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仪器信息网色谱捕获柱专题为您提供2024年最新色谱捕获柱价格报价、厂家品牌的相关信息, 包括色谱捕获柱参数、型号等,不管是国产,还是进口品牌的色谱捕获柱您都可以在这里找到。 除此之外,仪器信息网还免费为您整合色谱捕获柱相关的耗材配件、试剂标物,还有色谱捕获柱相关的最新资讯、资料,以及色谱捕获柱相关的解决方案。


  • 安捷伦电子捕获检测器(ECD) 备件_安捷伦气相色谱耗材
    电子捕获检测器(ECD)备件项目 说明 单位 部件号1 聚酰亚胺密封垫圈,1/4 英寸 10/包 5080-87742 1/4 英寸螺帽,黄铜 10/包 5180-41053 微池ECD 尾吹气接头,7890 G3433-63000 微池ECD 尾吹气接头,6890 G2397-805203a ECD 接头端帽 19233-20755*4 微池ECD 尾吹气接头熔融石英衬管 G2397-20540*5 螺帽加热器绝热体 19234-607156 螺帽加热器保温罩组件 19234-607007 对于完整的色谱柱密封垫圈8 对于完整的柱螺帽9 气相色谱柱电子捕获检测器的异辛烷标准溶液3x0.5mL安瓿 18713-60040 微型ECD 的放射性泄漏测试工具包 18713-60050
  • 安捷伦ECD备件-电子捕获检测器备件_安捷伦气相色谱耗材
    电子捕获检测器(ECD)备件项目 说明 单位 部件号1 聚酰亚胺密封垫圈,1/4 英寸 10/包 5080-87742 1/4 英寸螺帽,黄铜 10/包 5180-41053 微池ECD 尾吹气接头,7890 G3433-63000 微池ECD 尾吹气接头,6890 G2397-805203a ECD 接头端帽 19233-20755*4 微池ECD 尾吹气接头熔融石英衬管 G2397-20540*5 螺帽加热器绝热体 19234-607156 螺帽加热器保温罩组件 19234-607007 对于完整的色谱柱密封垫圈8 对于完整的柱螺帽9 气相色谱柱电子捕获检测器的异辛烷标准溶液3x0.5mL安瓿 18713-60040 微型ECD 的放射性泄漏测试工具包 18713-60050
  • 安捷伦 检测器系统电子捕获检测器(ECD) 备件18713-60040 气相色谱电子捕获检测器标样,溶于异辛烷,0.5
    GC 仪器评估、安装和校准标样部件号 :18713-60040气相色谱电子捕获检测器标样,溶于异辛烷,0.5 mL。电子捕获检测器(ECD) 备件项目说明单位部件号1 聚酰亚胺密封垫圈,1/4 英寸10/包5080-87742 1/4 英寸螺帽,黄铜10/包5180-41053 微池ECD 尾吹气接头,7890 G3433-63000微池ECD 尾吹气接头,6890 G2397-805203a ECD 接头端帽19233-20755*4 微池ECD 尾吹气接头熔融石英衬管G2397-20540*5 螺帽加热器绝热体19234-607156 螺帽加热器保温罩组件19234-607007 对于完整的色谱柱密封垫圈,参见37 页8 对于完整的柱螺帽,参见40 页9 气相色谱柱电子捕获检测器的异辛烷标准溶液3 x 0.5 mL 安瓿18713-60040微型ECD 的放射性泄漏测试工具包18713-60050
  • Acclaim PepMap 捕获柱柱套,nanoViper
    Acclaim PepMap RSLC C18 和 Acclaim PepMap C18、100A HPLC 色谱柱、nanoViper 和经典型号色谱柱为蛋白鉴定、生物标记发现和系统生物学提供高分离度。独特的负载能力,对 LC/MS 提供最高灵敏度。设计用于无 TFA 的 LC-MS,最大限度减少离子抑制作用。非常适合与 ESI/MS 和 MALDI-MS 的偶联。最高的柱间重现性。使用方便,尖端微型化 HPLC。nanoViper? 手紧型连接,方便色谱柱安装。nanoViper使用简便通用于目前的、传统的以及第三方的常见 1/16in 硬件。过度拧紧时不会造成柱损坏。不会因连接不当而导致试验失败。Acclaim PepMap 固定相树立了蛋白组学肽分离的标杆,并且可与市场上所有的现代 nano LC 系统配合使用。在这一成功基础上,2μm Acclaim PepMap RSLC 固定相也被开发出来,以进行超高分离度肽分离。这些色谱柱预安装了 nanoViper 连接接口,避免了 nano LC 中的麻烦连接。nanoViper 是一种手紧型、无死体积连接接口,可承受 1000 bar 的压力。Acclaim PepMap 和 Acclaim PepMap RSLC 色谱柱专门设计用于胰蛋白肽、天然肽以及合成肽的高分离度分析。这些色谱柱通常用于蛋白鉴定、生物标记发现和系统生物学的 LC-MS/MS 肽图分析。这些色谱柱载样能力高,因此非常适合分析复杂蛋白组学样品中的低丰度肽。Acclaim PepMap Trap 色谱柱一般用于 MS 检测的 LC 分离前的肽脱盐,以便进行大体积进样的快速样品预富集和净化。这些色谱柱可为一维肽图分析试验和 2D-LC 分析提供最高效率。捕获柱有两种型号:熔融硅胶纳径捕获柱可提供最高的色谱分析性能。不锈钢柱芯可提供最高耐用性。订货信息:Acclaim PepMap 捕获柱柱套,nanoViper描述目录编号μ-柱前柱套,5mm,带 30μm 内径连接管,nanoViper 接头164649μ-柱前柱套,15mm,带 75μm 内径连接管,nanoViper 接头164650
  • 捕获柱柱套,带 nanoViper 接头
    产品信息: 订货信息:捕获柱柱套,带 nanoViper 接头描述保护柱 柱长 (mm)接头 ID (μm)部件号用于捕获柱的 μ-Precolumn保护柱套, 带 2 x 100mm 长530164649的 nanoViper 接头1575164650
  • 电子捕获检测器(ECD) 备件
    电子捕获检测器(ECD) 备件电子捕获检测器(ECD) 备件项目说明单位部件号1聚酰亚胺密封垫圈,1/4 英寸10/包5080-877421/4 英寸螺帽,黄铜10/包5180-41053微池 ECD 尾吹气接头,7890–G3433-63000微池 ECD 尾吹气接头,6890–G2397-805203aECD 接头端帽–19233-20755*4微池 ECD 尾吹气接头熔融石英衬管–G2397-20540*5螺帽加热器绝热体–19234-607156螺帽加热器保温罩组件–19234-607007对于完整的色谱柱密封垫圈,参见 37 页––8对于完整的柱螺帽,参见 40 页––9气相色谱柱电子捕获检测器的异辛烷标准溶液3 x 0.5 mL 安瓿18713-60040微型 ECD 的放射性泄漏测试工具包–18713-60050
  • Metrosep I Trap 1 - 100/4.0(捕获柱)
    Metrosep I Trap 1 - 100/4.0(捕获柱)订货号: 6.1014.200Metrosep I Trap 1 - 100/4.0 捕获柱用于清除水溶剂中的离子杂质,即阳离子和阴离子杂质。建议将其用于清洁输送水,尤其用于 ?MISP?,即 ?Metrohm Inline Sample Preparation?(英蓝技术)。通过使用 Metrosep I Trap 1 - 100/4.0 保护柱可大幅降低输送水对系统空白值的影响。技术参数:柱尺寸(mm)100 x 4.0柱类型1外壳材料PEEK颗粒大小(μm)300…840pH 范围0…14最大压力25 MPa
  • 吹扫和捕获注射器 20999
    吹扫和捕获注射器The Hamilton 1005SLPT is the purge and trap version of the SampleLock syringe designed for analyzing drinking water samples according US EPA purge and trap concentration techniques (EPA methods 502.1, 502.2, 503.1, 524.1, and 524.2).The Hamilton 1005 TLL and 1025 TLL do not have a valve attachment. Only the Hamilton 1701N comes with a needle - 26s gauge, bevel tip - to be used for standard calibration.订货信息:吹扫和捕获注射器体积描述针头针Hamilton 货号货号包装5.0 mL1005TLL(not included)L (n/a)81520209991 ea25.0mL1025TLL(not included)L (n/a)82520206831 ea-1005SLPT(not included)volume 5.0 mL81570262941 ea10 μL1701N26s ga (bevel tip)L 51 mm (2 in.)80000209721 ea
  • 电子捕获检测器(ECD)
    产品特点: 衬管选择 需要日常维护的唯一部件是尾吹气组件中的玻璃衬管,特别是对于&mu ECD。所有的样品都通过&mu ECD 混合衬管的凹槽。如果灵敏度明显降低,或者在检测器端拆下/重新安装色谱柱的任何时候,都应该更换混合衬管。 订货信息: 7890/6890/6850 电子捕获检测器(ECD)备件 项目 说明 部件号 1 标准ECD尾吹气接头* G1533-80565 微池ECD尾吹气接头   G2397-80520 微池电子捕获检测器混合衬管,也与标准ECD兼容 G2397-20540 ECD尾吹气接头,只用于7890A G3433-67565 2011-2012版 ECD尾吹气接头,只用于7890A G3433-63000 2,3 绝缘杯   19234-60720   大口径衬管,用于标准ECD,聚酰亚胺涂层, 与微池电子捕获检测器不兼容 19233-20625   ECD接头端盖   19233-20755   密封垫圈,1/4英寸,Vespel 5080-8774   1/4英寸,螺帽,黄铜 5180-4105   电子捕获监测器样品   18713-60040   ECD测试样品   5183-0379   微池ECD放射性泄漏检测说明材料 18713-60050 *包括部件号为19233-20625和19233-20755的产品各一个
  • IonPac ATC-HC 硼酸盐阴离子捕获柱
    Dionex IonPac ATC-HC 硼酸盐阴离子捕获柱使用的Thermo Scientific戴安的IonPac ATC-HC和ATC-HC阴离子500捕获柱剥离的去离子水或RFIC-EG淋洗液阴离子污染物,以防止他们到达门卫或分析柱。这些高容量捕获柱是专门为RFIC-EG系统使用而设计的。的戴安的IonPac ATC-HC500列是相同的戴安的IonPac ATC-HC柱,但填充在柱体,其与在HPIC系统压力高达5000磅(34.5兆帕)不停运转兼容。Dionex IonPac ATC-HC 硼酸盐阴离子捕获柱订货信息:IonPac ATC-HC Anion Trap Column Borate Form (9 x 75 mm)064755PROD,COL,IP,ATC-HC 500,BORATE FORM075979The ATC-HC Borate Form Anion Trap Column is a high capacity anion-exchange trap column designed for use with borate eluents. The ATC-HC Borate Form is placed between the pump outlet and inlet of the EGC-KOH II cartridge to strip anionic contaminants from the deionized water and prevent them from reaching the guard and analytical columns.IonPac ATC-HC Borate Form Anion Trap Column SpecificationsDimensions:IonPac ATC-HC Borate Form Anion Trap Column: 9 × 75 mmMobile Phase Compatibility:0-50% HPLC solventsSubstrate Characteristics:Bead Diameter: 55 μmCrosslinking (%DVB): 8%Functional Group Characteristics:Ion-Exchange Group: Quaternary ammoniumHydrophobicity: LowCapacity:4.0 meq (9 × 75 mm)Data SheetsConcentrator and Trap Columns Data SheetManualsIonPac ATC-HC and ATC-3 Product Manual?
  • Dionex 氨基酸捕获柱 046122
    Dionex 氨基酸捕获柱对于单糖分析,使用的Thermo Scientific 戴安AminoTrap柱,直到单糖被洗脱,保留干扰氨基酸。在地方保护柱和一个分析碳水化合物单糖柱,如戴安CARBOPACPA20或PA10 CARBOPAC柱之前安装此在线预处理列。在此配置中,AminoTrap柱消除了对样品如糖蛋白水解产物或含有赖氨酸的食物来源的工作电极的结垢。
  • Dionex IonPac CTC阳离子捕获柱 043132
    Dionex IonPac CTC阳离子捕获柱Thermo Scientific 戴安IonPac CTC-1和CTC 500阳离子捕获柱包含高容量,低效率,在氢离子型阳离子交换树脂,从洗脱液去除微量阳离子污染物。陷阱被安装在现有的喷射阀,以防止假峰和梯度色谱过程中减少基线漂移洗脱液线。该戴安反恐委员会的IonPac 500支持HPIC?系统压力达5000磅(34.5兆帕)。对于RFIC?MSA淋洗液代应用程序,使用戴安CR-CTC。Dionex CTCIonPac阳离子捕获柱订货信息:IonPac CTC Cation Trap Column 2 mm043132IonPac CTC-1 Cation Trap Column040192PROD,COL,IP,CTC 500,2MM079019PROD,COL,IP CTC 500,4MM,9X24MM075977The Thermo Scientific? Dionex? IonPac? CTC-1 and CTC 500 Cation Trap Columns contain high-capacity, low-efficiency, cation-exchange resin in the hydronium ion form, to remove trace cation contaminants from eluents. The trap is installed in the eluent line prior to the injection valve to prevent spurious peaks and reduce baseline shifts during gradient chromatography. The Dionex IonPac CTC 500 supports HPIC? system pressures up to 5000 psi (34.5 MPa). For RFIC? MSA eluent generation applications, use the Dionex CR-CTC.IonPac CTC Cation Trap Column SpecificationsCTC 500 Cation Trap Column SpecificationsDimensions9 × 24 mm (4 mm applications)4 × 35 mm (2 mm applications)Mobile phase compatibilityAll cation exchange eluents 0–50% HPLC solventsSubstrate characteristicsBead Diameter: 500 μmCross-Linking (%DVB): 8%Functional group characteristicsIon-Exchange Group: Sulfonic acidHydrophobicity: LowCapacity3.0 meq (9 × 24 mm, 4 mm applications)0.8 meq (4 × 35 mm, 2 mm applications)Max. Operating Pressure34.5 MPa (5000 psi)CTC-1 Cation Trap Column SpecificationsDimensions9 × 24 mm (4 mm applications)4 × 35 mm (2 mm applications)Mobile phase compatibilityAll cation exchange eluents 0–50% HPLC solventsSubstrate characteristicsBead Diameter: 500 μmCross-Linking (%DVB): 8%Functional group characteristicsIon-Exchange Group: Sulfonic acidHydrophobicity: LowCapacity3.0 meq (9 × 24 mm, 4 mm applications)0.8 meq (4 × 35 mm, 2 mm applications)Max. Operating Pressure20.7 MPa (3000 psi)Product Data SheetsConcentrator and Trap Columns Data SheetManualsIonPac CTC Cation Trap Column ManualIC Column Installation QuickStart Guide
  • 安捷伦 6890气相色谱 G1533-60625 电子捕获检测器加热器/传感器组件
    维修部件部件号 :G1533-60625Electron capture detector heater/sensor assembly, used with series 6820 and 6890 gas chromatography systems电子捕获检测器加热器/传感器组件,与6820和6890系列气相色谱系统一起使用
  • 安捷伦 电子捕获检测器(ECD) 备件 G3433-63100 7890 微型气相色谱 ECD 尾吹气接头
    维修部件部件号 :G3433-631007890 微型气相色谱 ECD 尾吹气接头微池ECD 尾吹气接头,7890新型检测器微池ECD 尾吹气接头焊件组件,使用管线模块连接到EPC7820A Micro ECD 部件 项目说明单位部件号1聚酰亚胺密封垫圈,1/4 英寸10/包5080-877421/4 英寸螺帽,黄铜10/包5180-41053微池 ECD 尾吹气接头,7890G3433-63000新型检测器微池 ECD 尾吹气接头焊件组件,使用管线模块连接到 EPC旧款微池 ECD 尾吹气接头G4333-63000旧款检测器中微池 ECD 尾吹气接头为焊接组件,采用螺帽与 EPC 连接3aECD 尾吹气接头不锈钢帽,ECD 接头端帽19233-20755*4微池 ECD 尾吹气接头熔融石英衬管G2397-20540*5螺帽加热器绝热体19234-607156螺帽加热器保温罩组件19234-607007通用柱螺帽2/包5181-88308气相色谱柱电子捕获检测器的异辛烷标准溶液3 x 0.5 mL 安瓿18713-600409微型 ECD 的放射性泄漏测试工具包18713-60050
  • 二氧化钛纳米捕获柱 164212
    二氧化钛纳米捕获柱使用 Thermo Scientific™ 二氧化钛纳米捕获柱有助于对磷肽进行富集。订货信息:Nano-Trap ColumnsNano Trap Column, 100 μm i.d. x 1 cm, TiO2, 5 μm, Set of 2164205Nano Trap Column, 100 μm i.d. x 1 cm, TiO2, 5 μm, Set of 2164205Nano Trap Column, 200 μm i.d. x 1 cm, TiO2, 5 μm, Set of 2164215Nano Trap Column, 200 μm i.d. x 2 cm, TiO2, 5 μm, Set of 2164206Nano Trap Column, 100 μm i.d. x 1 cm, TiO2, 5 μm, Set of 2164205Nano Trap Column, 200 μm i.d. x 2 cm, TiO2, 5 μm, Set of 2164206Acclaim PepMap100 Nano Trap Column, C18, 5 μm, 100 A, 100 μm i.d. x 1 cm, Set of 2164197Acclaim PepMap100 Nano Trap Column, C18, 5 μm, 100 A, 100 μm i.d. x 2 cm, Set of 2164199Acclaim PepMap100 Nano Trap Column, C18, 5 μm, 100 A, 200 μm i.d. x 1 cm, Set of 2164212Acclaim PepMap100 Nano Trap Column, C18, 5 μm, 100 A, 200 μm i.d. x 2 cm, Set of 2164213The Titanium-Dioxide Nano-Trap columns support the enrichment of phosphopeptides. They are available in 100 μm and 200 μm i.d. format, and are packed with 5 μm particle size. In addition, a combination of Titanium-Dioxide and Acclaim® PepMap100 C18 is also available. TIO2 Nano Precolumns SpecificationsI.D.100-μm200-μmStationary PhaseTIO2 5-μmTIO2 5-μmTIO2 5-μmTIO2 5-μmBed Length1 cm1 cm2 cm2 cm1 cm / 1 cm1 cm / 1 cmColumnFused-silicaFused-silica
  • Dionex BorateTrap 硼酸盐捕获柱 047078
    Dionex BorateTrap 硼酸盐捕获柱 对于使用HPAE-PAD检测IC碳水化合物分析中最佳的性能,使用的Thermo Scientific戴安BorateTrap在线捕获柱除去硼酸盐污染。当放置洗脱液泵和注射阀,陷阱上的碳水化合物分析物的效率或保留时间没有影响之间。的戴安BorateTrap柱消除了甘露糖,果糖,以及从硼酸污染引起糖醇峰拖尾。 Dionex BorateTrap 硼酸盐捕获柱订货信息:Borate Trap Column047078 The BorateTrap™ is an in-line trap column, and is recommended for optimal performance during carbohydrate analysis.In-line trap column removes borate contamination for HPAE-PAD.Eliminates peak tailing for mannose, fructose, and sugar alcohols resulting from borate contamination. Borate contamination in eluents can cause a significant loss of peak efficiency, especially for mannose, fructose, and reduced monosaccharides. If borate is present in the eluent, it binds both to the anion-exchange column and to the carbohydrate analytes. The carbohydrate-borate complex is less efficiently eluted from the anion-exchanger than is the carbohydrate, resulting in peak tailing, particularly where vicinal cis hydroxyl groups are present,such as for mannose and sugar alcohols. The BorateTrap eliminates peak tailing for mannose, fructose, and reduced monosaccharides, resulting from contamination of the eluent from borate. Therefore, the BorateTrap is highly recommended for optimal performance during carbohydrate analysis.The BorateTrap is a 4 × 50 mm column placed between the eluent pump and the injection valve to remove borate contamination from eluents used for HPAE-PAD. Because it is placed before the injection valve, it has no effect on the efficiencies or retention times of the carbohydrate analytes. This column is packed with a 20-μm high-capacity resin that has high selectivity for borate. The resin used in the BorateTrap is functionalized with a polyol capable of complexing borate in the presence of hydroxide. Borate is a known contaminant in laboratory water supplies. In chromatography, borate contamination of HPLC eluents may be a result of degrading deionized water systems or as leachate from borosilicate glassware.Effect of Borate and the BorateTrap Column on Monosaccharide Peak Symmetry.Data SheetsCarboPac MA1 Column for Carbohydrate Alditol and Aldose Analysis Data SheetCarboPac PA1 and PA10 Columns for Mono- and Disaccharide Analysis Data SheetCarboPac PA20 Column Data SheetManualsBorateTrap Column ManualCarboPac MA1, PA1, PA10, and PA100 Analytical Columns ManualCarboPac PA20 Analytical Column ManualTechnical NotesTN 40: Glycoprotein Monosaccharide Analysis Using HPAE-PAD with Eluent Generation
  • Dionex CR-ATC连续-再生阴离子捕获柱
    Dionex CR-ATC连续-再生阴离子捕获柱连续去除阴离子污染物洗脱剂没有离线化学再生的需要,选择hermo Scientific? Dionex cr-atc连续再生阴离子捕集柱。这种高压、电解再生捕集柱是专门为免试剂离子色谱(RFIC)系统。当探测的Thermo Scientific Dionex EGC墨盒后,戴安cr-atc 500阱柱移除所有阴离子污染物(如碳酸盐)从去离子给水在梯度运算提供了低漂移。Dionex CR-ATC连续-再生阴离子捕获柱订货信息:CR-ATC Continuously Regenerated Anion Trap Column060477CR-ATC Continuously Regenerated Anion Trap Column (Capillary) (For use with Capillary Anions Columns)072078CR-ATC 500 Continuously Regenerated Anion Trap Column075550 Dionex Integrion HPIC System088662Dionex Integrion HPIC System088663Reduces Baseline Drift by Removing ContaminantsDesigned for eluent generators in Reagent-Free? (RFIC?) systems, Thermo Scientific? Dionex? CR-ATC 500 columns remove all anionic contaminants in the eluent continuously and provide very low baseline drift during gradient operations.The Dionex CR-ATC 500 offers:Contaminant-free deionized source water and eluentTime savings—no need to perform the regeneration off-lineVery low baseline drift for improved integration and increased sensitivityIncreased productivity quality data soon after startupRemoval of carbonic acid contaminants from source waterCompatibility with Capillary RFIC-EG systemsSupport for HPIC? system pressures up to 5000 psi (34.5 MPa, Dionex CR-ATC Capillary and CR-ATC 500 only)The Dionex CR-ATC 500 column is compatible with all Thermo Scientific Dionex Eluent Generators including the RFC-30, ICS-2100 and ICS-5000+ IC systems. EG40 customers must first order the Dionex CR-TC Add-on Kit (P/N 060476). The Dionex CR-ATC (Capillary) column is compatible with all Dionex Capillary Eluent Generators such as the ICS-4000 and ICS-5000+ EG. The single format Dionex CR-ATC 500 is used with both microbore and standard-bore applications, while the Dionex CR-ATC (Capillary) is available for capillary scale applications. Continuously Regenerated Trap Column SpecificationsCR-ATC 500 SpecificationsHardware Dimensions( h × w × d)5.1 cm × 5.5 cm × 8.4cm(2.0 in. × 2.15 in. × 3.3 in.)Weight:60 g (0.13 lb.)Current Output: 125 mAConstant Voltage:24 V dcVoid Volume: 100 μLCR-ATC (Capillary) SpecificationsHardware Dimensions( h × w × d)5.1 cm × 5.5 cm × 8.4cm(2.0 in. × 2.15 in. × 3.3 in.)Weight:60 g (0.13 lb.)Current Output:1 mAConstant Voltage:12 V dcVoid Volume: 2 μLProduct ManualsContinuously Regenerated Trap (CR-TC) Column Product ManualProduct Data SheetsConcentrator and Trap Columns Data Sheet
  • IonPac ATC-3 and ATC 500 阴离子捕获柱
    Dionex IonPac ATC-3 and ATC 500 阴离子捕获柱Thermo Scientific dionex IonpacATC-3 和ATC-5阴离子捕获柱在高容量,低效率的阴离子交换树脂,在羟基的形式。柱从氢氧化物或硼酸盐淋洗液剥离痕量污染物。陷阱被安装在现有的喷射阀,以防止梯度层析期间假峰,并尽量减少梯度操作期间基线漂移洗脱液线。在一个RFIC-EG系统陷阱可以放置在Thermo Scientific的戴安EGC盒出口和喷射阀之间。在这种结构中,戴安的IonPac ATC-3和ATC500非常适合于梯度RFIC-EG洗脱液由于其低死体积。该戴安ATC的IonPac500支持HPIC系统压力达5000磅(34.5兆帕)。Dionex IonPac ATC-3 and ATC 500 阴离子捕获柱订货信息:配件Trap Column / Suppressor Clean-Up Kit059659ATC-3 4 mm Anion Trap Column (9 x 24 mm)059660ATC-3 2 mm Anion Trap Column (4 x 35 mm)079932PROD,COL,IP,ATC 500, 2MM079018PROD,COL,IP,ATC 500,4MM,9X24MM075976The Thermo Scientific? Dionex? IonPac? ATC-3 and ATC 500 Anion Trap Columns contain a high-capacity, low-efficiency, anion-exchange resin in the hydroxide form. The columns strip trace contaminants from hydroxide or borate eluents. The traps are installed in the eluent line prior to the injection valve to prevent spurious peaks during gradient chromatography and to minimize baseline shifts during gradient operation. In an RFIC-EG system the traps can be placed between the Thermo Scientific Dionex EGC cartridge outlet and the injection valve. In this configuration the Dionex IonPac ATC-3 and ATC 500 are ideally suited to gradient RFIC-EG eluents due totheir low dead volume. The Dionex IonPac ATC 500 supports HPIC? system pressures up to 5000 psi (34.5 MPa).IonPac ATC Anion Trap Column SpecificationsATC 500 SpecificationsDimensions9 × 24 mm (4 mm applications)4 × 35 mm (2 mm applications)Mobile phase compatibility0–50% HPLC solventsSubstrate characteristicsBead Diameter: 55 μmCross-Linking (%DVB): 8%Functional group characteristicsIon-Exchange Group: Quaternary ammoniumHydrophobicity: LowCapacity1.5 meq (9 × 24 mm, 4 mm applications)0.35 meq (4 × 35 mm, 2 mm applications)Max. Operating Pressure34.5 MPa (5000 psi)ATC-3 SpecificationsDimensions9 × 24 mm (4 mm applications)4 × 35 mm (2 mm applications)Mobile phase compatibility0–50% HPLC solventsSubstrate characteristicsBead Diameter: 55 μmCross-Linking (%DVB): 8%Functional group characteristicsIon-Exchange Group: Quaternary ammoniumHydrophobicity: LowCapacity1.5 meq (9 × 24 mm, 4 mm applications)0.35 meq (4 × 35 mm, 2 mm applications)Max. Operating Pressure20.7 MPa (3000 psi)Data SheetsConcentrator and Trap Columns Data SheetManualsIonPac ATC-HC and ATC-3 Product Manual
  • 抗HIS(HIS1K)捕获传感器
    包被抗 Penta-His标签抗体的传感器芯片,His标签蛋白的的浓度测定,用于直接捕获带His标签定量和动力学应用。
  • 抗鼠IgG定量(AMQ)捕获传感器
    包被抗 Penta-His标签抗体的传感器芯片,His标签蛋白的的浓度测定,用于直接捕获带His标签定量和动力学应用。
  • Human Fab 捕获试剂盒
    可直接捕获人抗体Fab片段,用于筛选和鉴定通常由噬菌体展示产生的含有人 Fab片段的样品。样品可包括粗细胞裂解物、提取物或纯化的Fab片段。
  • 安捷伦 检测器系统电子捕获检测器(ECD) 备件18713-60050 ECD 放射性泄漏测试工具包
    电子捕获检测器(ECD)部件号 :18713-60050ECD 放射性泄漏测试工具包7820A Micro ECD 部件项目说明单位部件号1聚酰亚胺密封垫圈,1/4 英寸10/包5080-877421/4 英寸螺帽,黄铜10/包5180-41053微池 ECD 尾吹气接头,7890G3433-63000新型检测器微池 ECD 尾吹气接头焊件组件,使用管线模块连接到 EPC旧款微池 ECD 尾吹气接头G4333-63000旧款检测器中微池 ECD 尾吹气接头为焊接组件,采用螺帽与 EPC 连接3aECD 尾吹气接头不锈钢帽,ECD 接头端帽19233-20755*4微池 ECD 尾吹气接头熔融石英衬管G2397-20540*5螺帽加热器绝热体19234-607156螺帽加热器保温罩组件19234-607007通用柱螺帽2/包5181-88308气相色谱柱电子捕获检测器的异辛烷标准溶液3 x 0.5 mL 安瓿18713-600409微型 ECD 的放射性泄漏测试工具包18713-60050
  • Dionex 捕获柱/抑制器清洗套件 | 059659
    产品特点:使用 Thermo Scientific Dionex 捕获柱/抑制器清洗套件输送试剂溶液并再生和清洗我们的捕获柱和抑制器。本款独立式气动试剂输送系统可避免使用分析泵来输送可能会污染 IC 系统的浓酸、浓碱或其他试剂。套件由一个 1 L 塑料储液器、一台气压调节器、一个双通液体切断阀以及一根导管和接头配件组成。本套件经过预先组装,易于安装和操作。Trap Column / Suppressor Clean-Up Kit | 059659Trap Column / Suppressor Clean-Up Kit订货信息:部件号品名描述数量059659Trap Column / Suppressor Clean-Up KitTrap Column / Suppressor Clean-Up KitEA
  • Dionex IonPac MFC-1 金属捕获柱
    Dionex IonPac MFC-1 金属捕获柱The IonPac MFC-1 金属离子捕获柱含有特殊的螯合树脂填料。该柱安装在洗脱流路的进样阀前,来消除高PH值的碱性淋洗液的过渡金属。Thermo Scientific的戴安IonPac?MFC-1和MFC 500无金属柱安装在喷射阀之前的洗脱液线,以清除由高pH值的洗脱液痕量过渡金属污染。该戴安MFC的IonPac-1和MFC 500无金属列包含一个特殊的螯合树脂。这些列从洗脱液剥离痕量污染物。陷阱被安装在现有的喷射阀,从高pH值的洗脱液除去过渡金属的洗脱液线。该戴安MFC的IonPac 500支持HPIC?系统压力达5000磅(34.5兆帕)Dionex IonPac MFC-1 金属捕获柱订货信息:MFC-1 Metal-Free Column037017The Thermo Scientific? Dionex? IonPac? MFC-1 and MFC 500 metal-free columns are installed in the eluent line prior to the injection valve to clear trace transition metal contaminants from high-pH eluents.The Dionex IonPac MFC-1 and MFC 500 metal-free columns contain a special chelating resin. These columns strip trace contaminants from the eluent. The traps are installed in the eluent line prior to the injection valve to remove transition metals from high-pH eluents. The Dionex IonPac MFC 500 supports HPIC? system pressures up to 5000 psi (34.5 MPa).IonPac MFC Metal-Free Column SpecificationsMFC 500 SpecificationsDimensions3 × 27 mmSubstrate characteristicsBead Diameter: 200 μmCross-Linking (%DVB): 20%Functional group characteristicsIon-Exchange Group: IminodiacetateHydrophobicity: MediumCapacity170 μeqMax. Operating Pressure34.5 MPa (5000 psi)MFC-1 SpecificationsDimensions3 × 27 mmSubstrate characteristicsBead Diameter: 200 μmCross-Linking (%DVB): 20%Functional group characteristicsIon-Exchange Group: IminodiacetateHydrophobicity: MediumCapacity170 μeqMax. Operating Pressure20.7 MPa (3000 psi)Product Data SheetsConcentrator and Trap Columns Data SheetManualsICColumn Installation QuickStart GuideIonPac MFC-1 Metal-Free Trap Column Manual
  • 吹扫和捕获注射器 20999
    订购信息: 吹扫和捕获注射器体积描述针头针Hamilton 货号货号包装5.0 mL1005TLL(not included)L (n/a)81520209991 ea25.0mL1025TLL(not included)L (n/a)82520206831 ea-1005SLPT(not included)volume 5.0 mL81570262941 ea10 μL1701N 26s ga L 51 mm (2 in.)80000209721 ea
  • 5890 电子捕获检测器(ECD) 备件
    订货信息: 电子捕获检测器(ECD)备件     项目 说明   部件号 1 密封垫圈,1/4英寸,Vespel10/包   5080-8774 85%Vespel/15%石墨密封垫圈,1/4英寸   0100-1331 2 1/4英寸,螺帽,黄铜10/包   5180-4105 3 ECD柱接头,1/4至1/8英寸,金属   19301-80530 5 ECD尾吹气接头   19233-80565 11 大口径衬管,用于标准ECD,聚酰亚胺涂层   19233-20625 12 用于ECD尾吹气接头的不锈钢帽   19233-20755   电子捕获监测器样品   18713-60040
  • 捕获流路–ST 构造1/16" MW系列低压多位阀
    捕获流路 – ST 构造 ST 阀用于多柱、多样品或多捕获操作,有4 到16 根进样环和位置的选择。对于应用的建议请见111 页。 1/16"接头, 孔径0.75 mm (0.030") –MW系列◇包括2"加长杆。◇ 包括不锈钢螺母和压环。◇ 标准电驱动阀使用电压:110/230 伏交流转为24 伏直流电变压器,无CE。◇ 微型电驱动阀使用电压:110/230 伏交流转为24 伏直流电变压器。选择:◇ 4 和8 位阀也可以选择。◇ 3"、4"和 6" 加长杆可选。◇ 材料:Hastelloy C 合金、Inconel 600 合金、Monel 400 合金、Nickel 200 合金、Nitronic 50 合金、钛、锆。最高压力 200psi(气体)最高温度200oCN60 不锈钢阀体Valcon E 转子1/16"接头, 孔径0.75 mm (0.030") –MW系列6 位货号10 位货号12 位货号16 位货号手动阀 (不推荐使用)2CST6MWE2CST10MWE2CST12MWE2CST16MWE气动阀A2CST6MWEA2CST10MWEA2CST12MWEA2CST16MWE标准电驱动阀E2CST6MWEE2CST10MWEE2CST12MWEE2CST16MWE微电动阀EMT2CST6MWEEMT2CST10MWEEMT2CST12MWEEMT2CST16MWE阀头DCST6MWEDCST10MWEDCST12MWEDCST16MWE转子SSACST6MWESSACST10MWESSACST12MWESSACST16MWE
  • 安捷伦 电子捕获检测器(ECD) 备件G4333-63000 微池ECD 尾吹气接头
    维修部件部件号 :G4333-63000旧款微池ECD 尾吹气接头旧款检测器中微池ECD 尾吹气接头为焊接组件,采用螺帽与EPC 连接7820A Micro ECD 部件项目说明单位部件号1聚酰亚胺密封垫圈,1/4 英寸10/包5080-877421/4 英寸螺帽,黄铜10/包5180-41053微池 ECD 尾吹气接头,7890G3433-63000新型检测器微池 ECD 尾吹气接头焊件组件,使用管线模块连接到 EPC旧款微池 ECD 尾吹气接头G4333-63000旧款检测器中微池 ECD 尾吹气接头为焊接组件,采用螺帽与 EPC 连接3aECD 尾吹气接头不锈钢帽,ECD 接头端帽19233-20755*4微池 ECD 尾吹气接头熔融石英衬管G2397-20540*5螺帽加热器绝热体19234-607156螺帽加热器保温罩组件19234-607007通用柱螺帽2/包5181-88308气相色谱柱电子捕获检测器的异辛烷标准溶液3 x 0.5 mL 安瓿18713-600409微型 ECD 的放射性泄漏测试工具包18713-60050
  • 捕获流路-ST构造流路选择阀(低压)
    ST阀用于多柱、多样品或多捕获操作,有4到16 根进样环和位置的选择。 1/16" 接头, 孔径0.75 mm (0.030") &ndash MW系列最高压力200psi(气体)最高温度200oCN60不锈钢阀体Valcon E转子 包括2"加长杆。 包括不锈钢螺母和压环。 标准电驱动阀使用电压:110/230伏交流转为24伏直流电变压器。 微型电驱动阀使用电压:110/230伏交流转为24伏直流电变压器。选择: 4 和8位阀也可以选择。 3"、4"和 6" 加长杆可选。 材料:Hastelloy C合金、Inconel 600合金、Monel 400合金、Nickel 200合金、Nitronic 50合金、钛、锆。 6位货号10位货号12位货号16位货号 手动阀 (不推荐使用)2CST6MWE2CST10MWE2CST12MWE2CST16MWE 气动阀A2CST6MWEA2CST10MWEA2CST12MWEA2CST16MWE 标准电驱动阀E2CST6MWEE2CST10MWEE2CST12MWEE2CST16MWE 微电动阀EMT2CST6MWEEMT2CST10MWEEMT2CST12MWEEMT2CST16MWE 阀头DCST6MWEDCST10MWEDCST12MWEDCST16MWE 转子SSACST6MWESSACST10MWESSACST12MWESSACST16MWE 1/16" 不锈钢定量环 &ndash 用于MW系列阀 包括两个不锈钢螺母和两个压环。 可单独定购特殊接头。 其它可选材料:电铸镍、Hastelloy C合金、Nickel 200合金、PEEK、聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)和钛。 体积货号体积货号 50 µ l SL50CSTP 1 ml SL1KCSTP 100 µ l SL100CSTP 2 ml SL2KCSTP 250 µ l SL250CSTP 5 ml SL5KCSTP 500 µ l SL500CSTP 10 ml SL10KCSTP
  • Dionex CR-CTC连续-再生的阳离子捕获柱II
    Dionex CR-CTC连续-再生的阳离子捕获柱II减少基线漂移通过去除污染物在RFIC?系统专为洗脱液发电机的Thermo Scientific?戴安CR-CTC 500和CR-CTC毛细管柱不断删除洗脱所有的阳离子污染物和梯度operations.The戴安CR-CTC 500和CR过程中提供极低的基线漂移-CTC毛细管提供:无污染的去离子水源水和洗脱液时间储蓄无需进行再生离线改进的集成和更高的灵敏度极低的基线漂移提高生产效率 质量数据启动后不久,样品预处理与戴安CR-CTC 500与该戴安CR-CTC毛细管毛细RFIC淋洗液发电系统的兼容性从源水污染物氨去除对HPIC?压力可达5000psi的支持(34.5兆帕,戴安CR-CTC毛细管和CR-CTC 500只)该戴安CR-CTC 500列是与所有的Thermo Scientific戴安淋洗液发生器包括RFC-30,ICS-2100和ICS-5000 + EG兼容。 EG40客户必须先订购戴安CR-TC附加套件(P / N 060476)。该戴安CR-CTC(毛细管)列是所有毛细管淋洗液发生器,如戴安ICS-5000 + EG兼容。单格式戴安CR-CTC 500用于与两个微孔和标准孔应用,而戴安CR-CTC(毛细管)可用于毛细管规模应用。Dionex CR-CTC连续-再生的阳离子捕获柱II订货信息:Standard RFIC Systems That Operate up to 3,000psi066262Standard RFIC Systems That Operate up to 3,000psi072079Standard RFIC Systems That Operate up to 3,000psi075551Reduces Baseline Drift by Removing ContaminantsDesigned for eluent generators in RFIC? systems, Thermo Scientific? Dionex? CR-CTC 500 and CR-CTC Capillary columns remove all cationic contaminants in the eluent continuously and provide very low baseline drift during gradient operations.The Dionex CR-CTC 500 and CR-CTC Capillary offer:Contaminant-free deionized source water and eluentTime savings—no need to perform the regeneration off-lineVery low baseline drift for improved integration and increased sensitivityIncreased productivity quality data soon after startupSample pretreatment with the Dionex CR-CTC 500Compatibility with Capillary RFIC eluent generation systems with the Dionex CR-CTC CapillaryRemoval of ammonium contaminants from source waterSupport for HPIC? pressures up to 5000 psi (34.5 MPa, Dionex CR-CTC Capillary and CR-CTC 500 only)The Dionex CR-CTC 500 column is compatible with all Thermo Scientific Dionex Eluent Generators including the RFC-30, ICS-2100 and ICS-5000+ EG. EG40 customers must first order the Dionex CR-TC Add-on Kit (P/N 060476). The Dionex CR-CTC (Capillary) column is compatible with all capillary eluent generators such as the Dionex ICS-5000+ EG. The single format Dionex CR-CTC 500 is used with both microbore and standard-bore applications, while the Dionex CR-CTC (Capillary) is available for capillary scale applications.Continuously Regenerated Trap Column SpecificationsCR-CTC 500 SpecificationsHardware Dimensions( h × w × d)5.1 cm × 5.5 cm × 8.4cm(2.0 in. × 2.15 in. × 3.3 in.)Weight:60 g (0.13 lb.)Current Output: 125 mAConstant Voltage:24 V dcVoid Volume: 100 μLCR-CTC (Capillary) SpecificationsHardware Dimensions( h × w × d)5.1 cm × 5.5 cm × 8.4cm(2.0 in. × 2.15 in. × 3.3 in.)Weight:60 g (0.13 lb.)Current Output:1 mAConstant Voltage:12 V dcVoid Volume: 2 μLProduct ManualsContinuously Regenerated Trap (CR-TC) Column Product ManualProduct Data SheetsConcentrator and Trap Columns Data Sheet
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