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仪器信息网枪口速度测试装置专题为您提供2024年最新枪口速度测试装置价格报价、厂家品牌的相关信息, 包括枪口速度测试装置参数、型号等,不管是国产,还是进口品牌的枪口速度测试装置您都可以在这里找到。 除此之外,仪器信息网还免费为您整合枪口速度测试装置相关的耗材配件、试剂标物,还有枪口速度测试装置相关的最新资讯、资料,以及枪口速度测试装置相关的解决方案。


  • 探头应用-休闲食品硬度、粘性测试装置
  • 电线耐火及喷淋测试装置GB/T 19216,BS6387
    产品介绍难以着火并具有阻止或延缓火焰蔓延能力的电线电缆通常指能通过GB/T18380.3(等同于IEC60332-3)测试的电线电缆;泰思泰克电线耐火及喷淋测试仪依据标准:BS6387而设计的,本设备用于测试电线电缆在过热、过流等非正常状态下,其绝缘层的阻燃性能。它是用来测试电缆中电流标准水平的测试装置,也可测试电缆的耐火、防水状况。符合标准? BS 6387 - 电缆在着火条件下线圈完整性测试- 附录D.3在着火状态下能保证电路工作的电缆的性能要求规范特点? 带丙烷燃烧器喷灯,燃烧器开孔为36×5mm,燃烧试验温度为650±4°? 标准燃烧器前端宽度为15mm, 小孔直径为1.32mm, 孔中心距离为3.2mm,燃烧孔3排交错排列? 装有晒水器,洒水均匀? 采用直径不大于¢2的热电偶测温。? 装有校准瓶,可随时检查和控制洒水量? 试验时试品应在额定电压和规定电流下工作,并附带指示灯反映试验状态。? 喷水器的压强范围是 250Kpa~350Kpa? 喷水量为0.25?/s/㎡~0.30?/s/㎡? 无需供水系统,箱体底部自带有水槽,可保持水循环? 仪器上有指示图以免喷水不当导致火焰熄灭? 含保护电源装置的盖子,保护其不短路? 燃烧器可将火源温度加热至 650+50°? 电压供应装置有3A或者2A保险丝; ? 有两种操作模式:控制面板人工控制或者计算机软件自动控制。这是客制化设计,用户可自行选择,如果定制IEC 60331-11,12 and BS 6387,用户可使用Slidas系统,费用会相应降低测试箱体及水槽采用304不锈钢板,防止锈蚀; 喷淋头供水压力为12~14kg/cm,满足喷淋需求; 热源为不锈钢带型丙烷燃烧器喷灯,配有Venturi混合器; 燃烧器燃烧面:400×10mm,孔中心距:3.2mm; 质量流量控制器(MFC)精确控制丙烷和空气流量; 电磁阀自动控制气源; 试验时试品应在额定电压和规定电流下工作,并附带指示灯反映试验状态。规格机型TTech-GBT19216C尺寸1,480(W) x 1,200(D) x 1,250(H)mm控制台尺寸600(W)×750(D)×1,200(H)mm电源AC 220V 3-phase, 50/60Hz, 20A 重量150 kg说明书提供排气最小 15?/min工具 吸尘器,电脑,压缩气体,丙烷气
  • 探头应用-粘度指针测试装置
    该装置使用球形探头可以测试10个个别的粘性数据,可得到单一样品的平均代表性测试值,适用于粘性指针系统(Adhesive Indexing System).
  • 探头应用-通用型剥落强度测试装置
    该装置用于评估密封包装质量、强度和粘胶强度的剥离测试专用探头。 此通用装置可依据需求调整施力方向,测试容器分别以0度,45度和90度不同角度支撑。利用一个可调节的塑料皮带固定不同尺寸的容器或多样形状在质构分析仪底座位置,以夹具夹住封盖边缘往上施力测试剥离强度。 结合软件中的宏指令(Macro),快速而准确的测试结果可作为每批次的包装材料和胶粘质量的品控,另一方面也可提供产品研发的方案。
  • 探头应用-摩擦系数测试装置
    该装置包括支撑夹和水平固定板,底座上安装摩擦滑轨,连接力臂,防止样品滑动。 位于滑轨中央的2KG砝码提供压力。在往复循环过程中测定两个方向的滑动摩擦。 典型的应用包括医疗、薄膜、刮胡膏和润肤剂等。
  • 楔形拉伸试验夹具 钳口 金属非金属拉力抗折压缩弯曲测试装置
    适用范围:金属材料哑铃试样/圆棒单选轴接头:接头外径65mm, 长度92mm 插销孔径35mm,插销孔中心到接头端面距离40mm。夹具单个重量27KG.锁紧方式为双柄旋转锁紧。可选钳口:平面钳口:0-9mm,9-18mm, 18-27mm, 27-36mm V形钳口 :V4-9mm,V9-18mm, V18-27mm, V27-36mm可夹持试样宽度=50mm
  • 楔形拉伸夹具 拉力试验机测试治具弯曲测试装置
    适用范围:非金属材料哑铃试样(薄片/ 金属薄片)可选-A或B型接头:A 轴接头 外径20mm长度30mm(配 锁紧螺母) 插销孔径10mm 插销 孔到轴端面14.5mm B 孔接头 内孔20mm深30mm 插销孔径10mm,插销孔中心到接头 端面距离14.5mm。单选钳口:平面0-9mm 可夹持试样宽度=30mm
  • 面团粘性测试装置
    The SMS Chen-Hoseney Dough Stickiness Rig is an improved version of the widely used and acclaimed original development by Prof. Carl Hoseney and Dr. Weizhi Chen at Kansas State University. The SMS version offers all the advantages of the original but with added durability, ease of use and ease of cleaning. The accuracy of the stickiness result is ensured by using a lapped finish cylinder probe, which has a uniform adherence surface, to make the measurement. Examples of research to date include the investigation of dough stickiness due to overmixing, addition of excess water, overactivity of proteolytic enzymes, difference in wheat varieties and composition.
  • 薄膜测试装置
    The Film Support Rig allows the measurement of the resilience of fine films. Prior to performing the test, the sample is placed over a hole in a raised perspex platform. A top plate prevents the sample from slipping during testing. The test is then carried out as the arm of the texture analyser brings a 5mm stainless steel ball probe down into the aperture. The maximum force to rupture the film is recorded and is referred to as the burst strength of the strip. The resilience and relaxation properties of the film can also be measured. Resilience can be assessed by depressing the film surface to a chosen distance before retracting the ball probe. The property is calculated using a ratio of the work of compression and work of withdrawal. Similarly, relaxation can be measured with the addition of a hold period within the test to allow the product's recovery to be evaluated. Both these properties broaden the application of the Film Support Rig. Burst strength, resilience and relaxation are important factors in determining the mechanical properties of the product, allowing manufacturers to optimize product structure and formulation.
  • 鸡蛋支撑测试装置
    This fixture accommodates a replaceable 0.9mm thickness blade supported on a 115mm wide frame. The development of the fixture came about due to the popularity of the standard craft knife blade and the necessity then to use a thin craft blade for the cutting of deeper and wider samples.
  • 批量薯条测试装置
    This rig measures the force obtained by the penetration of a multiple sample of chips. (known in some countries as French fries). Up to 10 chips can be tested at any one time and the rig ensures that each chip is completely penetrated by a 2mm diameter probe. The probe head has a fast release adapter to enable the probe to be rapidly cleaned and relocated in the same position. A perspex plate is used to hold the samples in position on the sample base.
  • 奶酪延展性测试装置
    The cheese extensibility rig consists of a microwaveable vessel and double-sided fork probe. The vessel and fork assembly is filled with a known weight of cheese and microwaved until the cheese is molten. A sample retaining insert is added to the vessel and the vessel/fork assembly slides into the fixture base, which is securely fastened to the Texture Analyser. The fork is connected to the load cell via a rapid locating adapter. The Texture Analyser pulls the fork through the molten cheese allowing the extensibility and resistance to extension to be measured. Cheese strength and extensibility are important textural attributes for many foods, most notably pizza.
  • 面食粘性测试装置
    This rig is used to measure the firmness and stickiness of cooked pasta. Strands of pasta are held on the texture analyser using a support block which accommodates a rectangular section exposing the pasta. A rectangular compression platen is connected to the loadcell and is used to determine the firmness of the pasta during the compression stroke and the stickiness upon probe withdrawal.
  • 药片包衣粘性测试装置
    This fixture comprises an upper and lower attachment with cavity dimensions defined by the customer's sample. The lower fixture is secured in the Holed plate of the Heavy Duty Platform and the upper fixture is connected directly to the loadcell. It is used to measure the adhesion performance of a tablet coating to a tablet. Samples are prepared by removing the coating around the edge of the tablet so that the upper and lower coatings are not connected. Double-sided foam tape is attached to both upper and lower fixtures, and the tablet is pushed securely into the lower cavity. The force to remove the coating from the tablet is measured.
  • 微操作器装置腔
    微操作器装置腔是NARISHIGE微操作器MO-903的配件,它用于把微操作器网格固定到动物上。微操作器装置腔的粗控制可以让微电极的初始定位靠近目标点,而精细控制可以实现精细朝向目标点,一个标准的腔室可以把网格仪器(MO-903C)固定在动物体上.可以与MO-95/951,MO-96 /96A,和MO-97 /97A一起使用。微操作器装置腔规格配件固定螺丝大小/重量W34 × D30 × H23mm, 15g
  • 质构仪注射器测试装置
    Syringes are used in hospitals, surgeries and homes around the world on a daily basis, and for a multitude of purposes. Successful administration, as well as comfortable receipt of the material under the skin, rely on the effective tracking of the syringe piston within its outer tube. By testing the ease with which an injectable solution is expressed, manufacturers are able to optimise usability and patient comfort, while guaranteeing quality control and product safety. Prior to testing, the syringe is held securely in place by a locking insert, which is easily adjusted up to a diameter of 40mm and accommodates a wide range of syringe shapes and sizes. A flat probe, connected to the arm of the TA.XTPlus, exerts pressure on the syringe piston, measuring its resistance to compression. Using Exponent software, a mean force is produced in graph form to provide an average measure of the ease with which the syringe is depressed and fluids are discharged. The universal design of the Syringe Testing Rig also allows manufacturers to determine the force required to remove the plunger from the syringe, thus emulating the ease with which the syringe piston is withdrawn.
  • 熟面条粉丝弹性测试装置
    This tensile rig is ideally suited to perform break strength and elasticity measurements on both noodle and spaghetti samples. The sample is located through slots in the parallel friction rollers and then wound round two or three times to reduce any slippage and also to anchor the sample ends. The rollers ensure that the sample is not split or cut during the test and that the break occurs along the extended part of the sample.
  • 生面条韧性测试装置
    This rig measures the compression and flexure characteristics of uncooked spaghetti which is of interest when investigating possible inherent weaknesses due to sprout damage of the durum wheat or incorrect drying procedures. The test sample is located between upper and lower supports in centrally located holes. The upper support is directly connected to the loadcell and the lower support to the base of the texture analyser. Test samples of 100mm are prepared and the average force and distance to break is measured. Attention is paid to fluctuating force before final break which would indicate weaknesses. These measurements give a good indication of the suitability of the product for packaging and transportation.
  • SDI测试专用膜(MCE单膜)
    水质污染指数(SDI)测试专用膜 污染指数(SDI)测试是确认预处理过程有效性的主要方法,判断进水的结垢倾向。此款产品采用纯混合纤维素酯制成,专为SDI测试方法设计与优化。 产品特点纯MCE材质制成,不含其他支撑材料极其均匀的孔结构一致的产品质量生产和测试参照ASTM D 4189-07标准技术参数膜材纯MCE孔径0.45μm尺寸47mm颜色白色表面平整相关产品在线SDI测试装置套件 产品编号:ASDI1-PP和ASDI1-AL离线SDI测试装置套件 产品编号:ASDISYS-PP和ASDISYS-AL
  • 探头应用-测试头发柔顺度装置
    该装置通过注册,创新的设计以提供洗发精和润发精制造商评价头发的柔顺性(combability),从而证实使用后发质得到改善。该装置的机械功能可持续重复的执行梳理动作,符合使用前后的比较实验洗发精和润滑剂需求。 头发梳理装置放在物性测试仪上,头发靠近梳子垂直放下。配合软件的指令,物性测试仪的力臂带着梳子顺着头发向下梳理,会记录移动时所需的力。到底部时,梳子往后脱离再移回到起始位置开始新一循环的测试。
  • 标准口简易砷发生装置
  • 针焰测试50W火焰校准装置
  • 针焰测试500W火焰校准装置
  • MPA 系列电动移液器
    产品名称MPA 系列电动移液器型号规格MPA-10,MPA-20,MPA-200,MPA-1200,MPA-10000特点优势1,操作方便,面板设置好程序之后,只需食指轻轻一按2,耐酸性/有机溶剂,移液器枪口采用了氟化乙烯树脂,内部活塞镀有氟系树脂。3,高精度,全自动操作,完全避免人为操作造成的误差。4,发货附带精准度测试报告5,0.3ul-10ml 宽量程选择功能用途1,预分配分注模式,例如一次取100ul,每次排出10ul,适用于多平行样品2,可进行吸排速度的设定,吸液速度和排液速度各可设置5档3,可使用重量(mg)为单位,独家专利技术4,可进行自主检验校正使用维护多种移液模式标准模式:移液基本操作,抽吸一次,全量排出连续分注模式:抽吸一次,连续等量分注连续排出模式:将同一种样品以不同设定量进行分注连续抽吸模式:将不同液体以设定的容量抽吸之后,全量排出混合模式:按键设定的容量 X 吸排次数进行混合订货信息
  • 标准口简易砷化氢发生装置
  • 单根垂直燃烧测试50W火焰校准装置
  • 单根垂直燃烧测试500W火焰校准装置
  • 天津直二口烧瓶直二口蒸馏烧瓶
    别名:直二口蒸馏烧瓶FLASKS.Witn three neck .Round bot ton一、概况及用途:随着科研技术的发展,在实验室用单口烧瓶,配合多种仪器进行较复杂实验操作已不相适应。科研人员在单口烧瓶的基础上发展两口、三口烧瓶。我国五九年又发展为四口烧瓶。多口烧瓶的生产时在大炉上用短颈厚口烧瓶的模具吹制瓶体,然后于灯工上焊接各口于烧瓶体之肩部。二、概况及用途:适用于化验室作有机物质合成反应,或进行较复杂的煮沸、分馏、提纯操作。常与温度计、冷凝管、搅拌棒、分液漏斗等仪器配套组装成分馏装置、蒸馏装置或回流装置。250-3000ml用于工业小批量生产工具。三口 二口烧瓶它的瓶颈角度,有直径斜颈两种,由使用者根据自己的操作和习惯选择。三、造型及原理:是一个短颈、厚口、园底烧瓶,在瓶体肩部的周围焊接有三口(三颈)、四口(四颈)的烧瓶。瓶颈的角度分为直颈与斜颈二种。多口,主要为配合复杂的实验操作,可同时装配更多的配合仪器。直口:因各种配件都是垂直装置,瓶中心空隙大,便于搅拌溶液,不易损坏其它配件仪器而设计。但它的缺点是由于直口,加斜时仅能加到瓶底的一边,是加斜的均匀性受到影响:由于直口瓶底中心空隙大,但在瓶底表面空隙就小,特别小规格使瓶体肩部瓶颈密集,安装困难,有时无法安装。斜口:由于角度为斜角(有10℃斜角或25℃斜角)加料时可以直接均匀的加到瓶底的中心,瓶体表面各种仪器表面配件装配亦成斜角由于瓶的肩部空隙大,口颈间距大。安装容易,特别小规格更明显;但瓶底的中心空隙位置少,搅拌时发生困难,容易损坏其它配件仪器。因此这两种设计均有优点与缺点。四、使用方法:总的使用方法与1107厚口短颈园底烧瓶相同,但它较厚口、短颈园底烧瓶口多,安装配件可以增加,而且按装省力、方便。一般情况下中口按装搅拌棒,一个边口安装分液漏斗,一个边口安装分馏冷凝管,一个边口安装温度计。
  • MPA系列电动移液枪 1065-43502
    MPA系列电动移液枪MPA系列电动移液枪■特点【操作方便】面板设置好程序之后,只需食指轻轻一按。【高精度】全自动操作,改善由于人为操作造成的移液偏差, 真正实现高精准度。【耐酸性/有机溶剂】为了减少挥发性气体对移液枪的侵蚀,移液枪枪口等接触气体部分采用了氟化乙烯树脂,内部活塞镀有氟系脂膏。【0.3μl-10ml宽量程选择】量程范围从0.3μl-10ml,无论是需要添加衍生试剂的分析,还是顶空进样的VOC分析,或是需要采集大量水样的前处理等,均可一一满足。 【实用功能】预分配分注模式………设定分注后,系统预先进行溶液的分配,保证分注液的准确度。可进行吸排速度的设定…吸取排液各可设置5档速度。自动校准(CAL)功能……用户可用校正液和芯片进行自动校准*1、2可进行自主检验校正……可以使用专用(另售)的校正器具,简单地自行实施检查、做记录。可使用重量(mg)为单位…… 移取液体*3可将移液枪的移液单位换成mg。无论是吸取还是分注,都可以mg为单位进行移液,无需再用天平进行称量。(但使用前,需要先用天平进行质量校正)*1: 需要配套使用移液枪容量测试仪(另售)或是天秤(另售)。*2: 产品发货时附有精准度测试结果报告。*3: 本功能已申请专利,市面上的电动移液枪仅我司有此功能。 ■机身图解及模式选择订购信息规 格移液枪型号■MPA-10■MPA-20■MPA-200■MPA-1200■MPA-10000产品编号1065-435011065-435021065-435031065-435041065-43505量程范围0.3~10μL0.3~20μL3.0~200μL15~1200μL0.1~10.0mL移液枪枪头型号■WondaTip PT-10■WondaTip PT-200■WondaTip PT-1000■AX-BULK-10ML-A产品编号8510-200018510-200028510-200031065-41101包装规格1000个/包1000个/包1000个/包250个/包
  • 天津直三口烧瓶三口烧瓶
    别名:三口蒸馏瓶FLASKS.Witn three neck .Round bot ton一、概况及用途: 随着科研技术的发展,在实验室用单口烧瓶,配合多种仪器进行较复杂实验操作已不相适应。科研人员在单口烧瓶的基础上发展两口、三口烧瓶。我国五九年又发展为四口烧瓶。多口烧瓶的生产时在大炉上用短颈厚口烧瓶的模具吹制瓶体,然后于灯工上焊接各口于烧瓶体之肩部。 二、概况及用途:适用于化验室作有机物质合成反应,或进行较复杂的煮沸、分馏、提纯操作。常与温度计、冷凝管、搅拌棒、分液漏斗等仪器配套组装成分馏装置、蒸馏装置或回流装置。250-3000ml用于工业小批量生产工具。三口 二口烧瓶它的瓶颈角度,有直径斜颈两种,由使用者根据自己的操作和习惯选择。三、造型及原理:是一个短颈、厚口、园底烧瓶,在瓶体肩部的周围焊接有三口(三颈)、四口(四颈)的烧瓶。瓶颈的角度分为直颈与斜颈二种。多口,主要为配合复杂的实验操作,可同时装配更多的配合仪器。直口:因各种配件都是垂直装置,瓶中心空隙大,便于搅拌溶液,不易损坏其它配件仪器而设计。但它的缺点是由于直口,加斜时仅能加到瓶底的一边,是加斜的均匀性受到影响:由于直口瓶底中心空隙大,但在瓶底表面空隙就小,特别小规格使瓶体肩部瓶颈密集,安装困难,有时无法安装。斜口:由于角度为斜角(有10℃斜角或25℃斜角)加料时可以直接均匀的加到瓶底的中心,瓶体表面各种仪器表面配件装配亦成斜角由于瓶的肩部空隙大,口颈间距大。安装容易,特别小规格更明显;但瓶底的中心空隙位置少,搅拌时发生困难,容易损坏其它配件仪器。因此这两种设计均有优点与缺点。四、使用方法:总的使用方法与1107厚口短颈园底烧瓶相同,但它较厚口、短颈园底烧瓶口多,安装配件可以增加,而且按装省力、方便。一般情况下中口按装搅拌棒,一个边口安装分液漏斗,一个边口安装分馏冷凝管,一个边口安装温度计。
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