安捷伦 7820A 2110-0098熔断器,20A,中吹,与4890、5890、6850、6890、7820和7890
维修部件部件号 :2110-0098Fuse, 20 A, medium blow, used with series 4890, 5890, 6850, 6890, 7820, and 7890 gas chromatography systems熔断器,20A,中吹,与4890、5890、6850、6890、7820和7890系列气相色谱系统一起使用 AC circuit board componentsItemDescriptionPart numberQty1AC power board (without triac kit)1-- 100-120 VAC powerG4350-61060(non-RoHS)G4350-61852(RoHS)-- 200-240 VAC powerG4350-61050(non-RoHS)G4350-61851(RoHS)2Power configuration cableG4350-6055013Ceramic fuse, type x, 20A/250V2110-009824Glass fuse, type F2-- 8 A/250 V (used for 100-120 VAC boardG4350-61852)2110-0036-- 6 A/250 V (used for 200-240 VAC boardG4350-61851)2110-00565Triac jumper (order triac replacement kit)3