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  • FlameMaster Raman Imaging SystemThe FlameMaster Raman laser imaging system measures simultaneously the concentration profiles of all majority species in the flame together with the flame temperature along a line focus (1D). Scanning the line focus through the flame generates 2D or even 3D views of the flame composition and temperature, respectively.Axial and radial cuts of the propane-fueled Bunsen burner showing fuel (C3H8), CO2, O2, H2O concentrations and flame temperature. The *) – marked image presents the complementary fuel and water distributionProduct InformationFlame Composition and Temperature ImagingSystem upgradesFlameMaster Multifunctionalfor fuel-LIF, flame temperature and soot imagingFlameMaster Tunable LIFfor flame radicals and species
  • Courtesy: M. St?hr, German Aerospace Center Proc. Combust. Inst. (2014)Multi-Parameter Laser Imaging in FlamesLaVision’s FlameMaster laser imaging systems are designed for multiparameter measurements with high spatial and temporal resolution. The systems provide in-situ and online flame imaging with quantitative information about species (particle) concentration, flame composition and flame temperature. For each application a dedicated set of hardware and software modules is provided allowing straightforward upgrades for different flame imaging applications.Simultaneous LIF imaging of reaction zone (OH-LIF) and unburnt fuelMulti-parameter laser imaging in a methan-air flame carried out with the FlameMaster Multifunctional laser imaging system.
  • FlameMaster inspexThe FlameMaster inspex imaging systems apply flame emission spectroscopy to combustion processes. The flame emission (chemiluminescence) of flame radicals like OH*, CH*, C2* is used to e.g. visualize the reaction zone or to monitor flame stoichiometry via emission ratios of such radicals. 2-color pyrometry (blackbody radiation) is used to measure temperature fields in sooty flames.Endoscopic flame temperature imagingFlameMaster inspexcamera systems for combustion imagingflame structure, species, soot concetration (KL-factor)spectral imaging of flame emissionsflame temperaturepyrometry for sooty flamesBOS for axisymmetric clean flamesflame instabilities, burner vibrationtemporal flame analysisignition, flame front propagation (flame speed)high speed imagingkeyhole imaging in real combustorsendoscopic imagingHigh temperature water cooled endoscopes for the inspection of furnaces and boilersFlame emission imaging is a line-of-sight (integrating) diagnostic method like absorption. 2D flame species imaging is carried out with a set of filters mounted in front of the camera lens or 1D using an imaging spectrograph for correlated multi-species detection. Line-of-sight images of axisymmetric flames are transformed into 2D radial flame profiles applying Abel inversion. Temporal flame analysis (flame flicker) is measured using statistical information from a time series of flame images. High speed imaging is applied for flame propagation and extinction measurements. FlameMaster inspex systems can be upgraded for laser imaging in flames by adding a laser.Product InformationEndoscopic ImagingImage DoublerHigh Temperature Camera Endoscope
  • EngineMaster inspex: Endoscopic IC-Imaging with Quantitative AnalysisLaVision’s EngineMaster inspex systems provide line-of-sight turnkey imaging solutions for in-cylinder spray and combustion visualization. The systems include all necessary components: high resolution digital color camera with imaging endoscope, endoscopic spray and background contour illumination, engine sealing inserts, synchronization electronics and software for recording and visualization.In combination with standard pressure indication endoscopic imaging links engine performance and emissions with in-cylinder phenomena such as pre-ignition, wall wetting and soot generation.Applicationsspray propagation, geometry, wall interaction (wetting)on-set of ignition, misfire, flame propagationin-situ soot formation and soot temperatureSystem Featuresdirect visualization of complete IC-engine cyclesindicated engine parameters: flame speed, soot concentration (KL-factor), flame temperaturecrank angle synchronized (high-speed) recordinghigh resolution (high-speed) camerasengine adaptation including engine sealing sleeves Advanced Image AnalysisEngineMaster inspex not only offers in-cylinder visualization. By implementing the powerful processing packages of LaVision’s DaVis software, quantitative information can be extracted from endoscopic images, such as fuel spray geometry data, flame propagation speed and soot temperature as well as concentration. Spray geometry Temperature and KL-value from soot pyrometry Flame propagation Product InformationEngineMaster inspexEndoscopic ImagingVisualization of Soot Formation in a DISI EngineRelated ProductsICOS for optical engine indicationEndoscopesRelated ApplicationsEngine Optimization and Emission Reduction
  • Flow Field Imaging in FlamesLaVision’s laser imaging systems for flow field imaging are called FlowMaster and are based on state-of-the-art Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) techniques.Turbulent combustion is strongly influenced by flow-chemistry interactions. High speed laser imaging applying simultaneously PIV and OH-PLIF in the same light sheet plane allows the investigation of such flow-flame interactions present in e.g. ignition and flame extinction processes. LaVision’s laser imaging concept supports in a unique way such simultaneous PIV and PLIF measurements based on our proven FlowMaster and FlameMaster systems both using the same DaVis platform for synchronized image recording and data processing.Flow field and NO distribution in a gas turbine combustorInstantaneous flow field prior to extinction in an opposed jet flame. White area marks the flame.B. B?hm et al. PCI 2009Product InformationFlowMasteradvanced PIV/PTV systems for quantitative flow field analysis
  • Laser Imaging in Dense Sprays: SLIPIStructured Laser Illumination Planar Imaging (SLIPI) reduces multiple light scattering applying laser imaging in dense sprays.SLIPI is based on spatially modulated laser light sheets for Mie or LIF imaging. While multiply scattered light loses the modulation information, it is maintained for singly scattered light. When the stripe-like phase shifted images are combined correctly, the resulting SLIPI image shows higher image contrast and reveals inner spray structures, which are hidden when using conventional planar laser imaging. Laser light sheet imaging in a hollow cone spray with and w/o SLIPIcourtesy: Elias Kristensson, ILASS-Europe, 2013References:Y.N.Mishra, E. Kristensson, E. Berrocal, “Reliable LIF/Mie droplet sizing insprays using structured laser illumination planar imaging”, Optics Express,Vol. 22, Issue 4, pp. 4480-4492 (2014),http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OE.22.004480E. Berrocal, E. Kristensson, P. Hottenbach, M. Aldén , G. Gruenefeld,“Quantitative imaging of a non-combusting diesel spray using structuredlaser illumination planar imaging”, Appl. Phys. B (2012) 109:683–694Product InformationStructured Laser Imaging in SpraysProduct InformationSLIPI Optics
  • LaVision 的 FlameMaster 系统系列旨在寻找新概念,以实现更高效、更清洁的燃烧设备。这些(激光)成像系统设计用于在各种火焰中进行多参数测量,具有很高的空间和时间分辨率。我们的 FlameMaster 成像系统支持工业设备中的在线火焰监测,并提供有关激光照明火焰区域中物质(颗粒)浓度、气体成分和火焰温度的定量信息。对于每个成像的燃烧参数,都提供了一组专用的硬件和软件模块,为直接的系统升级提供了可能性。这种模块化的成像升级特性为不同的火焰成像应用提供了充分的灵活性。
  • VideometerLab500种子/植物表型测量系统用于快速、有效测定表面颜色、质构、化学组分,植物学应用包括植物病害指纹研究、基因研究、生物周期节律、植物发育规律、逆境忍耐和药物筛选等。可测量痕量荧光素酶LUC生物发光以及化学发光,也可测量GFP荧光及其他荧光染料。成像面积可达0.5X0.25米,处理更大的样品,波段数量为14个,涵盖波长405-970nm,可广泛应用于植物病害成像、植物种质资源和表型研究,如叶片、种子表型和果实表型研究等,也用于食品、中草药、烟草、茶叶等研究。配备有高度敏感的1200万像素冷CCD摄像头,使摄像头成为荧光素酶和荧光染料的理想选择。 Videometer Lab500种质资源多光谱成像系统VideometerLab500种子/植物表型测量系统采用了LED技术,组合测量可达多达14个不同波长并集成到1张高分辨光谱图像中,实现图谱合一测量。图像的每一个像素为反射光谱。该系统为一款先进的多光谱颜色、质构、成分综合分析仪,集成了可见光高清成像,紫外成像以及部分近红外成像等强大功能。此设备还可选配荧光测量模块以及LUC荧光素酶、GFP叶绿素荧光成像模块,用于植物等荧光研究。此设备易于使用,该设备简单易用,集成了照明,相机以及计算机技术,具有强劲数字图像分析以及数据统计能力。该技术对于于对样品或表面的化学和可视特性定性测量特别有用,目前利用该技术发表文章超过300篇。VideometerLab500种子/植物表型测量系统技术参数1. 成像系统带扫描系统 、PC和选通控制器.2. 载物台、蓝带背景3. 存储箱带校准目标4.相机12.3M像素5、LED照明: 4 x LED板-14波长: 405, 430, 450, 470, 490, 515, 590,630, 660, 780, 850, 880, 940, 970 nm,集成RGB、紫外、部分近红外波段6、光源寿命长、可达10万小时7. 成像尺寸:4096 x 2048像素8. 视野:496 x 248mm分辨率0.121 mm/像素)9. 图像获取时间:1秒10. 尺寸:68(W)x 68(D)x82(H)11. 重量:65 kg12.电源: 100-240 VAC(PC和选通控制器)13.VideometerLab-500 设备用于在以下环境条件下运行:环境温度: 10-30°C湿度:20-80%湿度环境照明: 该设备适合室内多种照明条件,但不得暴露在直射阳光下震动:系统要取得最佳运行效果,需置于温度表面、远离持续震动 保护级: IP2014.软件:图像处理工具箱(IPT)、光谱成像工具箱(MSI)、斑点工具箱等。15.采用锥形体设计,提供均匀和弥散光线照明16.卓越的彩色测量功能,符合CIE标准17.备选滤波轮模块:长波滤光片18.冷CCD相机:相机类型 背光中带涂层全画幅芯片,1024 x 1024像素,慢速扫描模式,像素尺寸 13 x 13 μm,光谱范围 350-1050 nm,量子效率在 620 nm 时为 90%,像素合并可变可提高灵敏度,最高可达 16x16,曝光时间 从毫秒到小时,CCD 冷却 热电空气冷却温度低至 -70°C或更低。细菌荧光素酶研究设备一览:前门打开,插入装载台。锥形体照明舱配有LED板以及散射板,确保产品上散射、平稳光分布相机类型 背光中带涂层全画幅芯片,1024 x 1024像素,慢速扫描模式像素尺寸 13 x 13 μm光谱范围 350-1050 nm量子效率在 620 nm 时为 90%像素合并可变可提高灵敏度,最高可达 16x16曝光时间 从毫秒到小时CCD 冷却 热电空气冷却温度低至 -70° CLL条件下大豆叶绿素a(a)和b(b)含量分布的可视化图。平行颜色条表示图像中的叶绿素含量。除DD(b)外,LL条件(a)下不同时间的大豆叶片在记录期间反射差分图像(彩色)在780nm处显示出不均匀性的节奏&thinsp 。从大麦品种Guld、Scarlett、MS Bladplet、Rolfi获得的接种网斑病发展进程。(A)用于在2、4和9天检测接种网斑病的大麦植株的疾病症状的伪RGB图。(B)接种后2、4和9天,Guld, MS Bladplet, Scarlett与Rolfi疾病严重度以占叶面积(%)表示。通过VideometerLab软件估计发病面积,每个像素值被分类为有症状或健康。(C)在接种Guld、MS Bladplet、Scarlett和Rolfi品种8、24、48和120小时后,使用qRT PCR分析,根据DNA含量比较感染程度。将相对数量标准化用于样本模拟。以log2值和条形图代表的标准误差来自27个生物重复样本数据(p0.05)番茄单成熟突变体的果实性状。(A)与等基因突变体Cnr、nor和rin相比,野生型番茄(WT)、c.v.“Ailsa Craig”成熟进程经历了四个发育阶段:成熟绿[MG,花后37天(dpa)]、转绿(T,45 dpa)、红熟(RR,50 dpa)和过熟(或57 dpa)整体显示在左侧,纵向显示在右侧。图像由VideometerLab仪器采集和处理。条形图对应于2 cm。(B)测定了MG、RR和OR每个阶段的水果硬度(n=28-44)、总可溶性固形物(TSS)(n=5-12)和可滴定酸度(TA)(n=5-12)的测量值。误差条代表每个样本的生物复制品之间的标准误差。字母表示ANOVA和Tukey HSD计算的基因型和阶段之间存在显著差异(P≤ (C)在RR(n=22-34)和OR阶段(n=28-40),根据每个基因型的L*a*b*色标测量的外部颜色的主成分分析。重心由一个三角形表示,周围的椭圆表示95%的置信区间。接种禾谷镰刀菌)的普通小麦叶片的光谱特征以及相应的RGB图在多光谱图像上应用支持向量机方法(SVM)自动检测白粉病(PM)和HR。在(A,B)中,显示了多光谱图像的代表性区域。健康组织以绿色像素表示,PM疾病组织以蓝色像素表示(A)。红色像素表示正在经历HR(B)的组织。PM和HR像素按其与健康像素的比率(C)进行量化。定量分析显示,5天中的大量PM病变像素表明近等基因系WT易感病。Mla近等基因系可以通过大量的HR像素来识别。对于mlo近等基因系,两种模型的像素比率均较低。大豆未老化种子和老化种子类别12、24和48小时原始RGB图像以及在365/400 nm激发-发射组合下捕获的相应自体荧光图像(灰度和nCDA),显示种皮存在(a)和不存在(b)时的自体荧光模式。使用nCDA图像中具有不同自发荧光模式的种子在播种后8天进行发芽试验(c)。在nCDA图像中,基于10%修剪平均值计算像素值(自发荧光强度),以提供更真实的图像。图4(A) sRGB图像。(B),490nm(蓝光),(C),570nm(黄色),(D) 转换,(E)和(F),2种类型定量分割。图5(A) sRGB 图像,(B)490nm(蓝光),(C) 570nm(黄色),(D)转换,(E)定量分割藜麦病害定量研究蔓越莓果实硬度可视化研究
  • StrainMasterStrainMaster from LaVision is a state-of-the-art, non-intrusive optical tool for shape, strain and deformation analysis of solid and granular subjects. StrainMaster combines the most advanced Digital Image Correlation (DIC)algorithms with the highest quality of hardware to provide a complete and easy to use instrument for materials analysis. A range of StrainMaster systems are available from portable field work systems to highly specialized lab versions.LaVision' s state-of-the-art Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) software brings new depth to quantitative imaging analysis. DVC is not only capable of identifying defects and cracks before they are visible in the raw image, but is also able to quantify the full volume strain distribution and actual magnitudes of the material displacements surrounding discontinuities.2D-/3D Stereo DICAnalysis of 2D-/Stereo surface deformation and associated strains using natural or applied speckle patternDigital Volume Correlation (DVC)DVC tracks the displacement of the material structure pattern within volume images (X-ray CT, MRI, OCT), allowing full volumetric (3D) strain analysisSystemsStrainMaster is supplied as a complete turnkey system including hardware support, image acquisition and data management.System ComponentsSpecialised components to taylor any system to your particular requirements, e.g. cameras, lights, mechanicsProduct InformationStrainMasterRelated ProductsFlowMasterFlow field imagingFluid-Structure Interaction
  • Laser Imaging in SpraysLaVision‘s SprayMaster laser imaging system applies LIF and Mie imaging on pulsed laser light sheets. While the volume dependent LIF signal scales with the droplet mass, the simultaneously excited Mie signal is proportional to the droplet surface. Hence the LIF/Mie image ratio is used for planar global droplet sizing yielding the Sauter Mean Diamter (D32) distribution over the measured spray cross section.A special 2-color Tracer-LIF technique allows the simultaneous visualization of the liquid and vapor phase of the evaporating spray.Spray imaging on laser light sheets measured with the SprayMaster system Phase and Space Scan Imaging ofPeriodic SpraysDaVis supports time resolved 3D spray imaging applying phase scans in combination with light sheet traversing. Such a measurement sequence can be programmed in DaVis and then simply started with a button click.Combined time (phase) and space scans of a pulsed GDI spray. Shown is the global spray mass distributionMultiphase Flow Field Imaging in SpraysPIV imaging is applied to the spray droplets and the surrounding gas (with additional seeding) for multiphase flow field imaging in sprays using LaVision‘s low and high speed FlowMaster PIV systems.Product InformationSprayMasterRelated ProductsFlowMasterFlow field imaging
  • 近年来,对可再生能源技术的需求越来越大,可替代化石资源的优化也达到了上限。热电技术提供了将热能直接转化为电能的途径,是一种利用工业过程、车辆排气系统甚至来自人体热量中尚未消耗的废热的发电方法。LINSEIS TEG-Tester 是一种用于热电器件(TEGs)温度相关转换效率评估的测量系统。该模块位于热板和冷板之间,其中热板连接到可调节加热器,冷板连接到恒温控制的液冷散热器。通过集成的电机自动调节接触压力(根据温度调整压力稳定性)。通过设置不同的温度来对热电装置施加温度梯度,并测量通过参考试块计量棒而进入TEG的热流。在不同的点对产生的电压和电流进行扫描,得到I-V曲线,或可观测到在动态负载下运行的TEG。利用扰动和观测法来计算效率和跟踪最大功率点。应用方向:l 热电模块的性能测试l 评估热电材料的热电转换效率 l 在负载及热循环条件下测试热电模块的预期寿命特点: l 自动机械负载压力补偿l 不同的操作模式(CC、CV、FOC、MPPT、P&O)型号TEG TESTER样品尺寸40 mm x 40 mm (其他需求可定制)样品厚度≤ 30 mm 测厚精度± 0.1% (50% 量程) / ± 0.25%(100% 量程)温度范围RT 至 300°C (热端) / –20 至 300°C温度准确度0.1°C电压范围0-60 V (DC)电压准确度0.3 %电压分辨率2.4 μV电流范围0-25 A (DC)电流准确度0.3 %电流分辨率1 μA损耗功率≤250 W评估参数热流赛贝克系数平均值热导率平均值模块电阻平均值输出功率接触压力范围0 至 8 MPa (根据样品尺寸)接触压力准确度+/- 1% 尺寸675 mm H x 550mm W x 680 mm D冷却装置外部冷却器(与附加加热装置结合使用)加热装置电阻加热器*价格范围仅供参考,实际价格与配置等若干因素有关。如有需要,请拨打电话咨询,我们定会将竭尽全力为您制定完善的解决方案。
  • System FeaturesStrainMaster SystemsLaVision’s StrainMaster systems provide turnkey imaging solutions for various materials testing applications. The systems include all necessary components: high resolution digital cameras, illumination units, synchronization electronics, mounting mechanics and software for recording and DIC computation.StrainMaster PortableThe StrainMaster Portable hardware offers unparalleled flexibility and excellent stability in a compact package. Building on customer feedback and our experience of DIC use in the field, we have developed the StrainMaster Portable hardware. A typical system comes with a sturdy tripod, flexible gearheads, camera(s), LED illumination units and the Device Control Unit (DCU) X with integrated AD converter.quick setup without toolslightweight and easy to moveflexible positioning of cameras and lightsfully synchronized communication between connected hardwareStrainMaster CompactThe StrainMaster Compact is a compact, pre-configured system for optical deformation and fracture analysis. The system works according to the digital image correlation (DIC) method and consists of two cameras and an integrated LED illumination source in a handy measuring head. The StrainMaster Compact is designed for a fixed working distance of approx. 25 cm. Versions with 12 or 16 mm focal length are available with either 2 or 5 megapixel camera resolutions. For data acquisition and evaluation the StrainMaster Compact uses a Device Control Unit (DCU) X - a compact controller unit for all connected peripherals and installed DaVis or StrainMaster DIC software package.System Featureshandy and compact measuring head2 or 5 Mpx camera resolutionpredefined working distanceseasy to set-upSmall Scale Micro-DIC SystemsUnderstanding the mechanical and material behavior of microscale components is extremely challenging and there is often a lack of detailed information on microelectronic or biomedical materials in terms of stress-strain behavior. LaVision offers stereo microscope based 3D DIC systems with special optical calibration models which allow the user to collect and analyze full field shape and strain in sub millimeter ranges. This information is extremely valuable in validating complex Finite Element simulations.We work closely with the well known microscope manufacturers to offer the best solution for your requirements. A range of manual and motorized microscope bodies are available with varying zoom ratios. Together with carefully selected lenses and specialized adapters we can tailor the system to your particular application, taking into account important factors such as working distance. We have a recommended frame for our microscopes and can supply automated traverse systems for easy controllable repositioning of the system.High-Speed DIC SystemsUnderstanding of strain rate effects on material behavior is important in the case of structures subject to dynamic, shock, impact or blast loading. Fullfield data-rich imaging techniques are used to provide a better understanding of composite, metal, and plastic material characteristics at high strain rates. High-Speed StrainMastersystems feature fully integrated high-speed cameras with kHz frame rates.Product InformationStrainMaster PortableStrainMaster Micro-DICStrainMaster for Challenging Optical SetupsHigh-Speed DIC SystemsVibration Analysis of Tuning Fork Oscillations using High-Speed DIC
  • 对象感知抖盒子(Object-awareShake-the-Box)原创 LaVision 欧兰科技 2024年07月22日 10:08环绕有障碍物体空间中的拉格朗日粒子追踪流场测量LaVision的抖盒子(Shake-the-Box)技术(与在德国哥廷根的德国宇航中心DLR合作研发)通过一种独特的对象感知(Object-aware)抖盒子( Shake-the-Box (OA-STB)*方法得到了扩展。该方法在示踪粒子轨迹重建过程中无缝集成了被测空间中存在的固体障碍物的物体信息。这使得可以在流场表征过程中同时获取上游和下游信息,从而应用于各种流体-结构相互作用的应用中。Delft 工业大学的L. Hendriksen空气动力学研究团队友情提供数据360度环绕测量通过多摄像头设置覆盖整个感兴趣物体的周围,OA-STB提供了无需在多个无遮挡位置扫描测量系统即可进行瞬时360°流场测量的可能性。这种独特的OA-STB方法使得在测量场的不同覆盖子域衔接处不会出现重建伪影,从而实现连续的流场表征。对准标记重构(Marker reconstruction)在OA-STB处理过程中,一个重要部分是将数字模型正确定位在测量坐标系统中。这种对齐可以通过在实际流场重建之前进行的表面标记重建轻松完成。通过对表面标记进行三角测量,可以在DaVis软件中将物体的CAD模型与这些标记对齐,从而使抖盒子(Shake-the-Box)分析能够准确充分地利用已知的几何信息。*B. Wieneke and T. Rockstroh, “Lagrangian particle tracking in the presence of obstructing objects,”Meas. Sci. Technol., vol. 35, no. 5, p. 055303, 2024, doi: 10.1088/1361-6501/ad289d.深度地图(Depth maps)通过了解物体的位置和方位,以及使用DaVis获得的准确多摄像头校准,物体信息可以高效地编码在深度“地图”中。这些深度“地图”记录了测量设置中每个摄像头和每个像素从摄像头到物体的距离。在迭代粒子重构(IPR)步骤中利用这些数据,DaVis能够自动确定在流场重建过程中需要采用哪些摄像头的数据。在Davis平台中显示CAD对象除了在流场重建过程中利用物体信息的计算优势外,DaVis还提供了将CAD模型与测量结果一起可视化的可能性。流场和物体数据的同步可视化大大提高了相关物理现象的可解释性。支持的可视化包括与矢量场和粒子轨迹同时展示。LaVision的对象感知抖盒子(Object-awareShake-the-Box, OA-STB)在DaVis11.2及以上版本中提供。
  • FlameMaster MultifunctionalLaser Imaging SystemThe FlameMaster Multifunctional system supports fuel, flame temperature and soot imaging applying the laser imaging techniques Tracer-LIF, Rayleigh Thermometry and LII.For all laser imaging applications a pulsed, multi-wavelengths (532nm, 355nm, 266nm) Nd:YAG laser is the standard light source. Upgraded with a T-YAG Module (intra-cavity etalon) this laser also supports OH-LIF imaging. The software controlled laser shutter provides stable UV laser output and eye-safe operation during stand-by mode and opens the beam path only for image recording. The externally triggered Programmable Timing Unit (PTU X) synchronizes the laser pulse with the time-gated intensified camera (IRO).Laser imaging applications in flames measured with the FlameMaster multifunctional systemFlameMaster multifunctional laser imaging system Tunable Nd:YAG laser for OH-LIF imagingThe T-YAG Module is an upgrade option for Nd:YAG lasers which allows for OH-LIF measurements without the need of a dye-laser. The T-YAG Module effectively generates the proper excitation wavelength for OH-LIF directly from a frequency quadrupled Nd:YAG laser. The module retrofits a selected range of appropriate Nd:YAG lasers and can be installed as an upgrade option.Combining the T-YAG Module capabilities for the detection of OH-LIF with the broadband excitation for LIF tracers such as acetone allows monitoring the mixture formation and the flame propagation at the same time.UV Nd:YAG laser with T-YAG Module for simultaneous reaction zone and fuel imagingProduct InformationQuantitative Soot Imaging based on LIIFlame Temperature Imaging based on Rayleigh ThermometrySystem upgradesFlameMaster Ramanfor flame composition and temperatureFlameMaster Tunable LIFfor flame radicals and speciesT-YAG Module for OH-LIF Imaging
  • 平面双轴测试系统是一款双轴拉伸测试系统。可对软组织和生物材料进行定性研究测试,能实时捕捉材料的动态图像并同步显示,分析力与位移以及同步视频图像用于分析结果和验证,所得数据可输出为标准的电子表格,或者导入到分析软件中进行分析。X、Y轴处于同一个平面上,能对平面组织进行单轴或双轴拉力测量,位移和力控制、循环测试、蠕变、预加载和非等轴双向加载都很容易规定。夹具具有挂载梳或直接夹住的固定系统,多种测试模式可选。应用领域: 可用于生物组织、医疗器械、纺织品、橡胶材料、塑料薄膜、金属、复合材料的研究。在生物医学研究领域,主要用于人工皮肤、人造血管、人心脏瓣膜、人工角膜、人工巩膜、人工肌腱、人工韧带、人工软组织、人工椎间盘、人工纤维环等生物材料的测试。可用于橡胶、塑料、纺织品、布匹、纸张、薄膜等高分子材料的各向同性或者各向异性研究和测试,用于测量膜材强度、弹性模量等多种力学性质。 样品要求:测试样本不小于3×3毫米,不大于15×15毫米,可以进行多模块周期的、拉伸和松弛测试。 产品提供控温浴槽,配备培养基加热腔和温度传感器,以保持标本处于合适的生理条件。最近发表的论文:2019 An Investigation Of Regional Variations In The Biaxial Mechanical Properties And Stress Relaxation Behaviors Of Porcine Atrioventricular Heart Valve Leaflets D. Laurence, C. Ross, S. Jett, C. Johns, A. Echols, R. Baumwart, R. Towner, J. Liao, P. Bajona, Y. Wu, C. H. Lee2019 Strain Effects On Collagen Proteolysis In Heart Valve Tissues K. Barbour, H. Y. S. Huang2019 Comparison Of Biomechanical Properties And Microstructure Of Trabeculae Carneae, Papillary Muscles, And Myocardium In The Human Heart F. Fatemifar, M. D. Feldman, M. Oglesby, H. C. Han2019 Rate-Dependency Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Semilunar Heart Valves Under Biaxial Deformation A. Anssari-Benam, Y-T. Tseng, A. Bucchi2019 An Investigation Of Layer-Specific Tissue Biomechanics Of Porcine Atrioventricular Valve Anterior Leaflets K. Kramer, C. Ross, A. Babu, Y. Wu, R. Towner, A. Mir, H. M. Burkhart, G. A. Holzapfel, C. H. Lee2019 The Degradation And Performance Of Electrospun Supramolecular Vascular Scaffolds Examined Upon In Vitro Enzymatic Exposure E. E. van Haaften, R. Duijvelshoff, B. D. Ippela, S. H. M. Sontjens, M. H. C. J. van Houtem, H. M. Janssen, A. I. P. M. Smits, N. A. Kurniawan, P. Y. W. Dankers, C. V. C. Bouten2019 Mechanical Damage Characterization In Human Femoropopliteal Arteries Of Different Ages E. Anttila, D. Balzani, A. Desyatova, P. Deegan, J. MacTaggart, A. Kamenskiy2019 Cyclic Strain Affects Macrophage Cytokine Secretion And Extracellular Matrix Turnover In Electrospun Scaffolds V. Bonito, B. J. deKort, C. V. C. Bouten, A. I. P. M. Smits2019 Image-Based Analysis Of Uniaxial Ring Test For Mechanical Characterization Of Soft Materials And Biological Tissues E. E. van Haaften, M. C. van Turnhout, N. A. Kurniawan2019 Mechanical Properties of Autologous Pericardium Change with Fixation Time: Implications for Valve Reconstruction S. C. Hofferberth, C. W. Baird, D. M. Hoganson, L. G. Quinonez, S. M. Emani, P. J. Del Nido, P. E. Hammer2019 Tissue Level Mechanical Properties and Extracellular Matrix Investigation of the Bovine Jugular Venous Valve Tissue A. A. Benson, H-Y. S. Huang2019 Regional Biaxial Mechanical Data of the Mitral and Tricuspid Valve Anterior Leaflets D. Laurence, C. Ross, S. Jett, C. Johns, A. Echols, R. Baumwart, R. Towner, J. Liao, P. Bajona, Y. Wu, C. H. Lee2019 Mechanics of the Tricuspid Valve-From Clinical Diagnosis/Treatment, In-Vivo and In-Vitro Investigations, to Patient-Specific Biomechanical Modeling. C. H. Lee, D. Laurence, C. Ross, K. Kramer, A. Babu, E. Johnson, M. C. Hsu, A. Aggarwal, A. Mir, H. Burkhart, R. Towner, B. Baumwart, Y. Wu2019 An Investigation of the Glycosaminoglycan Contribution to Biaxial Mechanical Behaviours of Porcine Atrioventricular Heart Valve Leaflets C. Ross, D. Laurence, Y. Wu, J. Richardson, A. Babu, L. Evans, E. Beyer, R. Childers, Y. Wu, R. Towner, K. M. Fung, A. Mir, H. Burkhart, G. A. Holzapfel, C. H. Lee
  • High Resolution Shadow ImagingHigh resolution imaging and special backlight illumination are the key components of the ParticleMaster Shadow system. As opposed to laser diffraction or interferometric methods shadowgraphy does not require transparent and spherical particles and, therefore, is a quite universal technique for comprehensive particle characterization.The ParticleMaster software package automatically identifies valid particles in an image series and calculates all particle properties with outstanding processing speed incl. statistical information in real-time.Shadowgraphy can well be combined with other flow imaging methods like PIV or thermometry for use in multiphase flows.Tomographic Shadow ImagingOur ParticleMaster 3D Shadow systems are based on tomographic shadow imaging. Using multiple shadow projections the tomographic reconstruction module in DaVis calculates the position and shape of particles, bubbles and droplets in 3D space. With time-resolved recordings particle trajectories with velocity and acceleration data are measured. Time-resolved tomographic shadow imaging was successfully applied in bubbly flows for 3D flow imaging of both phases.ParticleMaster Shadow System Featuressimultaneous size, position and shapeparticle number density (corrected for different size classes)particle velocity derived from double frame exposuresvelocity - size correlations, histograms, scatterplotsmass fluxvisualization of ligaments, spray break-up and atomizationProduct InformationParticleMaster3D Shadow Imaging in bubbly flows
  • SDS树木周长生长测量系统原理:SDS树木周长生长变化测量系统集成了高精度元器件,按压式设计。当固定在树干上时,利用细钢丝绳绕树一周,当树木生长变化时,钢丝绳被撑紧进而会压缩传感器顶部伸缩杆,树木生长的变化转换为传感器伸缩杆的压缩量。信号经过微型采集器采集并储存,整机低功耗仅需两节7号电池即可供电一年时间。 斯得森SDS树木周长生长测量系统技术参数:型号SDS-25输出类型电阻型模拟输出0-100%给定输入电压(随位移变化而变化)适应范围树木直径大于5cm机械行程25mm复调范围无限传感器电阻2KΩ线性精度0.01%行程供电电压2.5V工作环境-40~50℃,0~无冷凝抗震动指标5-2000HZ,距离AMAX=75MM重量AMAX=20G最大工作速度1m/s电缆长度标配10米,可定制延长记录仪连接数量4个传感器记录间隔1s~18h分辨率16位存储容量4MB,最多存储190万条数据,可循环通讯方式无线数据标准蓝牙低功耗传输范围视线30.5 m智能手机APP进行数据下载供电两节AAA 1.5V碱性电池,用户可自行更换电池电量约1年
  • ossila LED测量系统 400-860-5168转3827
    Ossila LED 测量系统为执行电流-电压-亮度提供了完整的解决方案 (IVL 或 JVL) LED 的特性。设备支架具有内置的光传感器,以允许照度, 亮度和白计数测量。为了简化设备测试,该软件还将计算电流和 LED 的电源效率。同时,寿命模式可测量 LED 在较长时间内的性能 在恒定电压下。一.含义IVL(或 JVL)测量:IVL,或电流-电压-亮度,是电学表征发光二极管的主要方法 (指示灯)。在IVL测量中,通过设备的电流(I或J)和发射光的测量值为 施加的电压(V)在两点之间扫描。通过这种测量,可以确定多种属性, 包括亮度 (L)、电流效率和功率效率(也称为功效)。二. 特点1. 快速表征:我们直观的软件(随附)可以轻松进行电流-电压-亮度测量。系统记录照 度、 亮度和白度计数。为了加快表征过程,系统将计算LED的电流效率和功率效率。2. 快速简便:插入系统,安装PC软件,即可开始使用。Ossila LED测量系统由研究科学家设计,旨在解决与测量和表征LED相关的挫折。直观的界面和简洁的设计使系统简单易用。3. 测量范围广:内置源测量单元能够提供 -10 V 至 +10 V 的电压,最大分辨率为 170 μV,测量电流低至 ±10 nA 至 ±200 mA,照度高达 100 klx。4. 测量设备稳定性:通过施加恒定电压并长时间测量电流、亮度和效率,可以跟踪和分析 LED 的稳定性。5.直观的软件:我们直观的 PC 软件(随附)可以更快、更轻松地检定 LED。创建和保存设置配置文件,实时绘制数据,并将结果导出为 CSV 文件。三. 规格
  • Lithiation induced dilation mapping in a Li-ion battery electrode by 3D X-ray Microscopy and Digital Volume CorrelationCourtesy of Eastwood et al, published in Advanced Energy MaterialsDigital Volume CorrelationDigital Volume Correlation (DVC) is a novel technique for full 3D strain and deformation measurements. The technique imports volume images of the component in reference and deformed states and is able to calculate the full 3D displacement and strain map. Images are typically acquired from X-ray Computed Tomography (X-ray CT) systems, but can equally be obtained by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) systems for biological subjects, or via optical techniques for transparent media. DVC is a powerful nonintrusive technique for the identification of sub-surface material deformation and is capable of identifying defects, discontinuities or other material characteristics.Digital Volume Correlation requires a random pattern within the bulk of the specimen. That random pattern is seen as changes in local contrast. In the case of X-ray CT scans the pattern will be produced by changes in material density such as air voids in concrete, or particles of different material type within the main body matrix, such as tin particles distributed in an aluminum powder The volume image is sub divided into interrogation sub-volumes within which the displacement of the pattern is computed.3D representation of scaffold implant used for cartilage repair obtained using microcomputed tomographyThis sequence is a scan in the z direction showing image slices with corresponding calculated vector and strain planes.Data courtesy of Dr. K. Madi / Prof. J. Tong (University of Portsmouth) et al., presented at ECCOMAS – Int. Conference on Tissue Engineering 2011, LisbonProduct InformationStrainMaster Digital Volume CorrelationElastic Stiffness CharacterizationAuxetic Foam CompressionDamage Initiation and Crack Propagation
  • SSI-ET模块式动物能量代谢测量系统可用于精确测量啮齿类、鸟类等各种小型甚至中大型实验动物的能量代谢,包括呼出的二氧化碳量、耗氧量、水汽量等,并计算分析动物能量代谢和呼吸商,广泛应用于代谢表型、遗传学、医学实验、预防医学研究实验、动物生理生态学、生态毒理学、动物营养学等。系统由二氧化碳分析仪、氧气分析仪、水汽分析仪、多通道气路转换器、定制气流控制器、数据采集器与程序软件、代谢笼或定制呼吸室、以及植入式动物生理生态监测记录仪等组成。可根据研究内容及经费预算定制8通道(可同时测量7个动物的呼吸代谢,另一个通道为baseline通道)甚至更多通道测量系统,或选择同时测量CO2、O2、RQ及H2O,亦可根据要求只选择测量CO2或O2的测量系统。主要功能特点:1.模块式结构,具备高度可扩展性、多样化配置方案:a) 标配为8通道系统(7个工作通道、1个baseline通道),可选配4通道、16通道或更多通道 b) 可只选配CO2分析仪和O2分析仪,还可同时选配CO2分析仪、O2分析仪、H2O分析仪等便携式主机c) 可同时监测实验动物的体温、心率等生理指标d) 可选配活动监测单元,以对动物活动进行同步化监测并进而分析动物活动与能量代谢的关系e) 可选配气体调控系统,以调节控制进入呼吸室中的O2或CO2浓度f) 可选配动物呼吸笼舍内的称重等监测传感器。g) 可选配多通道动物脂肪温度监测传感器。h) 可选配环境控制监测模块。 i) 可根据测试实验动物大小以及通道数定制高精度气流发生控制器单元。1. 高精确度、高灵敏度、是目前国际上发表学术论文最多的动物能量代谢专业仪器2. 开放式代谢笼、抽气式测量技术,可在动物不受应急胁迫的情况下至少24小时长时间测量,也可选配定制推气式密封笼舍等。 3. 可选配红外热成像单元,测量分析实验动物温度分布技术指标:1. 氧气分析测量:氧气测量范围0-100%,分辨率0.0001%,精确度优于0.1%,响应时间小于7秒,24小时漂移低于0.01%,20分钟噪音低于0.002%pk-pk;温度、压力补偿,4通道模拟输出,16bit分辨率;数码过滤(噪音)0-50秒可调,增幅0.2秒,内置A/D转换器分辨率24 bits;可同时测量温度(测量范围0-60℃,分辨率0.001℃)和气压(测量范围30-110kPa,分辨率0.0001kPa);具两行文字数字LCD显示屏,具背光,可同时显示氧气含量和气压;大小33x25x10cm,重量约4.5kg。另有双通道高精度氧气分析测量仪备选。2. 二氧化碳分析测量:双波长非色散红外技术,测量范围0-5%或0-15%两级选择(双程),内置数据采集系统,实时测量,响应时间小于1秒,分辨率优于0.0001%或1ppm(可达0.1ppm),精确度1%,建议气流5-2000ml/分钟,噪音小于2ppm,24小时漂移低于0.002%,通过软件温度补偿,采样频率10Hz;具两行文字数字LCD显示屏,具背光,可同时显示CO2含量和气压;4通道模拟输出,16bit分辨率,具数码过滤(噪音);大小33x25x10cm,重量约4.5kg3. 水气测量仪:测量范围0.2%-100%(相对湿度)、分辨率0.001%(相对湿度),露点温度-40~40℃、分辨率0.002℃(露点温度),水汽密度0-10µ g/ml、分辨率0.0001µ g/ml,水汽压力0-20kPa、分辨率0.01Pa;模拟输出16 bits,建议气流速度5-2000ml/min,具两行文字数字LCD显示屏,具背光,可同时显示水汽含量和温度4. 气体二次抽样单元:包括一个泵、针阀(控制进出泵体的气流)和气流计(0-2000ml/m);隔膜泵,滚轴马达,最大流速2-4L/min;热桥式气流计,分辨率1ml/min,精确度2%;模拟输出12 bits;重量约2kg5. 气路转换器:8个气路通道(包括一个Baseline通道)自动切换或手动切换均支持;可多台组合成16通道或24通道;反应时间50毫秒;支持push或pull两种气流方向;支持stop &fllig ow或&fllig ow-through两种气路切换模式;具备2行显示LCD显示屏;供电12-15VDC,配交流电适配器;工作温度:5-45℃,无冷凝;重量3.6kg;尺寸20.3cm×30.5cm×15.2cm;6. 数据采集器:12个信号输入通道,其中8个模拟输入通道可以测量-5.12V到+5.12V的电压信号,16bits数模转换;4个温度输入专用通道专门连接温度传感器,温度测量范围-5到60℃;2个模拟信号输出通道,0-5V,12位分辨率;1个16bits计数器;8个数字输出用于系统控制,TTL电平;采样频率100Hz;USB数据线;7. 植入式体温与心率记录仪,自带电池无需外部电磁场供电,可通过通讯盒下载或遥测,小鼠用记录仪重量仅1g,主要技术指标参见下表,可选配其它如E-mitter等遥测记录仪 8. 定制代谢笼舍、呼吸气体收集面罩或呼吸代谢测量室。 产地:国内集成 参考文献 Blumstein DM, Colella JP, Linder E, MacManes MD. High total water loss driven by low-fat diet in desert-adapted mice. bioRxiv 2022. DOI: 10.1101/2022.04.15.488461.Colella J P , Blumstein D M , MD Macmanes. Disentangling environmental drivers of circadian metabolism in desert-adapted mice[J]. J Exp Biol (2022) G.F.S. Teofilo, R.L. Riveros, B.B. Leme, R.S. Camargos, M. Macari, J.B.K. Fernandes, N.K. Sakomura. Energy utilization and requirement of broiler breeders during the production phase, Poultry Science, Volume 102, Issue 11,2023,102980,ISSN 0032-5791, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psj.2023.102980.John J. Reho et al. Methods for the conmprehensive in vivo analysis of energy flux, fluid homeostasis, blood pressure, and ventilatory function in Rodents. Frontiers in Physiology(2022)Marco Battaglia et al. Enhanced harm detection following maternal separation: Transgenerational transmission and reversibility by inhaled amiloride.Sci. Adv.9, eadi8750(2023). DOI:10.1126/sciadv.adi8750Marta Grosiak et al. Aged-related changes in the thermoregulatory properties in Bank Voles from a selection experiment. Frontiers in Physiology(2020)
  • 现代社会,螺栓广泛用于各个领域的构件连接,不可欠缺。在机械结构、汽车、飞机、高速公路、桥梁、分段固定等应用中,通过测量施加到螺栓的轴向力,可以确定和管理紧固状况。此外,轴向力测量对于了解螺栓强度和设计螺栓连接方式也很有帮助。本公司承接螺栓测量的应变片安装业务。对客户提供螺栓进行钻孔加工,埋设专用应变片并提供负载标定。应变片安装业务可以埋设应变片或表面粘贴应变片。提供特殊形状螺栓的咨询,可以满足从低温到高温的要求。安装方法根据螺栓的使用条件,有螺栓内部埋设方法和表面粘贴方法。埋设: 螺栓专用应变片(BTM/BTMC系列)在螺栓中心钻孔,孔径为1.6mm或2mm。将应变片插入螺栓孔中并使用专用胶粘剂埋设。这种方法的优点是在紧固螺栓时可以避免垫圈等物件对应变片的损伤。粘贴: F、QF、ZF、CF系列将两组应变片以轴向对称形式粘合在螺栓轴的两侧,以消除弯曲的影响。为了避免在紧固螺栓或与垫圈接触时损坏应变片,螺栓表面经过略微削平后粘贴应变片。根据使用温度以及环境选择适合的应变片。标定业务为实现精确的测量,可按指定的负载标定。用于标定的测量仪器和校准设备,将定期由符合日本国家标准的公认机构进行标定和检查。应用示例监测连接部位的螺栓轴向力由于风力发电设施的大型化,安装、运转时结合部位的螺栓轴力管理是必不可少的。通过在连接部分使用的螺栓中安装螺栓应变片,可以连续监测轴向力。叶片等结合部位的一部份使用螺栓固定,可以时常监视轴力的状态。电路板紧固螺栓轴力测量施加到螺栓上的轴向力通常用扭矩计算,但通过使用螺栓应变计(轴力螺栓)直接测量轴向力,可以很容易地测量和检查松动、过度拧紧以及是否达到规定的紧固力。我们可提供M3及以上尺寸的螺栓加工。获取产品资料,了解更多产品信息,请咨询日本东京测器研究所(日本TML)中国总代理欧美大地,热线400-700-9998
  • Spray Geometry and PatternationLaVision’s SprayMaster Geometry package extracts spray plume morphology and geometry information from backlight and light sheet spray images.Depending on the optical arrangement, the spray image obtains information about the spray pattern (radial spray cuts) or the spray plume shape and propagation (axial spray cuts).Analysis of multi-hole injectors (e.g. automotive fuel sprays) reveals geometry information for each individual spray cone separately.Radial spray cuts: spray patternationRadial cuts are derived from light sheet images in cross section with thespray axis.spray pattern area and its equivalent diametermass circle diameters according to SAE definitioncentroid position based on spray image intensitylargest and shortest radius of the pattern rimplots about radial and angular spray distribution to reveal the structural characteristics of spray plumesAxial spray cuts: plume geometry and propagationAxial cuts are aligned with the spray propagation direction. Measurementsare achieved using light sheets, global lighting or backlighting.spray cone angle measured e.g. at a given distance from the orificebent angle (deviation from orifice axis) and bothhalf angles to indicate the symmetry and direction of the spray plumetip penetration to represent the propagation of the sprayangular spray density plot to show the uniformity of the sprayProduct InformationSpray Geometry Software
  • PicoFemto透射电镜原位STM-TEM力电一体测量系统,价格请咨询(微信同号) 透射电子显微镜原位TEM-STM测量系统是在标准外形的透射电镜样品杆内加装扫描探针控制单元,通过探针对单个纳米结构进行操纵和电学测量,并可在电学测量的同时,动态、高分辨地对样品的晶体结构、化学组分、元素价态进行综合表征,大大地扩展了透射电子显微镜的功能与应用领域。透射电镜原位STM-TEM力电一体测量系统是在标配STM-TEM样品杆内集成纳牛力传感器,实现高精度的力学及电学测量。性能指标 透射电镜指标: ● 兼容指定电镜型号及极靴;● 可选双倾版本,双倾电学测量样品杆Y轴倾角±25°(同时受限于极靴间距);● 保证透射电镜原有分辨率。 电学测量指标:● 包含一个电流电压测试单元;● 电流测量范围:1 nA-30 mA,9个量程;● 电流分辨率:优于100 fA;● 电压输出范围:普通模式±10 V,高压模式±150 V;● 自动电流-电压(I-V)测量、电流-时间(I-t)测量,自动保存。 扫描探针操纵指标:● 粗调范围:XY方向2.5 mm,Z方向1.5 mm;● 细调范围:XY方向18 um,Z方向1.5 um;● 细调分辨率:XY方向0.4 nm,Z方向0.04 nm。 力学传感器指标:● 悬臂梁弹性范围1 N/m~100 N/m;● 载荷分辨率优于5 nN(使用1 N/m悬臂梁时); ● 自动测量力-距离曲线,自动保存。 产品特色 (1)可保证电镜原有分辨率,即使在球差内也可以拍到清晰原子像;(2)良好的操纵稳定性,压电陶瓷驱动方式,保证高精度的操纵。样品杆具有很高的稳定性 ,探针移动平稳,实现高分辨原位观察实验;(3)操作简便,软件界面友好易操作。控制器集成电流电压测试单元,满足大多数实验需求。位移粗调和细调全软件操作; (4)力电一体化解决方案,力学和电学配置可满足大部分测试需求。 以上就是泽攸科技对PicoFemto透射电镜原位STM-TEM力电一体测量系统的介绍,关于整套系统价格请咨询(微信同号)原文: 安徽泽攸科技有限公司,是一家具有完全自主知识产权的先进装备制造公司。公司集研发、生产和销售业务于一体,向客户提供原位电镜解决方案、扫描电子显微镜等设备,立志成为具有国际先进水平的电子显微镜及附件制造商。   公司有精通机械、光学、超高真空、电子技术、微纳加工技术、软件技术的团队,我们为纳米科学的研究提供的设备。公司团队于20世纪90年代投入电镜及相关附件研发中,现有两个系列核心产品:     (1)PicoFemto系列原位TEM/SEM测量系统;     (2)ZEM15台式扫描电子显微镜。     PicoFemto系列原位TEM/SEM测量系统自问世以来,获得了国内外研究者的高度关注,并且已外销至澳洲、美国、欧洲等地。我们协助用户做出大量研究成果,相关成果发表在Nature及其子刊/JACS/AM/Nano. Lett./Joule/Nano. Energy/APL/Angewandte/Inorg. Chem.等高水平刊物上。 目前在国内使用我公司产品的课题组/实验平台多达八十余个,遍布五十余所大学/研究机构,包括中科院过程所、北京大学、清华大学、浙江大学、中科院硅酸盐研究所、厦门大学、电子科大、苏州大学、西安交通大学、武汉理工大学、上海大学、中科院大连化物所等等。国外用户包括澳洲昆士兰科技大学、英国利物浦大学、美国休斯顿大学、美国莱斯大学等。
  • 将半自动视光学量系统性能提升到一个新的水平StarLite™ 250|300型号在工作台尺寸上提供更多的选择。StarLite系统具有可靠的电动变焦光学元件和高分辨率数字百万像素彩色摄像头,提供所需的精度,扩展了可用的测量能力,并通过坚固的花岗岩底座将半自动性能提升到一个新的水平,以实现刚性、稳定的3轴测量能力。带有符合人体工程学的控制装置的精密滚珠平台使操作变得更简单。StarLite250-300系统提供:具有电动自动对焦功能的3轴(X、Y、Z)测量功能配备电动变焦镜头的百万像素数码彩色相机LED背光、LED表面灯和VectorLight™ 可编程环形LED灯,实现照明的灵活性可选脚踏开关技术参数XYZ行程(MM)标准250:300x150x150300:300x300x150光学元件标准6.5:1电动变焦镜头可选1.0x镜头的镜头附件:0.5x、0.75x、1.5x、2.0x照明标准LEDVectorLight™ SP可编程环形灯,具有6个环和7个扇区、LED背光、LED表面光可选LEDVectorLight™ SF可编程环形灯,具有6个环和8个扇区软件Measure-X
  • 3D Flame ImagingVolumetric flame imaging based on tomographic reconstruction gives insights into the complex 3D-distribution of flame species. While multi-cameras are used in parallel to reconstruct the instantaneous 3D flame structure, time-averaged 3D flame imaging is possible with only one camera collecting consecutively the (laser induced) flame emission from multiple views. 3D flow fields in flames can be measured with LaVision’s FlowMaster Tomo PIV systems.Time averaged 3D flame emission (OH*) imaging using one cameraInstantaneous 3D flame emission imaging using multiple camerasInstantaneous 3-dimensional OH-LIF imaging using four intensified cameras with image doublers Product Information3D Flame Imaging based on Tomographic ReconstructionTomographic LIF Imaging in Turbulent FlamesReferencesTomographic imaging of OH laser-induced fluorescence in laminar and turbulent jet flames
  • 产品简介 ALCT-EO1-V 是一款用于显示设备的精密光电特性测试系统。设备用途广泛,可用于测量不同视角下的透射率、反射率、对比度、色温特性。设备内置五轴测角仪和两轴步进电机。可测参数 透射率和反射率:用可编程任意波形驱动样品,测量其透射率和反射率响应时间:在透射和反射模式下测量样品的响应时间色温:用可编程任意波形驱动样品,测量其色温视角:透射和反射模式下不同视角下的对比度透射光谱和反射光谱:用可编程任意波形驱动样品,测量其透射光谱和反射光谱机械参数 转轴扫描范围步距倾角Theta (自动)0 … 90°0.01°转动角Phi (自动)0 … 360°0.01°x 平动 (手动,可选)-10 … +10mm0.01 mmy平动(手动,可选)-10 … +10mm0.01 mmz平动(手动)0 … 100 mm0.01 mmDUT 尺寸对角线200 mm (对角线尺寸8")厚度100 mm尺寸ALCT-EO1-V 机械部分 (L x Hx W)650 mm x 460 mm x 350 mm光学屏蔽箱 (L x H x W)720 mm x 1060 mm x 910 mm重量机械部分80 kg光学屏蔽箱30 kg设备要求电源电压200~240V AC / 100~120V AC主保险丝电流10 A电源功率整套设备大约 1500 W (ALCT-EO1-V,包含 PC, ALCT-EO1,MK2000,H-150, C500WU,按全部工作时计算)其他参数 操作环境温度23°C (± 5°C)操作环境湿度0 ~ 60 % 相对湿度PD04光强检测器:对比度10^9PD04光强检测器:测量光斑直径1, 2, 3, 8 mmFlame-T光谱仪:光谱范围200 ~ 850 nmFlame-T光谱仪:光谱分辨率0.1 ~ 10.0 nm (由配置而定)Flame-T光谱仪:信号噪音(信号采集)300 : 1Flame-T光谱仪:测量光斑直径1, 2, 3, 8 mm驱动电机:电压范围±95V驱动电机:电压分辨率100uV温度控制部分 HCFA100:高精度气流式温控系统,用于样品温控。温度范围 -45°C ~ +85°CTS106(可选):基于帕尔贴效应的接触式高精度温控系统,含mK2000温控器,温度范围 -35 °C to +85 °C光源 H-150:卤素灯/白炽灯光源S-3000(W) (可选):LED光源S-5000(可选):更高亮度输出的LED光源光测试设备 PD04:高动态范围的高速光强检测器Flame-T:光谱仪,200nm ~ 850 nm波长, 3648像素,线性硅基CCD阵列DUT驱动 ALCT:任意波形发生器,单通道(可选三通道)模拟量输出(取决于系统变化)。可输出标准波形或用户自定义波形。软件 winlc2:设备的控制、测量操作、数据分析、结果显示wintemp2:可编程温度控制
  • 台式半自动光学测量机StarLite™ 150是紧凑、非接触式且可靠的光学测量系统,结合了全自动光学测量和易于使用的手动平台运动。StarLite坚固的载物台、电动变焦光学元件和高分辨率数码相机可提供高性能测量系统所期望的精度。StarLite150旨在易于使用,具有符合人体工程学的控制和创新的全功能软件。StarLite150提供:3轴(X、Y、Z)测量能力配备电动变焦镜头的百万像素数码彩色相机LED背光、LED表面灯和VectorLight™ 可编程环形LED灯,实现照明的灵活性可选脚踏开关技术参数XYZ行程(MM)标准150x75x125光学元件标准6.5:1电动变焦镜头可选1.0x镜头的镜头附件:0.5x、0.75x、1.5x、2.0x照明标准LEDVectorLight™ SP可编程环形灯,具有6个环和7个扇区、LED背光、LED表面光可选LEDVectorLight™ SF可编程环形灯,具有6个环和8个扇区软件Measure-X
  • LAM10/16/25运动活动监测器使用红外光束来描述32个单独管子或小瓶中每一个的运动模式。一个由3个或9个径向光束组成的平面阵列在每个管子的中点穿过,当管子里的动物在阵列中移动时,光束被打断,然后登记为计数。在一个可能持续数天或数周的实验过程中,计数电路持续监测每个管子的活动,并定期将其计数总数上传到主机进行存储和分析。这种每日记录可以很好地衡量每个管子的运动强度和相对休息时间。该装置有3种管子尺寸可供选择。直径10、16和25毫米,有3或9个光束。3光束装置适合于站立高度至少为管子直径1/2的动物物种。否则应使用9光束的高分辨率装置以确保可靠的检测。多达20个个体的黑腹果蝇种群可由LAM25H精确定性,它使用25毫米小瓶和9个光束。如图所示,这些设备可以用水平管操作,也可以向后旋转90度,使小瓶垂直放置。可选的试管支撑板安装在设备的后部,以便在垂直时登记和支撑试管。竖直时,管子的支撑板是可选的。每个单元都有一个3板的版本,用于提高测量的保真度。这些3板堆叠,LAM10H-3. LAM10H-3、LAM16H-3和LAM25H-3,用3个独立的光束阵列沿管轴线间隔10mm来测量每个管子的活性。该装置与PSIU9硬件网络和DAMSystem3数据采集软件应用兼容。多达120个监测器可以连接到这种类型的单一系统。特点- 32根直径为10、16或25毫米的管子- 每根管子有3或9个综合红外光束- 水平或垂直的管子方向- 在明亮的室内光线或黑暗中都能稳定运行- 环境光传感器提供夹带周期的开/关记录,刺激脉冲和无意中的光照射。规格- 管子直径:10、16或25毫米- 装置尺寸。13.0 x 4.7 x 7.8" (33 x 12 x 20 cm) LWH,不含管子- 质量。0.8公斤,不含管- 环境光传感器阈值。10 lux 标称值,光敏反应曲线- 互连。4线,6位,RJ-11模块化电话线插孔到PSIU9 DAMSystem网络,用于9V直流电源输入和数据传输- 数据采集软件。DAMSystem3- 操作环境:正常实验室,不凝结
  • 德国业纳JENOPTIK 轴类件光学测量系统 Opticline C系列 在市场上更加成功 成功需要创新、经验和质量我们的 Opticline 系统提供多项智能自动监测功能,以便持续执行质量保证。此外,这些系统在质量参数的可追溯性和记录方面树立了新标准 这可以保证您的生产过程具有最高的质量水平,确保公司可以实现长期的经济成功。全新的 Opticline 。衡量您可以获得的益处。 测量过程速度显著加快 在最短的测试时间内实现绝对精密 - 我们新推出的 Opticline 系统将灵活的测量方式与最大限度的易用性相结合。它们将质量提升到全新的水平,并针对复杂的应用提供了一种全新的方法。无论是创建测试计划还是执行复杂的测量运行,我们的评估软件都会针对您需要完成的任何任务,为您提供可靠的支持。以最高水平的重现性和精密度执行质量保证。 更接近生产的测量 质量保证工作直接在生产过程中启动。因此,我们的 OPTICLINE 系统更坚固耐用、更有弹性、更加精密,并且可以放置在您的生产环境中。这体现了我们对工业测量的支持。 缩短操作路线,把费用降到最低,减少返工,并减少误差来源。操作非常容易,使用寿命可能最长,值得您信任。用于最大限度提高生产中的可靠性 C 系列的测量系统业纳的高精密测量系统用于安全可靠地进行光学轴测量。这些系统非常适合用于制造环境,可确保达到最佳的质量控制效果。这些仪器非常坚固耐用,除了用于测量室外,还非常适合用于工业环境。这种测量以重复精度提供稳定的结果。这意味着即使在制造过程中,您也可以测试工件,确保获得最高的质量。 我们在 Opticline C 系列内提供不同的型号。这些型号的工件能力各不相同。您可以选择完全满足自己要求的测量系统。较小和较大的工件(可达 900毫米)可测量到微米级别。 适合特别大型和重型工件的 C10xx 系列光学测量系统 光学测量系统 Opticline WMS 的机械设计使其能够处理超过平均值、重量达 120 千克的工件大小。系统亮点:得益于独一无二、级联的摄像系统,可在整个测量范围中针对直径达 320 毫米的工件提供最高的分辨率和测量 精度。可根据您的集成要求进行调整 - 水平或垂直设计。即使对非常大的工件,也可以瞬间完成测量。可采用操作员自检和全自动使用方式。 技术数据 C 系列 Opticline 轴测量系统具有不同型号, 因此能够以一贯的高质量水平处理范围广泛的轴类和测量任务。 系统亮点• 紧凑型测量系统,可在生产环境中进行操作员控制的检查• 支持对长度达 900 毫米和直径达 140 毫米的工件进行多级缩放• 评估软件易于使用、结构清晰,可简单地定义个性化的测试计划• 可根据客户的特定应用进行调整 产品变型和可选件• 触觉探测系统,用于测量其他长度和形状测试特性• 高精密度的主轴箱,可提供更高的形状量规重复性和重现性,以及更好的旋转测量• 集成的评估和测量计算机• 卷闸可防止负面的环境影响• 气动夹紧解决方案,提供更大的灵活性和,适合更多种类的工件• 台架可用于以工作高度实际装载和提供额外的存储空间• 夹紧装置、条形码阅读器和工件温度检测系统等配件 广东鸿华智慧科技有限公司是德国业纳Jenoptik集团工业测量仪器(霍梅尔Hommel几何计量仪器)国内授权一级代理商、华南地区战略合作伙伴。德国业纳Jenoptik集团,其前身是东德国知名光学公司卡尔蔡司公司,东德国与西德国合并后,政府令其更名,于1991年确名业纳Jenoptik公司。德国业纳Jenoptik集团工业测量仪器主要有德国霍梅尔HOMMEL高精度几何计量仪器(表面粗糙度仪、轮廓测量仪、圆度/圆柱度测量仪等)、德国业纳Jenoptik轴类件光学测量系统、德国OTTO 光学3D扫描测量系统等 品牌及产品线。德国业纳Jenoptik集团每年生产各类测量仪和测量机两千多台套,全球及国内的戴姆勒奔驰汽车、宝马汽车、大众汽车、通用汽车、福特汽车、PSA集团、雷诺汽车、东风汽车、长安汽车、吉利汽车、奇瑞汽车、菲亚特克莱斯勒汽车、长城汽车、上汽集团等几乎所有汽车品牌的动力总成均有采用德国业纳Jenoptik(霍梅尔HOMMEL)公司生产的在线、离线或计量室的检测设备。
  • 新型ParticleMaster inspex 系统用于实验室环境下颗粒和液滴的粒径,形状和速度等参量测量。 LaVision 近期推出的新型ParticleMaster inspex系统,是一款高度集成的在线粒径,形状和速度测试工具,可用于喷雾液滴,粒子和颗粒物等对象。 高放大倍率的ParticleMaster inspex 成像系统可适用于各种形态的介质和粒子。紧凑,自成一体的探头和照明光源,符合IP54放溅设计规范,是苛刻极端环境应用的理想工具。 整套系统可以做到开箱即用(runs "out-of-the-box")。系统带有出厂标定,可以便捷地集成到实验室测试环境中。 可提供具有多种不同测试范围和测量工作距离的探头以匹配实际需求。探头具有高分辨率探测器用于粒径测量,并可选测速功能。内置的非激光照明光源,保证了人眼安全运行和超短曝光时间以捕捉快速运动的液滴和粒子。 整个系统配备了精巧设计的控制器用于便捷的系统操控。ParticleMaster 软件包,具有灵活丰富的分析处理选项如粒径柱状图,离散图和加权平均量(D32, Dv50 等.).
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