eVol XR 分液系统 66002-020
产品特点:eVol™ XR 分液系统基于技术人员所进行的工作,传统的移液有时可导致误差和返工。 现在有方法可以消除分液差异,提高工作效率。 Thermo Scientific™ eVol™ 分液系统是一种独特的手持式数字分液器,可精确、可重现的执行各种液体处理程序。 易于使用的设备将分析用注射器与可编程电子控制器结合,使所有用户均能获得高度可重现的分液。eVol 分液系统极其适用于需要重复分液非水性液体的实验室,可为下列应用等提供更高的精度和可重现性:常规分配挥发性溶剂、有害、腐蚀性或粘性化学品制备校准溶液添加内标该系统结合了两个精密设备:数控电子驱动器和配备 Thermo Scientific™ XCHANGE™ 的分析用注射器。 可重复的性能使您对结果更有信心可由用户简单校准,确保结果的有效性直观、易于使用的界面,配有触摸滚轮和全彩屏符合 GLP 和 GMP 指南 优异的多功能性和功能集成 XCHANGE 连接,实现进样器的快速、便捷更换,防止潜在的样本交叉污染XCHANGE 注射器添加 Thermo Scientific™ MEPS™ (盒装吸附剂微萃取)技术,可在手持式系统中经 SPE 自动化样品制备eVol XR Dispensing SystemAllows precise and accurate, operator-independent dispensing for better deployment of laboratory staff* Can be calibrated easily by user to ensure validity of results* Intuitive interface with touch wheel and full-color screen* Complies to GLP and GMP protocols* Improves confidence in reported results* Unifies two precision devices, a digitally controlled electronic drive and an XCHANGE™ analytical syringe* Integrated XCHANGE coupling allows syringes to be quickly and easily changed* XCHANGE syringes offer exceptional versatility and functionality订购信息:eVol XR Dispensing SystemDescriptionCat. No.QuantitySample Dispensing System66002-0201 EacheVol™ XCHANGE Syringe 5μL66002-0211 EacheVol XCHANGE Syringe 50μL66002-0221 EacheVol XCHANGE Syringe 100μL66002-0381 EacheVol XCHANGE Syringe 500μL66002-0231 EacheVol XCHANGE Syringe 1000μL66002-0391 EachSample Dispensing System Kit*66002-0241 EacheVol Stand66002-0251 EachCharger for eVol System66002-0261 EachCharging Stand for eVol System66002-0271 EachReplacement Battery for eVol System66002-0281 EachReplacement Plunger for 5μL eVol Syringe66002-0291 EachReplacement Plunger for 50μL eVol Syringe66002-0301 EachReplacement Plunger for 100μL eVol Syringe66002-0401 EachReplacement Plunger for 500μL eVol Syringe66002-0311 EachReplacement Plunger for 1000μL eVol Syringe66002-0411 Each* Sample Dispensing Kit contains 1 eVol XR unit, 1x5μL, 1x50μL and 1x500μL syringe.