大型测试卡尺寸:图卡测试区域高61cm、宽91.5cm,支持在室内以及环境恶劣的户外野外进行摄像头测试,因为图卡背面设计一个0.3厚的铝板。支持宽波段的红外波长:先进的红外线颜料与专门的搪瓷混合以提供LWIR所需的对比度。A modern test chart pattern designed for computer-based analysis delivers high-resolution slanted edges across the entire test chart, enabling variations in sharpness to be accurately and objectively measured across the full plane of the camera’s image sensor. The pattern also supports analysis of other key IR image quality factors, including noise and distortion.Proven software delivering trusted measurements. The IR software is built into Imatest’s Master Edition, the world’s most popular software for measuring digital image quality. IR-specific testing capabilities, such as the ability to process negative SFRplus images typically captured by LWIR cameras, are continuously being added. 1、厂家货源正品 官方直售,公司生产周期短,出厂严格检测,货品品质保障,可通过国家计量院计量。2、关于尺码 机身和包装尺寸为手动测量,由于测量工具和测量方法不同的因素,会存在1cm误差,但是不用影响运输和使用。3、关于颜色 本店产品都是实拍图片,但是由于不同显示器分辨不同以及色温和对比度差异有所不同。 4、关于客服 可以通过阿里旺旺随时联系我们,如果旺旺回复不及时,也可以拨打我们的热线电话 陈工:13310057372 (技术与销售一体,直达客户需求)5、关于售后 我们将提供完整的售后服务,包括15天退货,正品保证,交期保障等等。6、关于发货本店根据货物及客户需求,尽可能选择快捷方便的物流运输服务,一般情况发顺丰快递!