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仪器信息网克斯太赫兹透镜专题为您提供2024年最新克斯太赫兹透镜价格报价、厂家品牌的相关信息, 包括克斯太赫兹透镜参数、型号等,不管是国产,还是进口品牌的克斯太赫兹透镜您都可以在这里找到。 除此之外,仪器信息网还免费为您整合克斯太赫兹透镜相关的耗材配件、试剂标物,还有克斯太赫兹透镜相关的最新资讯、资料,以及克斯太赫兹透镜相关的解决方案。


  • 高阻硅角锥透镜 太赫兹透镜
    上海屹持光电推出的角锥透镜,或追透镜,用于将高斯光束变成贝塞尔光束。高阻硅角锥透镜可以把入射光束聚焦到一条由一组沿光轴的点组成的直线上,这条线形成一个等宽环,其直径随着与光学元件距离的增加而增大。常规参数材料HRFZ-Si类型axicon (conical lens)直径(可定制)25-150mm尺寸公差±0.2mm厚度公差±0.3mm粗糙度Ra 15nm镀膜高阻硅材料可镀抗反膜 更多太赫兹元件相关产品 太赫兹透镜 太赫兹偏振片 HDPE 太赫兹线栅偏振片 太赫兹衰减片 太赫兹波片 太赫兹分束镜 太赫兹光谱分光镜 太赫兹棱镜 太赫兹窗片 太赫兹滤波片 太赫兹衰减全反射测试模块 太赫兹低通滤波器 太赫兹带通滤波器
  • 非球面TPX透镜 非球面太赫兹透镜
    上海屹持光电技术有限公司提供不同规格的非球面TPX透镜 非球面TPX透镜,直径1英寸,焦距10mmTPX-D25.4-f10 • Asperic (elliptic) TPX lens • Focal length: 10 mm• Free aperture diameter: 20 mm• F* number: 0.5• Refractive index: 1.45 at 1 THz• Numerical aperture NA: 0.64• Central lens thickness: 11.2 mm• Material: TPX (Polymethylpentene) • Spatial resolution at 1 THz: 0.3 mm 非球面TPX透镜,直径1英寸,焦距15mmTPX-D25.4-f15 • Lens diameter: 25.4 mm• Focal length: 15.0 mm• Free aperture diameter: 23.4 mm• Refractive index: 1.45 at 1 THz• Numerical aperture NA: 0.59• Central lens thickness: 8.0 mm• Edge thickness: 1.6 mm• Material: TPX (Polymethylpentene) • Shape: plano-convex (aspheric)非球面TPX透镜,直径1英寸,焦距25mm TPX-D25.4-f25• Lens diameter: 25.4 mm• Focal length: 25.0 mm• Free aperture diameter: 22.4 mm• Refractive index: 1.45 at 1 THz• Numerical aperture NA: 0.38• Central lens thickness: 8.0 mm• Edge thickness: 3.1 mm• Material: TPX (Polymethylpentene) • Shape: plano-convex (aspheric)非球面TPX透镜,直径1英寸,焦距32.5mmTPX-D25.4-f32.5• Lens diameter: 25.4 mm• Focal length: 32.5 mm• Free aperture diameter: 22.0 mm• Refractive index: 1.45 at 1 THz• Numerical aperture NA: 0.3• Central lens thickness: 8.0 mm• Edge thickness: 4.2 mm• Material: TPX (Polymethylpentene) • Shape: plano-convex (aspheric)非球面TPX透镜,直径1英寸,焦距50mmTPX-D25.4-f50• Lens diameter: 25.4 mm• Focal length:50.0 mm• Free aperture diameter: 22.4 mm• Refractive index: 1.45 at 1 THz• Numerical aperture NA: 0.21• Central lens thickness: 7.0 mm• Edge thickness: 4.4 mm• Material: TPX (Polymethylpentene) • Shape: plano-convex (aspheric)其他规格的非球面TPX透镜非球面TPX透镜,直径1英寸,焦距67mm TPX-D25.4-f67 非球面TPX透镜,直径1英寸,焦距100mm TPX-D25.4-f100非球面TPX透镜,直径1英寸,焦距150mm TPX-D25.4-f150非球面TPX透镜,直径2英寸,焦距35mm TPX-D50.8-f35非球面TPX透镜,直径2英寸,焦距65mm TPX-D50.8-f65非球面TPX透镜,直径2英寸,焦距100mm TPX-D50.8-f100非球面TPX透镜,直径2英寸,焦距200mm TPX-D50.8-f200 更多太赫兹元件相关产品 太赫兹透镜 太赫兹偏振片 HDPE 太赫兹线栅偏振片 太赫兹衰减片 太赫兹波片 太赫兹分束镜 太赫兹光谱分光镜 太赫兹棱镜 太赫兹窗片 太赫兹滤波片 太赫兹衰减全反射测试模块
  • 太赫兹透镜 THz Lenses
    Tydex公司专业订制生产THz光学镜片,可以提供太赫兹专用离轴抛物镜、滤波片、偏振片、窗片、透镜、棱镜、波片、分束片、反射镜和菲涅尔透镜等,同时还提供太赫兹衰减器、太赫兹宽带相位变换器。 太赫兹透镜THz Lenses We offer THz lenses made of TPX and HRFZ-Si.1. TPX Lenses Commom specification: The following TPX lenses are available from stock: .*All EFLs are calculated for wavelength 300 µ m. EFL deviations related with refraction index dispersion at the edges of THz range (30-3000 µ m) and within visible range are negligible in comparison with EFL tolerances manufactured.Alternate sizes (max thickness 30 mm) and custom design are manufactured upon request. TPX lens (diameter 101.6 mm) For price quotation and delivery please fill in our Request Form. 2. HRFZ-Si Lenses We offer HRFZ-Si lenses of different types: hyper-/hypo-/hemispherical, bullet, and meniscus.Common specification: The polished ' ball-shaped' blanks of HRFZ-Si (with diameters 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, and 12.0 mm) are always in stock. Upon your request hyper-/hypo-/hemi-spheres will be supplied within 2 weeks as the flat surface of the lens can be polished for the required thickness. HRFZ-Si hyper-hemispherical lens (diameter 101.6 mm) The finished parts of different dimensions are available from stock and supplied within a week.For price quotation and delivery please fill in our Request Form. Also we offer HRFZ-Si meniscus lenses.Commom specification: The following HRFZ-Si meniscus lenses are available from stock: *All EFLs are calculated for wavelength 300 µ m. EFL deviations related with refraction index dispersion at the edges of THz range (30-3000 µ m) and within visible range are negligible in comparison with EFL tolerances manufactured (+/-1%).
  • 太赫兹元件 太赫兹光栅 太赫兹衍射光栅
    Tydex生产的衍射光栅用于太赫兹频率范围的光谱测量。它们是凸面相位传输光栅。这种光栅的规则结构是通过在透明衬底上切割平行的破折号(凹槽)来实现的。衬底由太赫兹范围内透明的材料制成,如TPX(聚甲基戊烯)和ZEONEX(环烯烃聚合物)。光栅可用于:• 太赫兹光谱 • 太赫兹诊断仪器 • 光电设备 • 天文学和天体物理应用,包括天基 • 材料研究。光栅在0.3-3太赫兹范围内的以下传输频段有四个标准选项:0.28-0.55太赫兹 0.49 - -0.98太赫兹 0.87 - -1.75太赫兹 1.56 - -3.12太赫兹。其他频段0.3-3太赫兹范围内的光栅可根据客户要求生产。TPX和ZEONEX板在切割槽前的两侧抛光后的透射光谱如下图所示。 太赫兹光栅通常做成方形,一面35毫米到70毫米。其他形状和尺寸可根据需要提供。根据预期的应用,衍射光栅可以用于各种光学安排,有或没有聚光透镜。用夫琅禾费近似法计算了单色波的光栅参数、衍射波强度和一阶最大角。为了验证操作,并比较计算和实际参数,测量了光栅在不同太赫兹辐射源下的各种光学排列方式下的特性。使用了两个光源。第一种是远红外激光,这是一种亚毫米的甲醇蒸汽激光,由可调谐的CO2激光(Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University)泵浦。第二个是自由电子激光器(FEL),一种自由电子激光器(Siberian Synchrotron and THz Radiation Center, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, RAS)。图3和图4描绘了使用FIR激光器作为辐射源时,间距d=250 μm的TPX和ZEONEX光栅的单色波强度(λ=118 μm)与衍射角的关系。图5和图6给出了单色波的强度(λ=141 μm)对衍射角的影响。在第二种情况下,一个会聚透镜被放置在光栅和辐射传感器之间。这些图的比较表明,在第一种情况下,零阶和一阶极大值比透镜排列更宽。这是由会聚透镜使平行光束聚焦的结果。用户在根据自己的意图设计实验时,必须考虑到这一点。当光栅用于研究辐射源的特性(功率、光束形状、能量分布等)时,透镜是多余的。但当光谱线需要分辨时,透镜就变得必不可少。对于使用瑞利准则确定特定透射带的衍射光栅,衍射单色波的强度与波长有关。它在山脉中部达到最大值,在边界附近下降。例如,数据3-6结果表明,对于间距为250 μm的TPX和ZEONEX衍射光栅(透射波段为1.56 ~ 3.12 THz或96 ~ 192 μm), λ=141 μm单色波的一阶最大光强是λ=118 μm单色波的几倍。(第一个在传输带的中间,而第二个更接近边缘。)它与用夫琅和费近似计算的单色波理论衍射波强度和一阶最大角相匹配。由于测试光栅时使用的辐射源和光学安排不同,下面的强度以任意单位给出。研究数据表明,该方法具有较高的光学效率和运算最大值的分辨率。因此,这种光栅可以有效地用于研究辐射源的光谱,包括低功率源,这是研究太赫兹频率范围的一个重要能力。
  • 泰德克斯 太赫兹元件 其他耗材
    Tydex公司专业订制生产THz光学镜片,可以提供太赫兹专用离轴抛物镜、滤波片、偏振片、窗片、透镜、棱镜、波片、分束片、反射镜和菲涅尔透镜等,同时还提供太赫兹衰减器、太赫兹宽带相位变换器。THz透镜有TPX和HRFZ-Si两种材质1,TPX透镜:材料TPX直径至100mm直径公差±0.25焦距25mm-200mm焦距公差±1%表面精确度±0.01偏离度(标准平凸面) 2,高阻硅球透镜:材料本征高阻硅材料直径 2-150mm尺寸公差±0.1折射率3.41电阻率10KΩcm平面/非球面抛光/镀抗反膜 3,弯月面型高阻硅透镜:直径至100mm焦距25-200mm边缘厚度变化≤0.05表面质量scr/dig : 80/50
  • 太赫兹衍射光栅,太赫兹光栅,THz Diffraction Gratings
    产品简介:Tydex推出的新产品太赫兹衍射光栅用于太赫兹频率范围的光谱测量。它们是凸面相位透射型光栅。这种光栅的规则结构是通过在透明衬底上切割平行的凹槽来实现的。衬底由太赫兹波段的透明材料制成,如TPX(聚甲基戊烯)和ZEONEX(环烯烃聚合物)。太赫兹衍射光栅应用:• 太赫兹光谱 • 太赫兹诊断仪器 • 光电设备 • 天文学和天体物理应用,包括天基 • 材料研究。太赫兹衍射光栅性能特点:在0.3-3THz范围内,我们有四个太赫兹光栅的标准产品选项:0.28-0.55THz 0.49 - -0.98THz 0.87 - -1.75THz 1.56 - -3.12THz。其他频段0.3-3THz范围内的光栅可根据客户要求生产。TPX和ZEONEX板在切割槽前的两侧抛光后的透射光谱如下图所示。太赫兹光栅通常做成方形,变长一般为35mm到70mm。其他形状和尺寸可根据需要提供。根据预期的应用,太赫兹衍射光栅可以用于各种有或没有聚焦透镜的太赫兹光学实验。我们用夫琅禾费近似法计算了单色波的光栅参数、衍射波强度和一阶最大角。为了验证操作,并比较模拟计算和实际测量参数,我们测量了太赫兹光栅在不同太赫兹辐射源下de特性。使用了两个光源。第一种是远红外激光,这是一种亚毫米的甲醇蒸汽激光,由可调谐的CO2激光(Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University)泵浦。第二个是自由电子激光器(FEL),一种自由电子激光器(Siberian Synchrotron and THz Radiation Center, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, RAS)。图3和图4描绘了使用FIR激光器作为辐射源时,间距d=250 μm的TPX和ZEONEX光栅的单色波强度(λ=118 μm)与衍射角的关系。图5和图6给出了单色波的强度(λ=141 μm)对衍射角的影响。在第二种情况下,一个会聚透镜被放置在光栅和辐射探测器之间。这些图的比较表明,在第一种情况下,零阶和一阶极最大值比有透镜的光路更宽。这是由会聚透镜使平行光束聚焦的结果。用户在根据自己的意图设计实验时,必须考虑到这一点。当光栅用于研究辐射源的特性(功率、光束形状、能量分布等)时,透镜是多余的。但当光谱线需要分辨时,透镜就变得必不可少。对于使用瑞利判据确定特定透射带的衍射光栅,衍射单色波的强度与波长有关。它在曲线中部达到最大值,在边界附近下降。例如,数据3-6结果表明,对于间距为250 μm的TPX和ZEONEX衍射光栅(透射波段为1.56 ~ 3.12 THz或96 ~ 192 μm), λ=141 μm单色波的一阶最大光强是λ=118 μm单色波的几倍。(第一个在传输带的中间,而第二个更接近边缘。)它与用夫琅和费近似计算的单色波理论衍射波强度和一阶最大角相匹配。由于测试光栅时使用的辐射源和光学实验配置不同,下面的强度以任意单位给出。研究数据表明,该方法具有较高的光学效率和运算最大值的分辨率。因此,这种光栅可以有效地用于研究辐射源的光谱,包括低功率源,这是研究太赫兹频率范围的一个重要能力。
  • Tydex 太赫兹增透镀膜 THz AR Coatings
    Tydex公司专业订制生产THz光学镜片,可以提供太赫兹专用离轴抛物镜、滤波片、偏振片、窗片、透镜、棱镜、波片、分束片、反射镜和菲涅尔透镜等,同时还提供太赫兹衰减器、太赫兹宽带相位变换器。 太赫兹这增透镀膜 THz AR Coatings 众所周知高阻硅的透过率只有54%,石英晶体的透过率在50%左右,他们的反射损失都很大。为了减少反射损失,可以镀一层增透膜。 我们能提供聚乙烯和聚对二甲苯AR膜。聚乙烯膜只能用于窗片。聚对二甲苯适用于窗片,也适用于透镜。 AR膜的波长由客户决定,我们能提供60-1300μm。1. 两面镀膜两面镀膜适用于窗片和月牙透镜。镀膜的波长范围如下:聚乙烯: - 60-80 &mu m, 110-160 &mu m, 160-220 &mu m, 320-430 &mu m, 375-510 &mu m, 480-650 &mu m, 535-725 &mu m, 645-870 &mu m, 695-940 &mu m, and 965-1305 &mu m 聚对二甲苯:99-125 &mu m.聚乙烯和聚对二甲苯都能用于高阻硅,但是石英晶体只能镀聚对二甲苯。下图是高阻硅镀聚乙烯和没镀膜的透过率曲线图Fig. 1.高阻硅镀聚乙烯和没镀膜的透过率曲线图 镀膜波长范围160-220μmFig. 2. 石英窗片双面镀聚对二甲苯和没有镀膜的透过率曲线图 镀膜波长范围99-125μm2. 一面镀膜朝半头透镜只能做一面镀膜。镀膜的波长范围是99-125μm。透过率可以增加30%左右。镀膜是镀在球面上不是平面上。Fig.3. 超半球透镜球面镀膜的模拟传播光路。镀膜波长99-125μm
  • Tydex 太赫兹衍射光学器件
    Tydex公司专业订制生产THz光学镜片,可以提供太赫兹专用离轴抛物镜、滤波片、偏振片、窗片、透镜、棱镜、波片、分束片、反射镜和菲涅尔透镜等,同时还提供太赫兹衰减器、太赫兹宽带相位变换器。 太赫兹衍射光学器件THz Diffractive Optical ElementsBeam handling is required in many THz applications. Currently it is carried out by parabolic mirrors and refractive optics. However diffractive optics opens up new, basically different opportunities of beam handling since it allows realizing spatial transformation of THz beam.To satisfy needs in diffractive optics for THz range we have developed calculation methods and manufacturing technology of the following diffractive optical elements (DOE):- THz Fresnel lenses,- THz beam dividers.Commom Specification: 类型太赫兹菲涅尔透镜太赫兹分光器 材料 HRFZ-Si HRFZ-Si 机械直径 to 55 mm to 55 mm 光学直径 to 50 mm to 50 mm 厚度 1 mm 1 mm 波长范围 60-250 µ m 60-250 µ m 衍射效率 40% 80% 镀膜 双面减反射膜 双面减反射膜
  • 太赫兹源、探测器和元器件 TYDEX/BATOP
    Tydex公司专业订制生产THz光学镜片,可以提供太赫兹专用离轴抛物镜、滤波片、偏振片、窗片、透镜、棱镜、波片、分束片、反射镜和菲涅尔透镜等,同时还提供太赫兹衰减器、太赫兹宽带相位变换器。BATOP从事的专业领域包括:低温分子束外延技术,介质溅射镀膜,晶圆加工和芯片安装技术。在过去几年里, BATOP 已成为一个用于被动锁模激光器的可饱和吸收体的世界领先的供应商。可饱和吸收产品集合了各式各样的不同的器件,从可饱和吸收镜(SAM&trade ),到可饱和输出镜(SOC)和用于透过应用的可饱和吸收体(SA)。迄今为止,可饱和吸收产品已经覆盖了800nm2.6µ m的常用激光波长范围。另一个产品系列是用于太赫兹发射和探测的太赫兹光电导天线(PCA)。BATOP不仅提供单带隙天线,还包括整合了微透镜的高能大狭缝交叉天线阵列和整套的太赫兹光谱仪。 本公司为您提供太赫兹光源、太赫兹探测器及各种太赫兹元器件: 01、太赫兹探测器 THz Golay cell 02、太赫兹低通滤波片 THz Low Pass Filter 03、太赫兹带通滤波片 THz Band Pass Filters 04、太赫兹偏振片 THz Polarizers 05、太赫兹衰减器 THz Attenuators 06、太赫兹窗片 THz Windows 07、太赫兹透镜 THz Lenses 08、太赫兹棱镜 THz Prisms 09、太赫兹波片 THz Waveplates 10、太赫兹宽带相位变换器 THz Board-band Phase Transformers 11、太赫兹光谱分光片 THz Spectral Splitters 12、太赫兹分束镜 THz Beam Splitters 13、太赫兹平面反射镜 THz Mirrors 14、太赫兹衍射光学器件THz Diffractive Optical Elements 15、太赫兹增透镀膜 THz AR Coatings 16、离轴抛物镜 OAP 17、太赫兹晶体 ZnTe 18、太赫兹光电导天线 PCA
  • Tydex 太赫兹衍射光学器件THz DOE
    Tydex公司专业订制生产THz光学镜片,可以提供太赫兹专用离轴抛物镜、滤波片、偏振片、窗片、透镜、棱镜、波片、分束片、反射镜和菲涅尔透镜等,同时还提供太赫兹衰减器、太赫兹宽带相位变换器。 太赫兹衍射光学器件 THz Diffractive Optical ElementsBeam handling is required in many THz applications. Currently it is carried out by parabolic mirrors and refractive optics. However diffractive optics opens up new, basically different opportunities of beam handling since it allows realizing spatial transformation of THz beam. To satisfy needs in diffractive optics for THz range we have developed calculation methods and manufacturing technology of the following diffractive optical elements (DOE): - THz Fresnel lenses, - THz beam dividers.Commom Specification: 类型太赫兹菲涅尔透镜太赫兹分光器 材料 HRFZ-Si HRFZ-Si 机械直径 to 55 mm to 55 mm 光学直径 to 50 mm to 50 mm 厚度 1 mm 1 mm 波长范围 60-250 µ m 60-250 µ m 衍射效率 40% 80% 镀膜 双面减反射膜 双面减反射膜
  • Tydex 太赫兹分束镜 THz Beam Splitters
    Tydex公司专业订制生产THz光学镜片,可以提供太赫兹专用离轴抛物镜、滤波片、偏振片、窗片、透镜、棱镜、波片、分束片、反射镜和菲涅尔透镜等,同时还提供太赫兹衰减器、太赫兹宽带相位变换器。 太赫兹分束镜THz Beam Splitters We offer THz beam splitters of 2 types:- single-pass beam splitter. It is used in optical schemes where radiation passes through beam splitter one time - multi-pass beam splitter for interferometer scheme where beam passes throughsplitter several times. The material of THz beam splitter is HRFZ-Si. These beam splitters provide transmittance/reflectance ratio about 54/46 (%) in the wide wavelength range without any coating.Reflection and transmission curves are shown below.Fig.1 HRFZ-Si transmission and reflection (sample thickness - 5 mm).1. Single-pass THz Beam Splitter The specification for the single-pass beam splitter is the same as for a HRFZ-Si window. In fact plano-plano HRFZ-Si window could be used as single-pass beam splitter.Commom specification: MaterialHRFZ-Si Type plano-plano Available sizes, mm to 150 Diameter or cross-cut tolerance,mm +0.0 /-0.1 Thickness tolerance, mm +/0.1 Clear apperture, % =90 Parallelism, arc. min 3 Surface quality (two-sided polishing), scr/dig 60/40 Surface accuracy, mm +/-0.01 deviation from ideal plane The finished parts of different dimensions are available from stock and supplied within a week.Please check the Optics stock.Custom sizes are manufactured upon request.For price quotation and delivery please fill in our Request form. 2. Multi-pass THz Beam Splitter The multi-pass beam splitter (for interferometers) as opposed to a single-pass beam splitter should be produced with a high accuracy.Commom specification: MaterialHRFZ-Si Type plano-plano Available sizes, mm to 150 Diameter or cross-cut tolerance,mm +0.0 /-0.1 Thickness tolerance, mm +/-0.01 Clear apperture, % =90 Parallelism, arc. sec 5 Surface quality (two-sided polishing), scr/dig 60/40 Surface accuracy, &lambda @633 nm 1 The following multi-pass THz beam splitters are available from stock: No. Diameter Thickness mm mm 1 40x30 3.5 2 50.8 3.5 Please check the Optics stock. Custom sizes are manufactured upon request.
  • 太赫兹宽带相位变换器
    Tydex公司专业订制生产THz光学镜片,可以提供太赫兹专用离轴抛物镜、滤波片、偏振片、窗片、透镜、棱镜、波片、分束片、反射镜和菲涅尔透镜等,同时还提供太赫兹衰减器、太赫兹宽带相位变换器。 太赫兹宽带相位变换器THz Board-band Phase TransformersDownload THz Board-band Phase Transformers Datasheet (PDF, 360 KB)THz monochromatic waveplates can be used only at single wavelength since phase retardation strongly depends on the wavelength. Sometimes it' s necessary to have nearly constant retardation at the specified wavelength range. For that case we have developed THz broad-band phase transformers. Basic methods of broad-band phase transformers calculation are well-known. However, they are not suitable for the case if measuring system has high resolution. So we have modified the methods to take into account interference effect. Broad-band phase transformers consist of several specially oriented crystal quartz plates. The plates are stacked together and fixed into a holder. According to Jones formalism system of several retardation plates is optically equal to system containing only two elements: so called &ldquo retarder&rdquo and&ldquo rotator&rdquo (please see Fig.1). Retarder provides required phase shift (usually &pi or &pi /2). Rotator turns the polarization plane at angle &omega .Fig.1. Broad-band phase transformer in terms of Jones formalismand its position relative to polarizer and analyzer. There are two types of broad-band phase transformers: 1) &omega is not 0º and it depends on the wavelength. We call it &ldquo achromatic polarization converter&rdquo (APC). Example of &omega behavior is below. Fig.2.a) Angle &omega of the APC L/4@60-300 um. 2) &omega is about 0º and it is constant within the operating wavelength range. In this case it is usual &ldquo achromatic waveplate&rdquo (AWP) and its operating principle is the same as of monochromatic waveplate. Fig.2.b) Angle &omega of the AWP L/4@60-95 um. 类型 THz Achromatic Polarization Converter太赫兹消色差偏振转换器 THz Achromatic Wave Plate太赫兹消色差波片 延迟 L/4 L/4 操作波长范围 60-300 um ,或用户指定 60-95 um ,或用户指定 椭圆率公差 +/- 3%,或用户指定 +/- 10 %,或用户指定 通光孔径, 25 mm (标准) ,或25mm (用户指定) 支架 传统光学光学底座或旋转器筱晓(上海)光子技术有限公司Micro photons (Shanghai)Technology Co., LTDEmail:info@microphotons.com上海总部:电话:021-64149583地址:上海市闵行区春都路358弄27号楼504,201108
  • Tydex 太赫兹平面反射镜 THz Mirrors
    Tydex公司专业订制生产THz光学镜片,可以提供太赫兹专用离轴抛物镜、滤波片、偏振片、窗片、透镜、棱镜、波片、分束片、反射镜和菲涅尔透镜等,同时还提供太赫兹衰减器、太赫兹宽带相位变换器。 THz Mirrors We offer mirrors for applications where THz radiation has to be fully reflected.Commom specification: Material of substrateQuartz glass Type plano-plano Dimensions tolerance,mm +/-025 Clear apperture, % =90 Surface quality of polished surfaces, scr/dig 40/20 Surface quality of ground surface, Ra 2.5 Surface accuracy, &lambda @633nm 1/4 Coating protected gold Thickness of gold layer, nm ~400 Typical reflection curve is shown below. Measurements were made up to 1000 &mu m. However operating wavelength range is much wider. Fig. Reflection od THz mirror. The following THz mirrors are available from stock: No. Diameter Thickness, mm mm inches 1 25.4 1.0 6.35 2 38.1 1.5 6.35 3 50.8 2.0 6.35 4 76.23.0 6.35 Custom sizes are manufactured upon request.The finished parts of different dimensions are available from stock and supplied within a week.Please check the Optics stock.
  • Tydex 太赫兹平面反射镜 THz Mirrors
    Tydex公司专业订制生产THz光学镜片,可以提供太赫兹专用离轴抛物镜、滤波片、偏振片、窗片、透镜、棱镜、波片、分束片、反射镜和菲涅尔透镜等,同时还提供太赫兹衰减器、太赫兹宽带相位变换器。 THz Mirrors We offer mirrors for applications where THz radiation has to be fully reflected.Commom specification: Material of substrateQuartz glass Type plano-plano Dimensions tolerance,mm +/-025 Clear apperture, % =90 Surface quality of polished surfaces, scr/dig 40/20 Surface quality of ground surface, Ra 2.5 Surface accuracy, &lambda @633nm 1/4 Coating protected gold Thickness of gold layer, nm ~400 Typical reflection curve is shown below. Measurements were made up to 1000 &mu m. However operating wavelength range is much wider. Fig. Reflection od THz mirror. The following THz mirrors are available from stock: No. Diameter Thickness, mm mm inches 1 25.4 1.0 6.35 2 38.1 1.5 6.35 3 50.8 2.0 6.35 4 76.2 3.0 6.35 Custom sizes are manufactured upon request. The finished parts of different dimensions are available from stock and supplied within a week.
  • 太赫兹衰减器 THz Attenuators
    Tydex公司专业订制生产THz光学镜片,可以提供太赫兹专用离轴抛物镜、滤波片、偏振片、窗片、透镜、棱镜、波片、分束片、反射镜和菲涅尔透镜等,同时还提供太赫兹衰减器、太赫兹宽带相位变换器。 太赫兹衰减器THz Attenuators Tydex offers a set of THz attenuators for attenuation of high-power THz radiation. The variable wheel attenuator consists of 5 wheels. Four wheels contain metalized wedged silicon wafers with different attenuation levels and one wheel is empty. If necessary the empty wheel can be filled with a custom element (e.g. filter). Four attenuators have transmission 30%, 10%, 3%, and 1%. These attenuator elements can be used as a single attenuator or in combination that allows achieving different levels of attenuation. Transmission curves (noise is smoothed) of attenuator elements are shown below. Measurements were made up to 1000 &mu m. However, operating wavelength range is much wider. It follows from physical mechanism of attenuator operation.Fig. Transmission of THz attenuator elements Transmission values of different combinations of attenuators are given in the table below.Common specification: The following THz attenuators are available from stock: Please check our Optics stock.
  • 太赫兹波片 THz Waveplates
    Tydex公司专业订制生产THz光学镜片,可以提供太赫兹专用离轴抛物镜、滤波片、偏振片、窗片、透镜、棱镜、波片、分束片、反射镜和菲涅尔透镜等,同时还提供太赫兹衰减器、太赫兹宽带相位变换器。 太赫兹波片THz Waveplates Polarimetry technique is very important for analyzing the THz radiations (divergence, spatial or frequency modes, and profiles). The key instrument in polarimetry is polarization modulator which identifies and measures polarized signal. Plano-plano plates, made of birefringent material, are used for modifying polarization state of radiation. A waveplate works by shifting the phase between two perpendicular polarization components of the wave. The most common types of waveplates are a half-wave plate (&lambda /2 plate) and a quarter-wave plate (&lambda /4 plate). &lambda /2 plate gives phase delay &pi and &lambda /4 plate - &pi /2. A half-wave plate changes the polarization direction of linear polarized light. A quarter-wave plate changes linearly polarized light to circular and vice versa.Waveplate will not change the polarization of linearly polarized beam if the polarization direction is along one of waveplate axes. Operating principle of half-wave and qurter-wave plates is shown below:Half-wave plateQuarter-wave plate Tydex offers the following THz waveplates for single operation wavelength: Common specification:
  • 太赫兹窗片 THz Windows
    Tydex公司专业订制生产THz光学镜片,可以提供太赫兹专用离轴抛物镜、滤波片、偏振片、窗片、透镜、棱镜、波片、分束片、反射镜和菲涅尔透镜等,同时还提供太赫兹衰减器、太赫兹宽带相位变换器。 太赫兹窗片THz Windows We offer THz windows made of crystal and polymer materials.1. Crystals 1.1 HRFZ-Si WindowsCommom specification: The following HRFZ-Si windows are available from stock: Custom sizes are manufactured upon request.The finished parts of different dimensions are available from stock and supplied within a week.Please check the Optics stock.For price quotation and delivery please fill in our Request form. 1.2 THz Grade Crystal Quartz and THz Grade Saphhire Windows Commom specification: The following THz Grade Crystal Quartz windows are available from stock: Alternate sizes and custom designs are available upon request. The following sizes of THz grade crystal quartzare are available:- for crystals grown along Z-axis: X =100 mm, Y=150 mm and Z up to 35 mm - for crystals grown along X-axis: X up to 30 mm, Y=100 mm and Z=125 mm. THz grade sapphire windows are available upon request.The finished parts of different dimensions are available from stock and supplied within a week.Please checkthe Optics stock.For price quotation and delivery please fill in our Request form.2. Polymers TPX and HDPE Commom specification: 2.1 TPX Windows The following TPX windows are available from stock: Custom sizes (max thickness 30 mm) are manufactured upon request.The finished parts of different dimensions are available from stock and supplied within a week.Please check the Optics stock.For price quotation and delivery please fill in our Request form. 2.2 HDPE Windows The following HDPE windows are available from stock:Custom sizes are manufactured upon request.The finished parts of different dimensions are available from stock and supplied within a week.
  • 太赫兹光电导天线太赫兹天线THz antennas PCA
    太赫兹光电导天线太赫兹天线THz antennas PCA产品简介 光电导天线是目前THz时域光谱仪中常用的THz产生与探测器件,生产工艺已经趋于成熟。上世纪 80 年代,太赫兹之父 D.Grischkowsky 等人利用光电导天线产生了 THz 辐射。这种方法发展到现在,已经成为一种较为普遍的实验方法。如下图,偶极天线结构被制作在低温生长的GaAs 上,利用光子能量大于 GaAs 禁带宽度的超短脉冲激发天线装置,是半导体内部产生电子-空穴对,这些载流子再外加电场的作用下将会加速运动形成一个瞬态电流,从而辐射出 THz 脉冲。Batop公司简介 BATOP GmbH成立于2003年,是一家曾隶属于德国耶拿大学的私人创新型公司。BATOP从事的专业领域包括:低温分子束外延技术,介质溅射镀膜,晶圆加工和芯片安装技术。Batop的一个主要的产品系列是用于太赫兹发射和探测的太赫兹光电导天线(PCA)。BATOP不仅提供单带隙天线,还包括整合了微透镜的高能大狭缝交叉天线阵列和整套的太赫兹时域光谱仪。 太赫兹光电导天线的激发波长为800nm到1550nm之间。BATOP借助强大的研发能力来不断提高自己的产品, 我们始终和客户在一起,很好的满足他们的需求。 光电导天线选型推荐天线类型 发射探测低频段高频段低激发光强高激发光强蝴碟形天线++ ++ +--+平行形天线+ ++-+ ++-领结形天线++ +++ +-天线阵列+ ++ + -+ +-+ +领结指间形天线 +++++ +-螺旋形天线+ ++ ++ +-+-PCA 产品列表激发光波长 530 nm ... 860 nm激发光波长 800 nm ... 1100 nm激发光波长 1000 nm ... 1550 nm光导天线封装形式以及相关附件:
  • Tydex 太赫兹增透镀膜 THz AR Coatings
    Tydex公司专业订制生产THz光学镜片,可以提供太赫兹专用离轴抛物镜、滤波片、偏振片、窗片、透镜、棱镜、波片、分束片、反射镜和菲涅尔透镜等,同时还提供太赫兹衰减器、太赫兹宽带相位变换器。 太赫兹这增透镀膜 THz AR CoatingsDownload THz AR Coatings Datasheet (PDF, 64 KB)As it is known THz transmittance of crystalline materials is not high (transmittance of HRFZ-Si is only ~54% and of THz-grade crystal quartz is ~70%) due to high reflection losses. However, reflection losses can be reduced by THz AR coating. We offer polyethylene and parylene coatings. We have developed polyethylene coating technology for plane surface. Polyethylene coatings are applied for windows only. The coated windows are mounted for easy handling. Parylene coating technology for plane surfaces is well known in microelectronics. We have improved it to achieve coating on optical surfaces (plane as well as spherical ones). So parylene coatings are used for windows as well as for lenses. AR coating wavelength range is specified by customer. It' s possible to make AR coatings for ranges within the wide interval from 60 &mu m to 1300 &mu m. The following AR coatings are offered:1. Two-sided AR coating It is used for windows and meniscus lenses. Currently AR coatings centered at the following ranges are developed: - polyethylene coatings - 60-80 &mu m, 110-160 &mu m, 160-220 &mu m, 320-430 &mu m, 375-510 &mu m, 480-650 & mu m, 535-725 &mu m, 645-870 &mu m, 695-940 &mu m, and 965-1305 &mu m - parylene coating 99-125 &mu m. HRFZ-Si can be coated by polyethylene as well as by parylene while crystal quartz - by parylene only. Due to AR coating transmittance is &ge 90% within any range mentioned above. Examples of transmission curves of polyethylene coated and uncoated HRFZ-Si windows as well as parylene coated and uncoated crystal quartz windows are shown below. Fig. 1. Transmission of uncoated and two-sided polyethylene coated HRFZ-Si windows. AR coating is centered at 160-220 &mu m.Fig. 2. Transmission of uncoated and two-sided parylene coated crystal quartz windows. AR coating is centered at 99-125 &mu m.2. One-sided AR coating Usually it is applied for hemispherical lenses. Plane lens surface is not coated since the lens is used as photoconductive antenna in THz TDS setup or in superconductive bolometer. Currently AR coating centered at the range of 99 um to 125 um is developed for some specific applications. AR coating increases transmittance of the hemispherical lens by 30 %. Since it' s enough difficult to measure transmission of hemispherical lens due to its shape we have simulated transmission curves of AR coated and uncoated lenses (please see them below). Fig.3. Simulated transmission of uncoated and one-sided (spherical surface) parylene coated hemispherical lenses. AR coating is centered at 99-125 &mu m. Experimental results achieved by one of our customers confirmed increasing of transmission due to AR coating. The gain in power in his instruments while using one-side coated hyper-hemispherical lens was about 30-50% at 111 um. As you see transmittance of uncoated HRFZ-Si hemispherical lens is 6 % only. It is connected with the effect of total internal reflection. The angle of total internal reflection is about 17 deg. Due to high refractive index of silicon and lens geometry major part of penetrated into the lens THz radiation is reflected from plane lens surface-air interface. Therefore clear aperture of the hemispherical lens is 40% only. Polyethylene AR coatings as well as parylene ones centered at wavelength ranges differing from mentioned above are in progress.筱晓(上海)光子技术有限公司Micro photons (Shanghai)Technology Co., LTDEmail:info@microphotons.com上海总部:电话:021-64149583地址:上海市闵行区春都路358弄27号楼504,201108
  • 太赫兹偏振片 THz Polarizers
    Tydex公司专业订制生产THz光学镜片,可以提供太赫兹专用离轴抛物镜、滤波片、偏振片、窗片、透镜、棱镜、波片、分束片、反射镜和菲涅尔透镜等,同时还提供太赫兹衰减器、太赫兹宽带相位变换器。 太赫兹偏振片 Polyethylene PolarizersFor operation in FIR and THz regions we supply polyethylene polarizers designed to polarize radiation from 7 microns to MM waves. They are the sort of diffraction gratings and operate in transmission. The polarizer grating is made by forming grooves of a triangle profile on the substrate and subsequent deposition of a metal coating (aluminum) on one of the groove facets.ApplicationsTHz microscopyMolecular orientation studies of crystal and polymer filmsImagingSensors and detectorsFTIR spectroscopyTHz spectroscopy studiesFeaturesUsed in extremely wide wavelength range from MIR (7 &mu m) to THz ( 3 mm and even more)Substrate is high density polyethylene (HDPE)High FIR transmissionHigh degree of polarizationPolarizers are supplied in holders (protective ring with marked grid direction)Advantages of polyethylene grid polarizers compared to free-standing wire grid polarizers:Lower costPossibility to use one polarizer for the wide wavelength rangeTab. 1 Parameters of polyethylene polarizers.* For square shape polarizer maximal aperture size can be higher, up to 110 x 110 mm .* For square shape polarizer maximal aperture size can be higher, up to 110 x 110 mm .
  • Tydex 太赫兹光谱分光片
    Tydex公司专业订制生产THz光学镜片,可以提供太赫兹专用离轴抛物镜、滤波片、偏振片、窗片、透镜、棱镜、波片、分束片、反射镜和菲涅尔透镜等,同时还提供太赫兹衰减器、太赫兹宽带相位变换器。 太赫兹光谱分光片THz Spectral Splitters Tydex offers spectral splitters for applications where NIR and MIR radiation has to be reflected without transmission degradation in THz range. NIR-THz spectral splitter is used for separation of pump radiation (centered in the wavelength range 790-800 nm) from THz radiation in Ti:Sapphire laser and MIR-THz spectral splitter &ndash for separation of pump radiation (9.6 &mu m and 10.6 &mu m) from THz radiation in THz laser optically pumped by CO2 -laser.Common specification: Splitter Type NIR-THz spectral splitter MIR-THz spectral splitter Material of substarate - HRZF-Si - THz-grade crystal quartz Dimensions tolerance, mm +/-0.25 Clear aperture, % 90 Surface quality, scr/dig 60/40 Surface accuracy, mm +/-0.01 deviation from ideal plane Coating High-reflection dielectric coating (R90%) @ 730-860 nm High-reflection dielectric coating (R90%) @ 9-11µ m Angle of incidence, arc. grad. 45 Typical reflection and transmission curves are shown belowFig.1 Reflection of NIR-THz spectral splitter (two types of substrate).Fig.2 Transmission of NIR-THz spectral splitter (two types of substrate). Fig.3 Reflection of MIR-THz spectral splitter (two types of substrate). Fig.4 Transmission of MIR-THz spectral splitter (two types of substrate). The following NIR-THz and MIR-THz Spectral Splitters are available from stock: No. Diameter Thickness, mm mm inches 1 25.4 1.0 1.0 2 50.8 2.0 1.0 Please check Optics stock.
  • 太赫兹低通滤波片 THz Low Pass Filter
    Tydex公司专业订制生产THz光学镜片,可以提供太赫兹专用离轴抛物镜、滤波片、偏振片、窗片、透镜、棱镜、波片、分束片、反射镜和菲涅尔透镜等,同时还提供太赫兹衰减器、太赫兹宽带相位变换器。太赫兹低通滤波片 THz Low Pass FiltersTHz Low Pass Filters are meant to transmit THz radiation and block short wavelengths. The filter is a set of materials mounted in a holder with a fit ring. Operation principle of the filters is based on the redistribution of the radiation by means of dispersion, reflection, scattering, diffusion, diffraction, and interference.Applications: THz spectroscopy Imaging THz testing devices Astronomy, space based astronomy, and astrophysics Materials research Sensors and detectors Electro-optic research.Features:Performance in wavelength range from IR to MM High transmittance in pass band Low transmittance (0.1%) in stop band Mounted in holders.Parts Numbers Designation, Characteristics and Spectral Curves
  • 太赫兹光电导天线阵列 交叉指型光电导天线
    BATOP不仅提供单带隙天线,还包括整合了微透镜的高能大狭缝交叉天线阵列和整套的太赫兹光谱仪。 产品特点:— 高太赫兹输出功率(最高可至280uW)— 大面积发射/探测— 高的转换效率~ 10-4(100μW THz / 1 W optical power)— 谱宽 0.1 – 3 THz— 封装有超半球Si透镜和SiO2透镜阵列iPCA working principleAn extended gap along the finger electrodes of the iPCA is illuminated by a short pulse laser beam. By using the microlens array only every second gap between the finger structure is excited by the laser. The fill factor of the lens array of 73.5 % ensures, that nearly the total optical laser energy is used for excitation of carriers. Despite of the large emitting area the needed voltage for the carrier excitation is low ( 35 V) because of the small gap of only 5 μm. The coherent excitation of the single emitters located at every microlens spot results in a constructive interference of the radiated THz waves in the far field.Mounting:iPCA chip, size 4 mm x 4 mm, thickness 625μm, mounted on 25.4 mm diameter black aluminium mount with prealigned hyperhemispherical silicon lens ? 12 mm and prealigned fused silica lens array, size 2 mm x 2 mm, and 1 m coaxial cable (RG 178) with BNC or SMA connector.
  • 宽谱高功率太赫兹天线 无偏压太赫兹天线 太赫兹光电导天线
    产品特点 Eachwave推出的新型无偏压高功率宽谱THz发射器是fs激光泵浦的太赫兹源,可以用各种激光器来泵浦(如波长在700-1600nm的低功率振荡器、或者放大器)。它是理想的近场成像THz源,我们同时有太赫兹近场探针可选。当然我们的THz发射器也可以应用于远场光谱的研究以及其他THz应用。我们的THz发射器是基于一个专利技术(德国专利号:DE102012010926 A1),利用双金属光栅结构实现无偏压的光学泵浦THz辐射。THz发射器具有一个很大的可激发面积,激发光的功率可以从5mW高至1W,并不会引起转换效率饱和的现象。主要特点: ——高的转换效率(得益于其先进的纳米级双金属结构设计)——高的辐射功率(得益于其大的可激发面积)——非常适用于TeraSpike微探针的THz源——无与伦比的简单易用——可以被当做点光源来使用,亦或者阵列辐射器——辐射出光具有线偏性——非常的耐用因为没有偏压——没有暗电流辐射特性和工作原理: 近红外或红外的飞秒(建议150fs)脉冲激发TeraBlast太赫兹发射器,发射出的太赫兹脉冲辐射为线性偏振状态。下图是利用我们的太赫兹近场探针(TD-800-X-HRS),通过时域扫描的方法,探测出的太赫兹发射器表面电场。明亮的高频太赫兹振荡部分被局限在几个毫米的的区域,而低频GHz频率则在更广泛的区域被辐射出来。 辐射场的形貌可以根据调节入射激发光束来轻松地改变。太赫兹激发方案: 测试样例 (TeraBlast TD-1550-L-165): 远场自由空间太赫兹时域谱测试,N2环境,探测端为400um厚度的GaP晶体,基于异步采样时域光谱技术详细参数(a) 370mW激发,利用热电探测器测量(Spectrum Detector Inc. SPI-D-62-THz) ; (b) 可根据客户需求定制更大激发面的天线。
  • THz 波片,可调谐太赫兹波片
    太赫兹单色波片一般应用于转换特定波长的偏振态。由于这些波片只能应用于单一波长,在某些情况下(如可调谐太赫兹源)使用起来会很不方便。这种情况下,可调谐太赫兹波片(TWPC)则是一个合理的选择。上海屹持光电最新推出的可调谐太赫兹波片可以在一段光谱范围内实现任意单一波长的相位转变,配套的软件可以计算转换参数和范围。可调谐太赫兹波片由三块透明的石英双折射片子组成,每个片子都安装在一个转盘上可以360°旋转。三个转盘则严格对准固定在同一个基板上。这些片子可以被旋转到特定角度以满足特定波长不同偏振态的相位延迟。旋转角度则可以根据软件计算,除了片子的旋转角度,软件还可以计算相位延迟量,有效光轴以及偏振角度和对应波长的关系。可调谐太赫兹波片(TWPC)参数:工作模式操作波长范围半波片80um-160um(1.875-3.75THz)内任意波长1/4波片150um-300um(1-2THz)内任意波长双折射滤波片120um(2.5THz)通光孔径24mm测试数据可调太赫兹谐波片(TWPC)的不同工作模式测试数据均在傅里叶光谱仪 Bruker Vertex 70中完成1,可调太赫兹谐波片(TWPC)作为1/2波片TWPC放置在两块平行的偏振片之间,测试波长120um2,可调太赫兹谐波片(TWPC)作为1/4波片计算数据:TWPC放置在两块偏振片之间,检测偏振片在不同角度下的透过率曲线,测试波长220um实测数据:TWPC放置在两块偏振片之间,检测偏振片在不同角度下的透过率曲线,测试波长220um3, 可调太赫兹谐波片(TWPC)作为双折射滤波片TWPC放置在两块正交的偏振片之间,测试波长120um
  • 太赫兹观察卡 太赫兹显示卡
    TeraCARD宽波段激光观察卡是一种创新型大尺寸感光显示卡,提供手持式或者柱式安装操作,适用于光束观察、校准和测量。配合最小最轻性价比最高的红外热像仪,可用于紫外,可见光,红外至太赫兹,以及微波波段。 产品特性:² 大探测面积² 观察范围:0.1-3000&mu m² 适用于各种光源(如QCL,BWO等太赫兹源)² 适用于高能量激光源 型号 TeraCARD 测量面积直径 25.4mm,50.8mm 谱宽 0.1-3000&mu m 从紫外到太赫兹 损伤阈值 W /cm2 尺寸 89*54mm,信用卡大小,可定制
  • Tydex 太赫兹光谱分光片 THz Spectral Splitters
    Tydex公司专业订制生产THz光学镜片,可以提供太赫兹专用离轴抛物镜、滤波片、偏振片、窗片、透镜、棱镜、波片、分束片、反射镜和菲涅尔透镜等,同时还提供太赫兹衰减器、太赫兹宽带相位变换器。 太赫兹光谱分光片 THz Spectral Splitters Tydex offers spectral splitters for applications where NIR and MIR radiation has to be reflected without transmission degradation in THz range. NIR-THz spectral splitter is used for separation of pump radiation (centered in the wavelength range 790-800 nm) from THz radiation in Ti:Sapphire laser and MIR-THz spectral splitter &ndash for separation of pump radiation (9.6 &mu m and 10.6 &mu m) from THz radiation in THz laser optically pumped by CO2 -laser.Common specification: Splitter Type NIR-THz spectral splitter MIR-THz spectral splitter Material of substarate - HRZF-Si - THz-grade crystal quartz Dimensions tolerance, mm +/-0.25 Clear aperture, % 90 Surface quality, scr/dig 60/40 Surface accuracy, mm +/-0.01 deviation from ideal plane Coating High-reflection dielectric coating (R90%) @ 730-860 nm High-reflection dielectric coating (R90%) @ 9-11µ m Angle of incidence, arc. grad. 45 Typical reflection and transmission curves are shown belowFig.1 Reflection of NIR-THz spectral splitter (two types of substrate).Fig.2 Transmission of NIR-THz spectral splitter (two types of substrate). Fig.3 Reflection of MIR-THz spectral splitter (two types of substrate). Fig.4 Transmission of MIR-THz spectral splitter (two types of substrate). The following NIR-THz and MIR-THz Spectral Splitters are available from stock: No. Diameter Thickness, mm mm inches 1 25.4 1.0 1.0 2 50.8 2.0 1.0
  • Tydex 太赫兹隔离器 THz Isolator
    产品简介 太赫兹隔离器是一个具有单向通过性的非交互性器件。我们研发出的宽带太赫兹隔离器是基于磁光介质,无需外部磁场。 太赫兹隔离器包含两个特定方向偏振的太赫兹偏振片和一个磁光介质,磁光介质会将入射的宽谱太赫兹光束的偏振态旋转45°。太赫兹隔离器的运行机制为:太赫兹光束经过第一个偏振片变成线性偏振的光束,然后通过磁化的 钡铝六角铁氧体,由于法拉第效应,太赫兹光束的偏振态会被旋转45°。接下来于太赫兹光束通过第二个偏振片(与第一个偏振片成45°夹角),因此通过磁光介质后的太赫兹偏振方向刚好和第二个偏振片的检偏方向一致;当同样的太赫兹光束被反射回太赫兹隔离器时,其偏振态也会被旋转45°,而和最初入射的第一个偏振片的偏振方向正交而无法出射。以上就是太赫兹隔离器的运行机制。太赫兹隔离器技术参数操作频率范围0.2-1THz透过率不低于20%反射率不高于10%隔离度不低于20dB通光孔径25mm(标准)*尺寸直径60mm长度35mm*其他尺寸可以接受定制太赫兹隔离器透过率参数图1,透过和反射的振幅透过率谱线 图2. 隔离度曲线太赫兹隔离器可以用于保护敏感的太赫兹辐射源不被反射回波损坏。而且太赫兹隔离器也可以减少噪声噪声水平以及通过阻挡回波提供光学隔离度。上海屹持光电技术有限公司地址:上海市闵行区剑川路955号1108室电话:021-62209657 021-54843093 传真:021-54843093邮箱:[email protected] 网站:www.eachwave.comQQ:2920058626 微信:jesse-xue
  • 太赫兹近场探针
    Eachwave推出的低温砷化镓光电导太赫兹近场探针系列是新一代的高性能光电导型微探针,利用此太赫兹近场探针,样品表面的近场太赫兹电场可被以被空前的分辨率测量,信号质量好,噪声低。这些太赫兹探针可以无缝的与激发波长低于860nm的THz-TDS系统配合使用。THz近场探针提供了一个低成本的解决方案,可将您的THz-TDS升级为高分辨率的近场扫描成像系统。产品特点:— 市场上最小的太赫兹近场探针— 专利设计— 空间分辨率可达3um— 探测频率范围:0-4THz— 适用于所有基于激光的THz系统 — 安装可兼容标准的光机械组建— 集成过载保护电路横向场太赫兹近场探针规格参数TeraSpike TD-800-X-HRHRS最小空间分辨率3um20umPC gap size1.5um2um暗电流 @1V 偏置电压0.5nA0.5nA光电流1uA0.6uA激发波长700..860mW平均激发功率0.1-4mW接头类型SMP纵向场太赫兹近场探针规格参数TeraSpike TD-800-A-500GN最大空间分辨率8 um8 umPC gap size5 um2 um暗电流 @1V 偏置电压0.4 nA0.4 nA光电流0.5 uA0.1 uA激发波长700..860mW平均激发功率0.1-4mW接头类型SMP反射式太赫兹近场探针 反射式太赫兹近场探针是一款收发一体化的太赫兹近场探针产品。探针具有双天线结构,此结构极大的缩短了太赫兹的传输路径,可有效的应用于太赫兹近场时域谱测试以及成像测试系统中。规格参数 型号暗电流@1V偏压光电流激发波长平均激发功率链接头TeraSpike TD-800-TR.5 1.5nA 0.5uA700-860nm0.1-4mW2×SMP适用于1550nm波长的太赫兹近场探针规格参数型号脉冲上升时间带宽激发波长激发功率悬臂材料TeraSpike TD-1550-Y-BF1ps0.01-2.5THz700-1600nm 0.1-4mWInGaAs(n-type)
  • 太赫兹宽带相位变换器 THz Board-band Phase Transformers
    Tydex公司专业订制生产THz光学镜片,可以提供太赫兹专用离轴抛物镜、滤波片、偏振片、窗片、透镜、棱镜、波片、分束片、反射镜和菲涅尔透镜等,同时还提供太赫兹衰减器、太赫兹宽带相位变换器。 太赫兹宽带相位变换器 THz Board-band Phase TransformersTHz monochromatic waveplates can be used only at single wavelength since phase retardation strongly depends on the wavelength. Sometimes it' s necessary to have nearly constant retardation at the specified wavelength range. For that case we have developed THz broad-band phase transformers. Basic methods of broad-band phase transformers calculation are well-known. However, they are not suitable for the case if measuring system has high resolution. So we have modified the methods to take into account interference effect. Broad-band phase transformers consist of several specially oriented crystal quartz plates. The plates are stacked together and fixed into a holder. According to Jones formalism system of several retardation plates is optically equal to system containing only two elements: so called &ldquo retarder&rdquo and &ldquo rotator&rdquo (please see Fig.1). Retarder provides required phase shift (usually &pi or &pi /2). Rotator turns the polarization plane at angle &omega . Fig.1. Broad-band phase transformer in terms of Jones formalism and its position relative to polarizer and analyzer. There are two types of broad-band phase transformers: 1) &omega is not 0º and it depends on the wavelength. We call it &ldquo achromatic polarization converter&rdquo (APC). Example of &omega behavior is below. Fig.2.a) Angle &omega of the APC L/4@60-300 um. 2) &omega is about 0º and it is constant within the operating wavelength range. In this case it is usual &ldquo achromatic waveplate&rdquo (AWP) and its operating principle is the same as of monochromatic waveplate. Fig.2.b) Angle &omega of the AWP L/4@60-95 um. 类型 THz Achromatic Polarization Converter 太赫兹消色差偏振转换器 THz Achromatic Wave Plate 太赫兹消色差波片 延迟 L/4 L/4 操作波长范围 60-300 um ,或用户指定 60-95 um ,或用户指定 椭圆率公差 +/- 3%,或用户指定 +/- 10 %,或用户指定 通光孔径,25 mm (标准) ,或25mm (用户指定) 支架 传统光学光学底座或旋转器
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