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  • 丙酮中水分含量的检测 应用资料
    丙酮中水分含量的检测 应用资料(英文版)丙酮是油漆、药物、偶联剂的溶剂、指甲油去除剂、测试设备的清洁剂,甚至在食品领域用作制造糖和淀粉的沉淀剂。在这些应用中,如果丙酮中的水分影响产品的质量,则必须对其进行控制。本应用资料使用库仑法卡尔费休水分仪测量丙酮中水分含量的示例。
  • 使用直接测汞仪测定土壤中的汞含量(英文版)
    Mercury has been the center of public attention for sometime now due its high toxicity. There are many ways dangerous concentrations of elemental mercury can get into the soil including illegal dumping of contaminated wastes, manufacturing effluents, and even the simple operation and maintenance of mercury manometers.Testing and removal of mercury contaminated soil is a costly and time consuming job. Waiting to find out lab results from each sample batch can take hours. But now it^s possible to get lab quality results on site, and in only a few minutes.
  • X光无损检测及超声波无损检测应用手册
    X光无损检测及超声波无损检测应用手册 X光和超声波成像是两个非常有益的工具,用于无损检测电子组件产品的质量。这两种技术都提供了关于组件完整性的不同方面的信息。
  • 使用直接测汞仪测定鱼、贝类、龙虾和比目鱼中的汞含量(英文版)
    Approximately 2700 - 6000 tons of mercury are released into the atmosphere every year. Once airborne, mercury can travel thousand of miles from its generation point. Eventually, it precipitates onto the land and water. And once it enters water, mercury is transformed by microorganisms into methylmercury, the most toxic and dangerous form of mercury. Methylmercury bioaccumulates most notably in fish, increasing in concentration as it moves up the food chain.Nearly all fish contain trace amounts mercury, with certain fish containing more than others. Once on the diner table, it creates a well researched danger to developing fetuses and young children. Rapid and accurate testing is vital for public health.
  • 莱伯泰科:使用直接测汞仪测定贝类的汞含量(英文版)
    Approximately 2700 - 6000 tons of mercury are released into the atmosphere every year. Once airborne, mercury can travel thousand of miles from its generation point. Eventually, it precipitates onto the land and water. And once it enters water, mercury is transformed by microorganisms into methylmercury, the most toxic and dangerous form of mercury. Methylmercury bioaccumulates most notably in fish, increasing in concentration as it moves up the food chain.Nearly all fish contain trace amounts mercury, with certain fish containing more than others. Once on the diner table, it creates a well researched danger to developing fetuses and young children. Rapid and accurate testing is vital for public health.
  • 莱伯泰科:使用直接测汞仪测定鱼中的汞含量(英文版)
    Approximately 2700 - 6000 tons of mercury are released into the atmosphere every year. Once airborne, mercury can travel thousand of miles from its generation point. Eventually, it precipitates onto the land and water. And once it enters water, mercury is transformed by microorganisms into methylmercury, the most toxic and dangerous form of mercury. Methylmercury bioaccumulates most notably in fish, increasing in concentration as it moves up the food chain.Nearly all fish contain trace amounts mercury, with certain fish containing more than others. Once on the diner table, it creates a well researched danger to developing fetuses and young children. Rapid and accurate testing is vital for public health.
  • 莱伯泰科:使用直接测汞仪测定鱼、贝类、龙虾和比目鱼中的汞含量(英文版)
    Approximately 2700 - 6000 tons of mercury are released into the atmosphere every year. Once airborne, mercury can travel thousand of miles from its generation point. Eventually, it precipitates onto the land and water. And once it enters water, mercury is transformed by microorganisms into methylmercury, the most toxic and dangerous form of mercury. Methylmercury bioaccumulates most notably in fish, increasing in concentration as it moves up the food chain.Nearly all fish contain trace amounts mercury, with certain fish containing more than others. Once on the diner table, it creates a well researched danger to developing fetuses and young children. Rapid and accurate testing is vital for public health.
  • 莱伯泰科:使用直接测汞仪测定龙虾中的汞含量(英文版)
    Approximately 2700 - 6000 tons of mercury are released into the atmosphere every year. Once airborne, mercury can travel thousand of miles from its generation point. Eventually, it precipitates onto the land and water. And once it enters water, mercury is transformed by microorganisms into methylmercury, the most toxic and dangerous form of mercury. Methylmercury bioaccumulates most notably in fish, increasing in concentration as it moves up the food chain.Nearly all fish contain trace amounts mercury, with certain fish containing more than others. Once on the diner table, it creates a well researched danger to developing fetuses and young children. Rapid and accurate testing is vital for public health.
  • 使用DMA-80直接测汞仪测定煤灰中的汞含量(英文版)
    The US EPA has recently announced that it will begin to regulate emission of mercury from coal-fired plants, the largest source of human-made mercury pollution, generating approximately 43 tons of mercury each year. Mercury is released not only in stack gasses, but in plant waste and the coal cleaning process. The EPA will propose final regulations on coal-fired power plants by December 15, 2003.Mercury in coal has been traditionally measured by CVAAS (Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry), which is a time and labor consuming method that relies on complicated wet chemistry sample preparation.The DMA-80 Direct Mercury Analyzer from Milestone eliminates the samplepreparation step, allowing you to completely process your coal sample in about 10 minutes, instead of the hours needed for traditional methods. This rapid testing (which is as accurate, if not more so, that CVAAS) gives you the answers you need without consuming valuable time and effort. Other benefits include:Process both liquid and solid samples – no matter the matrix you will get an accurate total mercury reading. Process coal, coal ash, sludge, etc… The built-in 40-position autosampler allows unattended operation for a large number of samples The DMA-80 is portable enough to be stationed where you need it most. Sample the coal deliveries as they come in and the plant waste before it goes out. No chemicals are used in the process so no additional toxic wastes are generated. Completely compatible with US EPA Method 7473 and ASTM Method D6722-01
  • 莱伯泰科:使用直接测汞仪测定土壤中的汞含量(英文版)
    Mercury has been the center of public attention for sometime now due its high toxicity. There are many ways dangerous concentrations of elemental mercury can get into the soil including illegal dumping of contaminated wastes, manufacturing effluents, and even the simple operation and maintenance of mercury manometers.Testing and removal of mercury contaminated soil is a costly and time consuming job. Waiting to find out lab results from each sample batch can take hours. But now it^s possible to get lab quality results on site, and in only a few minutes.
  • 水泥二氧化碳测定仪做水泥中二氧化碳测定方法
  • 莱伯泰科:使用DMA-80直接测汞仪测定煤灰中的汞含量(英文版)
    The US EPA has recently announced that it will begin to regulate emission of mercury from coal-fired plants, the largest source of human-made mercury pollution, generating approximately 43 tons of mercury each year. Mercury is released not only in stack gasses, but in plant waste and the coal cleaning process. The EPA will propose final regulations on coal-fired power plants by December 15, 2003.Mercury in coal has been traditionally measured by CVAAS (Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry), which is a time and labor consuming method that relies on complicated wet chemistry sample preparation.The DMA-80 Direct Mercury Analyzer from Milestone eliminates the samplepreparation step, allowing you to completely process your coal sample in about 10 minutes, instead of the hours needed for traditional methods. This rapid testing (which is as accurate, if not more so, that CVAAS) gives you the answers you need without consuming valuable time and effort. Other benefits include:Process both liquid and solid samples – no matter the matrix you will get an accurate total mercury reading. Process coal, coal ash, sludge, etc… The built-in 40-position autosampler allows unattended operation for a large number of samples The DMA-80 is portable enough to be stationed where you need it most. Sample the coal deliveries as they come in and the plant waste before it goes out. No chemicals are used in the process so no additional toxic wastes are generated. Completely compatible with US EPA Method 7473 and ASTM Method D6722-01
  • 莱伯泰科:使用DMA-80直接测汞仪测定临床样品头发中的汞含量(英文版)
    Approximately 2700 – 6000 tons of mercury are released into the atmosphere annually. Once airborne, mercury can travel thousand miles from its generation point. Eventually, it precipitates onto the land and water. And once it enters water, mercury is transformed by microorganisms into methylmercury, the most toxic and dangerous form of mercury.Exposure to high dosage of methylmercury can cause tremors, inability to walk,convulsions and even death. Children exposed to the mercury show a variety ofabnormalities such as delayed onset of walking and talking, cerebral palsy, and slowed neurological reflexes and learning abilities.One of the best indicators of exposure to mercury is testing for concentration in hair and blood. The average concentration of mercury in non-exposed people is about 8 ppb in blood and 2 ppm in hairMercury has traditionally been measured in hair, blood, tissues, and urine by CVAAS (Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry), which is a time and labor consuming method that relies on complicated wet chemistry sample preparation.The DMA-80 Direct Mercury Analyzer from Milestone eliminates the samplepreparation step, allowing you to rapidly process your samples in minutes, instead of the hours needed for traditional methods. This rapid testing (which is as accurate, if not more so, that CVAAS) gives you the answers you need without consuming valuable time and effort.Other benefits include:Process both liquid and solid samples – no matter how difficult the matrix you will get an accurate total mercury reading. The built-in 40-position autosampler allows unattended operation for a large number of samples The DMA-80 is portable enough to be stationed where you need it most in your laboratory, in a portable testing van, etc... No chemicals are used in the process so no additional toxic wastes are generated. Completely compatible with US EPA Method 7473
  • 使用DMA-80直接测汞仪测定临床样品(血液、尿和头发)中的汞含量(英文版)
    Approximately 2700 – 6000 tons of mercury are released into the atmosphere annually. Once airborne, mercury can travel thousand miles from its generation point. Eventually, it precipitates onto the land and water. And once it enters water, mercury is transformed by microorganisms into methylmercury, the most toxic and dangerous form of mercury.Exposure to high dosage of methylmercury can cause tremors, inability to walk,convulsions and even death. Children exposed to the mercury show a variety ofabnormalities such as delayed onset of walking and talking, cerebral palsy, and slowed neurological reflexes and learning abilities.One of the best indicators of exposure to mercury is testing for concentration in hair and blood. The average concentration of mercury in non-exposed people is about 8 ppb in blood and 2 ppm in hairMercury has traditionally been measured in hair, blood, tissues, and urine by CVAAS (Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry), which is a time and labor consuming method that relies on complicated wet chemistry sample preparation.The DMA-80 Direct Mercury Analyzer from Milestone eliminates the samplepreparation step, allowing you to rapidly process your samples in minutes, instead of the hours needed for traditional methods. This rapid testing (which is as accurate, if not more so, that CVAAS) gives you the answers you need without consuming valuable time and effort.Other benefits include:Process both liquid and solid samples – no matter how difficult the matrix you will get an accurate total mercury reading. The built-in 40-position autosampler allows unattended operation for a large number of samples The DMA-80 is portable enough to be stationed where you need it most in your laboratory, in a portable testing van, etc... No chemicals are used in the process so no additional toxic wastes are generated. Completely compatible with US EPA Method 7473
  • 环境水样品的三维数据校正功能
    荧光分光光度计F-7100 的软件FL Solutions4.2(英文版 rev.9~)新增三维数据校正功能。包括三维荧光光谱的空白扣除功能,以及内滤效应校正功能(由于激发光和荧光的吸收导致荧光减弱的内滤效应现象)可应对环境水的检测要求。此次实验采用荧光和吸收通用支架通过切换样品的测定位置,获得荧光和吸收光谱从而进行三维荧光光谱的空白扣除以及内滤效应校正。
  • 液晶在不同温度下黏度变化的研究
    液晶在不同温度下黏度变化的研究 应用资料(英文版)液晶是一种既有液体属性又有固体属性的物质。此外,因为它通过热和电场改变性质,所以它作为应用设备被广泛用作液晶显示器。此应用资料使用EMS粘度计测量液晶在不同温度下的动态粘度例子,该粘度计可以通过密封、灭菌和非接触来测量。
  • 酒精度测定仪测量中国黄酒中的乙醇浓度 应用资料
    酒精度测定仪测量中国黄酒中的乙醇浓度 应用资料(英文版)测定中国黄酒中酒精度(vol%)、相对密度(t/t)和密度(g/cm3)的示例。酒精度测定仪可用于酿酒过程中的应用。技术说明: 在用酒精度测定仪测量酒精含量之前,必须按照当地法规规定的程序蒸馏酒精样品。
  • 蚀刻剂中氯化亚铁含量的测定 应用资料
    蚀刻剂中氯化亚铁含量的测定 应用资料(英文版)当蚀刻剂样品不含氯离子时,向样品中加入硫酸后,通过用0.01mol/L高锰酸钾溶液滴定来测量氯化亚铁浓度。在本应用中,由于样品含有氯离子,在滴定前加入硫酸锰以避免干扰反应。如果样品含有过多的氯离子,通过真空蒸发浓缩除去大部分氯化氢。
  • 尺寸排阻色谱手册
    塑料,聚合物,树脂等高分子材料,在我们的日常生活中随处可见,并且被广泛应用于各个领域。随着生产高分子材料的石油化工产业的不断发展,相继开发和生产出具有新的结构和特殊功能的高分子材料。作为评价和表征这些高分子分子量的方法,尺寸排阻色谱法(SEC)现在已经被广泛使用。由于分离机理简单,SEC法能够很容易得到分子量和分子量分布的结果,但是在实际测试中想获得正确的测定结果也是需要很多经验和技巧.尤其是采用SEC进行高分子的品质管理时,必须要精确考察每个参数,从而确定正确的洗脱条件。 本手册将系统介绍SEC的基本原理,测定方法,到如何优化洗脱条件,并配合实际的实验数据来进行介绍和说明。如果本手册能够给您的研究和工作带来帮助,我们将荣幸之至。-目录-1.前言2.高分子的物性和分子量,分子量分布3.平均分子量,分子量分布的测定方法4.SEC测定分子量5.色谱柱的选择方法6.洗脱溶剂7.样品浓度和进样量8.超高分子的SEC测定9.高温SEC-附录-附录1.有机相SEC典型样品和溶剂的对应关系附录2.水相SEC典型样品和溶剂的对应关系附录3.SEC使用的主要溶剂的物性表附录4.各类聚合物的色谱图
  • 莱伯泰科Sepaths UP柱-膜通用固相萃取仪—应用专辑中英文版
    High efficient tool for Solid-Phase Extraction Enclosed and automatic operation, minimized exposure to organic solvents, so does the sensitive sample to ambient air Beside normal SPE cartridges, high flow disks allow much higher flux of samples, especially large volume of environmental water samples Up to 12 samples can be processed simultaneouly Simplest operator interface, easy to go.
  • 莱伯泰科:使用DMA-80直接测汞仪测定临床样品(血液)中的汞含量(英文版)
    Approximately 2700 – 6000 tons of mercury are released into the atmosphere annually. Once airborne, mercury can travel thousand miles from its generation point. Eventually, it precipitates onto the land and water. And once it enters water, mercury is transformed by microorganisms into methylmercury, the most toxic and dangerous form of mercury.Exposure to high dosage of methylmercury can cause tremors, inability to walk,convulsions and even death. Children exposed to the mercury show a variety ofabnormalities such as delayed onset of walking and talking, cerebral palsy, and slowed neurological reflexes and learning abilities.One of the best indicators of exposure to mercury is testing for concentration in hair and blood. The average concentration of mercury in non-exposed people is about 8 ppb in blood and 2 ppm in hairMercury has traditionally been measured in hair, blood, tissues, and urine by CVAAS (Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry), which is a time and labor consuming method that relies on complicated wet chemistry sample preparation.The DMA-80 Direct Mercury Analyzer from Milestone eliminates the samplepreparation step, allowing you to rapidly process your samples in minutes, instead of the hours needed for traditional methods. This rapid testing (which is as accurate, if not more so, that CVAAS) gives you the answers you need without consuming valuable time and effort.Other benefits include:Process both liquid and solid samples – no matter how difficult the matrix you will get an accurate total mercury reading. The built-in 40-position autosampler allows unattended operation for a large number of samples The DMA-80 is portable enough to be stationed where you need it most in your laboratory, in a portable testing van, etc... No chemicals are used in the process so no additional toxic wastes are generated. Completely compatible with US EPA Method 7473
  • 莱伯泰科:使用DMA-80直接测汞仪测定临床样品尿中的汞含量(英文版)
    Approximately 2700 – 6000 tons of mercury are released into the atmosphere annually. Once airborne, mercury can travel thousand miles from its generation point. Eventually, it precipitates onto the land and water. And once it enters water, mercury is transformed by microorganisms into methylmercury, the most toxic and dangerous form of mercury.Exposure to high dosage of methylmercury can cause tremors, inability to walk,convulsions and even death. Children exposed to the mercury show a variety ofabnormalities such as delayed onset of walking and talking, cerebral palsy, and slowed neurological reflexes and learning abilities.One of the best indicators of exposure to mercury is testing for concentration in hair and blood. The average concentration of mercury in non-exposed people is about 8 ppb in blood and 2 ppm in hairMercury has traditionally been measured in hair, blood, tissues, and urine by CVAAS (Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry), which is a time and labor consuming method that relies on complicated wet chemistry sample preparation.The DMA-80 Direct Mercury Analyzer from Milestone eliminates the samplepreparation step, allowing you to rapidly process your samples in minutes, instead of the hours needed for traditional methods. This rapid testing (which is as accurate, if not more so, that CVAAS) gives you the answers you need without consuming valuable time and effort.Other benefits include:Process both liquid and solid samples – no matter how difficult the matrix you will get an accurate total mercury reading. The built-in 40-position autosampler allows unattended operation for a large number of samples The DMA-80 is portable enough to be stationed where you need it most in your laboratory, in a portable testing van, etc... No chemicals are used in the process so no additional toxic wastes are generated. Completely compatible with US EPA Method 7473
  • TSQ三重四极杆质谱简明应用手册--食品安全检测
    手册包括22个食品安全检测中常见检测方法,涉及农药残留分析包括400多种农药残留检测方法、苯并咪唑类抗菌剂、苯甲酰脲类农药检测方法、氨基甲酸酯类农药检测方法、有机磷类农药检测方法等;兽药残留分析包括β- 受体激动剂、常见抗生素类药物、激素类药物、抗球虫病类药物、抗蠕虫病类药物等;还包括生物毒素分析。每个检测方法均包含液相方法、质谱方法及详细的SRM条件,可作为参考资料辅助食品安全检测方法的开发。此外,这本手册还包括使用增强定量数据关联二级扫描(QED-MS/MS)的功能进行目标危险物筛查时的应用实例。
  • 石油产品硫醇硫的测定 应用资料
    石油产品硫醇硫的测定 应用资料(英文版)根据ASTM D3227 电位差法测定汽油、煤油航空汽轮机燃料及馏分燃料中硫醇态硫含量的试验方法进行测定。在乙酸钠的异丙醇滴定溶剂中溶解,用0.01mol/L硝酸银异丙醇溶液进行电位滴定。以滴定曲线上的一个拐点为终点。硫醇硫的含量由硝酸银异丙醇溶液的体积计算出硫的含量。
  • 气体检测管在食品级二氧化碳CO2质量检测中的应用
  • SOLIS-500激光烧蚀固体进样系统和ICP-OES联机的低合金钢分析(英文版)
    SOLIS500是一简洁的激光烧蚀固体进样系统,适用于各种类型和大小的样品。无需对样品大小有限制及样品的分解,就能进行激光烧蚀取样和大块合金的分析。 SOLIS500型固体进样系统专为ICP-OES直接进样分析大块样品而研制。事实上,任何样品都可以烧蚀进样而无需样品分解。SOLIS500采用非常稳定的高能量Nd:YAG 1064nm激光器,**功率50mJ/脉冲。样品放置在客户化设计的样品架上并通过控制键选择烧蚀取样,可以是单点或扫描取样分析。可与任何ICP-OES想联机无需光学观察和复杂的聚焦精密度和正确度与经典的固体进样技术相当适用于导电及非导电样品设置和操作简单、方便真正的免维护激光头的稳定性:1%,在满功率时
  • 激光粒度仪(干法测试)在水泥质量控制中的应用(英文)
  • 建筑幕墙用铝塑复合板的质量监控方法与试验仪器
  • 空气质量检测仪在平板电脑主机或笔记本电脑上无法运行的解决办法
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