气与活力。作为红色的补充色,草木绿可以有效遮盖红血丝。因此,草木绿在美妆中还常用于颜色矫正,打造自然无暇的美丽妆容。时装草木绿属于自然中性色,是由浅蓝色和亮黄色调和而成的自然色调,也是诸多调色板的自然补充。草木绿已成为时尚潮流,被各大时尚品牌运用于男装和女装的设计中,如kenzo、michael kors、zac posen、cynthia rowley的近期系列。此处,许多童装的单色和印花也不乏草木绿的身影!平面设计由于绿色在大自然中的普遍性,以致一直被视为与有机及健康有紧密联系的色彩。人们天生对于绿色的喜爱,使草木绿成为了平面设计中的理想颜色,特别是草绿色的包装,能迅速给人以新鲜之感。- end –更多pantone色卡资讯请见东南科仪官方旗舰店!
  • 美国ITW集团收购化学品制造商Panreac
    2010年9月6日,3i、3i基金及其他股东签署协议,同意出售Panreac公司给美国ITW集团,Panreac公司是西班牙一家领先的高质量化学品制造商和供应商。2005年,3i及3i基金投资约2500万英镑,拥有Panreac公司75%的股份。   Panreac公司拥有约12000款产品,包括ACS-compliant 试剂、HPLC用高纯度溶剂、精细化学品、食品用化学品、微生物学研究用生长培养基及组织学产品,这些产品销售到制药、医院、大学、食品及化工等多个领域。   ITW集团依工聚合和流体化学事业部总裁Agustín Ruiz de Munain评论说,“ITW集团视此次收购为进入欧洲精细化学品市场的一个战略机会。Panreac公司及其管理团队将为此而努力。”   Panreac公司总经理Joan Roget补充到,“ITW这样的股东将可以帮助保持在西班牙市场上的领先地位,同时持续推进在其他市场的高增长。”(仪器信息网译)   关于美国ITW集团   年销售额达到149亿美金的ITW集团,主要生产工程组件、工业系统和工业消费品,是一家多种经营和高附加值的生产型企业。在全球范围内,集团业务分布52个国家,拥有825个事业部,雇员人数超过6万名,旗下拥有英斯特朗等多个子公司。
  • 磐诺仪器携手全球知名色谱零部件供应商Restek共讨合作发展
    8月10号,磐诺色谱零部件供应商Restek(瑞思泰康)莅临磐诺仪器常州总部进行商务会谈。 美国Restek公司是于1985年在美国成立的、专门从事色谱技术开发、服务、产品生产的高科技公司,以其对金属的钝化技术而闻名与世。凭借其技术优势、产品质量以及优质的服务现已成为全球五大色谱配件及色谱柱制造商之一。 此次会议的重点是Restek既已作为磐诺的服务商,在样品测试,供货周期应用支持方面如何更好的配合磐诺,双方都进行了深入的交流。 美国Restek总部销售运营总监Robert Harshbarger先生表示:磐诺公司是他们重要的合作伙伴,这次专门来访就是为了了解双方合作中的困难。Restek作为有国际影响力的企业,不论是其全球服务、制造能力以及质量控制方面都已很完善。并且最终客户来自于各个行业,所以在色谱柱方面可以提供更好的建议。 磐诺仪器总经理王涵文先生表示:的确磐诺在样品测试-色谱柱选择和品牌宣传需要Restek进一步支持,并且希望下一步双方可以有新的合作内容。营销部总监程广辉先生也补充道:磐诺仪器作为优秀的国产品牌,已成为其他国产仪器的标杆,我们提供应用方案的交钥匙工程,需要合作伙伴的配合。 磐诺仪器一直致力于打造高端气相色谱,我们会严格挑选全球顶尖零部件供应商,最大程度保证用户的完美体验。磐诺只专注于色谱,我们的脚步会继续!
  • 又一篇nature!Panta助力精子特异性溶质载体SLC9C1的结构解析
    01研究背景SLC9C1是精子中特异的溶质载体,属于阳离子/质子逆向转运蛋白SLC9超家族,其表达与精子数量和活力直接相关。SLC9C1包含运输结构域(TD),电压感应结构域 (VSD)和环核苷酸结合结构域 (CNBD)。VSD感知的膜电压如何激活转运体中的离子交换机制一直不清楚。来自海德堡大学的Cristina Paulino课题组在Nature上发表了题为“Structures of a sperm-specific solute carrier gated by voltage and cAMP”的文章,解析海胆SLC9C1的结构,并揭示了三个功能域是如何耦合。文中使用NanoTemper Panta分析配体对SLC9C1的构象的影响。02案例解读https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06629-wSpSLC9C1以同二聚体的形式组装,通过结构解析,作者明确识别SpSLC9C1不同的结构域:TD、VSD和CTD(包括CNBS和CH1-9)。图1:SpSLC9C1在序列水平上的结构域排列环核苷酸可以使得SLC9C1在静息电位激活,cAMP的激活效果比cGMP高。作者又解析了SLC9C1在cAMP与cGMP存在的情况下的结构(图2A)。发现结合cAMP的SLC9C1结构有很高的构象异质性,特别是CTD。分析发现cAMP破坏了β-CTD之间的二聚体相互作用,导致CTD偏离对称轴。为了进一步表征cGMP和cAMP结合对SpSLC9C1的影响,作者分析分离的CTD (S946-E1193, CNBD和β-CTD) 在加入cAMP和cGMP后Tm的变化。从结构信息来看,cGMP的加入未引起SLC9C1构象上明显改变,对应的ΔTm变化可能很小。因此,需要一种高精度和重复性的方法进行检测。nanoDSF技术检测Tm精度为±0.1℃,避免重复性差造成的假阴性问题。实验时,无需加入染料,也不存在染料分子造成的不兼容或者对蛋白的其他影响。nanoDSF检测显示,环核苷酸诱导CTD的热稳定性增加,其中cAMP产生6°C的位移,而cGMP仅观察到2°C,结果证实了cAMP对SpSLC9C1有较高的增强作用。图2:A.加入cGMP和cAMP后SpSLC9C1 -CTD结构;B.Panta nanoDSF模块检测SpSLC9C1 -CTD(蓝色)以及加入cGMP(紫色)和cAMP(橙色)后Tm综上,cAMP结合在CNBD结构域后也可以破坏β-CTD的相互作用,使其可以在更接近静息电位下被激活,进而进行钠/氢交换,揭示了SLC9C1电压调节与cAMP调节的钠/氢交换机制。03产品技术优势Panta nanoDSF模块具有极高数据重复性和准确性,确保您获得准确的Tm值。实验时无需加入染料,操作简单的同时,保证了实验结果。此外,Panta整合了DLS、SLS、背反射和nanoDSF四大检测模块,只需一份样品,便可以获得多种稳定性参数。PR Panta蛋白稳定性分析仪
  • Nature:儿童癌症基因组研究迎来大突破
    p   Hopp-Children癌症中心的Gr?bner等人对961名癌症患者进行泛癌症基因组分析,这些患患有24种不同的肿瘤。另外,St.Jude儿童研究医院的Ma教授等人在1699名儿童癌症患者中取得了肿瘤样本与健康组织的样本,并使用了多种下一代测序技术,寻找两者基因组中存在的不同。这些儿童患者患有6种不同的癌症,具有很好的代表性。这两项研究详细地指出了儿童和成人癌症基因组间的关键性差异。 /p p style=" text-align: center " img title=" 1.jpg" src=" http://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201803/insimg/8ce5ff8c-b17f-40be-9620-65f896c82b51.jpg" / /p p style=" text-align: center " img title=" 2.jpg" src=" http://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201803/insimg/c490b828-3089-4a23-958b-f7dc41209dc0.jpg" / /p p style=" text-align: left text-indent: 2em " strong 儿童癌症突变率少于成人 /strong /p p   首先,研究人员发现儿童癌症的基因突变和结构变异少于成人癌症。Gr?bner等人的报告中指出了未成年的突变率比成人癌症低14倍。Gr?bner等人与Ma等人均发现儿童癌症基因组中的突变总数与年龄有显著相关性,这与细胞会随着年龄增长而积累突变的观点一致。 /p p style=" text-align: center " img title=" 3.jpg" src=" http://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201803/insimg/5b3772e7-72d1-49fd-b335-3b73831ebd93.jpg" / /p p style=" text-align: center " Ma等人的研究中儿童癌症体细胞的突变率 /p p style=" text-align: center " img title=" 4.jpg" src=" http://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201803/insimg/b1687dd9-179a-4e51-95da-4d23d87c07d9.jpg" / /p p style=" text-align: center " Grö bner等人的研究中儿童癌症体细胞的突变率 /p p    strong 儿童癌症由单个驱动基因引起 /strong /p p   其次,研究人员指出儿童通常由单个驱动基因引起。Gr?bner及其同事分析的癌症基因组中57%携带单个驱动突变,而且,父母遗传并存在于身体所有细胞中的种系突变是儿童癌症的致病因素,7.6%的癌症与可检测的种系突变相关。 /p p   此外,儿童癌症基因组中多含有突变或结构变体之一,而非二者的混合物。Ma和他的同事从结果中也注意到,儿童患者的主要致癌因素是拷贝数异常,或是DNA结构的改变。这些因素占到了62%,高于大家普遍认为的DNA点突变。从机理上看,拷贝数异常会让患者产生过多或过少的特定基因,而DNA结构改变则会造成基因的重排。 /p p   在针对结构变体表征的癌症研究中,研究人员还观察到了DNA修复途径的种系突变。这些差异突出了儿童与成人不同的癌症发生的潜在机制。 /p p style=" text-align: center " img title=" 5.jpg" src=" http://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201803/insimg/c436bdf5-0883-4d0a-a3a2-07e223d0768b.jpg" / /p p style=" text-align: center " Grö bner等人的研究中儿童癌症的种系突变 /p p    strong 儿童癌症基因更易突变 /strong /p p   再者,与成人癌症基因相比,儿童基因更容易发生突变。Gr?bner及其同事发现成人癌细胞内只有30%与成人癌症重叠的突变基因,Ma和他的同事在癌细胞中也只发现了45%。这就提示,儿童癌症基因组中存在驱动突变的因子,导致儿童基因更易发生突变。 /p p style=" text-align: center " img title=" 6.jpg" src=" http://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201803/insimg/594b6295-7b52-4e48-be39-d162dbb9b132.jpg" / /p p style=" text-align: center " strong Grö bner等人的研究中儿童癌症与成人癌症类型相比显着突变的基因 /strong /p p   从这些分析中收集到的数据对儿童癌症精确医学的发展具有启示意义。 /p p   另外,Gr?bner等人发现约50%的肿瘤可以通过临床或正在开发的药物进行靶向基因组改变,同时还提供了特异性改变儿童肿瘤的设计方案。此外,这些研究还提高了儿科肿瘤学家对生殖突变的重视。尽管这些研究提供了有价值的见解,但仍需大量工作才能有更精确更令人满意的结果诞生。 /p p   目前,Gr?bner及其同事还无法确定其研究的部分肿瘤是否存在驱动突变,而且也没有足够的样本来检测罕见突变,因此需要持续的协作和数据共享来收集足够的肿瘤信息。此外,两各研究组都鉴定出了结构变异,因而需要全基因组测序来检测编码区域外的驱动,才能为大型儿童肿瘤的进一步分析工作铺平道路。 /p p   参考资料: /p p   1.Susanne N. Gr?bner,et al.The landscape of genomic alterations across childhood cancers.Nature.28 February 2018 /p p   2. Xiaotu Ma, et al.Pan-cancer genome and transcriptome analyses of 1,699 paediatric leukaemias and solid tumours..Nature.28 February 2018 /p p   3. Landscapes of childhood tumours /p p   4.Genome studies unlock childhood-cancer clues /p
  • 戳中采购痛点 第三方检测机构纷纷“点赞”仪品汇
    p   众所周知,第三方检测是一个劳动力密集型行业,人力成本高,检测单价低,市场竞争激烈,在保证合法合规的前提下,第三方检测机构对成本的控制非常严格。可是,国内耗材供应商成千上万,真要从中筛出物美价廉的企业宛如大海捞针。不过,今天这一难题终于得到解决! /p p    a style=" color: rgb(192, 0, 0) text-decoration: underline " title=" " href=" http://www.yph.cn/shop/index.php" target=" _blank" span style=" color: rgb(192, 0, 0) " 仪品汇 /span /a 电商平台经过8个月试运营,不仅获得大量订单,同时理清了终端实验室采购需求,并对原有流程和服务进行调整,大幅度提升了买家体验。在获得大量订单的同时,仪品汇也得到了广大用户的肯定与支持。 /p p    strong 用户之声一: /strong /p p    a style=" color: rgb(192, 0, 0) text-decoration: underline " title=" " href=" http://www.woyaoce.cn/member/T100186/" target=" _blank" span style=" color: rgb(192, 0, 0) " 上海微谱 /span /a 在此前的工作中遭遇了各种虐心,产品不好找、价格虚高、供应商信用存忧,直到遇到仪品汇,才体验到了试剂耗材采购也可以“多、快、好、省”。该公司负责人表示:“ a title=" " href=" http://www.yph.cn/shop/index.php" target=" _blank" 仪品汇 /a 在一定程度上可以帮我们解决困扰,无论是我们经常用到的品牌,还是可替代现有的产品,在平台内基本都可以找到对应的厂家官方旗舰店。可以说既方便又便宜,采购节省很多人力和时间成本,我们已经通过仪品汇采购2万元的色谱耗材了。” /p p    strong 用户之声二: /strong /p p   最初, a style=" color: rgb(192, 0, 0) text-decoration: underline " title=" " href=" http://www.woyaoce.cn/member/T130054" target=" _blank" span style=" color: rgb(192, 0, 0) " 浙江九安 /span /a 实验室主任对 a style=" color: rgb(192, 0, 0) text-decoration: underline " title=" " href=" http://www.yph.cn/shop/index.php" target=" _blank" span style=" color: rgb(192, 0, 0) " 仪品汇 /span /a 是持怀疑态度的,但经过几番深入沟通,她终于认同了仪品汇的第三方地位。她谈到:“仪品汇,不仅不赚用户钱,还提供在线交易担保服务,让我们很放心,所以合作协议的洽谈非常顺利,以后实验室经常用到的耗材就通过仪品汇采购了。当然,在此也提出一些需求,希望平台内的入驻商家更多一些,比如安捷伦、赛默飞、waters、岛津GL、安谱等国内外知名品牌,另外还有一些产品比较有特点的、性价比较高的品牌。” /p p   正是对于 a style=" color: rgb(192, 0, 0) text-decoration: underline " title=" " href=" http://www.yph.cn/shop/index.php" target=" _blank" span style=" color: rgb(192, 0, 0) " 仪品汇 /span /a 平台优质服务的认可,目前上海微谱化工技术服务有限公司、浙江九安检测科技有限公司已加入仪品汇买家俱乐部,另外还有10余家大、中型第三方检测机构正在积极接洽中。 /p p   冰冻三尺非一日之寒! a style=" color: rgb(192, 0, 0) text-decoration: underline " title=" " href=" http://www.yph.cn/shop/index.php" target=" _blank" span style=" color: rgb(192, 0, 0) " 仪品汇 /span /a 将坚持不懈地为实验室采购提供更多、更便利的服务,寻找更好的厂家和产品,尽全力做到多、快、好、省! /p p   同时,我们也希望商家重视买家体验,咨询信息及时回复,订单处理更加及时,更多让利给买家,支持配合仪品汇“惠及用户”的定位,逐渐让双方习惯线上采购模式。 /p p   最后,我们呼吁望更多的实验室用户加入买家俱乐部,让我们为您的采购保驾护航! /p p style=" text-align: center " 如果您有意加入仪品汇买家俱乐部,有以下三种联系方式: /p p style=" text-align: center " 请拨打仪品汇买家热线: span style=" color: rgb(255, 0, 0) " strong 400-666-1175 /strong /span /p p style=" text-align: center " 发送邮件至: a href=" mailto:kf-buyer@yph.cn" strong kf-buyer@yph.cn /strong /a /p p style=" text-align: center " 扫描下方二维码 /p p style=" text-align: center " img title=" 00.jpg" src=" http://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201607/noimg/b76a7a98-ff4d-4e90-8239-29e7e1d17b36.jpg" / /p p style=" text-align: center " 仪品汇买家客服:十三仪 /p p    strong 首批仪品汇买家俱乐部成员单位: /strong /p p strong   浙江九安简介: /strong /p p    a title=" " href=" http://www.woyaoce.cn/member/T130054" target=" _blank" 中国检验检疫科学研究院南方测试中心暨浙江九安检测科技有限公司 /a 成立于2014年9月28日,由中国检验检疫科学研究院和浙江原生态有机农业发展中心投资成立。业务范围涵盖食品、环境质量和安全的检测服务,检测技术、质量管理的培训和咨询服务,以及食品、环境检测的科学研究。中心以中国检验检疫科学研究院为依托,承担过多项国家级检测应用和标准方法等科研课题,开展适应市场和企业需要的标准和方法等应用性检测技术研发工作。 /p p   strong  上海微谱简介: /strong /p p   上 a title=" " href=" http://www.woyaoce.cn/member/T100186/" target=" _blank" 海微谱化工技术服务有限公司( /a 简称“微谱技术”),是中国的未知成分分析机构,掌握微观谱图分析技术,拥有国内强大的微观谱图数据库,已获CMA国家计量认证。业务范围几乎覆盖所有化工材料行业,在众多领域积累了成功的技术服务经验。在分析领域已申请13项专利,并先后取得“鼎元基金立项单位”“国家科技型企业创新基金立项单位”等证书。截止 2014年,微谱技术已经累计为包括世界500强企业在内的15000多家企业提供相关分析技术服务。 /p
  • 世界首例胎盘干细胞移植成功
    日前,解放军307医院宣布,经过16个月的术后观察,由全军造血干细胞研究所所长、该院造血干细胞移植科主任陈虎教授领衔的团队,率先开展的世界首例胎盘造血干细胞联合脐带血造血干细胞移植治疗重型再生障碍性贫血获得成功。据主治医生扈江伟介绍,2013年12月30日,河北迁安一位9岁女童患再生障碍性贫血入院治疗。患者为重型再障,如果不采取移植治疗,将因反复出血、感染而导致死亡,结局和白血病患者一样。2014年3月14日,在征得患者父母同意后,307医院从女童新诞生的妹妹胎盘中提取造血干细胞联合脐带造血干细胞进行移植治疗,患儿康复出院。目前造血功能恢复正常,情况稳定。陈虎表示,脐带血干细胞具有免疫原性较弱、配型要求不高的优势,且移植抗宿主病发率较低,但缺点是是造血干细胞数量太少,不容易植活,难以满足移植要求。胎盘组织含有大量造血干细胞,通过分离胎盘中造血干细胞,从而弥补干细胞数量不足,两者联合移植在世界上尚属首次公开报道。陈虎还强调,胎盘造血干细胞移植的成功,为治疗白血病患者开辟了一条新的路径,但还需要积累更多的临床病例才能不断验证这种移植方式的科学性和稳定性xy-8326R Hi95缺氧诱导基因95抗体xy-8379R HIP2泛素蛋白连接酶E2抗体xy-7982R HOXC9同源盒蛋白HOXC9抗体xy-11630R HCN2 + HCN4环化核苷酸调控阳离子通道蛋白亚型2/4抗体xy-11851R HELT转录因子HELT蛋白抗体xy-11852R HES6转录因子HES6抗体xy-11853R HMX2同源盒蛋白H6亚型2抗体xy-11854R HS6ST1硫酸乙酰肝素6脑苷脂转硫酸酶1抗体xy-11646R Humanin神经保护肽HN抗体xy-4646R Capsid protein VP1大鼠细小病毒H-1株(H-1)抗体(N端)xy-2946R HAS1透明质酸合成酶1抗体xy-5898R HIF3 alpha缺氧诱导因子3α/HIF-3α抗体xy-5899R HIFPH4缺氧诱导因子脯氨酰4羟化酶抗体xy-5888R Hyaluronidase2透明质酸酶2/玻璃酸酶2抗体xy-5822R H Cadherin心脏钙粘蛋白抗体xy-6592R HSD17B617-β-羟脱氢酶6抗体xy-4813R H5N1-H5禽流感H5亚型全病毒抗体xy-2942R ORF K14(HHV8)人类疱疹病毒8 ORF14抗体xy-5889R Hyaluronidase3透明质酸酶2/玻璃酸酶2抗体xy-6538R HOXB2同源盒蛋白B2抗体xy-6539R HOXB8同源盒蛋白B8抗体xy-6540R HSPA6热休克蛋白70家族蛋白6抗体xy-9913R HGFA肝细胞生长因子激活蛋白抗体xy-6537R HDGF肝癌衍生生长因子抗体(高迁移率族蛋白1样蛋白2抗体)xy-5386R Phospho-Histone H3(Thr3)磷酸化组蛋白H3抗体xy-9026R HPRT次黄嘌呤磷酸核糖基转移酶1抗体xy-3776R Histone H3 (acetyl K9)乙酰化组蛋白H3抗体xy-3748R Acetyl and phospho-Histone H3 (Ac-K9/p-Ser10)乙酰化和磷酸化组蛋白H3抗体xy-3779R Histone H2A组蛋白H2A抗体xy-3781R Acetyl-Histone H2A(K5)乙酰化组蛋白H2A抗体xy-3782R Acetyl-Histone H2B(K5)乙酰化组蛋白H2B抗体xy-3783R Acetyl-Histone H2B(K20)乙酰化组蛋白H2B抗体xy-5360R Phospho-Histone H2A.X (Tyr143)磷酸化组蛋白H2AX抗体xy-5361R Phospho-HSP27 (Ser254)磷酸化热休克蛋白27抗体xy-5362R phospho-HSP70(Tyr41)磷酸化热休克蛋白70抗体xy-5363R phospho-HSF1(Ser303)磷酸化热休克因子1抗体xy-5364R phospho-HSF1(Ser307)磷酸化热休克因子1抗体xy-5365R phospho-HSP70 (Tyr525) 磷酸化热休克蛋白70抗体xy-6011R HACE1E3泛素蛋白连接酶HACE1抗体xy-3837R Hamartin结节性硬化症蛋白1抗体xy-3828R HNF4A肝细胞核因子4α抗体xy-4001R phospho-HNF4 (Ser313)磷酸化肝细胞核因子4α抗体xy-6014R HELLS淋巴特异性解旋酶抗体xy-6013R HRASLS2HRAS样抑制因子2抗体xy-6002R HSP40 homolog热休克蛋白家族40抗体xy-6121R RBMX糖蛋白P43抗体xy-2366R HSD3B7滋养层细胞抗原3β7抗体xy-3672R HSP22热休克蛋白-22抗体xy-3606R HRH4组织胺H4受体抗体xy-3618R HSD11B2羟基类固醇脱氢酶11β2抗体xy-3635R HRH3组织胺H3受体抗体
  • BCEIA 2021丨盘福生物携新品精彩亮相!
    盘福生物携新品精彩亮相!2021年9月29日,为期三天的第十九届北京分析测试学术报告会暨展览会(BCEIA2021)在北京• 中国国际展览中心新馆顺利落下帷幕。本次展览会盘福生物除了展出自主研发的QitVenture 1 便携式气相色谱-质谱联用仪和QitVenture 6 便携式现场筛查质谱仪之外,QuadVenture5 气相色谱质谱联用仪新品也精彩亮相啦!QuadVenture5 气相色谱质谱联用仪QuadVenture 5气相色谱质谱联用仪,采用单四级杆质量分析器,具有优异的分辨率和质量稳定性,提供超高的离子传输效率,对于复杂基质的溶剂具有高耐用性,可帮助实验室获取最高灵敏度、最长正常运行时间和最大分析效果。性能特点1更高的灵敏度,检测限IDL低至1.5fg。2质量范围宽,质量范围1.6-1050amu。3数秒即可完成分流/不分流(SSL)进样口的维护。4样品前处理和维护时间短,在满足当前灵敏度要求下初始样品体积可以减少1/10。5可保证大批量样品的长时间分析,高达99%的谱图准确度,确保实现高度可靠的化合物鉴定。6快速解卷积、对复杂基质中化合物定性和定量分析。话不多说!我们来看一下现场集锦!盘福生物质谱Venture家族产品盘福生物总经理俞建成(图右)与客户洽谈盘福生物项目经理方子睿(图左)为客户介绍产品盘福生物项目经理唐旭(图左)接受仪器信息网采访盘福生物展台现场情况盘福生物,匠心设计,科技创新,用户至上!此次BCEIA展会,盘福生物大放异彩,公司质谱Venture家族产品备受关注。未来,公司将不断开发新的自研产品,同时推出在各个领域的解决方案。感恩相遇,感谢支持!期待与您在BCEIA 2023北京再相聚!
  • 化工厂的VOCs监测——镇海在号召,盘福在行动!
    Keep Moving 保持热爱蓝天白云BANFF BIOTECH盘福生物我们一直在守护为进一步减少挥发性有机物(VOCs)的排放,提升镇海区化工行业VOCs治理水平与管控能力,盘福配合宁波市生态环境局镇海分局对石化区化工企业的各式排放口进行抽查检测,选择针对环境VOCs检测的便携式气相色谱质谱联用仪QitVenture 1作为检测仪器,判断污染物排放水平。检测精确排查技术手段便携式气相色谱质谱联用仪QitVenture 1:可快速对采样口进行现场分析检测,判断排放是否符合要求。便携式顶空进样器HS Venture:在现场协助QitVenture 1完成样品的采集和分析,可快速对含在液体或固体样品中挥发性或半挥发性物质进行样品前处理。大气检测多次排查不同企业的各个排放口进行VOCs检测,并快速出具检验报告为检测凭证,为环境VOCs检测提供强有力的保证。持续对涉污产污各类企业进行全面排查,确保擦亮蓝天“底色”。-END-
  • 盘福生物:便携质谱,毒品检测行标的有力补充
    毒品问题长年困扰全球,毒品泛滥已成为世界性的公害,它消耗大量的社会财富,影响人类的安宁和社会稳定。主要表现为:犯罪率上升、损害国民经济、阻碍社会经济发展、人力资源的损失、对生态环境的破坏等。随着毒物和毒品种类的大幅度增大,对涉毒案件的侦查检验要求也越来越高。近两年来,我国对于毒品检测领域加大了监管力度,发布并实施的毒品检测国家标准、行业标准已超过二十项。吸食毒品不仅是对吸毒者本身的伤害,甚至对家庭、社会都有很大的危害。毒品问题不断加剧,新型毒品种类越来越多,在生活用品、食品中的伪装更是层出不穷,让禁毒形势越来越紧张,标准频繁颁布说明执法部门对于禁毒鉴毒的技术和设备有迫切的需求。在此背景下,仪器信息网特别建立“质谱在毒品分析领域的技术应用进展”专题,聚焦质谱技术在毒品检测领域的最新应用,以增强业界质谱专家和技术人员、司法公安相关机构工作者之间的信息交流,同时向仪器用户提供毒品分析领域更丰富的质谱产品、技术解决方案。本文特别邀请到宁波盘福生物科技有限公司来谈谈他们在该领域推出的一系列产品技术及解决方案。目前,随着涉毒犯罪样品取证的高速发展,公安部刑侦局拟制定刑事技术国家标准15项,拟制定行业标准89项,拟制定的行业标准气质联用技术32项,液质联用技术40项,仅有6项不用质谱联用技术,多数依靠质谱仪器对样品进行检测分析,并获得准确可信的分析结果。质谱技术具有强大的定性分析能力,并且有着快速、微量、准确测量物质相对分子质量的优点,在毒品检测领域受到了重视。但由于传统质谱在进行检测时需要繁复的样品前处理,这不仅花费了大量的时间,还极易造成样品的破坏和损失,增加了检验的难度和风险,降低了检测的准确性。针对以上传统质谱仪的不足之处以及行业标准中对各类基质中的毒品检测(如毛发、污水、血液、尿液等生物样品)的不同要求,宁波盘福生物科技有限公司推出了便携式现场快速筛查质谱仪QitVenture 6和QitVenture 6 E两款机型,能够在现场对可疑人员的毛发、血液、尿液进行检测,其中的便携式质谱技术实现对样品进行实时分析,大幅度减少了样品前处理和样品分析周期,还减少了样品的损耗和其他物质的不良影响,避免了运输等情况造成的误差。便携式现场快速筛查质谱仪QitVenture 6和QitVenture 6 E均采用了稳定高效率的串联质谱技术,使得定性能力进一步增强,降低检出的假阳性。便携式快速筛查质谱仪从QitVenture 6到QitVenture 6 E的升级,在原本基础上保留了特有的离子阱质量分析器、电子倍增器检测器、分子泵和隔膜泵构成的真空系统,在体积和外观上更加符合便携式的要求,小巧、轻便、便于携带;在操作界面方面新建了图形化的一键式操作,让用户在使用时带来便利;在质量范围方面也做了调整,由原来的80-1000amu到现在的40-500amu,精准把控常见毒品。缩小了质量范围,提升了灵敏度,又一次降低了检出限,从而提高了质量分辨率,从≤1 amu提高到≤0.5 amu。数据库选配毒品数据库或自建谱库,让对毒品的定性能力更加准确,在现场快速定性分析中极具优势。盘福生物便携式快速筛查质谱仪 QitVenture 6社会案件错综复杂,但是俗话说“魔高一尺道高一丈”,针对各种刑侦需求的检测技术也在不断发展,提高我国刑侦鉴毒能力,将检测仪器作为我们强有力的武器,打击毒品犯罪,打赢健康保卫战。随着化学技术的发展与新技术的成熟,毒品检测方法将日趋丰富和完善,毒品检测在禁毒工作中将发挥更大的作用。在未来毒品检测工作中,我们将积极提升自身质谱技术水平,识破吸毒、贩毒者的伎俩,让毒品无处遁形。当下,在毒品问题全球化的大背景下,毒情形势日益严峻,芬太尼类、合成大麻素类、卡西酮类等新型毒品更新换代速度极快,毒品毒物的检测判定作为执法依据变得尤为关键,加之毒品成瘾机理领域还有很多亟待科学解答的内容,也对分析方法提出了更高要求。
  • 极瞳生命完成Pre-A轮融资,加速SPR分子互作仪国产化进程
    近日,极瞳生命科技(苏州)有限公司(简称“极瞳生命”或“公司”)宣布在今年3月份完成Pre-A轮融资,本轮融资由鲁信创投领投。这是继2021年极瞳生命完成了由爱博泰克投资的天使轮融资后,完成的新轮融资。所筹集资金将用于极瞳生命自主知识产权的SPR分子互作仪等产品的研发。极瞳生命成立于2020年8月,位于苏州工业园。公司以高端生命科学仪器研发、生产及销售为主营业务,依托掌握的核心技术,致力于构建以高灵敏度分析和高灵敏度检测为核心竞争力的技术驱动型生物技术公司。 德国海归博士创业,研发和管理双管齐下创始人刘璟先生毕业于东南大学生物医学工程系,后在德国马普高分子所获得博士学位。在马普所期间师从SPR领域奠基人之一,SPR成像技术发明人W.Knoll教授。刘博士掌握精通微流控、光学、界面生物化学、生物传感器等生命科学仪器核心技术。回国后先后在西门子和联影医疗工作多年,积累了深厚的技术背景和运营管理经验。 掌握高技术壁垒的核心底层技术,为产品技术平台拓展性赋能公司目前在研的高端生命科学系列仪器中推进速度较快的为表面等离子共振(SPR)分子互作分析仪。表面等离子共振技术(Surface Plasmon Resonance,SPR),是一种基于光学、微流控和生物传感器的非标记实时检测技术,实现动态监测和分析生物分子间的相互作用,被广泛应用于药物开发中的分子动力学和亲和力研究。SPR技术作为药物结合活性表征技术的金标准,于2016年列入美国和日本药典,2020年列入中国药典。光学、微流控、界面生物化学是高端生命科学仪器的底层核心技术,公司是少数能同时掌握上述核心技术的创新型企业之一。公司以光学、微流控、表面化学修饰等核心底层技术为基石,在现有产品平台的基础上,将沿着生命科学研究趋势向单细胞、可视化、动态、高通量和高时空分辨发展,拓展布局相关科研产品,打造以技术为驱动力的、以高灵敏度分析和高灵敏度检测为核心竞争力的生命科学仪器技术公司。 产品对标国际巨头,通过技术路线创新和国产化大幅提升产品性价比,打造具有国际竞争力的产品线高端生命科学仪器是基础研究的基石,是科技进步的基础。目前,国内高端生命科学仪器技术壁垒高,长期被外资品牌高度垄断,设备耗材价格昂贵、采购维护响应速度慢,限制了终端客户的应用。在全球市场上,Cytiva公司的BIAcore 8K代表了高通量SPR分子互作仪的技术顶峰,因此公司在研发初期就将其锚定为标杆。目前公司SPR分子互作仪研发进展顺利,产品近期即将在国内上市。对于本次融资,公司创始人刘璟表示:感谢投资人和业内专业人士的持续支持与认可,让我们更加有信心成为以分子互作仪为主的国产高端生命科学仪器引领者。凭借本轮融资,极瞳生命将进一步加强核心技术的研发,扩充管线并迅速商品化,满足客户的多样化需求,与客户共创、共生、共赢。面对规模庞大的高端生命科学装备市场,相信极瞳生命团队能抓住机会,让公司迅速成为行业内实力雄厚且可以引领国产企业技术发展的优秀企业。对于本次融资,鲁信创投副总邱方表示:高端生命科学仪器是生命科学工具中具有广阔发展潜力的赛道之一,也是鲁信创投重点布局的赛道之一。极瞳生命立足于高端生命科学仪器的底层技术突破,解决了SPR分子互作仪被国际巨头卡脖子的问题,其他相关高端生命科学仪器也在陆续研发推进中。很荣幸能参与极瞳生命本轮融资,希望能与公司携手共进,打造高端生命科学仪器的领先品牌。对于本次融资,爱博泰克总经理吴知才表示:高端生命科学仪器国产化是必然趋势,公司具有优秀的创始团队,攻克了SPR分子互作仪的核心技术难点,后续双方将积极寻找产业合作机会,挖掘产业协同作用。丨关于鲁信创投鲁信创投简介:鲁信创投是山东省鲁信投资控股集团有限公司控股的省内最大、国内具有重要影响力的专业创投机构,是国内资本市场首家上市的创投机构(股票代码:600783.SH)。成立20余年以来,管理运作各类基金已达40余只,基金规模约200亿元,覆盖医疗健康、军民融合、先进制造、电子信息、新能源、新材料等细分产业,境内外上市公司40余家,在医疗健康领域先后投资了思路迪、硅基仿生、爱博泰克、唯迈医疗、美东汇成、英赛斯、荣昌生物等一批优秀企业。丨关于爱博泰克爱博泰克简介:全球抗体与分子酶试剂核心供应商。爱博泰克旨在为生命科学基础研究、转化医学、诊断与制药等多个领域提供专业可靠的产品与服务。公司主营业务包括科研抗体、分子酶产品、NGS建库试剂盒、活性重组蛋白、诊断抗原抗体原料、ELISA试剂盒以及CRO服务等。
  • 真空设备助力中国PandaX暗物质探测项目
    人类的进步和生活方式的改变,与科学的发展和变革息息相关。从古代人对天文地理编制的美丽神话“盘古开天”,到21世纪好莱坞科幻大片中的“星际穿越”,人类对于广袤宇宙的向往和探索从未停止过。纵观近现代 “群星闪耀”的基础物理发展史,从牛顿,麦克斯韦到爱因斯坦,从万有引力,相对论到量子力学,超弦理论,这些重大发现和著名物理学家不断涌现,推动了现代科学的快速发展。然而,近50年的时间里,基础物理学稍显停滞,并没有出现能够与相对论、量子力学等重大理论突破相提并论的新发展。正因为此,很多拥有伟大物理梦想的科学家和研究人员在着力推动基本粒子和暗物质粒子探测研究,期待可以直达真理,不断探索宇宙的终极秘密。在“标准宇宙学模型”中,宇宙由68%的暗能量(Dark energy)、27%的暗物质(Dark matter)和5%的普通物质(matter)组成,但迄今还没有暗物质观测的直接数据。当前探测暗物质粒子主要包括三类实验方案:一是对撞机探测,通过对撞机实验来产生暗物质粒子,进而探测出来;二是间接探测,包括卫星试验和空间站实验,例如2008年美国发射的名为Fermi的γ射线探测卫星,2015年我国发射的“悟空”暗物质粒子探测卫星;三是直接探测,通过暗物质粒子与原子核作用对暗物质粒子进行探测,但由于作用信号非常微弱,很容易湮没在大量本底环境中,因此需要把探测器放在地底深处的实验室以屏蔽宇宙射线干扰。中国PandaX暗物质探测项目持续推进‍在暗物质粒子的直接探测实验领域,全球有三大最先进的研究项目实验组;中国的PandaX,美国的LUX-ZEPLIN,意大利的XENON。PandaX(熊猫计划)是“粒子和天体物理氙探测器”(Particle and Astrophysical Xenon Experiments)的英文简写,是我国开展的首个百公斤级大型暗物质实验。这些实验都是利用液氙(Xe)作为探测媒介来寻找暗物质。PandaX项目组依托于上海交通大学粒子与核物理研究所和李政道研究所,并与中国科学技术大学,北京大学,山东大学和南开大学等相关实验室直接合作。在2016年PandaX二期实验(500公斤级液氙)已经取得了世界领先的暗物质探测灵敏度。据上海交通大学低温制冷与液化研究室负责人巨永林教授表示,目前正在进行四吨级液氙探测实验PandaX-4T,将暗物质探测灵敏度向前推进了1-2个数量级。暗物质直接探测需要稳定的低温真空环境 尽管直接探测实验在全世界已经开展了约30年的时间,实验灵敏度有了巨大的提高,但是到目前为止,还没有发现令人信服的暗物质散射的信号。因此,PandaX-4T探测项目通过使用4吨液氙全面增大了灵敏度,但同时在整体实验设计上也会有很多新挑战并需要各种性能优化。考虑到探测机制原理,要探测未知的暗物质跟已知的氙原子可能产生的微弱的闪动光信号,并将其转换成电信号放大来测量,关键就是把其他已知粒子带来的信号全部排斥在外。在PandaX-4T实验项目中,包括了八个子系统:时间投影室探测系统、光电探测系统、前端电子学系统、触发和数据获取系统、气体存储和处理(又称气体纯化)系统、低温系统、精馏系统、低本底控制系统等。其中,低温制冷系统和气体纯化系统都使用了真空泵组作为必要的设备部件,来实现两个基本保障:首先是稳定的低温真空工作环境(零下95度左右),减少外界环境的漏热,将探测介质氙的温度波动控制在大概±0.1k;同时,需要先将材料表面、阀门管道和管线等烘烤加快杂质气体释放,然后抽真空处理,这样氙和极少量的残余气体流经纯化系统,此过程中会吸附气体杂质(避免杂质对后期微弱信号捕捉的干扰),保障氙的纯度。普发真空泵为客户提供高性能真空解决方案PandaX从最开始的250公斤氙的用量,到现在的PandaX-4T,即4吨有效探测量的氙,计划未来将进行30吨级暗物质探测实验,全面覆盖暗物质的参数空间。所以,系统越大就越复杂,探测设备的尺寸越大,绝缘结构和隔热结构的层数就越多,管线数量大大增加。因而对真空泵的数量或者抽速就带来很高的要求,比如理想的夹层真空度一般需要达到10-4帕。因此,实验项目组选择真空泵的主要性能参数(技术指标)就包含了极限真空度,真空泵抽速,密封性,尺寸规格等。据上海交通大学制冷与液化研究室负责人巨永林教授表示,目前PandaX实验组已经购买了10台普发真空泵(其中6台用于低温系统和液氙存储系统,4台用于精馏系统),主要有以下几个方面的原因:首先,普发真空产品的主要技术指标能够满足严苛的实验条件;其次,产品性能足够优异的基础上,价格合理;再次,普发真空的辅助测量系统使用便捷而稳定,能对持续大半年的不间断探测运行提供可靠的支持;最后,普发真空的售后服务也很完善,能够提供各种技术支持和泄露检测解决方案等等,从而有力地支持了整个PandaX项目运行。从现在到未来,普发真空不断助推暗物质探测目前,普发的真空泵Hicube300Pro和Hipace300已经在PandaX-4T实验项目中得到了成功实践。一方面,真空泵作为必要备件被部署于上海研发实验室的暗物质探测器的子系统中,配合优化和升级的需要;另一方面,普发真空泵被部署于位于世界岩石覆盖最深的四川锦屏地下实验室暗物质探测系统中,实现稳定运行。从实际探测过程看,普发真空泵基本保障了整个探测系统的低温真空环境,为确保探测的灵敏度和精度保驾护航。值得一提的,由于系统运行的特殊地理环境等因素,可靠实时地保障系统各层级的极限真空度,系统部件必须确保极低的漏率,因此PandaX-4T项目还使用了ASM 340D系列检漏仪。通过采用该设备,可以有效地监测出来细微到10-13 Pa• m3/s 的泄漏。 “在目前PandaX-4T项目的基础上,实验室还在研发30吨液氙的探测项目,希望把精度推向下一个数量级。在我们的计划中,从2025年到2035年,这一项目预计总投资将达到数十亿人民币,需要购买47吨液氙来进行暗物质探测。”对于未来的研究计划,巨永林教授满怀信心,也满怀期待,“毫无疑问,液氙的量级越高,对于低温真空环境的稳定性要求也会越高,未来对高性能真空泵的需求也是非常大的。我们希望,以普发真空为代表的企业,能为我们的基础物理研究不断提供更好的工具支持。” 关于普发真空普发真空- (Stock Exchange Symbol PFV, ISIN DE0006916604)-作为全球领先的真空技术解决方案的供应商之一。我们不仅拥有全系列的复合轴承及全磁悬浮涡轮分子泵, 同时还拥有各种旋片泵,干泵,罗茨泵,多级罗茨泵,检漏仪,真空计, 质谱仪等产品以及真空管件和系统解决方案。 从普发真空发明涡轮分子泵至今, 我们在全球分析仪器、工业、科研、半导体和前端技术领域,始终代表着创新的解决方案和高品质的产品。公司自1890年创立至今百余年始终走在世界前沿, 在全球拥有 3,400 多名员工,20 多个办事处和 10 个制造工厂。
  • 磐合科仪参加2011年BCEIA盛会
    磐合科仪参加2011年BCEIA盛会金秋十月,磐合科仪参加了在北京展览馆举办的BCEIA第十四届北京分析测试学术报告会及展览会。在此次展会上,磐合科仪隆重推出先进技术的新产品德国LCTech公司全新前处理平台---Freestyle Series全在线SPE/GPC/定量浓缩多联机系统,同时推荐的产品还有BenchTOF飞行时间质谱、德国CMC氮气发生器、英国Markes公司热解析及配套系统、美国Nutech公司苏码罐全套系统等产品。展会中吸引了来自全国各地的用户、专家学者、经销商、同行到磐合科仪的展台上进行参观,并对磐合科仪代理的先进产品进行了深入的了解以及应用方面的技术交流和探讨。磐合科仪真诚、专业的服务态度以及优质先进的众多产品得到各界的认同和赞许。
  • 磐诺仪器中标安徽省环境监测中心站温室气体试点监测设备采购项目
    p   近日,安徽省环境监测中心站温室气体试点监测设备采购项目中标结果公布,常州磐诺仪器有限公司中标。 /p p    strong 项目相关情况 /strong /p p   项目名称:安徽省环境监测中心站温室气体试点监测设备采购项目 /p p   项目编号:2019HACJ2110 /p p   财政编号:RWHF2019-0747 /p p   招标(采购)方式 :竞争性磋商 /p p   中标供应商名称:常州磐诺仪器有限公司 /p p   中标金额:900000.00元 /p p    strong 货物的名称、规格型号、数量和价格 /strong /p table style=" border-collapse: collapse " data-sort=" sortDisabled" align=" center" tbody tr class=" firstRow" td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) word-break: break-all " width=" 134" valign=" middle" align=" center" span style=" font-family: 宋体, SimSun font-size: 18px " 产品名称 /span /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) word-break: break-all " width=" 125" valign=" middle" align=" center" span style=" font-family: 宋体, SimSun font-size: 18px " 规格型号 /span /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) word-break: break-all " width=" 51" valign=" middle" align=" center" span style=" font-family: 宋体, SimSun font-size: 18px " 单位 /span /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) word-break: break-all " width=" 50" valign=" middle" align=" center" span style=" font-family: 宋体, SimSun font-size: 18px " 数量 /span /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) word-break: break-all " width=" 90" valign=" middle" align=" center" span style=" font-family: 宋体, SimSun font-size: 18px " 单价(元) /span /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) word-break: break-all " width=" 90" valign=" middle" align=" center" span style=" font-family: 宋体, SimSun font-size: 18px " 生产厂商 /span /td /tr tr td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) word-break: break-all " width=" 136" valign=" middle" align=" center" span style=" font-family: 宋体, SimSun font-size: 18px " CO sub 2 /sub 在线分析仪 /span /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) word-break: break-all " width=" 125" valign=" middle" align=" center" span style=" font-family: 宋体, SimSun font-size: 18px " PGC-80(CO sub 2 /sub ) /span /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) word-break: break-all " width=" 51" valign=" middle" align=" center" span style=" font-family: 宋体, SimSun font-size: 18px " 台 /span /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) word-break: break-all " width=" 50" valign=" middle" align=" center" span style=" font-family: 宋体, SimSun font-size: 18px " 5 /span /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) word-break: break-all " width=" 90" valign=" middle" align=" center" span style=" font-family: 宋体, SimSun font-size: 18px " 60000.00 /span /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) word-break: break-all " width=" 90" valign=" middle" rowspan=" 2" colspan=" 1" align=" center" span style=" font-family: 宋体, SimSun font-size: 18px " 常州磐诺仪器有限公司 br/ /span /td /tr tr td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) word-break: break-all " width=" 136" valign=" middle" align=" center" span style=" font-family: 宋体, SimSun font-size: 18px " CH sub 4 /sub 在线分析仪 /span /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) word-break: break-all " width=" 125" valign=" middle" align=" center" span style=" font-family: 宋体, SimSun font-size: 18px " PGC-80(CH sub 4 /sub ) /span /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) word-break: break-all " width=" 51" valign=" middle" align=" center" span style=" font-family: 宋体, SimSun font-size: 18px " 台 /span /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) word-break: break-all " width=" 50" valign=" middle" align=" center" span style=" font-family: 宋体, SimSun font-size: 18px " 5 /span /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) word-break: break-all " width=" 90" valign=" middle" align=" center" span style=" font-family: 宋体, SimSun font-size: 18px " 120000.00 /span /td /tr /tbody /table
  • 兴奋剂检测大单 赛默飞、安捷伦等5家将分盘
    p style=" text-indent: 2em " span style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 28px font-family: 宋体 " 近日,孙杨握手风波和澳大利亚女泳将谢娜 /span span style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 28px " · /span span style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 28px font-family: 宋体 " 杰克的丑闻,让兴奋剂检测这一与竞技体育如影随形的话题,再度回到了舆论的风口浪尖。亡羊补牢不如防患于未然, /span span style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 28px " 8 /span span style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 28px font-family: 宋体 " 月 /span span style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 28px " 5 /span span style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 28px font-family: 宋体 " 日,国家体育总局体育器材装备中心公布就国家体育总局反兴奋剂中心进口检测仪器设备单一品牌采购项目的相关货物和有关服务进行单一来源采购,采购的仪器设备包含二维制备液相色谱、同位素分流质谱、自动血液分析仪、自动比重、酸碱度计、高分辨质谱仪、蛋白核酸浓度检测仪、干血点检测专用摇床、 /span span style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 28px font-family: 宋体 " 真空干燥离心机、冷冻型微量台式离心机等。总金额高达 /span span style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 28px " 958.84 /span span style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 28px font-family: 宋体 " 万元。 /span /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family:宋体" 据悉本次采购的产品共分为八包,均已获得财政部进口产品和单一来源采购审批。将采购的品牌来自安捷伦( /span span AGILENT /span span style=" font-family:宋体" )、赛默飞( /span span THERMO FISHER /span span style=" font-family:宋体" )、希森美康( /span span SYSMEX /span span style=" font-family:宋体" )、鲁道夫( /span span RUDOLPH /span span style=" font-family:宋体" )、艾本德( /span span EPPENDORF /span span style=" font-family:宋体" )等,采购详情汇总如下: /span /p p style=" text-indent:28px" strong span style=" font-family:宋体" 项目名称: /span /strong span style=" font-family:宋体" 国家体育总局反兴奋剂中心进口检测仪器设备单一品牌采购公告 /span /p p style=" text-indent:28px" strong span style=" font-family:宋体" 项目编号: /span /strong span DYSY19/03 /span /p p style=" text-indent:28px" strong span style=" font-family:宋体" 采购单位联系方式: /span /strong /p p style=" text-indent:28px" strong span style=" font-family:宋体" 采购单位: /span /strong span style=" font-family:宋体" 国家体育总局反兴奋剂中心 /span /p p style=" text-indent:28px" strong span style=" font-family:宋体" 采购单位地址: /span /strong span style=" font-family:宋体" 北京市朝阳区安定路 /span span 1 /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 号 /span /p p style=" text-indent:28px" strong span style=" font-family:宋体" 采购单位联系方式: /span /strong span style=" font-family:宋体" 王立水 /span span 010-84376285 /span /p p style=" text-indent:28px" strong span style=" font-family:宋体" 代理机构联系方式: /span /strong /p p style=" text-indent:28px" strong span style=" font-family:宋体" 代理机构: /span /strong span style=" font-family:宋体" 国家体育总局体育器材装备中心 /span /p p style=" text-indent:28px" strong span style=" font-family:宋体" 代理机构联系人: /span /strong span style=" font-family:宋体" 苏昳 /span span 010-67193150 /span /p p style=" text-indent:28px" strong span style=" font-family:宋体" 代理机构地址: /span /strong span style=" font-family:宋体" 北京市东城区体育馆路 /span span 3 /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 号 /span /p p style=" text-indent:28px" strong span style=" font-family:宋体" 详情信息: /span /strong /p p style=" margin-top:10px line-height: 150%" strong span style=" font-size:16px line-height:150% font-family:宋体" & nbsp & nbsp 第一包: /span /strong strong span style=" font-size:16px line-height:150% font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " AGILENT /span /strong /p table border=" 1" cellspacing=" 0" cellpadding=" 0" width=" NaN" style=" border: none " tbody tr style=" height:3px" class=" firstRow" td nowrap=" " style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 3" width=" 43" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 序号 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 3" width=" 30" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 产品名称 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 3" width=" 84" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 品牌 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 3" width=" 480" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 产品描述 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 3" width=" 26" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 数量 /span /p /td /tr tr style=" height:33px" td nowrap=" " style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 43" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 30" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 二维制备液相色谱 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 84" p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:4px text-align: center text-indent:0" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " AGILENT /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 480" p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 溶剂输送系统一(二元泵)指标 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (1) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 双柱塞往复泵,专利伺服控制主动入口阀可变冲程( span 20 /span μ span L /span ~ span 100 /span μ span L /span )设计;用户自主溶剂压缩因子设置,保证在不同流速及不同流动相组成的最佳速稳定性。自动柱塞清洗装置,有效防止高盐浓度流动相对柱塞的磨损,实时维护泵的使用性能 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (2) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 流速精密度: span & lt 0.07%RSD /span /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (3) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 压力脉动: span & lt 1% /span /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (4) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 流速范围: span 0.001-5.0mL/min /span /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (5) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 操作压力: span 0-1290 bar /span /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (6) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 梯度组成精密度: span & lt 0.15% RSD /span /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (7) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 梯度延迟体积 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" :最小可达 span 45 /span μ span L /span /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (8) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 内置双通道真空在线脱气机:真空膜过滤方式,脱气效率高;内置真空泵,压力传感器,实时监控真空腔压力变化,保证及时高效的脱气操作。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 溶剂输送系统二(二元泵)指标 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 双柱塞往复泵,专利伺服控制主动入口阀可变冲程( span 20 /span μ span L /span ~ span 100 /span μ span L /span )设计;用户自主溶剂压缩因子设置,保证在不同流速及不同流动相组成的最佳速稳定性。自动柱塞清洗装置,有效防止高盐浓度流动相对柱塞的磨损,实时维护泵的使用性能 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 流速范围: span 0.001-5.0mL/min /span /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 流速精密度: span & lt 0.070%RSD /span /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 操作压力: span 0-600 bar /span /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 5) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 梯度组成精密度: span & lt 0.15% & nbsp RSD /span /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 6) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 内置双通道真空在线脱气机:真空膜过滤方式,脱气效率高;内置真空泵,压力传感器,实时监控真空腔压力变化,保证及时高效的脱气操作。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 自动进样器指标 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 使用微型计量泵准确控制取样体积,进样后,进样针始终置于流路中;通过工作站,具有洗针程序,自动清洗进样针的外壁,采用高压进样设计,非定量环设计 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 进样范围: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 0.1-40 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" μ span L /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 增量为 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 0.1 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" μ span L /span /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 进样精度 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" : /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" & lt 0.25% RSD /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 样品容量不少于: span 16 /span × span 384 /span 微量滴定板总样品容量 span 6144 /span 个样品; span 425 /span × span 2mL /span 样品瓶。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 5) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 样品残留: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" & lt 0.002% /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 6) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 最大操作压力不小于 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 790bar /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 半导体柱温箱 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:44px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 控温范围:室温下 span 10 /span ℃ span - 105 /span ℃ /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:44px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 控温精度: span ± 0.05 /span ℃ /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:44px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 柱容量不少于 span 8 /span 根 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:44px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 内体积:左控温模块 span 3 /span μ span L /span ,右控温模块 span 6 /span μ span L /span /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:44px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 5) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 内置双两位四通阀系统(耐压 span 1290bar /span )以实现全二维分析 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (5) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 二极管阵列检测器( /span span style=" font-size:16px" DAD /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ) /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 光源:氘灯 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 波长范围: span 190-640nm /span /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 二极管个数: span 1024 /span /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 可编程狭缝宽度: span 4nm /span /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 5) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 检测通道:实时监测并输出 span 8 /span 个波长处的色谱图及紫外光谱图 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 6) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 最快采样速率 span ( /span 光谱和色谱 span ) /span : span 110Hz /span /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 7) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 基线噪音: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:Symbol" ± /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 0.3 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:Symbol" ´ /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 10 sup -5 /sup at 230nm /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 8) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 基线漂移: span 0.5 /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:Symbol" ´ /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 10 sup -3 /sup AU/h at 254nm /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (6) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 工作站:仪器控制原装进口色谱工作站软件;图形用户界面参数输入,控制所有仪器控制参数,数据采集及计算处理参数的设定;报告:内置多种报告格式,可自动生成系统适应性报告、峰纯度报告、光谱检索报告等;用户也可编辑个性化的报告模板; /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (7) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px" * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 全二维数据分析软件,得到保留时间 /span span style=" font-size:16px" / /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 峰强度 /span span style=" font-size:16px" / /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 峰体积三维数据 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (8) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 配置清单: span 1290bar /span 耐压二元泵一套(含脱气机), span 600bar /span 耐压二元泵一套(含脱气机),耐压 span 790bar /span 高通量自动进样器一套,柱温箱一套(含内置阀,耐压 span 1290bar /span ),二极管阵列检测器两套,全自动馏分收集器两套,色谱工作站一套,全二维数据分析软件一套,二维液相色谱阀系统一套,电脑、打印机各一套、超高效液相色谱柱六根。 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 26" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1 /span /p /td /tr /tbody /table p style=" margin-top: 10px line-height: 150% text-indent: 2em " strong span style=" font-size:16px line-height:150% font-family:宋体" 第二包: /span /strong strong span style=" font-size:16px line-height:150% font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " THERMO FISHER /span /strong /p table border=" 1" cellspacing=" 0" cellpadding=" 0" width=" NaN" style=" border: none " tbody tr style=" height:33px" class=" firstRow" td nowrap=" " style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 43" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 序号 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 38" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 中文名称 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 555" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size: 16px font-family:宋体" 产品描述 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 26" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 数量 /span /p /td /tr tr style=" height:33px" td nowrap=" " style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 43" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 38" p span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 同位素分流质谱 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 555" p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 离子源 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-family:Symbol" * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 无线式组装离子源,一体化设计,推斥极、离子盒、源透镜和 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " RF /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 透镜必须整合在单一的套筒内,以方便日常维护快速拆卸离子源 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 无镀层的惰性材料,离子源独立加热控制,温度可到 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 350 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ℃ /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ;减少维护,增加运行时间。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 必须具备除源加热器之外的独立透镜加热器。独立的透镜加热器必须能给透镜和弯曲的离子光学通道额外提供加热,以减少复杂基质对透镜的污染,延长维护周期。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-family:Symbol" * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 精确调节的灯丝发射电流最大可到 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 350 µ A /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 5) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-family:Symbol" * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 可调的气质接口温度最高 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 400 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ℃ /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" ,可有效的将化合物,包括高沸点化合物从 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " GC /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 传递到质谱仪。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 6) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-family:Symbol" * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 一体化的、同方向、并有灯丝透镜保护的双灯丝组件设计,有效调节发射电流,灯丝具有透镜保护,不受样品电离时的污染,提高灯丝使用寿命。双灯丝既可用于 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " EI /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 模式又可用于 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " CI /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 模式。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " “S” /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 型弯曲的离子光学通道: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 在离子源和四极杆之间必须配备 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " S /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 型弯曲的离子轨道。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " S /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 型离子通道必须采用离轴式光学设计以提升低浓度检测定量。 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " S /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 型离子通道同时能够保护主四极杆不受污染。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " S /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 型离子通道与离子源通过 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " RF /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 透镜直接接触,在仪器实际使用中, /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " RF /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 透镜与 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " S /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 型离子通道通过四个保护鞘相联,同时加载电压,避免 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " S /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 型离子通道受到污染。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 四极杆质量分析器 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 全金属钼主四极杆,惰性,均一无镀层设计,可打磨可清洗。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-family:Symbol" * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 质量范围: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1.2 –1100 u /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 无需独立进行加热 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 分辨率:全质量范围内单位质量分辨 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 5) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 扫描速度: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 20000 u/s /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 6) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 采集速率: /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px text-indent:0" span style=" font-size: 16px font-family:Symbol" * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " SIM /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 模式,采集速率 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ≥240 scans/sec /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ; /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px text-indent:0" span style=" font-size: 16px font-family:Symbol" * /span span style=" font-size: 16px font-family:宋体" 全扫描模式(扫描范围 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ≥125u /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ),采集速率 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ≥97 scans/sec /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 7) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 灵敏度(使用 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " He /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 气做载气): /span span style=" font-size: 16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " /span /p p span style=" font-size:16px font-family:Symbol" * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " EI /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 全扫描, /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1pg/µ L /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 八氟萘 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 进样 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1µ L /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ,扫描范围 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 50-300u /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" , /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " S/N ≥ & nbsp 3000:1 (mass 272 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" , /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " RMS) /span /p p span style=" font-size:16px font-family:Symbol" * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 仪器检出限( /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " IDL /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ≤2fg /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ( /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 10 fg OFN /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 八次连续不分流进样,监测 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " m/z 272 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 离子的峰面积,置信区间为 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 99 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" %)。 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 检测器系统:新一代离散型电子倍增器和静电计,最大线性输出电流 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 68 µ A /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ,提供宽达 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 9 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 个数量级的线性动态范围。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (5) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 真空系统: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 空气冷却的高真空大抽速分子涡轮泵 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-family:Symbol" * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 分子涡轮泵抽速为 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 300L/s(He) /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-family:Symbol" * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 前级机械泵抽速为 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 3.3 m3/h /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (6) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 仪器控制 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 具有棒状、轮廓及和单位质量数扫描模式采集数据。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-family:Symbol" * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 提供全扫描、选择离子扫描和全扫描 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " / /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 选择离子扫描交替扫描 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (& gt 100 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 组 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 可对每段扫描的扫描速度、扫描范围、离子极性、棒状图或轮廓图的采集、发射电流、检测器增益,指定调谐文件进行控制。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 必须支持如下扫描模式:全扫 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (FS), /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 特征离子扫描 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (SIM), /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 定时 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " - /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 选择离子扫描 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (t-SIM) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ,可进行全扫描,选择离子扫描,全扫 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " / /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 选择离子扫描同时进行( /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " Full Scan/SIM /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " , /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 定时 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " - /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 选择离子扫描 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (t-SIM) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ,全扫 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " / /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 定时 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " - /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 选择离子扫描同时进行( /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " FS/t-SIM /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ) /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:47px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 5) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 具有 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " AutoSIM /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 和 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " t-SIM /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 功能(即根据全扫描自动生成 /span span style=" font-size: 16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " SIM /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 定量离子和保留时间的方法,并根据每个分析物的保留时间自动分配以该化合物保留时间为中心的 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " SIM /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 片段采集方法) /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (7) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 在 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " Full Scan/SIM /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 模式下,仪器控制能够把所有采集数据放在单一文件下,并且可以通过数据处理软件分开浏览。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (8) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 智能调谐模式,可以自动根据仪器状态自动选择调谐模式,且自带仪器调谐诊断工具 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (9) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 可以 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " IsoLink /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 联机使用。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (10) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 数据处理系统 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " : /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 智能 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " / /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 自动 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " / /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 手动调谐,数据采集,数据检索,分析结果报告,定量分析及谱库检索功能。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (11) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 谱库: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " NIST17 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 谱库。 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 26" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1 /span /p /td /tr /tbody /table p style=" margin-top: 10px line-height: 150% text-indent: 2em " strong span style=" font-size:16px line-height:150% font-family:宋体" 第三包: /span /strong strong span style=" font-size:16px line-height:150% font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " SYSMEX /span /strong /p table border=" 1" cellspacing=" 0" cellpadding=" 0" width=" NaN" style=" border: none " tbody tr style=" height:3px" class=" firstRow" td nowrap=" " style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 3" width=" 43" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 序号 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 3" width=" 48" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 产品名称 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 3" width=" 75" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 品牌 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 3" width=" 470" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 产品描述 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 3" width=" 26" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 数量 /span /p /td /tr tr style=" height:33px" td nowrap=" " style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 43" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 48" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 自动血液分析仪 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 75" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " SYSMEX /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 470" p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 报告参数: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 41 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 个;直方图: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 4 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 个;散点图: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 15 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 个 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 检测速度: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 100 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 样本 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " / /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 小时 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 网织红细胞检测速度: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 83 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 样本 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " / /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 小时 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 检测通道:具有白细胞分类通道、白细胞 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " / /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 嗜碱性细胞 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " / /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 有核红细胞通道、网织红细胞通道、红细胞 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " / /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 血小板通道、血红蛋白通道 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (5) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 网织红细胞检测功能:使用核酸荧光染色技术,具有全自动网织红细胞计数和对网织红细胞进行成熟度的分类,无需机外染色处理 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (6) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 网织红细胞血红蛋白功能:具有检测网织红细胞血红蛋白含量的功能 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (7) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 有核红细胞检测功能:具有核红细胞检测功能,并能自动进行对白细胞细胞计数的校正 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (8) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 白细胞计数: /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:37px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 采用激光流式原理及核酸荧光染色技术,使白细胞计数免受难溶红细胞、巨大血小板、血小板簇及细胞碎片等的干扰 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:37px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 标配 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " NRBC /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 计数,自动校准每个样本的白细胞总数 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (9) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 白细胞分类:采用激光作为分析的光源,流式原理加细胞核酸荧光染色技术进行 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (10) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 血小板计数:具有两种或者以上的方法进行血小板的计数 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (11) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 体液检测功能: /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:37px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 体液检测速度: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 40 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 样本 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " / /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 小时 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:37px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 可以对脑脊液、胸水、腹水、关节腔积液等体液进行红细胞和白细胞计数 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:37px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 可以对体液中的白细胞分类 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:37px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 具有通过高荧光体液细胞参数对肿瘤细胞进行提示功能 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:37px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 5) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 体液白细胞线性 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 0-10,000x103/L /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 、红细胞线性 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 0-5,000,000x106/L /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (12) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 血红蛋白检测:血红蛋白测定试剂需符合环保要求,不含有毒氰化物 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (13) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 进样模式: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 4 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 个,全自动进样、手动闭盖进样、手工开盖进样和末稍血预稀释 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (14) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 样本用血量: /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:37px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 全自动进样模式时用血量 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 88 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 微升 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:37px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 开盖模式时用血量 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 88 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 微升 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:37px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 末梢血预稀释模式用血量 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 20 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 微升 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (15) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 检测模式: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 4 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 个 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (16) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 自动进样架装载量: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 50 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 样本 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (17) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 数据储存: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 100000 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 个结果(含散点图、直方图),并可提供原厂中文数据管理软件,使数据(含散点图、直方图)的存贮量无限制 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (18) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 质控品、校准品:定期提供原厂配套的、在中国 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " CFDA /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 注册的高、中、低值全套质控品和校正品,校准品包含 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " RET /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 校准项目 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:37px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 同一质控品中包含 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " CBC /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 、白细胞分类及网织红细胞等在内的所有报告项目; /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:37px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 能提供体液质控 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:37px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 校准品可校准项目包含 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " RBC /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 、 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " WBC /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 、 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " HGB /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 、 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " PLT /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 、 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " HCT /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 、 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " MCV /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 、 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " RET /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (19) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 实时网络通讯系统:可实现实时在线网络质控功能,确保用户的结果质量达到国际质量水准 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (20) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 线性范围(静脉血) /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:37px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 白细胞: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 0-440? 109/L /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:37px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 红细胞: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 0-8.6 ? 1012/L /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:37px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 血小板: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 0-5000 ? 109/L /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (21) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 正确度(静脉血) /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:37px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 白细胞: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ≤3.0% /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:37px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 红细胞: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ≤2.0 % /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:37px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 血红蛋白: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ≤2.0% /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:37px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 血小板: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ≤5.0 % /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (22) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 操作系统:仪器操作系统必须建立在 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " Windows /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 操作系统软件上 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (23) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 系统扩展性 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:37px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 仪器具有系统可扩展性,可以连接自动玻片制作、染色机 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:37px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 可扩展为双机或立式血流水线 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:37px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 立式流水线上可任意数量血球分析仪和推片染片机连接 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:37px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 立式流水线可根据实验室地形直角转弯 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (24) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 检测光源:必须采用半导体激光,具有启动快、成本低、寿命长、消耗功率小的优点 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (25) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 质控文件: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 99 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 个 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (26) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 可选配自动复检功能( /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " Repeat /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ):由于设备操作原因导致未能顺利完成样本分析的情况发生时,仪器自动对该样本重测,无需人工干预 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (27) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 可选配自动复检功能( /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " Rerun /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ):当规则(可以自定义)判断分析结果不可信时,仪器自动对该样本重测,无需人工干预。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (28) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 可选配自动复检功能( /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " Reflex /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ):根据规则(可以自定义)设定,仪器自动追加检测项目,对样本再次检测,无需人工干预 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (29) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 低值白细胞检测:当遇到低值白细胞样本时,仪器可自动或人工选择转换到低值白细胞检测模式,使白细胞检测颗粒数比普通检测模式增加 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 3 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 倍,结果更准确、可靠。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (30) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 流程控制:附带流程控制软件,含三大功能:复检规则设定、数据统计功能(假阴、假阳性,复检率等)、复检信息管理功能 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 26" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1 /span /p /td /tr /tbody /table p style=" margin-top: 10px line-height: 150% text-indent: 2em " strong span style=" font-size:16px line-height:150% font-family:宋体" 第四包: /span /strong strong span style=" font-size:16px line-height:150% font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " RUDOLPH /span /strong /p table border=" 1" cellspacing=" 0" cellpadding=" 0" width=" NaN" style=" border: none " tbody tr style=" height:33px" class=" firstRow" td nowrap=" " style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 43" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 序号 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 43" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 产品名称 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 86" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 品牌 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 465" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 产品描述 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 26" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 数量 /span /p /td /tr tr style=" height:3px" td nowrap=" " style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 3" width=" 43" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 3" width=" 43" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 自动比重、酸碱度计 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 3" width=" 86" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " RUDOLPH /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 3" width=" 465" p style=" margin-bottom:0 text-indent:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (1) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 空间要求:符合用户实验室空间摆放要求;仪器尺寸(宽× 高× 纵深)(含自动进样装置和干燥装置):≤ span 900mm /span × span 650mm /span × span 500mm /span ; /span /p p style=" margin-bottom:0 text-indent:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (2) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 应用范围:适用于尿液样品的比重和 span PH /span 等相关参数测量要求; span & nbsp /span /span /p p style=" margin-bottom:0 text-indent:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (3) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 属于物性测量类分析仪器,系统由包括但不限自动进样装置、比重测定装置、数据显示存储及输出装置、 span PH /span 测量装置、干燥装置; /span /p p style=" margin-bottom:0 text-indent:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (4) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 操作界面:不小于 span 10.4 /span 寸彩色触摸屏 /span /p p style=" margin-bottom:0 text-indent:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (5) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 操作系统: span Windows 7 /span 及以上的操作系统 /span /p p style=" margin-bottom:0 text-indent:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (6) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 具备开机自检及故障提示与报警功能; /span /p p style=" margin-bottom:0 text-indent:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (7) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 满足 span LIMS /span 和 span SDMS /span 数据管理和数据传输相关要求; /span /p p style=" margin-bottom:0 text-indent:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (8) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 系统预热稳定时长:≤ span 15min /span ; /span /p p style=" margin-bottom:0 text-indent:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (9) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 具备高通量自动化测定功能,以确保实现同类型样品多批次检验效率的显著提升; /span /p p style=" margin-bottom:0 text-indent:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (10) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 具有智能检测功能,自动识别进样的好坏 /span /p p style=" margin-bottom:0 text-indent:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (11) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" # /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 比重测量模块 /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:56px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 测量范围:不小于 span 1.26 /span ~ span 1.72RI /span ; /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:56px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 测量精度: span 0.000001RI /span /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:56px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 测量准确度:≤± span 0.00002RI /span ; /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:56px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 控温范围: span 10-110 /span ° span C /span (可升级到 span 120 /span ° span C /span ) /span /p p style=" margin-bottom:0 text-indent:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (12) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" # /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 具备 span PH /span 检测功能,一次进样实现 span PH /span 、比重同时测量 /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:56px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" PH /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 测量范围 span :0-14 /span /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:56px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" PH /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 分辨率 span :0.001 /span /span /p p style=" margin-bottom:0 text-indent:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (13) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 配置干燥装置:具备自动吹扫、干燥功能;干燥泵设计内置或更优设计; /span /p p style=" margin-bottom:0 text-indent:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (14) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 自动进样装置 span : /span /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:56px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 应具备高通量检测模式和普通单点测定模式,灵活转换,当配以自动进样器时,能够便捷的实现自动化高通量检测; /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:56px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 进样装置应具备自动进样、样品自动识别、自动清洗、自动排废及样品回收功能; /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:56px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" # /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 自动测定样品数量:≥ span 70 /span 个; /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:56px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" # /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 最小样品量满足:≤ span 5ml /span ; /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:56px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 5) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 样品自动识别功能: /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:28px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" a) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 自动识别方式:条形码、二维码或更优方式; /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:28px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" b) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 样品条码信息应支持和兼容用户实验室 span LIMS /span 数据管理和使用要求; /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:28px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" c) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 实现空位识别功能,减低空位对高通量检验工作的影响; /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:28px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" d) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 可调整样品码方向,使扫码器可快速准确识别样品; /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:56px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 6) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 取样针具备识别功能:只在取样时伸入溶媒 span , /span 取样后自动升起 span , /span 减少扰流因素影响; /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:56px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 7) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 取样方式可自动调节:可根据进样粘度自动调节进样模式,包括但不限于吸入式和压入式(粘度≥ span 36000mps /span ); /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:56px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 8) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" # /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 具备分区功能:进样器可分为不少于五个区,每个区可以自定义不同的测量进样模式 & nbsp /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:56px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 9) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" # /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 取样针有自动洗针功能:确保彻底清洗取样针内壁和外壁,防止交叉污染; /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:56px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 10) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 自动清洗功能:可分区设定针对不同品类样品的清洗程序,内置清洗端口(可提供不少于三种清洗剂)在试验结束后自动清洗管路 span , /span 包括取样和回流管路 span , /span 泵 span ,U /span 型管等; /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:56px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 11) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 自动排废:清洗完成后自动排废至废液杯; /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:56px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 12) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 具备样品回收功能: /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:28px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" a) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 配有样品回流装置,测量结束后可将样品回收至样品杯; /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:28px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" b) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 样品回收率:≥ span 95% /span ; /span /p p style=" margin-bottom:0 text-indent:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (15) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 数据显示存储及输出装置 /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:56px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 显示屏:人机界面友好,屏幕角度可调节,满足不同操作人员在不同光线条件下操作; /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:56px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 结果显示:可同时显示多种结果(例如:比重、百利浓度、折光率等任意组合); /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:56px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 内存:主机内存不小于 span 32G /span ,方便存储电子数据; /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:56px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 数据输出格式:包含但不限于 span PDF /span 、 span Excel /span ; /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:56px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 5) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 报告要求:符合 span GMP /span 、 span GLP /span 要求,可添加包括单位 span LOGO /span 、地址等信息在内的完整报告; /span /p p style=" margin-top:0 margin-right:0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left:56px margin-bottom:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 6) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 输出接口:应具备 span USB /span 接口、 span RS232 /span 接口以及 span Cat5 /span 网络接口,方便数据传输、储存的同时可实现数据共享和远程维护功能 /span /p p style=" margin-bottom:0 text-indent:0 line-height:normal" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (16) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 仪器配置要求:主机及显示系统 span 1 /span 套;比重(折光)分析模块 span 1 /span 套; span PH /span 分析模块 span 1 /span 套;全自动进样装置 span 1 /span 套。仪器相关消耗品:样品管 span 180 /span 个,配套管盖 span 1000 /span 个;样品架 span 5 /span 个;溶剂瓶 span 3 /span 个;废液杯 span 1 /span 个;标准品(符合 span NIST /span 标准) span 1 /span 支。自动干燥装置 span 1 /span 套;读码器一套;微调控制柄一套;控制软件系统(包含 span 21CFR Part11 /span 软件) span 1 /span 套 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 3" width=" 26" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1 /span /p /td /tr /tbody /table p style=" margin-top: 10px line-height: 150% text-indent: 2em " strong span style=" font-size:16px line-height:150% font-family:宋体" 第五包: /span /strong strong span style=" font-size:16px line-height:150% font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " THERMO FISHER /span /strong /p table border=" 1" cellspacing=" 0" cellpadding=" 0" width=" NaN" style=" border: none " tbody tr style=" height:33px" class=" firstRow" td nowrap=" " style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 43" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 序号 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 27" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 中文名称 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 566" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 产品描述 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 26" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 数量 /span /p /td /tr tr style=" height:33px" td nowrap=" " style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 43" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 27" p span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 高分辨质谱仪 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 566" p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:85px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (一) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 质谱部分技术参数 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 配备独立的可加热电喷雾离子源 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ESI /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ,大气压化学电离源 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " APCI /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ,要求离子源具有真空锁定装置, /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ESI /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 与 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " APCI /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 切换快速方便。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 可加热电喷雾离子源 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ESI /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 流速: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1-2000ul/min /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 大气压化学电离源 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " APCI /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 流速: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 50-2000ul/min /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 质量分析器:采用四极杆与静电场轨道阱串联组合质谱。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 质量范围: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 50-6000 m/z /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span strong span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 主动离子束传输组件 /span /strong span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" :先进的主动离子束传输组件有离子注入多极杆和弯曲多极杆组成,用于离子的预过滤,轴向电场优化离子传输,去除离子束中的中性粒子,增强了系统的灵敏性和耐用性,同时更便于仪器清洗维护 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span strong span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 前级四极杆 /span /strong span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" :前级四极杆为金属钼共轭双曲面四极杆,高分辨母离子选择 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ≤0.4Da /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ; /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 分辨率:要求分辨率不小于 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 140, 000 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (在 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " m/z200 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ),且在提高仪器分辨率时,设备的灵敏度保持不降低;也即 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 100fg /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 利血平标准品进样, /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ESI+ /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 模式下,分辨率分别为 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 17500 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 和 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 35000 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 时,其它仪器参数一致的前提下,其 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 609 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 信号的响应值 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ( /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 峰面积 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 相差不超过 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 10% /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 5) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 质量准确度( /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " MS /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 和 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " MS/MS /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ):内标:小于 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1 ppm /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ,外标:小于 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 3 ppm,& nbsp /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 6) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 质量轴稳定度:设备一次校正后不再校正且不使用内标情况下,连续 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 48 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 个小时内重复进样 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 100fg /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 利血平, /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 609 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 质量精确度 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ≤3ppm /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ; /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 质谱采集速率: span ≥ /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 12Hz /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 正负离子切换速度 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " : /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 小于 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 秒,要求设备在进行快速切换(分辨率正 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " / /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 负都在 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 35000 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" )连续运行 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 2 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 小时,质量轴的稳定性 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " & lt 3ppm /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 即用 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 0.5ppb /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 氯霉素和 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 0.5ppb /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 克伦特罗混合溶液作为测试液,蠕动泵连续进样 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 2 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 小时,正负快速扫描同时监测氯霉素和克伦特罗分子离子峰,两者质量稳定性偏差小于 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 3ppm /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (5) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 灵敏度(分辨率保持在 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 70000 FWHM /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 或以上时): /span /p p style=" text-indent:32px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 全扫描 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " Full Scan /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 灵敏度: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 100fg /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 利血平柱上进样 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " S/N /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 优于 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 500:1 /span /p p style=" text-indent:32px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 选择离子扫描 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " SIM /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 灵敏度: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 25fg /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 利血平柱上进样 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " S/N /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 优于 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 500:1 /span /p p style=" text-indent:32px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 选择离子扫描 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " SIM /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 灵敏度: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 100fg /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 氯霉素柱上进样 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " S/N /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 优于 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 100:1 /span /p p style=" text-indent:32px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 选择离子扫描 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " SIM /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 灵敏度: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 100fg /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 克伦特罗柱上进样 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " S/N /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 优于 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 100:1 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (6) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 动态范围:分辨率设定为不小于 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 70000 (FWHM /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" )时,以泰勒菌素为目标物,线性范围 span ≥ /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 105 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ; /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (7) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 扫描模式: /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 高分辨全扫描 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " MS /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 和高分辨二级扫描 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " MS/MS /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 高分辨选择离子扫描 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " SIM /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 高分辨全子离子碎裂扫描( /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " AIF /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ) /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 高分辨正负离子切换扫描 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 5) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 高分辨全扫描依赖的二级离子扫描 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 6) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 高分辨目标选择离子依赖的二级离子扫描 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 7) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 高分辨中性丢失扫描 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (8) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 高级功能:可加装附件实现完整蛋白模式和 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 280,000 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ( /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " m/z 200 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" )超高分辨率,满足更高分辨率应用要求 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 可提供附件实现离子淌度等多维度分离 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:85px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" (二) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 液相部分技术参数 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 二元或以上梯度混合泵 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 流量范围: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 0 - 2.000 mL/min /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ,步进 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 0.001 mL/min /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 最大压力: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 15000Psi /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ( /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1000bar /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 流量准确度: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ≤ ± 0.15% /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 流量精密度: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " & lt 0.075% /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 5) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 梯度混合精确度: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " & lt 0.2% /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 6) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 梯度混合类型:二元高压梯度混合,四种溶剂选择; /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 7) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 泵清洗系统:主动式单独流路清洗柱塞; /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 8) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 液滴计数器:自动监控泵漏液情况和泵清洗液情况; /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 9) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 脱气:四通道以上在线真空脱气; /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 柱温箱 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 温控范围: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 5~60 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ℃ /span a name=" OLE_LINK35" /a a name=" OLE_LINK34" /a span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" ; /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 温度准确度 a name=" OLE_LINK39" /a a name=" OLE_LINK38" /a : /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ± 0.5 /span span style=" font-size: 16px font-family:宋体" ℃ /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ; /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 温度稳定性: /span a name=" OLE_LINK41" /a a name=" OLE_LINK40" /a span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ± 0.1 /span span style=" font-size: 16px font-family:宋体" ℃ /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ; /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 温度精度: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ± 0.1 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ℃ /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ; /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 5) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 具有湿度传感器,气体传感器,温度传感器,在线监测溶剂泄漏情况; /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 自动进样器 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 120 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 位 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1.8ml /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 或 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 2ml /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 样品瓶,兼容 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 96 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 或 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 384 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 孔板; /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 进样体积: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 0.01~100μL /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ; /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 进样体积准确度: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ± 0.5% /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ; /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 交叉污染: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 0.005% /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ; /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 5) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 自动防沉淀振摇及侧移功能; /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 6) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 在线稀释和在线衍生功能; /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 7) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 具有内外针自动清洗功能; /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:60px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 8) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 控温范围: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 4-40 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 度 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 至强 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " CPU /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 数据处理系统 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 26" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1 /span /p /td /tr /tbody /table p style=" margin-top: 10px line-height: 150% text-indent: 2em " strong span style=" font-size: 16px line-height:150% font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " & nbsp /span /strong strong span style=" line-height: 150% font-family: 宋体 " 第六包: /span /strong strong span style=" line-height: 150% font-family: & quot Times New Roman& quot , serif " EPPENDORF /span /strong /p table border=" 1" cellspacing=" 0" cellpadding=" 0" width=" NaN" style=" border: none " tbody tr style=" height:33px" class=" firstRow" td nowrap=" " style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 43" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 序号 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 47" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 产品名称 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 102" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 品牌 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 445" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 产品描述 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 26" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 数量 /span /p /td /tr tr style=" height:33px" td nowrap=" " style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 43" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 47" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 真空干燥离心机 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 102" p span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " EPPENDORF /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 445" p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left: 28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 最大样品容量: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 144 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 个离心管 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " /2 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 块工作板( /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 0.2 – 50 mL /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ) /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left: 28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 转速 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " / /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 离心力: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1,400 rpm / 248 x g /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left: 28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 真空压: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 20 hPa /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ( /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 20 mbar /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ),除基本配置 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left: 28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 计时: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 分钟至 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 9 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 小时 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 59 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 分钟, /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 分钟递增,可持续运行 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left: 28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (5) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 噪音水平: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " & lt 50 dB(A) /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left: 28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (6) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 可选 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 4 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 个预设温度:室温、 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 30 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ℃ /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 、 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 45 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ℃ /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 、 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 60 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ℃ /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ,适用于不同样品的安全高效浓缩 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left: 28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (7) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 可选 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 3 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 种操作模式(真空浓缩、真空干燥、离心),满足多种应用需求 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left: 28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (8) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 可选 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 3 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 种应用模式(水溶液、乙醇和高蒸汽压),针对不同溶剂样品,可缩短 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 20% /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 处理时间 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left: 28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (9) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 具备软刹车功能,防止样品重悬 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left: 28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (10) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 耐化学腐蚀,免维护的 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " PTFE /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 涂层隔膜泵,无需添加泵油 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left: 28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (11) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 免维护感应驱动和耐化学腐蚀的不锈钢加热腔体,运行安全 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left: 28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (12) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " *15 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 种不同转子,适合于 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 0.2 mL - 50 mL /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 不同体积的离心管、微孔板和 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " PCR /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 板 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left: 28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (13) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 可与市场上通用的蒸汽冷阱品牌连接使用 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left: 28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (14) /span strong span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " Concentrator plus /span /strong strong span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 基本配置性能: /span /strong span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 可外连已有的真空泵或真空管道。浓缩仪背部提供交流电源插口,可为外联真空泵提供电源。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left: 28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (15) /span strong span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " Concentrator plus /span /strong strong span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 全套系统性能: /span /strong span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 包括一台耐化学腐蚀、免维护 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " PTFE /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 涂层的隔膜泵,同时配备冷凝分离器。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left: 28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (16) /span strong span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " Concentrator plus /span /strong strong span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 全套系统(含真空接口)性能: /span /strong span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 允许外连设备使用系统整合的真空泵,将需要抽真空的设备(如干胶仪)连接到真空接口上即可,无需从系统中拆下。 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 26" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1 /span /p /td /tr /tbody /table p style=" margin-top: 10px line-height: 150% text-indent: 2em " strong span style=" font-size:16px line-height:150% font-family:宋体" 第七包: /span /strong strong span style=" font-size:16px line-height:150% font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " EPPENDORF /span /strong /p table border=" 1" cellspacing=" 0" cellpadding=" 0" width=" NaN" style=" border: none " tbody tr style=" height:33px" class=" firstRow" td nowrap=" " style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 43" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 序号 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 154" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 产品名称 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 26" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 品牌 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 414" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 产品描述 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 26" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 数量 /span /p /td /tr tr style=" height:33px" td nowrap=" " style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 43" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 154" p span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 干血点检测专用摇床( /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " THERMOMIER & nbsp F1.5 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ) /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 26" br/ /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 414" p style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 运行模式: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 15 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 秒至 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 99 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 小时 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 30 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 分钟计时;连续运行 /span /p p style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 混匀频率: /span /p p style=" margin-left:24px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ThermoMixer FP /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" : /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 300 ~ 2,000 rpm /span /p p style=" margin-left:24px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ThermoMixer F0.5 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" : /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 300 ~ 2,000 rpm /span /p p style=" margin-left:24px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ThermoMixer F1.5 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" : /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 300 ~ 1,500 rpm /span /p p style=" margin-left:24px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ThermoMixer F2.0 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" : /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 300 ~ 1,500 rpm /span /p p style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 温控范围:室温以上 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 4 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" ℃ /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ~ 100 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ℃ /span /p p style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 温度精确度: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 20° C ~ 45° C /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 之间, /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ± 0.5 ° C /span /p p style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (5) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 升温速率: /span /p p style=" margin-left:24px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ThermoMixer FP /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" : /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 18 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ℃ /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " / /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 分钟 /span /p p style=" margin-left:24px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ThermoMixer F0.5 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" : /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 15 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ℃ /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " / /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 分钟 /span /p p style=" margin-left:24px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ThermoMixer F1.5 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" : /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 11 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ℃ /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " / /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 分钟 /span /p p style=" margin-left:24px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ThermoMixer F2.0 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" : /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 13 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ℃ /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " / /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 分钟 /span /p p style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (6) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " *2DMix-Control /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 二维混匀操控技术,确保出色混匀效果 /span /p p style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (7) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 防溅射技术,有效防止管盖润湿和交叉污染 /span /p p style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (8) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 可选配 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ThermoTop& reg /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 热盖,具备 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " condens.protect& reg & nbsp /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 防冷凝保护技术,有效防止管盖和管壁上产生冷凝水,提高温度均一性 /span /p p style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (9) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " * /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 独立传感器控制的加热模块,具有最佳温控精确性和均一性 /span /p p style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (10) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " *SmartBlock /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 加热模块缘隔热防烫设计,安全可靠 /span /p p style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (11) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " *5 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 个预设温度按键,操作更简单 /span /p p style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (12) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 低噪音水平,工作环境更安静 /span /p p style=" margin-left:24px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (13) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 配置: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ThermoMixer F /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 恒温混匀仪主机 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 台, /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ThermoTop /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 热盖,具备 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " condens.protect& reg & nbsp /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 防冷凝保护技术 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " & nbsp 1 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 个 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 26" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1 /span /p /td /tr /tbody /table p style=" margin-top: 10px line-height: 150% text-indent: 2em " strong span style=" font-size:16px line-height:150% font-family:宋体" 第八包: /span /strong strong span style=" font-size:16px line-height:150% font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " THERMO FISHER /span /strong /p table border=" 1" cellspacing=" 0" cellpadding=" 0" style=" border: none " width=" NaN" tbody tr style=" height:33px" class=" firstRow" td nowrap=" " style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 43" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 序号 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 26" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 中文名称 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 78" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 品牌 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 543" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 产品描述 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 26" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 数量 /span /p /td /tr tr style=" height:33px" td nowrap=" " style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 43" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 26" p span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 蛋白核酸浓度检测仪 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 78" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " THERMO FISHER /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 543" p style=" margin-left:28px" span (1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 基座检测下限: /span span 2ng/ul /span span style=" font-family:宋体" ( /span span dsDNA /span span style=" font-family:宋体" ), /span span 0.06mg/ml /span span style=" font-family:宋体" ( /span span BSA /span span style=" font-family: 宋体" ), /span span 0.03mg/ml /span span style=" font-family:宋体" ( /span span IgG /span span style=" font-family:宋体" ); /span /p p style=" margin-left:28px" span (2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span * /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 基座检测上限: /span span 18750ng/ul /span span style=" font-family:宋体" ( /span span dsDNA /span span style=" font-family:宋体" ) /span span (27500) /span span style=" font-family:宋体" , /span span 750mg/ml /span span style=" font-family:宋体" ( /span span BSA /span span style=" font-family:宋体" ) /span span (820) /span /p p style=" margin-left:28px" span (3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 波长范围: /span span 190-850nm /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 连续波长全光谱分析; /span /p p style=" margin-left:28px" span (4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span * /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 光程:至少有 /span span 2 /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 个光程( /span span 5 /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 个),根据样品浓度进行自动匹配最佳光程,无需手工设置,光程调节器不会曝露在空气中,避免灰尘,纸屑或液体进入生锈导致光程不准确; /span /p p style=" margin-left:28px" span (5) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 检测重复性: /span span 0.002A(1.0mm /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 光程 /span span ) /span span style=" font-family: 宋体" 或 /span span 1%CV /span span style=" font-family:宋体" ; /span /p p style=" margin-left:28px" span (6) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 最小样品体积 /span span ≤1ul /span span style=" font-family:宋体" ; /span /p p style=" margin-left:28px" span (7) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 载样点采用 /span span 303 /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 高抛光高耐磨不锈钢,并与主机整合在一起,直接上样并进行样品检测,无需使用微量比色皿和毛细管等容器; /span /p p style=" margin-left:28px" span (8) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span # /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 具备自动检测模式,降下检测臂即开始样本检测; /span /p p style=" margin-left:28px" span (9) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 软件提供实时的技术支持,导向性帮助解决问题,提供及时的样本信息反馈; /span /p p style=" margin-left:28px" span (10) /span span * /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 具备污染物鉴定功能(当样本中存在污染物时,能鉴定的污染物 /span span ≥5 /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 种;样本检测的结果会自动扣除污染物的 /span span OD /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 值,保证得到精确的样本浓度;) /span /p p style=" margin-left:28px" span (11) /span span # /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 仪器和计算机二合一,不需要额外配置电脑,节省实验室空间。要求触摸屏操作,触摸屏不小于 /span span 7 /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 英寸,可左右移动或前后 /span span 45 /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 度角调整角度;操作系统内存 /span span ≥32GB /span span style=" font-family:宋体" ,需要支持中文; /span /p p style=" margin-left:28px" span (12) /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 可免费下载电脑软件,用于分析和管理从仪器中导出的结果; /span /p p style=" margin-left:28px" span (13) /span span # /span span style=" font-family:宋体" 仪器内置传感器,在检测前对样品形成的液柱进行数码成像,监测液柱中的气泡或者其它异常,确保检测的可靠性; /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left: 28px" span style=" font-size: 16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (14) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 仪器的无线局域网和蓝牙设备具备中华人民共和国工业和信息化部无线电管理局核准的《无线电发射设备型号核准证》。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left: 28px" span style=" font-size: 16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (15) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 基本配置:主机 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 台,电源适配器 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 套; /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left: 28px" span style=" font-size: 16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (16) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 技术文件:免费提供全套、完整的技术资料,包括详细的仪器中英文说明书、操作手册和仪器维护等有关资料及质量认证书;提供相关应用技术资料。 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left: 28px" span style=" font-size: 16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (17) /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 提供软件终生免费安装升级 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 26" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1 /span /p /td /tr tr style=" height:33px" td nowrap=" " style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 43" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 2 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 26" p span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 冷冻型微量台式离心机 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 78" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " THERMO FISHER /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 543" p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (1) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 最高转速: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 13300rpm /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (2) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 最大离心力: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 17000g /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (3) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 最大离心容量: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 24?1.5/2.0ml /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (4) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 驱动系统:无碳刷免维护频率感应电机直接驱动 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (5) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 控制系统:微处理器控制系统,带有背光的大屏幕 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " LED /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 数字显示 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (6) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 运行时间控制: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1-99 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 分钟, /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family: 宋体" 分钟递增;并具有快速离心及连续离心方式 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (7) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 温度控制范围: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " -9 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" — /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " +40 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" ℃ /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left:28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (8) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 安全性能:自动锁盖和内锁装置、转头自动识别、不平衡保护、状态自诊断、多种电路保护 /span /p p class=" MsoListParagraph" style=" margin-left: 28px" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " (9) span style=" font-variant-numeric: normal font-variant-east-asian: normal font-stretch: normal font-size: 9px line-height: normal font-family: & #39 Times New Roman& #39 " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 标准配置: /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " Fresco17 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 微量离心机,包括 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 24 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" × /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1.5/2.0ml /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 转头及 /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " ClickSeal /span span style=" font-size:16px font-family:宋体" 防生物污染转头盖 /span /p /td td style=" border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) padding: 5px " height=" 33" width=" 26" p style=" text-align:center" span style=" font-size:16px font-family:& #39 Times New Roman& #39 ,& #39 serif& #39 " 1 /span /p /td /tr /tbody /table
  • “反季”儿童腺病毒肺炎来袭?这些检测仪器轻松应对
    p style=" text-align: center" img style=" max-width: 100% max-height: 100% width: 664px height: 368px " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201907/uepic/62281f64-799d-447d-9bc2-d98e39321cbd.jpg" title=" 腺病毒肺炎诊疗-刘立东.jpg" alt=" 腺病毒肺炎诊疗-刘立东.jpg" width=" 664" height=" 368" border=" 0" vspace=" 0" / /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " span style=" font-family: 楷体, 楷体_GB2312, SimKai " 据悉,2019年以来,全国部分地区儿童腺病毒肺炎病例与往年相比有不同程度增加。为进一步加强医疗救治和临床管理,提高重症病例救治能力和规范化诊疗水平,国家卫生健康委会同国家中医药管理局组织制定了《儿童腺病毒肺炎诊疗规范(2019年版)》 span style=" font-size: 14px " strong (文末可供下载) /strong /span 。 /span /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " span style=" background-color: rgb(255, 192, 0) font-size: 18px " strong 人腺病毒肺炎 /strong /span /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " 腺病毒是DNA病毒,主要在细胞核内繁殖,耐温、耐酸、耐脂溶剂的能力较强,除了咽、结合膜及淋巴组织外,还在肠道繁殖。人腺病毒肺炎(Humanadenovirus,HAdV)是儿童社区获得性肺炎中较为严重的类型之一,多发于6个月至5岁儿童,部分患儿临床表现重,肺外并发症多,重症病例易遗留慢性气道和肺疾病,是目前造成婴幼儿肺炎死亡和致残的重要原因之一,需要高度关注。 /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " span style=" background-color: rgb(255, 192, 0) font-size: 18px " strong 新版规范强调进行病原学检查 /strong /span /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " 新版规范强调,要在病原学诊断之前根据临床表现对儿童腺病毒肺炎进行早期识别,并及时进行病原学检查,采取隔离措施,进行恰当的经验性治疗。另外,对于腺病毒肺炎患儿应当进行早期隔离,避免交叉感染。 /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " strong 本次规范中的病原学检查涉及: /strong /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " strong (1)病毒分离和血清学鉴定 /strong ——期间会使用超低温冰箱来保存样本,使用离心机进行病毒分离操作,传统的病毒分离和血清分型方法是诊断腺病毒的金标准,但不适于临床早期诊断。 span style=" color: rgb(112, 48, 160) " (相关仪器设备: a href=" https://www.instrument.com.cn/zc/125.html" target=" _blank" title=" 超低温冰箱-刘立东" textvalue=" 超低温冰箱" 超低温冰箱 /a 、 a href=" https://www.instrument.com.cn/zc/164.html" target=" _blank" title=" 离心机 刘立东" 离心机 /a ) /span /p p style=" text-align: center" img style=" max-width:100% max-height:100% " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201907/uepic/e6fe8007-2367-45e3-a365-cf1089c21e85.jpg" title=" 超低温冰箱-刘立东.png" alt=" 超低温冰箱-刘立东.png" / /p p style=" text-align: center " a href=" https://www.instrument.com.cn/zc/125.html" target=" _blank" title=" 超低温冰箱-刘立东" span style=" color: rgb(112, 48, 160) " strong 超低温冰箱 /strong /span /a (点击进入专场查看更多) /p p style=" text-align: center" img style=" max-width:100% max-height:100% " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201907/uepic/7e52ef55-e789-43ac-8ea2-da50e6136efc.jpg" title=" 离心机-刘立东.png" alt=" 离心机-刘立东.png" / /p p style=" text-align: center " a href=" https://www.instrument.com.cn/zc/164.html" target=" _blank" title=" 离心机-刘立东" span style=" color: rgb(112, 48, 160) " strong 离心机 /strong /span /a (点击进入专场查看更多) /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " strong (2)抗原检测 /strong ——针对腺病毒衣壳六邻体抗原进行检测,多采用免疫荧光方法。 span style=" color: rgb(112, 48, 160) " (相关仪器:荧光显微镜) /span /p p style=" text-align: center" img style=" max-width:100% max-height:100% " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201907/uepic/7836bd24-5202-40bd-8770-e3bd4645c9bd.jpg" title=" 荧光显微镜-刘立东.png" alt=" 荧光显微镜-刘立东.png" / /p p style=" text-align: center " a href=" https://www.instrument.com.cn/zc/284.html" target=" _blank" title=" 荧光显微镜-刘立东" span style=" color: rgb(112, 48, 160) " strong 荧光显微镜 /strong /span /a (点击进入专场查看更多) /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " strong (3)PCR检测 /strong ——实时定量 PCR 可对病毒进行定量分析,帮助预测病情严重程度。 span style=" color: rgb(112, 48, 160) " (相关仪器:实时荧光PCR) /span /p p style=" text-align: center" img style=" max-width:100% max-height:100% " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201907/uepic/3001e798-b960-4a84-9e7e-43c34bd867f8.jpg" title=" PCR-刘立东.png" alt=" PCR-刘立东.png" / /p p style=" text-align: center " a href=" https://www.instrument.com.cn/zc/133.html" target=" _blank" title=" 实时荧光PCR-刘立东" span style=" color: rgb(112, 48, 160) " strong 实时荧光PCR /strong /span /a (点击进入专场查看更多) /p p style=" text-align: justify text-indent: 2em " strong (4)宏基因测序 /strong ——宏基因测序在诊断腺病毒感染以及分型方面具有优势,但价格昂贵,结果需要专业人员判定,不推荐常规开展。 span style=" color: rgb(112, 48, 160) " (相关仪器:基因测序仪) /span /p p style=" text-align: center" img style=" max-width:100% max-height:100% " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201907/uepic/d732fc1b-13c2-4fef-8388-42a41517db8d.jpg" title=" 基因测序仪-刘立东.png" alt=" 基因测序仪-刘立东.png" / /p p style=" text-align: center " a href=" https://www.instrument.com.cn/zc/134.html" target=" _blank" title=" 基因测序仪" span style=" color: rgb(112, 48, 160) " strong 基因测序仪 /strong /span /a (点击进入专场查看更多) /p p style=" line-height: 16px " img style=" vertical-align: middle margin-right: 2px " src=" /admincms/ueditor1/dialogs/attachment/fileTypeImages/icon_pdf.gif" / a style=" font-size:12px color:#0066cc " href=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/files/201907/attachment/665818db-2a02-4148-ba66-6193246de381.pdf" title=" 儿童腺病毒肺炎诊疗规范(2019年版).pdf" 儿童腺病毒肺炎诊疗规范(2019年版).pdf /a (点击下载) /p p style=" text-align: center " span style=" text-decoration: underline color: rgb(112, 48, 160) " & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp /span br/ /p p style=" text-align: center " span style=" background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0) " strong 扫码关注 span style=" background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0) color: rgb(112, 48, 160) " 【3i生仪社】 /span ,掌握生命科学行业更多资讯! /strong /span /p p style=" text-align: center " span style=" background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0) " strong /strong /span /p p style=" text-align: center " img style=" max-width:100% max-height:100% " src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/201907/uepic/742398ec-f366-4c38-936c-9e3c3f50ecd4.jpg" title=" 小icon.jpg" alt=" 小icon.jpg" / /p
  • 磐合科仪成功参加“第三期VOCs污染治理与监测技术培训班”
    2016年3月29-31日,由中华环保联合会主办的“第三期挥发性有机物(VOCs)污染治理与监测技术(系列)培训班”在南京开班。来自各级环保机构、VOCs排放企业、高等院校、新材料公司等单位的350余人参加了此次培训班。磐合科仪也携带高端环境监测设备参加培训班。培训班现场 VOCs作为大气的主要污染物,已成为当前国家治理的重点,而VOCs监测则面临着更大的挑战。专注于环境监测领域的磐合科仪,近年来在大气VOCs在线监测方面取得了重要突破。本次会议中推出全新的全在线双冷阱大气预浓缩系统,该系统配有双冷阱交替采样浓缩系统,可搭载多种气相色谱质谱联用(GC-MS)和高端的高灵敏度飞行时间质谱系统,可实现环境空气中VOCs全分析,数据采集无盲点,灵敏度高,定性准确,真正实时反应环境空气中VOCs的类型和变化。该产品强大的功能引起参会者浓厚的兴趣,纷纷来到展位了解调研。磐合科仪展位现场 与此同时磐合科仪还带来了热脱附、苏玛罐等更多环境监测仪器及解决方案,现场反映热烈。本次会议让更多VOCs监测与治理工作者认识了磐合科仪,了解了全新的在线监测技术及产品,也增强了我们在环境监测领域发展的信心。感谢大家一路的关注与支持,磐合科仪愿与您一同成长!
  • 申城初雪,相聚磐合| “2018磐合科仪新产品&技术研讨会”成功举行
    12月8日,“2018磐合科仪新产品&技术研讨会”在公司上海总部盛大召开。本次会议旨在搭建沟通交流平台,分享行业新技术、新产品,增进友谊,合作共赢,吸引了来自全国各地的近百位行业专家及合作伙伴的积极参与。虽然申城迎来今冬首次大幅降温、大雪纷飞,但会议现场却气氛热烈、暖意融融!以下是当天现场实况报道,请随小编一起见证精彩时刻。热烈欢迎首先,上海磐合科学仪器股份有限公司董事长赵学伟先生发表了热情洋溢的欢迎辞。赵总阐述了本次大会举办的意义和必要性,对集体亮相的磐合管理团队及合作伙伴作了介绍,对每一位与会者表示了诚挚欢迎和衷心感谢! 精彩分享主题报告精彩纷呈。磐合科仪总经理王宏先生介绍《实验室VOCs(包括PAMS)全新行业解决方案》,从实验室离线分析角度重点剖析VOCs检测方案,着重强调了全自动苏玛罐热脱附一体机在PAMS、TO-15和OVOC(醛、酮类物质)化合物进行一次性分析方面的应用。思聚仪器(上海)有限公司销售总监徐天闻先生为大家带来《全新固液气全能自动采样富集进样Centri方案》,该方案适用于气体、液体和固体中的VOCs 和SVOCs 的前处理分析,集成多个模块实现多种基质进样的全自动样品制备平台。思聚仪器技术总监蒋家奎先生作了《全二维GC*GC飞行时间质谱应用介绍》的报告,详细介绍了运用先进的飞行时间质谱在呼吸气VOCs及环境监测领域的应用,以应用实例作为重点剖析,使大家更了解其应用背景。磐合科仪销售总监唐伟先生为大家带来《二噁英和多氯联苯、水处理的全新解决方案》,从二噁英复杂基质完美的净化分离到大体积水样全自动制备检测,详尽阐述了应用案例,为实验室工作者提供具体应用方案。思聚仪器销售总监唐卫兵先生介绍《Lego在线产品及解决方案》,从PAMS概念到如何在线监测应用,加上经典案例分享,深入浅出的介绍令人耳目一新。上海磐合测控技术股份有限公司副总经理凌伟佳先生进行《Superlab创新技术及产品介绍》,一系列自主研发的苏玛罐产品配套解决方案为客户解决各种采样留标等问题。 浙江中环瑞蓝科技发展有限公司总经理翁燕波女士介绍了中环瑞蓝环保监测系统及智能试剂柜等新产品,安徽科创中光科技有限公司总经理汪思保先生带来了溯源激光雷达的介绍,杭州天净检测技术有限公司总经理章亦武先生进行了硅烷化苏码罐等产品的分享,可谓是精彩纷呈。最后,由磐合科仪总经理王宏先生主持了《热门应用解析及市场趋势展望》的分享,与会者积极参与讨论,来自美国PID分析仪器公司的邓建友先生也上台分享其经验,现场气氛活跃。 参观活动主题报告结束后,参会人员集体前往磐合实验室参观,对报告中所涉及的产品进行现场了解,大家兴趣浓厚,讨论热烈... ... 一天的会议紧凑高效,相信通过交流分享、现场观摩,对与会者今后的工作定会带来帮助。本次会议的成功举行,进一步坚定了我们的信心,磐合会继续努力,打造更好的交流平台,分享更好的技术方案和产品给大家,为打造美丽中国的事业贡献自己的力量!恰逢申城初雪,难忘精彩2018,感恩一路有您!
  • 世界上第一台可用鼠标或键盘控制的卡氏水分仪问世
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