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  • 深圳通瑞色谱仪器有限公司是一家专业从事液相色谱仪研发、设计、生产与销售的高科技企业, 开发了具有先进水平的GI-3000液相色谱系统、GI-3000XY血药浓度分析仪、GI-5200多功能离子色谱仪系统,产品已在医疗、食品、制药、环境环保、科研、高校科研实训、生物、石油化工等多行业领域使用。通瑞仪器注重于技术创新,紧盯国际新技术,推出了高性能双直线电机驱动精密滚珠丝杆的恒流泵输液系统(第三代技术,与waters,2695、安捷伦1260方案相同),达到国际先进技术水平。目前研发完成GI-3000XY血药浓度分析仪(全智能二维液相色谱系统),系统集成了,医院多科室上百种药物成分及其浓度的测定方法,为儿童的健康成长发育以及需要长期治疗、精准治疗的大病与慢性病患者,制定精准医疗方案,提供了科学支持,本系统也适用于常见药物的临床药物分析研究。 公司主要产品:GI-3000高效液相色谱仪系列产品,研发完成四元低压梯度液相色谱仪,目前是国率先家采用直线电机驱动滚珠丝杆的恒流泵输液系统(同waters2695方案),技术先进,具有完全自主知识产权。
  • 无锡加莱克色谱科技有限公司成立于2009年,是由美籍华人色谱专家和中科院科技管理人员共同创立的高科技企业,位于无锡(马山)国家生命科学园,致力于生产生物工程、制药、食品安全和环境检测等领域所急需的以聚合物和硅胶为基质的专用色谱填料,色谱柱、装柱系统、纯化设备以及分离纯化工艺和检测方法开发;是一家专业提供完整的生物医药分离纯化解决方案及设备、产线的集成商。加莱克公司拥有在美国知名企业从事20余年液相色谱填料研发和产业化的资深色谱专家团队,具有很强实战和创新能力,加莱克公司经过十多年的深耕细作,形成蛋白与抗体纯化、天然产物纯化和硅胶色谱填料三大技术平台,拥有10项发明专利、8项实用新型专利和近百种产品;并向市场推出四十余种产品,逐渐在生物医药纯化领域崭露头角;产品与技术已在国内众多药企广泛使用,并出口美国、俄罗斯、日本、印度和台湾地区等地区。为更好的解决客户需求,无锡加莱克色谱科技有限公司牵头国内知名厂商,大学研究机构,多个国内知名研究团队组成了战略合作联盟,为客户提供完整的生物医药解决方案,涵盖生物医药产品的工艺开发与优化、中试放大、工业级生产线设计等不同阶段、自动化控制、公用工程需求等方案的设计,相应生产设备提供、生产线的安装施工等,同时提供配套相关符合GMP要求的认证文件的制作和编写。希望通过加莱克的专业知识和技能,以及始终秉承“创新、专注、高效、诚信、责任、奉献”的企业理念,力求服务再多一点,质量再高一点,给客户和企业带来更优质的产品和服务,为我国生物医药产业的健康快速发展贡献一份力量。
  • 株式会社力森诺科是一家发展半导体和电子材料、移动、创新材料、化学品等的化工公司,拥有从中游到下游广泛的材料和先进材料技术。 作为一家“共创化工企业”,力森诺科旨在通过共创实现可持续发展,提升企业价值。 而其分支下的Shodex液相色谱分析相关产品有着40多年的辉煌历史,目前被广泛的应用于环保、石化、生命科学、食品及农业等不同的科学领域。 力森诺科科学仪器(上海)有限公司成立于2009年7月,专门从事Shodex色谱柱及液相色谱仪部件-检测器和脱气机的销售与技术服务。 我们相信,在Shodex优秀品质的保证和新公司的强大的技术支持下,Shodex一定会为中国的色谱技术领域做出突出的贡献,并成为在色谱分析领域中工作的您身边的忠实朋友。


  • 液相色谱脱气机 400-860-5168转2390
    2003型溶剂真空液相色谱脱气机 Biotech是一个以HPLC应用技术为基础的制造商。其产品针对生化、生命科学、医学药物等研究和生产的应用而开发。Biotech公司生产的脱气机由于采用了专利的薄膜技术和特殊设计的真空泵,可以同时处理2-8个通道的溶剂,大大提高了HPLC的分析精度和灵敏度,减轻了分析人员的负担,改善了实验室环境。Biotech的脱气机已经出口30余个国家,在欧洲和美国得到认可和广泛地采用。著名的一些HPLC生产商,例如沃特斯(WATERS),已将Biotech的脱气机作为高效液相色谱仪整体的部件装在仪器内提供用户。为了用户的方便,可以提供单独的,即插即用的脱气机。可以和用户已有的较早型号尚未配用脱气机的HPLC配用。 产品优势 避免液相色谱仪分析时溶剂中气泡影响 最新推出消除溶解气体的先进技术 ZHCR Teflon AF® 两项专利 液相色谱好伴侣 即插即用体积小 超净操作寿命长 装置特点  适用于正在使用的任何型号HPLC仪器  由于采用内置Systec AF除气薄膜,内部容积仅为480&mu l  超静无声,5年连续无故障运行  泵头清洗不用吹洗阀  采用ZHCR(零滞后恒定运转)步进电机驱动真空泵,基线无起伏  闭环真空控制,转速变化时真空恒定  提前检测预知误差和漏液  一般单速泵和取得专利技术的Systec ZHCR 真空除气泵对UV检测器基线的影响 技术指标  内腔容积: 480 微升  接触材料:PEEK 和Systec AF  尺寸(HxWxD): 127 x 73 x 249 mm 液相色谱脱气机,在线脱气机,HPLC脱气机,真空脱气机,
  • Biotech公司生产的BIOTECH液相色谱在线真空脱气机由于采用了专利的薄膜技术和特殊设计的真空泵,可以同时处理2-8个通道的溶剂,大大提高了HPLC的分析精度和灵敏度,减轻了分析人员的负担,改善了实验室环境。Biotech的脱气机已经出口30余个国家,在欧洲和美国得到认可和广泛地采用。著名的一些HPLC生产商,例如沃特斯(WATERS),已将Biotech的脱气机作为高效液相色谱仪整体的部件装在仪器内提供用户。为了用户的方便,可以提供单独的,即插即用的脱气机。可以和用户已有的较早型号尚未配用脱气机的HPLC配用。BIOTECH液相色谱在线真空脱气机产品优势避免液相色谱仪分析时溶剂中气泡影响最新推出消除溶解气体的先进技术ZHCR Teflon AF® 两项专利液相色谱好伴侣即插即用体积小超净操作寿命长BIOTECH液相色谱在线真空脱气机装置特点适用于正在使用的任何型号HPLC仪器由于采用内置Systec AF除气薄膜,内部容积仅为480μl超静无声,5年连续无故障运行泵头清洗不用吹洗阀采用ZHCR(零滞后恒定运转)步进电机驱动真空泵,基线无起伏闭环真空控制,转速变化时真空恒定提前检测预知误差和漏液一般单速泵和取得专利技术的Systec ZHCR 真空除气泵对UV检测器基线的影响技术指标内腔容积: 480 微升接触材料:PEEK 和Systec AF尺寸(HxWxD): 127 x 73 x 249 mm
  • SYSTEC原厂真空脱气泵,各种型号,适配各大进口品牌液相色谱仪和离子色谱仪,如安捷伦,赛默飞,Waters等。SYSTEC ZHCR VACUUM PUMP Introducing the ZHCR (Zero Hysteresis Constant Run) stepper motor driven vacuum pump, designed and developed for membrane degassing of HPLC mobile phase and other fluids used in Analytical Instrumentation. Employing a micro-stepping closed loop vacuum control strategy permits the pump to maintain a constant vacuum level set-point* by varying the RPM of the stepper motor. The pump initially runs at a high speed which provides for a quick pull down and, as it approaches the vacuum control point, the RPM is gradually reduced until the desired vacuum level is reached. This patented control strategy allows the On-Line Degasser to maintain a virtually constant vacuum that is unaffected by varying degassing loads. As a consequence, fluctuations in baseline due to vacuum hysteresis are eliminated by not having the pump repeatedly stop and start as is done in many older and existing systems


  • 高效液相色谱日常维护要点-脱气
    大家好,高效液相色谱和其它常规分析仪器一样,为了能让高效液相色谱更好的工作、在实验的时候得到可靠的数据,首先你要保养好它,使它处于一个健康的待机状态,这样你使用它进行检测分析时就可以比较顺利地获得理想结果。而且良好规范的操作习惯还可以延长仪器使用寿命。在日常使用维护中最重要的主要有三点:脱气、过滤和冲洗。这三点属于最常规操作要求,同时也是检测分析中必不可少的流程。小编会分三期为大家讲解,今天先带大家了解下脱气的具体原因和脱气的具体方法。脱气流动相里存在气泡是HPLC系统操作过程中常见的问题、气泡会造成泵输出的问题,也能造成检测器的输出结果中出现假的色谐峰。大多数的气泡问题可以在使用流动相之前以脱气的方法来消除。下面就是小编简单总结了脱气的主要目的:1、防止由溶解(在液体中的)气体量的变动引起的检测不稳程度 。2、提高保留时间和色谱峰面积的重现性。3、防止气泡引起尖峰。4、使基线稳定,提高信噪比。5、防止由气泡的产生引起的故障,示差折射率检测器:使折射率变化UV检测器(200nm以下):溶解氧气有吸收,荧光检测器:溶解氧气有消光作用。6、减少死体积。7、防止填料氧化。脱气要求只要空气在流动相里保持溶解,气泡问题就很少会出现。原则上讲人工配备的等度洗脱流动相般不需要脱气就可以在实验中使用,但是被气体饱和的溶液也只需要非常小的压力下降就能脱气。比如当流动相通过溶剂人口的在线过滤器,或者当流动相进人压力相对低的检测器溶液池时。因为这个原因和为了能使一般的HPLC操作具有可靠性,我们强烈建议用于反相色谱的所有溶剂都必须经过脱气。脱气对于正相HPLC来说不会产生很多问题,所以使用正相色谱时脱气是可选的。需要除去的溶解在流动相里的气体量根据HPLC泵的设计不同而不同,一些泵能够承受大量溶解在流动相里的气体而另外些泵则需要彻底脱气才能达到可靠的操作效果。常用的脱气方法1.抽真空脱气法:此法可使用真空泵,降压至0.05~0.07MPa即可除去溶解的气体,用真空脱气10-15分钟可以除去60%-70%溶解在流动相的气体。但是由于真空脱气会使混合溶剂组成发生变化,从而影响到实验的重现性,因此多用于单溶剂体系的简单分析。2.氦气喷洗脱气法:氦气喷洗是除去流动相里的气体最有效的技术,主要是利用氦气在液体中溶解度比空气低的特性,在0.1MPa压力下,以约60mL/min流速通入流动相储液容器中10~15min,可以很有效地从流动相中排除溶解的空气,能排除接近80%-90%溶解的气体。采用一个高效分布式喷射流装置,一体积的氦气可从流动相中将等体积的几乎全部气体排除。3.在线脱气法:在线脱气主要优点是操作简单,低故障,并非常有效。4.加热回流法:此法的脱气效果较好。但是还是有一些不足,那就是在操作时要特别注意冷凝塔的冷却效率,否则溶剂会丢失,混合流动相的比例会有变化。5.超声波脱气法:实验室最普遍的脱气方法,主要操作就是将欲脱气的流动相置于超声波清洗器中,用超声波震荡时间不宜过长,避免温度升高导致易挥发性成分的丢失,一般在5min之内。但是相对于其他脱气方法,优点是容易操作,时间短。不足之处则是此法的脱气效果相对较差。到此需要脱气的具体原因和脱气的具体方法,在这里就差不多介绍完了。下期小编将继续带领大家去具体了解高效液相色谱日常维护要点-过滤。
  • 您目前使用的脱气技术是否限制了液相色谱分析的进步?
    您目前使用的脱气技术是否限制了液相色谱分析的进步?您目前使用的脱气技术是否限制了液相色谱分析的进步?★PROBLEMHave your current degassingmethods reached the limit foradvancing your liquidchormatography analyses?高效液相色谱法的关键在于结果一致性。因此,当流动相气体析出时,使用适合流路的在线脱气技术,对于稳定系统流速并提高色谱准确度至关重要。然而,需要考虑因素有很多… … 艺达思提供优质的液相色谱分析脱气技术您可以点击https://www.instrument.com.cn/netshow/SH101586/ ,获取相关产品信息。或者给我们 400-860-5168转1586 留言,了解更多最新的技术。请关注艺达思微信公众号,微信搜索“艺达思健康与科学,查看相关视频”
  • 发布:液相色谱脱气创新技术
    h2 class=" rich_media_title" id=" activity-name" style=" margin: 0px 0px 14px padding: 0px color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none line-height: 1.4 text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " 发布:液相色谱脱气创新技术 /h2 p strong span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 24px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 新一代技术让 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 24px font-family: Arial, sans-serif -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " HPLC /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 24px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 脱气可控 /span /strong /p section style=" margin: 0px 8px 0.1px padding: 0px text-align: left color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none line-height: 25.5px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-size: 12px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 18px font-family: Arial, sans-serif -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " Carl Sims, span class=" Apple-converted-space" & nbsp /span /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 18px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 首席科学家 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 18px font-family: Arial, sans-serif -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " , IDEX Health & amp Science /span /span /section p br/ /p section style=" margin: 0px 8px padding: 0px text-align: left color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 12.84px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 12px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 600 Park Court, RohnertPark, CA 94928 csims@idexcorp.com /span /section p br/ /p p br/ /p p & nbsp /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 近年来,围绕着分析领域的技术和仪器优化的基本研究之外,分析实验的每个领域都需要采用现代管理和生产流程。基于 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " QbD /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " (质量源于设计)理念的方法越来越多,并且需要进行主动生命周期管理;实验室中的大多数仪器 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " - /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 例如从高端液质联用( /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " HPLC-MS /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " )系统到较简单的离心机、天平和泵,都集成至控制软件和实验室管理工具中。目标都集中在:可重复 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " / /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 可验证的性能,效率最大化,经济的运营方式,以及越来越被重视的环保意识。 /span /p p span style=" text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px float: none display: inline !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 这种变化的结果是,随着分析仪和实验室设备的更新,可以引入支持这一转变的分析领域的技术创新的新模型。 /span /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 在本文中,我们将研究 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " HPLC /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 装置的重要组成部分,即脱气机,该装置迄今仍未满足当今的趋势。我们呈上多年开发过程的研究成果,以重新评估此关键部件的设计,性能和可控性,并重点介绍新型通用型平面薄膜脱气机的数据。 /span /p p style=" text-align: center " img title=" 5.jpg" style=" max-height: 100% max-width: 100% " alt=" 5.jpg" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/202004/uepic/73ac5970-516d-4d88-8afe-ffe120d9043e.jpg" / /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 这项新技术通过允许用户为任何 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " HPLC /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 系统或方法选择和控制固定的脱气效率,从而将重点从“恒定真空”转移到“恒定性能”。 /span /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " strong span style=" color: rgb(0, 82, 255) " 脱气技术的背景 /span /strong /span /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 减少 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " HPLC /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 流动相中的溶解空气量会对系统流速和流动相组成的稳定性产生重大影响。低压混合 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " HPLC /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 泵仅依靠溶剂进入泵,在从比例阀转移到入口单向阀的过程中,发生的任何气体析出都会导致多种类型的错误。首先,会发生组分错误,因为传输线中的体积包含了空气,并不完全是流动相。随着传输线中气泡的伸展扩张,混合物的精度会继续下降。最后,进入泵的气泡可能会干扰入口单向阀,从而使泵无法将全部体积的流动相输送到色谱柱,而是将一部分移回比例阀。此外,在将流动相输送到色谱柱之前,泵也会将所有气泡压缩到系统压力。 /span /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 在高压混合 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " HPLC /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 系统中,溶解的气体会影响入口单向阀的操作,它会由于气蚀而形成微气泡。与低压混合 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " HPLC /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 泵一样,气泡会导致流量不正确,从而影响保留时间。根据检测器的类型和对流量的敏感性,这种波动的流量还会增加检测器中的系统噪音。因此,溶解的空气影响分离的准确性和分离度,以及可靠地鉴定色谱柱上已分离化合物的能力。所以,长期以来,基本上所有的 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " HPLC /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 系统都包括某种形式的脱气,从真空脱气,氦气鼓泡,超声处理到采用膜技术(包括 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " PTFE /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 膜和 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " Teflon /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " & #8482 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " AF /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " )的在线方法。 /span /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 当今的 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " HPLC /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 系统具有两种流动相混合装置之一:要么在溶剂进入泵之前就对其进行混合(低压混合);或者,流动相混合发生在泵之后但进样阀之前(高压混合)。在这两种情况下,对流动相混合物及其组分进行有效的在线真空脱气有助于避免色谱问题。 /span /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 1975 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 年, /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " Tokunaga /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 发表了数据集,该数据集为 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " HPLC /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 溶剂混合物的脱气奠定了基础 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " [1] /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 。他确定了氧气在各种醇 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " - /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 水混合物中的溶解度的奥斯特瓦尔德系数,并演示了为防止气泡形成混合物需要脱气的程度。这篇开创性的论文为当今大多数实验室日常使用的基于 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 管式 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 的脱气系统的开发奠定了基础。 /span /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 14.98px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 图 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 14.98px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 1 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 14.98px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 绘制了 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 14.98px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " Tokunaga /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 14.98px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 的数据,并以 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 14.98px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " HPLC /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 14.98px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 系统将流动相混合为体积百分比的方式重新计算。上方的实心红色线和奥斯特瓦尔德系数的线之间的差值的代表混合物中溶解的空气过饱和度。还展示了通过脱气减少空气量的三条示例曲线。 /span /p p style=" text-align: center " img title=" 6.jpg" style=" max-height: 100% max-width: 100% " alt=" 6.jpg" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/202004/uepic/6fda221f-2d60-4f6e-a805-f0ce99dd64f7.jpg" / /p p & nbsp /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " em 图 /em /span em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) font-family: Arial, sans-serif -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 1. Tokunaga 1975 /span /em em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 年论文的数据,以体积%重新计算,显示了脱气对混合物中溶解空气过饱和度的影响。 /span /em /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 根据该数据,在大气条件下,不会析出气体的混合物中空气的实际浓度为 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 38 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " %,这是大多数脱气机设计要达到的目标(在特定仪表设计要求的流量和应用真空条件下)。 /span /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px line-height: 24px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " strong span style=" color: rgb(0, 82, 255) " 挑战当前的做法 /span /strong /span /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 今天,通常使用的在线脱气机使用管状 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " Teflon /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " & #8482 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " AF /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 或聚四氟乙烯( /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " PTFE /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " )膜。根据亨利定律,道尔顿定律和拉乌尔定律,它们允许空气通过膜脱离流动相。在恒定真空度下运行时,它们在低流速下更有效地从流动相中除去空气,而在高流速下则较少。这与在管子内的驻留时间相关。 /span /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 溶剂分子也可能从流动相移动到膜的真空侧。这种现象被称为渗透蒸发,在某些情况下以及某些 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " HPLC /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 方法学中,这可以明显改变流动相的浓度。这是因为当真空固定在低于溶剂蒸气压的压力下时,泵将持续除去溶解的空气和溶剂蒸气。只要泵处于活动状态,溶剂供应瓶就会补充系统,并将溶剂蒸气泵入大气。因此,期望使用脱气机的真空侧来控制渗透蒸发,将压力设置为尽可能高而不会达到在 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " HPLC /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 系统中将发生气体析出的点。 /span /p p span style=" text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px float: none display: inline !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 这会影响泵和入口单向阀的效率,并可能导致流动相组成和泵系统流速不准确,由于定量和鉴定问题,可能导致方法失败。 /span /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px line-height: 24px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " strong span style=" color: rgb(0, 82, 255) " 新 /span /strong /span strong style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(0, 82, 255) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px line-height: 24px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 一代脱气技术 /span /strong /p section style=" margin: 0px 8px 0.1px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none line-height: 25.5px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " strong style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(70, 70, 70) line-height: 21px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 任何新的脱气方法的理想设计特点应包括: /span /strong span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(70, 70, 70) line-height: 21px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " /span /section ul class=" list-paddingleft-2" style=" list-style-type: disc " li p style=" margin: 0px 0px 0.1px padding: 0px line-height: 21px clear: both -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important min-height: 1em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(70, 70, 70) font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 流量限制比基于管式的脱气机低 /span /p /li li p style=" margin: 0px 0px 0.1px padding: 0px line-height: 21px clear: both -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important min-height: 1em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(70, 70, 70) font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 外形小巧,没有内部管件泄漏 /span /p /li li p style=" margin: 0px 0px 0.1px padding: 0px line-height: 21px clear: both -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important min-height: 1em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(70, 70, 70) font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 最低真空体积以限制挥发物的初始渗透蒸发 /span /p /li li p style=" margin: 0px 0px 0.1px padding: 0px line-height: 21px clear: both -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important min-height: 1em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(70, 70, 70) font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 恒定流阻,与施加的真空无关 /span /p /li li p style=" margin: 0px 0px 0.1px padding: 0px line-height: 21px clear: both -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important min-height: 1em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(70, 70, 70) font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px line-height: 21px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 在可能的最高压力下对流动相进行脱气,而不会使流动相变得过饱和。在此称为 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px line-height: 21px font-family: Arial, sans-serif -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " “ /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px line-height: 21px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 高压脱气 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px line-height: 21px font-family: Arial, sans-serif -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " ” /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px line-height: 21px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " ,该技术减少或消除了溶剂蒸气向实验室空气的排放。 /span /span /p /li li p style=" margin: 0px 0px 0.1px padding: 0px line-height: 21px clear: both -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important min-height: 1em max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(70, 70, 70) font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px line-height: 21px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 脱气机已集成到 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px line-height: 21px font-family: Calibri, sans-serif -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " HPLC /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px line-height: 21px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 系统控制软件中,可实现真空的智能控制,以确保提高脱气效率。 /span /span /p /li /ul p style=" text-align: center " img title=" 7.jpg" style=" max-height: 100% max-width: 100% " alt=" 7.jpg" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/202004/uepic/d50a8504-53d9-4d48-b384-b02acafff1e0.jpg" / /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 此外,该脱气机的普适性(视 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " HPLC /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 系统的类型而定,流速范围高达 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 10 mL / min /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 并兼容所有常见溶剂,包括六氟异丙醇)将是一个显著的优势。 /span /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 现在,平面薄膜以及专用的真空泵控制算法可以实现这些目标。图 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 2 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 显示了新型平面薄膜脱气机的示意图。这是一个简单的设计,可直接在低压和高压混合 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " HPLC /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 系统中应用(图 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 3 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " )。该设计使产品具有最少的配件和连接。其高效膜具有足够的表面积,可用于分析型的 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " HPLC /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 系统中的溶剂脱气(最高 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 10 mL / min /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 流速)。独特的流道布局在泵的入口单向阀之前提供了较低的流体阻力。 /span /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 14.98px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 与之配套的真空控制算法可将其集成到分离方法控制协议中,并允许为任何 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 14.98px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " HPLC /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 14.98px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 系统选择给定的脱气效率。真空压力可以调高或调低,以达到准确的 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 14.98px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " HPLC /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 14.98px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 方法规范的需求。简化的界面依据 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 14.98px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " HPLC /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 14.98px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 分离方法的流速和所需脱气效率,并将真空调节到高效脱气的尽可能的最高压力。该方法可防止溶解的空气过饱和,同时抑制渗透蒸发和流动相浓度变化。流阻是恒定的,与施加的真空无关。 /span /p p style=" text-align: center " img title=" 1.jpg" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/202004/uepic/a56c5b4a-a6a3-4047-bb24-b0b374ee8a9d.jpg" / /p p style=" text-align: center " img title=" 2.jpg" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/202004/uepic/378f7c09-44d9-45e7-8ae6-9da86c02c647.jpg" / /p p style=" text-align: center " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 14.98px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " em 图 /em /span em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: center color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 14.98px font-family: Arial, sans-serif -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 2. /span /em em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: center color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 14.98px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 新颖的流道设计, /span /em em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: center color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 14.98px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 薄液膜流过脱气膜。 /span /em /p p style=" text-align: center " img title=" 3.jpg" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/202004/uepic/6cb7f6cc-2316-4d91-ada8-e29f01905f20.jpg" / /p p style=" text-align: center " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 21px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " em 图 /em /span em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: center color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 21px font-family: Arial, sans-serif -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 3. /span /em em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: center color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 21px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 集成到通用低压(左)和高压(右) /span /em em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: center color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 21px font-family: Arial, sans-serif -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " HPLC /span /em em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: center color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 21px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 系统中的新型脱气机 /span /em & nbsp /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " strong span style=" color: rgb(0, 82, 255) " 在实践中 /span /strong /span /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 对新脱气机 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " / /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 控制算法的初步评估已产生了一些令人鼓舞的数据,并就可用性提出了积极的报告。 /span /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 为了表征脱气机,通过运行高效液相色谱分离得到了性能与应用真空度的数学模型,并将其存储在脱气机控制器或 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " HPLC /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 控制系统中。第一步,是使用 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 210 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 纳米( /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " nm /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " )或 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 215 nm /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 下的甲醇 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " - /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 氧气电荷转移络合物来测定不同流速和应用真空下的脱气腔的效率。 /span /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 图 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 4 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 显示了在四个不同真空压力下效率与流速的关系。请注意,在 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 50 mmHg /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 下有 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 30 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " %的残留空气(效率为 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 70 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " %)时的最大流速约为 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 2.5 mL / min /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 。这足以对高达 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 5 mL / min /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 的梯度或任何等度流动相进行脱气,并且由于需要 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 62 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " %的效率( /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 38 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " %的残留空气,图 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 1 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " )来防止气体析出,因此配备此脱气器的 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " HPLC /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 系统在 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 50 mmHg /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 的压力下,可以预期使用高达 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 7 mL / min /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 流速的方法而不会出现气泡。 /span /p p style=" text-align: center " img title=" 4.jpg" style=" max-height: 100% max-width: 100% " alt=" 4.jpg" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/202004/uepic/c0e5cf48-96f7-42f8-a5e4-d71d6a7c126d.jpg" / /p p style=" text-align: center " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " em span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 14.98px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 图 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 14.98px font-family: Arial, sans-serif -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 4. /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 14.98px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 特征曲线显示了在四个不同真空度下薄膜脱气机的效率与流速的关系 /span /em /span /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 后续步骤绘制了每种流速的效率与真空度的关系曲线,并使用所需的效率和流速来求解效率 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " - /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 真空曲线方程式。每条曲线的公式将流速与输出真空水平联系起来,这样,一旦对脱气腔进行了表征,施加到脱气机上的真空水平就是该方法所需效率和流速的函数。然后可以使用真空控制来调节脱气性能,以覆盖 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " HPLC /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 系统的整个性能范围。因此,可以在任何流速下维持流动相最小的浓度变化(或渗透蒸发)始终确保目标脱气效率。 /span /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 图 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 5 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 显示了比较平面薄膜和管式系统的脱气效率的实验数据。值得注意的是,真空水平明显不同,但是新型薄膜脱气机的性能在所需的流速( /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 1 mL / min /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " )和效率( /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 70 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none line-height: 21px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " %)上与管式脱气机相匹配。 /span /p p span style=" text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px float: none display: inline !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 这说明任何脱气器都可以被表征,然后可以将所得数据集用于根据效率和方法流速的输入来控制真空脱气系统。 /span /p p style=" text-align: center " img title=" 5.jpg" style=" max-height: 100% max-width: 100% " alt=" 5.jpg" src=" https://img1.17img.cn/17img/images/202004/uepic/7666a2d6-3f54-4ed1-997b-a09711f75123.jpg" / /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 14.98px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " strong em 图 /em /strong /span strong style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: left color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-style: italic -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 14.98px font-family: Arial, sans-serif -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 5. /span /em /strong em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: left color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 14.98px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 在 /span /em em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: left color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 14.98px font-family: Arial, sans-serif -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 50 mmHg /span /em em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: left color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 14.98px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 真空下,与标准的 /span /em em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: left color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 14.98px font-family: Arial, sans-serif -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 18 /span /em em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: left color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 14.98px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 英寸管式脱气机相比,在 /span /em em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: left color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 14.98px font-family: Arial, sans-serif -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 1 mL / min /span /em em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: left color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 14.98px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 时的预计真空水平效率为 /span /em em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: left color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 14.98px font-family: Arial, sans-serif -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 70 /span /em em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: left color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 14.98px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " %。 /span /em em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: left color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 14.98px font-family: Arial, sans-serif -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 1mL/min /span /em em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: left color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 14.98px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 流速下 /span /em em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: left color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 14.98px font-family: Arial, sans-serif -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 70% /span /em em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: left color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 14.98px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 的效率时的预测真空度与标准 /span /em em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: left color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 14.98px font-family: Arial, sans-serif -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 18 /span /em em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: left color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 14.98px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 英寸管式脱气机在 /span /em em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: left color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 14.98px font-family: Arial, sans-serif -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 50 /span /em em style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: left color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(68, 114, 196) line-height: 14.98px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 毫米汞柱真空下的对比。 /span /em /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px line-height: 24px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 16px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " strong span style=" color: rgb(0, 82, 255) " 展望未来 /span /strong /span /p section style=" margin: 0px 8px 0.1px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(51, 51, 51) text-transform: none line-height: 25.5px text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(70, 70, 70) line-height: 21px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 总而言之,与在恒定真空下进行脱气相比,此处描述的平面薄膜脱气机及其配套控制算法的发展为色谱工作者提供了更高的脱气性能。这些好处不仅将提高脱气效率,而且最重要的是,将提高方法的可重复性,实验室熟练度和生产率。 /span /section p span style=" text-align: left color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px float: none display: inline !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(70, 70, 70) line-height: 21px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " br/ /span /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(70, 70, 70) line-height: 21px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 您可以点击 /span a style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(70, 70, 70) line-height: 21px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px text-decoration: underline -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " href=" https://www.instrument.com.cn/netshow/SH101586/" span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(70, 70, 70) line-height: 21px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " https://www.instrument.com.cn/netshow/SH101586/ /span /a span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px color: rgb(70, 70, 70) line-height: 21px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " & nbsp ,获取相关产品信息。或者给我们 400-860-5168转1586 留言,了解更多最新的技术。 /span /p p br/ /p p span style=" text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px float: none display: inline !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 参考文献: /span span style=" text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px float: none display: inline !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " Tokanuga J (1975) solubilities of oxygen,nitrogen and carbon dioxide in aqueous alcohol solutions, J Chem Eng Data,20(1): 41-46 /span /p p br/ /p p span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px line-height: 24px font-family: 宋体 -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " strong span style=" color: rgb(0, 82, 255) " 关于作者 /span /strong /span /p p & nbsp span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " Carl Sims span class=" Apple-converted-space" & nbsp /span /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 是 span class=" Apple-converted-space" & nbsp /span /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " IDEXHealth span class=" Apple-converted-space" & nbsp /span /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " & /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " Science span class=" Apple-converted-space" & nbsp /span /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 的首席科学家,专注于 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " HPLC /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 系统的膜脱气,流体光学和 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " UPLC /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 阀门 /span /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " ins style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " cite=" mailto:Zou,%20Cynthia" datetime=" 2020-03-24T12:35" 的研究 /ins 。在仪器领域拥有 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(70, 70, 70) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 47 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 年的化学经验,他已获得 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 52 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 项美国专利,以及 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 150 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 项外国专利,主要集中在 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " HPLC /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " ,离子色谱, /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " Teflon AF /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 光学以及 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 早期职业生涯的 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " DNA /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 合成领域。 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " Carl /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 是名海军退伍军人,拥有科罗拉多州杜兰戈市 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " Fort Lewis /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: 微软雅黑, sans-serif font-size: 14px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " 学院的化学学士学位和亚利桑那州弗拉格斯塔夫的北亚利桑那大学的化学硕士学位。 /span /span /p p & nbsp span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px font-family: Arial, sans-serif font-size: 16px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important " strong span style=" color: rgb(0, 82, 255) " 关于IDEX Health & amp Science, LLC /span /strong /span /p p & nbsp span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(91, 155, 213) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " IDEX Health & amp Science span class=" Apple-converted-space" & nbsp /span /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(91, 155, 213) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 是在生命科学领域里流控和光学方面的权威专家。我们赋予客户三重优势,即借助我们的产品、人员和工程专业知识为您的光学和流路系统带来新的活力。 /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(91, 155, 213) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " IDEX Health & amp Science /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(91, 155, 213) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 提供完整的生命科学仪器研发的革新技术,用于分析仪器、临床诊断以及生物技术的应用。凭借行业内全面且先进的产品系列和工程能力, /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(91, 155, 213) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: -apple-system-font, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica=" " pingfang=" " hiragino=" " sans=" " microsoft=" " yahei=" " font-size:=" " font-style:=" " font-weight:=" " word-spacing:=" " white-space:=" " -ms-word-wrap:=" " break-word=" " max-width:=" " box-sizing:=" " border-box=" " orphans:=" " widows:=" " background-color:=" " font-variant-ligatures:=" " font-variant-caps:=" " -webkit-text-stroke-width:=" " IDEX Health & amp Science /span span style=" margin: 0px padding: 0px text-align: justify color: rgb(91, 155, 213) text-transform: none text-indent: 0px letter-spacing: 0.54px font-family: 宋体 font-size: 14px font-style: normal font-weight: normal word-spacing: 0px -ms-word-wrap: break-word !important max-width: 100% box-sizing: border-box !important orphans: 2 widows: 2 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) font-variant-ligatures: normal font-variant-caps: normal -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px " 参与到客户的需求中,提供最具生命力的解决方案,逐步成为光学及流控专家。可提供的产品有:连接件、阀门、泵、脱气机、空柱管、多岐管板、耗材、集成的流控组件、滤镜、镜头、快门,激光源,光引擎以及集成的光学组件。 /span /p p & nbsp /p p & nbsp /p p & nbsp /p


  • 岛津LC-20A液相色谱仪对奶粉中三聚氰胺的测定
    本实验使用岛津Prominence LC-20A高效液相色谱仪系统。LC-20A是岛津制作所投入整体力量开发的新一代高效液相色谱仪,具有以下特点:优越的基本性能,轻松满足客户对仪器严格的要求;全自动化操作,实现了分析的高效率;高度对应网络要求的综合管理系统,改善分析工作环境。本次实验所用仪器的具体配置为LC-20AD输液泵,DGU-20A3在线脱气,SIL-20A自动进样器,CTO-20AC柱温箱,SPD-20A紫外可见检测器,CBM-20A控制器和LCsolution色谱工作站。
  • 采用液相色谱电雾式检测器柱后补偿分析测定饮料中的三氯蔗糖
    仪器:Ultimate3000 高效液相色谱仪,包括有带在线脱气单元的双三元梯度泵、自动进样器、柱温箱和电雾式检测器。分析柱:Acclaim 120 C18 3.0μ m 2.1× 150mm P/N: 059130 S/N:001230柱温:30℃检测器参数:采集频率:10Hz,雾化温度:35.0℃进样量:10.0μ L流动相组成:分析泵(左泵):A: 水 B: 乙腈,0-6min,B 从10%-30%,6-10min,B 升至50%, 然后平衡5min。流速:0.3ml/min;补偿泵(右泵):0.7ml/min,100% 乙腈。
  • 岛津20A液相色谱测定一次性冷饮纸杯中己内酰胺的迁移量
    本实验采用岛津 LC-20 AT 液相色谱仪,包括 CBM-20Alite 系统控制器,DGU-20A3R 脱气机,LC-20AT 输送泵,SIL-20A 自动进样器,CTO-20AC 柱温箱,SPD-M20A 检测器,LabSolutions Ver. 5.91 色谱工作站。测定一次性冷饮杯中己内酰胺迁移量的方法,以蒸馏水、4% 乙酸、20% 乙醇、橄榄油作为食品模拟物,测定己内酰胺在 30℃浸泡 6 h 的特定迁移量。结果表明,己内酰胺四种食品模拟物的基质标准曲线的线性相关系数 (r) 均大于 0. 999,加标回收率为 89.3% ~ 102.2%, 相 对 标 准 偏 差 为 0. 07% ~ 1.14%, 检 出 限 为 0. 17 mg/L(mg/kg) ~ 0. 27 mg/L(mg/kg),定量限为 0. 56 mg/L(mg/kg)~ 0. 91 mg/L(mg/kg)。该方法灵敏、准确,满足相关法规的限量要求。



  • 【原创大赛】液相色谱流动相脱气的那些事


    液相色谱流动相脱气的那些事流动相脱气的必要性 困扰液相色谱的一个很大问题是液路中常会溶入或进入气泡,均匀的、少量的还勉强可以接受,大气泡或是不均匀的气泡我们是绝对接受不了的。气泡的出现会使我们的分析不准确,甚至无法进行分析,给液相色谱分析的的朋友们带来不可估量的烦恼和麻烦。所以流动相的脱气在液相色谱使用过程中是必须的、必不可少的。脱气知识或技术也是大家应该了解或是掌握的。气泡在分析过程中出现很多不正常的现象,大致为: 1.气泡的存在会使压力变化大,流速不稳定或无液流; 2.气泡会延迟出峰时间和出峰效果; 3.气泡会使基线波动大,出现尖锐的噪声峰或漂移严重,从而影响仪器的灵敏度; 4.气泡进入系统排出需要时间,尤其是进入色谱柱.而且系统的平衡会被破坏,还得花费较长的时间重新平衡; 5.气泡严重时可能导致色谱柱的损坏等等 6.气泡可能还会使某些部件生锈及腐蚀; 7.某些色谱柱对流量、压力和温度要求非常严格,由于气泡带来的影响,色谱柱可能被损坏; 8.气泡还可能引起某些不稳定的样品被氧化或使溶液pH值发生变化; 9.气泡还可能引起一些我们无法预测的问题或是意外现象.出现气泡的原因一般有四种: 1.流动相溶液中往往因溶解有氧气或空气而形成气泡; 2.液路阻力比较大,吸液时出现了真空气泡; 3.系统开始工作时未能将流路中的空气排除干净; 4.在注入样品时混入了空气。 对分析造成较大影响的主要是泵前形成的气泡, 为了消除气泡对液相色谱分析结果的影响,对流动相或泵前液路排气是非常必要的。液相色谱流动相脱气方式 液相色谱使用较多的脱气方法主要有五种:氦气或氮气脱气、真空脱气、超声波脱气、加热回流脱气、在线脱气机脱气。 1.氦气或氮气脱气:氦气脱气是很有效的脱气方法,效果很好。由于氦气在流动相中的溶解度极低,所以用氦气脱气保护的流动相可以认为是一个无气体溶解体系。氦气缓缓的从储液器的底部通入流动相,赶去溶入的空气,如果使用得当,在10min内可除去80%~90%的溶入气体。如果存放流动相的储液器是密封的,并且通入有一定压力(5个psi左右)的氦气,脱气效果更佳。

  • 【求助】液相色谱仪脱气不完全。



  • Thermo液相色谱U3000脱气机真空泵
    SYSTEC® ZHCR VACUUM PUMP Introducing the ZHCR® (Zero Hysteresis Constant Run) stepper motor driven vacuum pump, designed and developed for membrane degassing of HPLC mobile phase and other fluids used in Analytical Instrumentation. Employing a micro-stepping closed loop vacuum control strategy permits the pump to maintain a constant vacuum level set-point* by varying the RPM of the stepper motor. The pump initially runs at a high speed which provides for a quick pull down and, as it approaches the vacuum control point, the RPM is gradually reduced until the desired vacuum level is reached. This patented control strategy allows the On-Line Degasser to maintain a virtually constant vacuum that is unaffected by varying degassing loads. As a consequence, fluctuations in baseline due to vacuum hysteresis are eliminated by not having the pump repeatedly stop and start as is done in many older and existing systemsThermo U3000液相色谱仪脱气机真空泵,货号:6040.1981
  • 液相检测器/柱温箱/进样器/泵/脱气机前门替代货号5067-4691型号齐全
    各种前门,型号齐全,欢迎来电咨询脱气机前门泵前门进样器前门柱温箱前门检测器前门部分液相配件耗材:氘灯检测器前门液相电源两通柱温箱前门色谱柱夹柱温箱风扇 瓶至脱气机管路脱气机至比例阀管路30cmPTFE溶剂管线比例阀至主动阀管路密封垫圈/不锈钢锁环(10/包)peek螺栓带3孔瓶盖溶剂瓶1311C真空泵脱气机前脸溶剂过滤头……专业供应液相、气相、质谱配件耗材,更多配件耗材欢迎来电咨询
  • 在线脱气装置SHT-5
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